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电大英语 B 网考 写作 电大英语 B 网考 写作1 第六部分第六部分 写作写作 1 How to achieve success of distance learning 如何在远程学习中获得成功 如何在远程学习中获得成功 Distance learning is becoming more and more popular among people with jobs I am also a distance learner For me there are several ways to achieve success of distance learning Firstly we should be able to use computers If we are good at computer we can surf online and learn the online knowledge offered by distance education Secondly we should make a study plan before a new semester begins Remember 20 new words and read an English article in China Daily every day There are also many other things needed All in all if we spend enough time we will achieve success of distance learning 2 The course I like best of the long distance education 我最喜欢的远程教育课程我最喜欢的远程教育课程 Among all the courses I have taken in TV University I like English courses best The reasons are as follows Firstly there are many online courses and sources which enables me to study anywhere and anytime I like I can download many useful materials from the website and practice them all the time Secondly English is one of the most useful languages in the world My job is also related to English Therefore English learning helps me to deal with my job better Last but not least our school has many good English teachers who are willing to help us whenever we meet with difficulties I feel at home when studying in the school In short English is my favorite course of the long distance education 3 My School life 我的学校生活 我的学校生活 同同 my first year in college 大学生活的第一年大学生活的第一年 English study was the most important thing in my school life in my first year in college In order to study English well I make a study plan I would like to share my study plan with you First remember 20 new words everyday and never give up Second go over the grammar points I have learnt in English class regularly Third read an English article in China Daily every day Fourth write an English composition every week and ask teacher to revise that for me to improve the writing level Through these ways I have made a lot of improvements in English 4 How to use a dictionary 如何使用字典 如何使用字典 When you are reading something in English you may often come across a new word What s the best way to know it We should choose a good English Chinese dictionary It tells us the meaning of the English words in Chinese When you meet a new word don t use the dictionary at once Try your best to think about what it means before you look it up in the dictionary If you can t guess the meaning look it up in the dictionary If you use the dictionary as often as possible in your English learning it will become your good friend 5 My Favorite Book 我最喜爱的书 我最喜爱的书 The Book I Like Best 电大英语 B 网考 写作 电大英语 B 网考 写作2 1 简单介绍书名和作者等基本信息 简单介绍书名和作者等基本信息 2 阐述喜欢这本书的原因 阐述喜欢这本书的原因 3 总结 总结 My favorite book is A Dream of Red Mansions It was written by Cao Xueqin The book tries to tell us that there are different kinds of love only one kind which should be considered as True Love In our life we should marry the true love instead of wealth and good looks From this book we also get to know a part of the noble people s life in Qing Dynasty and find some life philosophies from it This book is very instructive to people I can learn a lot from this book So it is my favorite book 6 My Favorite Sport 我最喜爱的运动 我最喜爱的运动 Just as lots of young people take to pop music I love basketball It s part of my life I began to play basketball in my childhood I still remember the good old days when I played with my classmates after school Later on as I grew up almost everything changed but this sport playing basketball remained and my love of it grew even stronger I love this sport because it brings joys and health to my life When I get tired from office work I go to the sports ground and I will feel refreshed It is basketball that keeps me in good shape and mood 7 My favorite means of transportation 我最喜欢的交通方式 我最喜欢的交通方式 Which means of transportation do you prefer 你最喜欢哪一种交通方式 你最喜欢哪一种交通方式 There are so many means of transportation such as bus taxi subway Bus is cheap but a little slow Every time I should go out early to wait for some time and it takes long time to get to the destination Taxi is fast but a little expensive It costs much money to get to the destination My favorite means of transportation is subway Subway is cheap convenient and not so expensive It saves my money as well as my time So my favorite means of transportation is subway 8 My favorite season 我最喜欢的季节 我最喜欢的季节 1 点出自己最喜欢的季节 点出自己最喜欢的季节 2 陈述喜欢的原因 陈述喜欢的原因 可描写这一季节的景色 或记述在这一季节最让人难忘的经历 可描写这一季节的景色 或记述在这一季节最让人难忘的经历 3 简单总结全文简单总结全文 Among the four seasons my favorite season is winter It lasts from December to February Although winter means cold weather I love it all the same In winter the days are very short When it comes the leaves fall from the trees When it snows the ground is white with snow Every time it snows I will remember an old saying When winter comes can spring be far away We can wear warm clothes and go outside to make snowmen It is a good season for skating Therefore I like winter best 9 My Favorite Food 我最喜欢的食物 我最喜欢的食物 I like many different kinds of foods among them egg is my favorite Egg contains a lot of essential nutrients needed by the human body Eggs are oval shaped spheres with a light brown color Egg is the basic ingredient to many dishes like omelet and French toast You can easily get eggs at any supermarket and they are sold for a very cheap price too Besides the cheap price egg contains lots of nutrients and is a very good source of energy In conclusion egg is my favorite 电大英语 B 网考 写作 电大英语 B 网考 写作3 food 10 My mother 我的母亲 我的母亲 My mother is a kind and gentle woman She is very busy from morning till night As a teacher she works diligently and efficiently As a mother she takes good care of me and gives me every comfort My mother teaches English in a middle school She loves her students She treats them with patience and teaches them well For her excellent qualities and very good teaching results she is always praised and respected by both her students and colleagues alike My mother is great indeed and I always feel proud of her 11 Talking About Yourself 谈谈你自己 谈谈你自己 My name is Li Hua I was born and brought up in Shanghai I am 25 years old I live with my parents in a flat in the northern part of the city I work as a salesperson in a foreign trade company My job is not so easy as I have to write e mails and talk with my clients all the time Sometimes I have to go on a business trip I also go to TV University to study English because I think English is quite helpful to my work During my spare time I d like to play basketball and go swimming with some of my friends 12 Happy Things in my Childhood 童年趣事 童年趣事 There are many happy things in my Childhood I still remember the good old days when I play with my family When I was 10 years old my father took me to Hong Kong to see my aunt This was my first visit to Hong Kong During my stayed there I went to the famous Ocean Park and the Hong Kong Disneyland My aunt was very excited and we all had a good time This travel became the happiest things in my childhood 六 作文 六 作文 1 1 MyMy HometownHometown 我的故乡我的故乡 My hometown is called Shaoxing It is a city with long history There are many famous people in my hometown such as Lu Xun Zhou Enlai Qiou jin and so on There are many rivers in my hometown so that the city is called Venice of the East There are four seasons in Shaoxing Spring and autumn are quite good for the temperature is neither hot nor cold But summer is rather hot and winter is rather cold The people here are kind and clever They use their hands to build the city more and more beautiful from one generation to another I like my hometown 2 I like travelling very much so I am considering a travelling these days I want to Singapore My friend asks me why I choose Singapore I think that is because the beauty of the city attracts me Singapore is a wonderful place where the weather condition is comfortable and the environment is clean In 电大英语 B 网考 写作 电大英语 B 网考 写作4 addition there are many parks for us to visit The most important one is that 3 4 people there can speak Chinese so that I can communicate with them easily This travelling lasts four days including flying visiting and playing 3 MyMy EnglishEnglish StudyStudy 我的英语学习我的英语学习 I like English very much My friends ask me how do I learn English or what methods I use when I study English I study English in several ways One is to attend English class listening to the teacher s lecture and writing down some important notes Second I always review my lessons I recite the new words and do homework required by my teacher I also listen to the tape to practice my listening and talk with foreigners to improve my oral English Sometimes I watch English film and learn cultures of this language 4 4 AboutAbout TVTV AdsAds 关于电视广告关于电视广告 Today more and more advertisements are seen on the TV screen It s difficult to find a program without insertion of ads on TV Food clothes everything you can think of are presented on television Occasionally we can also see some public welfare ads appealing to people to respect the old or to protect the environment In general there are two main reasons leading to the prevalence of commercials on TV As far as I am concerned I am in favor of TV ads because some of them are interesting and informative But there is no denying that some of them are tedious and not trustworthy Therefore I think it is really high time that the TV stations strengthened the control of advertisements and made them more attractive 5 5 MyMy hobbyhobby 我的爱好我的爱好 我的爱好我的爱好 I have many hobbies such as reading skating and watching TV But reading is my favorite hobby I like reading for three reasons First of all books introduce me to a new world which is colorful and without time and space limit Through reading I can trace back to ancient Egypt the cradle of human civilization It can bring me to the United States a glamorous land I have been longing to visit Secondly reading can better me by showing me a new horizon In the past years most of my knowledge has been obtained from books I have learned from many people by reading about their ideas on scythes politics life and society Thirdly reading bridges the gap between my dream and my goal In order to succeed in my career in the future I must keep reading thinking and practicing Reading has become part of my life Every day I spend some time reading books newspapers and magazines At night I can hardly go to steep without a novel in my hand 6 6 TheThe jobjob I I likelike 我的理想的工作我的理想的工作 MyMy idealideal jobjob 我的理想的工作我的理想的工作 Many people ask me what kind of job I like I think I like teaching and being a teacher is wonderful I teach them and learn form them as well Teaching is also a challenge to me Every day I write teaching plans before next class After class I take certain time to see their homework If they have some mistake I will teach them why their answer is wrong and how to get the correct answer in next class In all teaching is the job I like and it is a happy 电大英语 B 网考 写作 电大英语 B 网考 写作5 thing to me 7 7 MyMy EnglishEnglish StudyStudy 我的英语学习我的英语学习 I like English very much My friends ask me how do I learn English or what methods I use when I study English I study English in several ways One is to attend English class listening to the teacher s lecture and writing down some important notes Second I always review my lessons I recite the new words and do homework required by my teacher I also listen to the tape to practice my listening and talk with foreigners to improve my oral English Sometimes I watch English film and learn cultures of this language 8 8 TheThe oneone I I lovelove mostmost 我最爱的人我最爱的人 My father is the one I love most which is a definite answer for me I have thought he is the best man in the world since I was a little girl I am proud of him He loves me all the time whatever is happening When I grew up and even now I have a boyfriend his love is never changed I enjoy my boy friend s love as well but if somebody asks me who is the one I love most I will still answer him straight out it s my father 9 9 Nowadays we have a great number of means of getting information Libraries provide us with books while Internet offers us information resources My favorite means of getting information is surfing the Internet It enables me to search what I want within just a few seconds We can also visit foreign website without paying In addition when we confront some problems we can go to Baiduknowledge or Yahooclever to ask for help and we can often become satisfying answers Internet helps me really a lot I enjoy searching information throgh Internet 10 10 MyMy activitiesactivities inin leisureleisure timetime 我的休闲活动 我的休闲活动 There is a saying called Work hard play hard That means we need to keep a balance between our work and leisure activities in order to achieve a high quality of life I enjoy lots of activities in my leisure time such as playing piano listening to music reading and swimming I have no set schedule for my leisure activities Usually I do whatever I feel like doing when I am not busy Playing a piano is not only relaxing but exercising my mind as well So is reading a novel I also like swimming a lot because it is the best sports in my opinion that can give me good physical exercise I truly believe that we can improve our life by making wise use of our leisure time and also can do better work as leisure activities give us both the physical and mental strength for challenges 电大英语 B 网考 写作 电大英语 B 网考 写作6 1111 AboutAbout DoingDoing PhysicalPhysical ExerciseExercise 关于体育锻炼关于体育锻炼 The News Report has always been my favorite TV program Almost everyday I turn on the TV at 6 30 p m and wait for the news program This has become a part of my life The News Report contains a large amount of information C from the international political situation to the latest foot ball game And the most important character is its fast pace Because of this fast pace news programs can contain much information in a short time In my opinion the News Report is more than a TV program It is a way of communication From this program people can know and understand world affairs The world thus becomes smaller and smaller I especially appreciate this benefit of watching the news 12 英语学习中的困难 英语学习中的困难 there are so much problems for me to study English problems in reading in writing in remembering English words But the most diffifult thing is oral English learning I seldom find chances to practice and improve my oral English So I am still very weak with regard to this respect one reason is that my pronunciation and intonation aren t good enough The other is that I am so shy that I am always too nervous to find the exact words to express my ideas and feelings As a result the best way for me to do is to remain silent when others are practicing and making great progress in their oral English everyday I have shared my experience with my friends when we get togother they suggest that I should be more confident and search more chances to practise my oral English obviously they are totally right And I know there are old saying practice makes perfect I think it is suitable in everyone So I wish other people who have the same probles in English studying just like me be more confident have more practice 1313 AboutAbout TVTV AdsAds 关于电视广告关于电视广告 Today more and more advertisements are seen on the TV screen It s difficult to find a program without insertion of ads on TV Food clothes everything you can think of are presented on television Occasionally we can also see some public welfare ads appealing to people to respect the old or to protect the environment In general there are two main reasons leading to the prevalence of commercials on TV As far as I am concerned I am in favor of TV ads because some of them are interesting and informative But there is no denying that some of them are tedious and not trustworthy Therefore I think it is really high time that the TV stations streng


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