高中英语 Unit 1 The world of our sense-word power精品教案 牛津译林版必修3_第1页
高中英语 Unit 1 The world of our sense-word power精品教案 牛津译林版必修3_第2页
高中英语 Unit 1 The world of our sense-word power精品教案 牛津译林版必修3_第3页
高中英语 Unit 1 The world of our sense-word power精品教案 牛津译林版必修3_第4页
高中英语 Unit 1 The world of our sense-word power精品教案 牛津译林版必修3_第5页
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用心 爱心 专心 1 UnitUnit 1 1 TheThe worldworld ofof ourour sensesense WordWord power power 教案教案 TeachingTeaching aims aims 1 Enlarge students vocabulary 2 Let students know more about weather TeachingTeaching importantimportant points points Remember these words and try to use them freely TeachingTeaching proceduresprocedures Step1 Step1 LeadLead inin Write down the following sentences on the blackboard or screen 1 Once out in the street she walked quickly towards her usual bus stop 2 Here we are King Street he stopped Then ask Ss which word is used twi ce besides the noun street in the two sentences In the first sentence STOP is a noun which means a a placeplace atat whichwhich someonesomeone oror somethingsomething stops stops in the second sentence stop is a verb which means to to putput anan endend toto whatwhat oneone isis doing doing Step2Step2 showshow moremore examplesexamples 1 Read the story fogfog and find more words that can be used both as a noun and a verb 2 Explain the meanings of these words when they are used as different part of speech 1 1 Polly Polly leavesleaves workwork early early Polly Polly worksworks veryvery hard hard 2 SheShe sensedsensed sheshe waswas beingbeing followed followed peoplepeople havehave fivefive senses senses 3 polly polly feltfelt a a roughrough handhand brushbrush herher faceface HeHe waswas paintingpainting thethe wallwall withwith a a brushbrush 用心 爱心 专心 2 4 Maybe Maybe I I cancan helphelp you whichyou which roadroad dodo youyou want want hehe asked asked it it givesgives meme thethe chancechance toto paypay backback thethe helphelp thatthat peoplepeople givegive meme StepStep 3 3 Exercise1Exercise1 LikeLike rest rest inin thethe dialoguedialogue many many wordswords inin EnglishEnglish cancan havehave moremore thanthan oneone partpart ofof speech speech InIn somesome cases cases differentdifferent partsparts ofof speechspeech usually usually a a nounnoun andand a a verb verb havehave thethe samesame spellingspelling butbut differentdifferent meningsmenings LookLook atat thethe tabletable below givebelow give thethe rightright meaningmeaning ofof thethe words words andand judgejudge whichwhich partpart ofof speechspeech theythey belongbelong to to Exercise2Exercise2 A Find the words listed below in the story and complete the table Part of speech MeaningExample rest line 16 nounthe remaining partHe wants to see the rest of the world line 50 verbrelaxMy mother told me to rest once line 7 conjunctionwhenOnce she finishes her work she can help you line 42 adverbAt sometime in the I once lived in 用心 爱心 专心 3 past Beijing left line 2 verb the past tense or past participle of leave went gone away from a person or a place I left for work earlier this morning line 43 adverbOn the side of your body which is towards the west when you are facing north Look right and left before crossing the street still line 5 adverbcontinuingI m still hungry though I ve just had a big hamburger line 28 adjectivenot movingCan t you sit still B Complete the report clearly 答案 causes cause answer answer houses house increases increase StepStep 4 4 TalkTalk aboutabout thethe weather weather What words do you often use to describe different kinds of weather questions Answers may be cloudy sunny drizzy fine cold cool warm hot dry wet rainy snowy and foggy 用心 爱心 专心 4 Sentences used in a weather report It will be cloudy overcast drizzly The morning afternoon will be with heavy showers around lunchtime A thin mist cloudy weather will develop A thin mist will turn to fog Practice Practice The morning will be fine with showers in the afternoon A mist fog will develop in the morning and the afternoon will be sunny It will be overcast in the morning and there will be snow in the afternoon 用心 爱心 专心 5 StepStep 5 5 FinishFinish thethe relatedrelated exercisesexercises inin thethe textbook textbook Part B Answers 1 warm 2 fine 3 sunny 4 cloudy 5 cooler 6 overcast 7 rain 8 cold 9 thunder 10 lightning 11 storm StepStep 6 6 Discussion Discussion 1 What kinds of weather do you prefer 2 Please forecast the weather of tomorrow StepStep 7 7 ConsolidationConsolidation 双基提要 Words thunderstorm floods tornadoes snowstorm overcast drizzly fog mist showers lightning occasional afford Phrases in some cases so far go hungry look up fetch my umbrella weather forecast 课堂反馈 I Fill in the blanks with words from the sentences changing the forms if necessary 1 Please be We have enough seats for everybody to sit on 2 Every year we trees on May 12th Trees and other plants provide us with fresh air 3 Do remember the flowers every day It will die from lack of water 4 Go down this road and you ll see another straight road across it 5 The policemen all the witnesses but none of them could give a definite answer to the question 6 The old man the two World Wars He is a man of lots of experiences 用心 爱心 专心 6 7 While I was for my holiday last night I found a pack of my clothes missing 8 Don t look back when a wolf is already on your 9 The head of our school are for Hong Kong on a visit to a school there 10 They are close friends They always stand to each other as if they were tied together II Translate the following 1 A Beautiful day isn t it B Yes it s not like what the radio said at all A I wish it would stay this way for the weekend B


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