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英英 语语 教教 学学 课课 例例 TitleTitle GradeGrade 9 9 UnitUnit 1414 HaveHave youyou packedpacked yetyet PeriodPeriod 6 6 thethe typetype ofof thethe lessonlesson New lesson Reading AnalysisAnalysis ofof thethe materialmaterial Students learn how to talk about events have happened recently in this unit the Present Perfect Tense The topic is about a plan and if you have acted it out It is very useful and practical for students to use the topic to communicate with others in their daily life This lesson is a reading class which is specially designed in Grade 9 After studying this unit students should realize that making a plan for our daily activities is very important and necessary It can teach us how to spend time and how to save time AnalysisAnalysis ofof thethe studentsstudents The Ss have known something about the Present Perfect Tense They are lack of vocabulary They are not active in the class because they are afraid of making mistakes don t often use English to communicate with others They don t have effective reading habits TeachingTeaching aimsaims 1 Knowledge aims Key vocabulary ancestor root overseas homeland government so far southern villager thanks to strongly purpose step look forward to Understand the main idea of the text He has already visited the place where his ancestors lived 2 Ability aims Train students listening reading and writing skills Retell the text in their own words 3 Emotional aims Make the students understand You will only succeed if you think you can If you make a plan you should insist on it and try you best to finish it on time Making mistakes is unavoidable in everything you do you and you can improve yourselves after that KeyKey difficultdifficult pointspoints Grasp Skimming Scanning reading methods Understand the article TeachingTeaching methodsmethods Skimming Scanning Question Answer Free discussion Groupwork TeachingTeaching toolstools a tape recorder multimedia the blackboard TeachingTeaching proceduresprocedures Step 1 Greetings and revision Review the structure of The Present Perfect Tense and do a role play about it Step 2 Present the teaching aims and key points Present some key words Step 3 Introduce Learning strategy Skimming Scanning Step 4 Look through the article quickly and get a general idea about it 1 What is the article about 2 Who has already visited the place where his ancestors lived 3 Why does do he she they have the chance Step 5 Read the article carefully and find the answers to the following questions in order to understand each paragraph Paragraph1Paragraph1 1 Has Robert been back to the place where his ancestors lived 2 What has he got to know in China Paragraph2Paragraph2 1 What program has brought Robert to his ancestors homeland 2 What is the organizer of this summer camp program 3 Can most students in the summer camp program speak Chinese well Paragraph3Paragraph3 1 Where do the students go to visit 2 What do they do in their ancestors village Paragraph4 5Paragraph4 5 1 Has Cathy enjoyed his trip to China 2 What s the purpose of the In search of Roots summer camp program Step 6 Correct the mistakes Underline the wrong places and correct them according to the reading 1 In Search of Family has helped students like Robert Qin find out about their homeland Roots 2 Most overseas Chinese students in the program have visited China before 3 Cathy and Robert are still in China and they think the program was helpful to both of them 4 The worst part of the trip is going to the village 5 Watching the villagers makes the students feel embarrassed 6 Robert Qian was in China 7 The program begins in 1980 8 This program helped Cathy Qin understand her roots better Step 7 Explain the key points 1 So1 So farfar 到目前为止 到目前为止 inin TheThe PresentPresent PerfectPerfect Tense Tense E g We have not received any more bad news about the earthquake so far So far we have not received any more bad news about the earthquake 2 thousand2 thousand 千千 数词 thousand 名词 表示精确数量 thousands of 名词 表示概数 E g There are three thousand people on the ground There are thousands of people on the ground 有相同用法的还有有相同用法的还有 dozen dozen hundred hundred million million billionbillion 3 3 thanksthanks to forto for thanks to 多亏 由于 because of thanks for 因 而感谢 e g Thanks to his help we caught the thief Thanks for your letter Step 8 Listening Listen to the tape paragraph by paragraph and teach the difficult words Step 9 Retelling in students own words Step 10 Conclusion Step 11 Homework Imagine you are Robert or Cathy After returning from China you write a letter to your good friend about the In search of Roots Dear Tom I have just returned from a two week trip to Guangdong Province in Southern China In the past fourteen days Yours Robert BlackboardBlackboard designdesign UnitUnit 1414 HaveHave youyou packedpacked yet yet PeriodPeriod 6 6 Skimming reading and Scanning reading 1 What is the article about 2 Who has already visited the place where his ancestors lived 3 Why d


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