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第 1 页 共 18 页 译林牛津版译林牛津版 20202020 年中考英语模拟试卷 年中考英语模拟试卷 I I 卷 卷 姓名姓名 班级班级 成绩成绩 一 一 单项填空 从单项填空 从 A A B B C C D D 四个选项中 选出可以填人空白处的最四个选项中 选出可以填人空白处的最 共共 1515 题 共题 共 3030 分分 1 2 分 Here is a schoolbag Whose is it Oh it s Thank you A my B mine C me 2 2 分 There are five people here there are only four cups A So B But C And D Or 3 2 分 is your mother She is fine A How old B How C What D Where 4 2 分 is my friend name is Tom A He Her B Her She 第 2 页 共 18 页 C He His D His He 5 2 分 Is Mr Zhang control of your class now Yes our surprise he is doing his job well A to to B to in C in in D in to 6 2 分 When is your birthday I was born December 17 This year I ll hold a birthday party for it at home A on B at C in D by 7 2 分 Does your brother like to swim in winter No A it doesn t B he isn t C he doesn t D he does 8 2 分 There at least one computer in each home Students will study at home on computer fifty years 第 3 页 共 18 页 A will have after B will be in C will have in D will be after 9 2 分 Toby good at English his sister is not A is and B is but C are and D are but 10 2 分 So far a number of boys part in the P E test on the playground A take B took C are taking D have taken 11 2 分 What did the physics teacher say just now She said light much faster than sound A traveled B travels C is traveling D was traveling 12 2 分 Someone who is makes a lot of noise A shy 第 4 页 共 18 页 B silent C noisy 13 2 分 I think it s too late to say sorry to Kate Never mind A Good medicine tastes bitter B Better late than never C All good things come to an end D A man becomes learned by asking questions 14 2 分 Mr Wu said he us to the zoo the next week A would take B will take C take D takes 15 2 分 When you go to Qianfo Mountain you should not take A B 第 5 页 共 18 页 C D 二 二 完形填空 完形填空 共共 1 1 题 共题 共 2525 分分 16 25 分 阅读下面短文 根据短文内容回答问题 Many would agree that when we think of Christmas we probably think of gifts Christmas trees and Santa Claus But behind all these things lies the true meaning of Christmas the importance of sharing and giving love and joy to people around us The story in A Christmas Carol is perhaps the best example of this A Christmas Carol is a famous novel written by Charles Dickens It is about an old man named Scrooge He only thinks about himself and doesn t treat others nicely He just cares about whether he can make more money And he hates Christmas One Christmas Eve Scrooge sees the ghost of Jacob Marley his dead business partner Marley used to be just like Scrooge so he was punished after he died He warns Scrooge to change his ways if he doesn t want to end up like him He also tells Scrooge to expect three spirits to visit him That night three ghosts visit Scrooge First the Ghost of Christmas Past takes him back to his childhood and reminds Scrooge of his happier days as a child Then the second spirit the Ghost of Christmas Present takes him to see how others are spending Christmas this year Everyone is happy even poor people The last one the Ghost of Christmas Yet to Come takes him to the future He sees that he is dead but nobody cares Scrooge is so scared that he wakes up in his bed and finds out it is already the next morning on Christmas Day He decides to change his life and promises to be a better person He happily celebrates Christmas with his relatives He also gives gifts to people in need He now treats everyone with kindness and warmth spreading love and joy everywhere he goes And that is the true spirit of 第 6 页 共 18 页 Christmas 1 Who wrote the novel A Christmas Carol No more than two words 2 What is Scrooge like before the three spirits visit him 3 Why was Jacob Marley punished after he died 4 Which spirit takes him to the future No more than five words 5 What is the true meaning of Christmas 三 三 阅读理解 阅读理解 共共 3 3 题 共题 共 2626 分分 17 6 分 阅读理解 First nameLast nameTelephone number Class 班级 DaleBrown535 2375Class Three EricHand278 1567Class Five CindySmith398 5117Class Three LindaGreen281 9176Class One 1 What s Dale s telephone number A 281 9176 B 278 1567 C 398 5117 D 535 2375 2 is Linda s last name A Brown B Smith C Green 第 7 页 共 18 页 D Hand 3 and are in Class Three A Dale Eric B Dale Cindy C Cindy Linda D Linda Eric 18 10 分 阅读下面短文 从每题所给的 A B C D 四个选项中选出最佳选项 B LOST AND FOUND Lost A backpack My name is Peter Please call 529 6403 Found A dog Black and white Please call Ms Green Phone 685 6034 Lost A ping pong bat My name is Mike Please call 235 0285 Found A math book Is that your math book Please call Alice Phone 495 3456 Lost My computer game It s yellow My name is Tom Please call 495 3539 1 You lost your math book You may 可以 call A 495 3456 B 495 3539 C 529 6403 D 235 0285 2 You found a backpack It may be A Alice s B Tom s 第 8 页 共 18 页 C Peter s D Ms Green s 3 Ms Green found A a black dog B a white dog C a black and white dog D a blue dog 4 Tom lost his A yellow computer game B computer C yellow computer D ping pong bat 5 Who lost things A Peter Ms Green and Mike B Ms Green Mike and Alice C Mike Alice and Tom D Peter Mike and Tom 19 10 分 根据短文内容 判断正误 Climbing the highest mountains in the world is not an easy job One has to fight bad weather illness and fear But the American 13 year old boy Jordan Romero is not afraid He will climb the world s highest mountain Mount Qomolangma He set out on April 11 His parents and two guides will climb with him He plans to take two months for his climb I m ready But if I don t succeed I ll try next time he said 第 9 页 共 18 页 Jordan will also do his math homework and some book reports in the two months He will write diaries about this climb My father told me that I can do this only if I can keep up my schoolwork he said Jordan has already climbed the highest mountains of six other continents 大洲 When he was 10 he climbed the highest mountain in Africa If he succeeds this time he will become the youngest person to the top of the world s highest mountain 1 Jordan is afraid of the bad weather and illness while climbing 2 Five people will climb together with Jordan 3 Jordan s father allows him to climb the mountain only if he can keep up his schoolwork 4 Jordan will set up a new world record this time if he succeeds in climbing up Mount Qomolangma 5 Jordan climbed the highest mountain in Africa when he was 12 四 四 词语运用 词语运用 共共 1 1 题 共题 共 5 5 分分 20 5 分 用方框中所给单词的适当形式填空 每词限用一次 student cool she again open 1 What s the weather like in Rui an now It s 2 This is my sister name s Sarah 3 Can you say it please 4 Boys and girls please your book 5 How many are there in the classroom There are fourteen 五 五 根据句子意思 用括号中所给单词的正确形式填空 根据句子意思 用括号中所给单词的正确形式填空 每空限填一个每空限填一个 共共 5 5 题 共题 共 1414 分分 21 1 分 Last Sunday we went swimming in the pool We enjoyed we 22 10 分 阅读下面材料 在空白处填入适当的内容 1 个单词 或括号内单词的正确形式 将答案填写在 第 10 页 共 18 页 答题卷的相应位置 Everyone seems have his or her own holiday Dad has Father s Day Mom has Mother s Day Children have Children s Day lover have Valentine s Day is there a special day for older people Of course The Chongyang Festival is the holiday when Chinese people show love for their elders celebrate on the ninth day of the ninth lunar month the festival is also known as the Double Ninth Festival Nine is high digit 数字 so it regard that the two together mean a long life The festival comes the golden time of autumn The clear weather and the joy of harvest make for a happy atmosphere On the day people traditional climb a mountain and carry dogwood 茱萸 People in ancient times believed the plant could drive away evil spirit and prevent people against cold in winter 23 1 分 The world is becoming smaller because the Internet brings us n 24 1 分 I don t like watching movies So I s go to the movie theaters 25 1 分 Neil Armstrong is the first man to walk on the Moon It was brave of him to go to a place that was know to people at that time 六 六 短文填空 短文填空 共共 1 1 题 共题 共 1010 分分 26 10 分 阅读下面短文 按照句子结构的语法性和上下文连贯的要求 在空格处填入一个适当的词或使 用括号中词语的正确形式填空 每空一词 My name is Alan Brown Now I am my classroom Look This is orange pencil box What is in it pen is in the pencil box It is I pen The pen is green That is a ruler It is blue It is my ruler It s Grace I call Grace 365 559 It is she telephone number is my eraser I can t find it now My one name is on it Please call me if you see it And my telephone number is 884 674 七 七 任务型阅读 任务型阅读 共共 2 2 题 共题 共 2222 分分 27 6 分 请你帮助校刊编辑把插图 A D 张贴到对应的便签下 第 11 页 共 18 页 Hello my name is Annie I like giraffes They are tall and friendly They don t hurt 伤害 people So we don t need to be afraid of them Giraffes can live to be about thirty years old My name is Tina I m a Chinese girl Pandas are my favorite animals They have black eyes and fat bodies 身体 They are quiet and funny There are only about l 600 pandas in the wild 野外 They are in danger and they need our help My name is Sophia I don t like big animals I like cats I have a pet cat Her name is Cici She is lazy and sleeps all day Sometimes she likes and playing with balls We are good friends Hi I m Peter I live near the sea Dolphins 海豚 are my favorite animals They are smart and interesting They like to live together The baby dolphin usually lives for a long time with its family I often watch dolphin shows with my parents on weekends 1 A B C D 2 Which part of the magazine will these notes 便条 be on A Food B Sports C Animals 第 12 页 共 18 页 D Health 28 16 分 One day as I was sitting in a coffee shop I noticed a girl working on her laptop Two people A passed by and accidentally knocked over her drink To avoid the embarrassment 困窘 the girl pretended 假装 that B had happened and continued working on her computer This reminded me that both in China and Britain when something strange happens around you or when you are in an embarrassing situation C people tend 倾向于 to use this common way to not catch other peopled attention A lot of the time Britons use self depreciating humor 自嘲式的幽默 This is a well known British characteristic For example imagine walking D your friends and you fall over Your friend may just say E 旅途愉快 Or you may just laugh about how clumsy 笨拙的 you are For many Britons making fun of yourself is a way of showing your strength of character Also British are considerate when it comes to embarrassing others For example students F usually have a birthday party every year So during the school day a student will give out invitations to the class If one person doesn t get an invitation but the rest of the class does he or she will feel embarrassed To avoid it it s common for students to even invite people who aren t G their friends 1 写出文中划线部分 A 和 F 的同义词或近义词 2 写出文中划线部分 A 和 F 的同义词或近义词 3 在文中 B 和 D 的空白处填入适当的单词 4 在文中 B 和 D


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