【创新设计】2012届高考英语复习 第一部分 Module4 Fine Arts-Western Chinese and Pop Arts练习 外研版必修2_第1页
【创新设计】2012届高考英语复习 第一部分 Module4 Fine Arts-Western Chinese and Pop Arts练习 外研版必修2_第2页
【创新设计】2012届高考英语复习 第一部分 Module4 Fine Arts-Western Chinese and Pop Arts练习 外研版必修2_第3页
【创新设计】2012届高考英语复习 第一部分 Module4 Fine Arts-Western Chinese and Pop Arts练习 外研版必修2_第4页
【创新设计】2012届高考英语复习 第一部分 Module4 Fine Arts-Western Chinese and Pop Arts练习 外研版必修2_第5页




专心 爱心 用心1 ModuleModule 4 4 FineFine Arts Western ChineseArts Western Chinese andand PopPop ArtsArts 完形填空 词数 286 难度系数 建议用时 15 2011 南昌模拟 When I come across a good article in reading newspapers I often want to cut and keep it But just as I am about to do so I find the article on the 1 side is as much interesting It may be a discussion of the way to 2 in good health or 3 about how to behave and conduct oneself in society If I cut the front article the opposite one is likely to 4 damage leaving out half of it or keeping the text 5 the title Therefore the scissors would 6 before they start 7 halfway done when I find out the 8 result Sometimes two things are to be done at the same time both worth your 9 You can only take up one of them the other has to wait or be 10 up But you know the future is unpredictable the changed situation may not allow you to do what is left 11 Thus you are 12 in a difficult position and feel sad How 13 that nice chances and brilliant ideas should gather around all at once It may happen that your life 14 greatly on your preference of one choice to the other In fact that is what 15 is like we are often 16 with the two opposite sides of a thing which are both desirable like a newspaper cutting It often occurs that your attention is drawn to one thing only 17 we get into another The 18 may be more important than the latter and give rise to divided mind I 19 remember a philosopher s remarks When one door shuts another opens in life So a casual 20 may not be a bad one 语篇解读 剪报时遇到的一些问题引发了作者对生活的一些思索 有时一个随意的选择并 不是坏的选择 1 A front B same C either D opposite 解析 从下文 the opposite one is likely to 可知此处意为 但是当我想这样做的时 候 我发现背面的文章也很有趣 答案 D 2 A get B keep C lead D bring 解析 它可能是一篇讨论如何保持健康的文章 keep in health 保持健康 是固定用法 答案 B 3 A advice B news C a theory D a report 解析 或者是关于如何在社会生活中为人处事的建议 此处的 advice 和前面的 way 相对应 答案 A 4 A suffer B reduce C prevent D cause 解析 背面的文章有可能遭受损害 suffer 遭受 reduce 减少 prevent 预防 cause 引起 答案 A 5 A on B for C without D off 专心 爱心 用心2 解析 文章只留下一半或者文章没有了题目 答案 C 6 A use B handle C prepare D stay 解析 因此 剪刀会在开始之前或剪到一半的时候停在那儿 答案 D 7 A or B but C so D for 解析 见上题解析 halfway done 完成一半 答案 A 8 A satisfying B regretful C surprising D impossible 解析 当我发现这个遗憾的结果的时候 satisfying 满意的 regretful 遗憾的 surprising 惊讶的 impossible 不可能的 答案 B 9 A courage B strength C attention D patience 解析 有时两件事情需要你同时做 并且两件事都值得你关注 courage 勇气 strength 力气 attention 注意 patience 耐心 最后一段第二句话也有提示 答案 C 10 A given B held C made D picked 解析 另一件必须等待或者是被放弃 give up 放弃 答案 A 11 A near B alone C about D behind 解析 这里选 D 承接上段末尾处的 to wait or be given up 变化了的情形可能不允许 你去做已经落在后面的事情 leave behind 抛在后面 落后 答案 D 12 A filled B attracted C caught D struck 解析 这样你就陷在困境中并感到悲伤 be caught in 遇到 被困在 答案 C 13 A dare B come C deal D do 解析 好的机会和绝妙的想法怎么会同时聚在一起呢 how come 怎么会 all at once 同时 答案 B 14 A improves B changes C progresses D goes 解析 有可能当你偏爱一种选择胜过另一种时 你的生活会发生很大的改变 答案 B 15 A study B society C nature D life 解析 事实上生活就是这样 由本段后面讨论的内容可知 学习 社会 自然 均不符 合语境 答案 D 16 A faced B supplied C connected D fixed 解析 我们总是要面对一个事情对立的两个方面 be faced with 面对 答案 A 17 A before B after C until D as 专心 爱心 用心3 解析 通常 在你遇到另一件事之前 你的注意力只集中在一件事情上 答案 A 18 A following B next C above D former 解析 从下文 the latter 可知选 former 答案 D 19 A still B also C once D almost 解析 我还 still 记得一位哲学家的话 答案 A 20 A treatment B action C choice D remark 解析 一个随意的选择可能不是糟糕的 答案 C 阅读理解 词数 249 难度系数 建议用时 6 2011 日照模拟 I used to work in an office which had a locust tree growing outside the window It had grown into a tall tree and must have been there for a long time The tree blocked the view and made the office seem dull Unfortunately this happened to be the room assigned 分配 to me and I was depressed by it for quite some time When the first spring came everything was green except the locust tree I felt very happy because I had thought it had died One morning when I opened the window for some fresh air I unexpectedly smelt a familiar sweet scent floating into my office which I could not name Suddenly I realized it was the locust tree The tree that I thought dead was in full bloom From then on I usually came to the office very early to see dew 露珠 forming on the locust tree blossoms and was eager to see spring again every year During summer the green leaves provided shade protecting me from the harsh sunlight but allowing enough light in to make it pleasant In autumn the leaves turned many different colors Its beauty touched my soul Many times I thought to take photos but never did Then I had to leave in a hurry Later in life it became a great regret that I had not done so Actually many times in our lives we think we own something and thus do not value it We don t feel regretful until we lose it one day Moreover sometimes we have to accept the things we don t want and need to discover the hidden beauty to find unexpected joy 一 新新单词 harsh h adj 强烈刺眼的 familiar f mIlj adj 熟悉的 locust l k st n 蝗虫 二 常用短语 专心 爱心 用心4 be eager to do 渴望做 in a hurry 匆忙地 三 靓点句式 We don t feel regretful until we lose it one day not until 直到 才 句意 当我们某一天失去某东西的时候才觉得遗憾 语篇解读 本文是一篇赞美槐树的散文 在 我 办公室的窗外长着一棵高大的槐树 春 天 槐树花开 香气沁人心脾 夏天 槐树枝叶成荫 遮挡刺眼骄阳 秋天 树叶色彩斑 斓 妩媚动人 很多次 我 想拍些照片留作纪念 直到搬走也没有拍成 终成遗憾 的 确 在生活中我们往往在失去某东西的时候才觉得其珍贵 1 The locust tree first attracted the author most by A the way it blocked the view B its height C the smell of its flowers D its green leaves 解析 细节理解题 根据第三段中的前两句可知 C 项正确 答案 C 2 In which season do you think the author paid the least attention to the locust tree A Spring B Summer C Autumn D Winter 解析 细节理解题 作者从第三段到第五段分别提到槐树春天的花香 夏天的阴凉和秋天 的树叶 没有提到冬天 由此可知作者冬天很少注意槐树 答案 D 3 Which of the following statements is true of the author according to the passage A He would have regretted if the locust tree had died as he had thought it had B The locust tree turned out to be a lovely memory for him C He felt unhappy as he had forgotten to take the photos with him D His work in the office changed with the seasons every year 解析 细节理解题 由倒数第二段中的最后三句可知 很多次我想拍几张槐树照片 但始 终没拍成 后来我匆匆离开了那里 在后来的生活中这件事成了一大遗憾 由此可以看出 那棵槐树在作者的心中成了美好的回忆 答案 B 4 It can be inferred from the passage that A the locust tree died soon after the author left the office B the author worked in the office for at least a few years C it was summer when the author took his job in the office D the weather was dry when the author first saw the tree 解析 推理判断题 在第二段中作者提到我搬进那房间的第一个春天来临时 只有那棵槐 树没有变绿 由此看出作者在那间办公室工作了不止一年 所以 B 项正确 答案 B 5 What advice does the author intend to give us A Treasure what we ve owned B Look before you leap C Treat everything calmly 专心 爱心 用心5 D Never forget the past 解析 作者意图题 最后一段中作者从没拍成槐树照片留下的遗憾联想到生活中 我们拥 有了某物而不珍惜 直到我们失去了才感到遗憾 所以作者建议人们珍惜所拥有的东西 答案 A 任务型阅读 词数 273 难度系数 建议用时 6 There was a park near my home But I didn t go there very often Many people said there was nothing special One afternoon I went into the park and found it was really small I walked quickly because there wasn t much to see I walked for some time and found myself standing in front of two paths 1 I found that the two paths were different from each other The left one was wide and clean There were lots of flowers on both sides of the path Though the flowers weren t very beautiful they made me feel good I decided to take this path But wait I looked at the right one The path didn t look nice 2 Grass grew everywhere For a long time I couldn t make up my mind 3 It wasn t nice but I didn t want to give up At last I came to the end of the path Ah There was a small garden there It was beautiful perhaps the most beautiful garden I had ever seen 4 Many people told me that t


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