【广东专用】2014届高考英语一轮复习 课时作业(三十二) Unit2 Robots 新人教版选修7_第1页
【广东专用】2014届高考英语一轮复习 课时作业(三十二) Unit2 Robots 新人教版选修7_第2页
【广东专用】2014届高考英语一轮复习 课时作业(三十二) Unit2 Robots 新人教版选修7_第3页
【广东专用】2014届高考英语一轮复习 课时作业(三十二) Unit2 Robots 新人教版选修7_第4页
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1 课时作业课时作业 三十二三十二 选修选修 7 7 UnitUnit 2 2 Robots Robots 限时 45 分钟 语法填空 Do you know about firefighters One of the greatest heartbreaks for firefighters occurs when they fail to rescue a child from a burning building 1 the child frightened by smoke and noise hides under a bed or in a closet and is later found2 die Saddest of all is when children catch 3 glimpse of the masked firefighter but hide because they think they have seen a monster 怪物 To prevent such tragedies firefighter Eric Velez gives talks to children in his community explaining that 4 should never hide during a fire He displays firefighters equipment including the oxygen mask 5 he encourages his audience to play with and put on If you see us Velez tells them don t hide We have come to rescue you Velez gives his presentations 作口头报告 6 English and Spanish Velez and 7 firefighters throughout North America who give similar presentations will never know how many lives they save through their talks But it is a fact that informative speaking 8 save many lives For example one day Pete Gentry s brother was choking on some food 9 fortune he was rescued by Pete Gentry using the method 10 teach by a student speaker Julie Paris It was just several months after he listened to an informative speech in North Carolina 阅读理解 A A WASHINGTON It s a great achievement that inspires notions 观念 of robots with consciousness and independent minds When people or animals get hurt they can usually compensate for minor injuries and keep limping along but for robots even slight damage can make them stumble and fall However a recently made robot has demonstrated a novel ability it can heal its own damage The new robot which looks like a splay legged 弓形腿的 four footed starfish can sense injury to itself and adapt That ability sets the new robot apart from earlier machines Because the robot can recover from unfamiliar places There is a need for planetary robotic rovers 行星机器探测车 to be able to fix things on their own says Josh Bongard a professor in the University of Vermont who is one of the device s creators Robots on other planets must be able to continue their mission without human help if they are damaged and cannot communicate their problem back to earth A typical robot functions according to a computer program but the new robot works differently First sensors in its four legs observe the robot s movements and signal to its built in computer From the information it collects the robot 2 creates its own programs that allow it to adapt to different situations For example when the researchers shortened one of the robot s legs the smart machine simply adjusted its way of walking it used three legs instead of four The researchers are looking for other places to put the resilient robot to work One spot is the ocean floor That dark and dangerous undersea place might be a good choice for a robot the scientists call the Starfish We never officially named the robot but we usually refer to it as the Starfish even though a real starfish has five rather than four legs says Bongard Also a real starfish is much better than our robot at recovering from injury because it can actually grow its legs again Scientists have created robots that help humans in many ways by exploring space fighting fires and even performing surgery 11 The newly designed robot distinguishes itself from the former ones because it A can communicate with people on the Earth about their problems B works according to a certain computer program C can find its problems and solve them automatically D can explore unfamiliar places 12 An example is given in the fourth paragraph in order to explain that the robot A is used to create new programs B has typical robot functions C has sensors to observe its movements D can gather information and adapt to new conditions 13 The underlined word resilient in the last paragraph means the robot is A creative B newly made C able to recover D informative 14 Which of the following is TRUE about the robot Starfish A It was spoken highly of by people for its special ability B It will stumble and fall if damaged C It can grow its legs again once they are broken D It has started to work on the ocean floor 15 What might be the best title of the passage A How does the Starfish robot work B Do It Yourself robots repair C Robots designed to work on other planets D New robots helping us in many ways B B In the fall of 1985 I was a bright eyed girl heading off to Howard University aiming at a legal career and dreaming of sitting on a Supreme Court bench somewhere Twenty one years later I am still a bright eyed dreamer and one with quite a different tale to tell My grandma an amazing woman graduated from college at the age of 65 She was the first in our family to reach that goal But one year after I started college she developed cancer I made the choice to withdraw from college to care for her It meant that school and my personal dream would have to wait 3 Then I got married with another dream building my family with a combination of adopted and biological children In 1999 we adopted our first son To lay eyes on him was fantastic and very emotional A year later came our second adopted boy Then followed son No 3 In 2003 I gave birth to another boy You can imagine how fully occupied I became raising four boys under the age of 8 Our home was a complete zoo a joyous zoo Not surprising I never did make it back to college full time But I never gave up on the dream either I had only one choice to find a way That meant taking as few as one class each semester The hardest part was feeling guilty about the time I spent away from the boys They often wanted me to stay home with them There certainly were times I wanted to quit but I knew I should set an example for them to follow through the rest of their lives In 2007 I graduated from the University of North Carolina It took me over 21 years to get my college degree I am not special just single minded It always struck me that when you re looking at a big challenge from the outside it looks huge but when you re in the midst of it it just seems normal Everything you want won t arrive in your life on one day It s a process Remember little steps add up to big dreams 16 When the author went to Howard University her dream was to be A a writer B a teacher C a judge D a doctor 17 Why did the author quit school in her second year of college A She wanted to study by herself B She fell in love and got married C She suffered from a serious illness D She decided to look after her grandma 18 What can we learn about the author from Paragraphs 4 and 5 A She was busy yet happy with her family life B She ignored her guilty feeling for her sons C She wanted to remain a full time housewife D She was too confused to make a correct choice 19 What does the author mostly want to tell us in the last paragraph A Failure is the mother of success B Little by little one goes far C Every coin has two sides D Well begun half done 20 Which of the following can best describe the author A Caring and determined B Honest and responsible C Ambitious and sensitive D Innocent and single minded 基础写作 近年微博 microblog 在中国越来越流行 假设你是校报记者 请根据下列提示为校报写 一篇介绍微博的英语短文 写作内容 1 非常方便 人们可以随时利用微博来表达心声 交流想法 2 给人们提供了一种释放压力的方式 4 3 与朋友分享心情 增进人与人之间的了解 4 也有潜在的危险 有可能泄露个人隐私或其他重要信息 5 综上所述 使用微博要谨慎 写作要求 1 只能用 5 个句子表达全部内容 2 短文的开头已给出 不计入总句数 评分标准 句子结构准确 信息内容完整 篇章连贯 Microblog has become part of our life 5 课时作业 三十二 1 because 因 这孩子躲在了床底下或柜子里 与 没有救出孩子 是因果关系 引导原因状语从句 用 because 2 dead 3 a 固定搭配 catch a glimpse of 看见 4 they 指代他那个社区的 children 5 which 引导定语从句并在从句中作 with 的宾语 先行词是 the oxygen mask 6 in 表示 用 某种语言 用介词 in 7 other 表示 另外的 别的 作定语 用 other 8 saves has saved 指客观事实 可用一般现在时 也可理解为告知性演讲 已经挽救 了 许多生命 因此 也可用现在完成时 9 Fortunately 修饰后面的整个句子 作状语 用副词 10 taught 过去分词作定语 由 by 可知此处表示被动含义 A A 文章向我们介绍了一种新型的机器人 它能在身体受损的情况下进行自我调节 自我修复 11 C 细节理解题 由第三段的 can sense injury to itself and adapt 可知 这台 机器人能够自己发现问题 并进行自动修复 12 D 细节理解题 由该段的 From the information it collects the robot creates its own programs that allow it to adapt to different situations 可知 随后 所举的例子就是为了说明其能够搜集信息 适应新的环境变化 13 C 词义猜测题 下文把这种类型的机器人比作 starfish 并把它的性能和真正的 starfish 进行了比较 a real starfish is much better than our robot at recovering from injury 由此可以得出答案 14 A 细节理解题 用排除法 最后一段告诉我们 机器人不能和真的海星 starfish 一样长出新腿 故排除 C 由最后一段前三句话可知 科学家正在寻找地方来试验这种机器人 也就是说还没有在海底使用 所以 D 项错误 由倒数第二段的最后一句话可以看出 这种机器 人具有自我修复功能 即使是在一条腿受损的情况下 用三条腿也能走路 故 B 项错误 15 B 主旨大意题 文章向我们介绍了最近研发出来的一款智能机器人 其独特之处在 于能够在部件损坏的情况下进行自我诊断 自我修复 由此可以看出 B 项最能概括全文 B B 作者为了照顾自己的奶奶 姥姥 不得不放弃了继续在大学深造的机会 在忙碌的生活中 作者依然坚守着自己当初上大学的梦想 用 21 年的时间获得了大学学位 16 C 细节理解题 由第一段的 aiming at a legal career and dreaming of sitting on a Supreme Court bench somewhere 可以看出 作者当初上哈佛大学的目的是 学法律 当法官 由此可以确定答案 17 D 细节理解题 第二段告诉我们 作者的奶奶 姥姥 得了癌症 作者 withdraw from college to care for her 即 退学照顾奶奶 姥姥 18 A 推理判断题 第四段告诉我们作者很忙碌


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