



嘉兴英语教学网 收集整理 欢迎使用Unit5 Nelson Mandela-a modern heroSpeaking一、教学目标Teaching aimsImprove the students listening ability1. 教学内容 Teaching contentsP37, P69, P72 Listening task.2. 能力目标Ability aims Tell the Sshow to get the information about listening in advance.According to the contents of listening, let the students get the skills of listening.3. 语言目标 Language aims a. 词组和短语 Elias, ANC, Youth league, underground, Bible. b. 重点句子 What does a “point of view” mean? Why did the two speakers have different ideas about the cause of the accident?二、教学重难点Teaching important pointsListen to the three materials about Elias, Bible and Accidents and choose the correct answers.Work together with partners and write down their reasons of accidents.三、教学方法Teaching methodsListening and cooperative learning四、教具准备Teaching aidsA recorder, tapes & a projects五、教学步骤Teaching proceduresStep I: RevisionGet the Ss to retell Elias story with their own wordsStep II: Listening (P37)Ss are asked to read the questions and multiple answers to find out the listening points first, then listen to the tape three times to choose the best answers and answer the two questions.T: Please open your books and turn to Pages. Before you listen to the tape, please read first the questions and multiple answers to find out your listening points. Pay attention to these important points while listening. Now, Ill play the tape twice. Please listen carefully and pay much attention to the important points. You may choose the best answers while listening the second time.Check the answers together.T: Listen to the tape a third time and the following two questions:1. Do you think Elias was right to join the ANC Youth League? Give your reason2. Imagine you are Elias, what would you do? Give your reason.Ask some Ss to answer them.Step III: ListeningT: Lets come to Page69, look at the questions before you listen to the text, and answer them.Play the tape three times.Step IV : Listening TaskListen and answer the questions in Part1.T: Now turn to Page72. .In the listening task, there are four questions. You should form the habit of going through the questions to get the important listening points. And make notes if necessary.After listening, check the Ss work. The teacher gives the answers.T: Now look at the two tables in Part2. Ill play the tape a third time.After listening, the Ss check their answers with their partners.Step V: Homework: Write down the cause of the accident.Preview WritingUnit 5 Nelson Mandela- a modern heroWriting一、教学目标Teaching aims 1 教学内容 (Teaching contents)Writing on page 39 and page 752 能力目标 Ability aims 1) Learn to write a short passage of a great man2) Let them know how to choose a great person in their eyes and how to write a short passage.3 语言目标Language aims1) Teach the Ss how to choose their words to write a short passage of a great man. 2) Teach them to know how to write a persuasion letter.3) Use what they have learnt in this unit in their speaking and writing.二、教学重难点 Teaching important points Let the students know how to choose a great person in their eyes and how to write a short passage .三、教学方法Teaching methodsTask- based method, group work四、教具准备 Teaching aids:A projector and a computer 五、教学步骤Teaching proceduresStep I. Greeting:Greetings Step II. Lead inAsk the students to play a game. (This will get the students to know how to describe a person.)Show some pictures of some important or great people to the whole class. Each group will choose one student standing with his back to the blackboard. If he or she can guess the name of the person by listening to other students description, he or she will get one point. (We can ask the students to choose only some of the pictures describe.) Step III. Writing (p.39) 1. Tell the Ss some steps when writing: Before writing you can follow these steps: collect ideas for the letter write them down in any order Sort them out in an order Put those idea into a form so that you can easily see them Use the form to help you as you write. 2. Show them how to get some ideas before writing:1) In this unit we have learned a lot about the modern hero- Nelson Mandela. Can you give me some information about him? 2) After the Ss give some information about Nelson Mandela with the help of the text, the teacher may add some more information in a form. 3) Enjoy the sample letter. Suggested answer Jinan No. 1 Middle School Shandong, China May 27, 1989Dear President,I am writing to ask you to free Nelson Mandela. Here are some reasons why I think he should be free. As we all know, people with different colors should be equal. Nelson Mandela devoted all his life to realize this dream. In 1944, he founded the ANC Youth League to call on people to struggle for their rights to vote. In 1952, he opened a law office to help the poor black people in Johannesburg on their problems. The black people loved him. In 1962, Mandela encouraged people to use violence against anti-black laws to get their rights, so he was sentenced to 5 years hard labor. One year later, as one of the leaders of ANC, he led them to blow up the government buildings to realize their dream of making black and white people equal, so that he was again sentenced to prison for life on Robben Island until now. I think, what he did was for his people, his country, not for himself. He has an unselfish and brave heart. As he is a great man, you should set him free. Best whishes! Yours truly, Li Hua4) After reading the sample, ask them to tell me how to write a persuasion letter.5) Tell them the structure of a persuasion letter in general to make the writing easy. Structure of such letters Part 1. A small paragraph (Reason for the letter) Part 2. Body paragraphs (reasons in detail ) Personal information Hard work achievements Good qualities Part 3. Closing paragraph ( your opinion)Step IV. Writing Task Ask them to try to write a persuasion letter 1. Suppose you are going to write a letter to the senior organizers of the Nobel Prize to persuade them to give the Nobel Peace Prize to Mother Teresa. 2. Read the information given below.Mother TeresaPersonal informationWas born in Yugoslavia, on August 27, 1910, a nurse, Hard work achievementHelp the poor and comforting the dying in the street of the city; her work spread to other part of IndiaGood qualitieshard-working, kind-hearted, persistentYour opinionA well-known person, worth the prize3. Pay attention to the structure of such letters .4. Give them some time and ask to write the letter in groups.5. Share their ideas with the class by reading their letters aloud.6. Correct the writings together.Suggested answers: Dear senior organizers: I am writing to ask you to give the Nobel Peace Prize to Mother Teresa. Here are some reasons why I think she should be given the prize.Mother Teresa was born in Yugoslavia, on August 27, 1910. When she was 20 years old, she went to India, Where she began to be a teacher. After the training, she was sent to Calcutta, where she taught geography at a school and soon after she became headmistress. However, although she loved teaching, in 1946 Mother Teresa left the school and trained to become a nurse in Patna, and then began her work helping the poor and comforting the dying in the streets of the city. Slowly others came to help her, and her work spread to other parts of Indian. She became a well-known person. When she travels the world, she opens many new schools and hospitals in poor countries. She is known for many great achievements . because of her hard work, kindness and persistence. I think she is really a great person in my eyes. We should give her the Nobel Peace Prize. Step V. Homework:Read a passage about a great person or write a short passage about a great person in your hometown. Unit 5 Nelson Mandela- a Modern HeroExtensive Reading一. 教学目标 Teaching aims:Integrating skills on reading1. 教学内容 Teaching contents:Page 38, Reading: The rest of Elias story.Page 73, Reading task.2. 能力目标 Ability aims:Help the Ss to comprehend the text through different ways of reading skills.3. 语言目标 Language aims:1). Get the students to learn the rest life of Elias and more about Nelson Mandela.2). According to the two persons words, guide the Ss to decide whether Bill Gates is a great man or not, help the Ss to look up useful information about him.二教学重难点 Teaching important points: 1. The general idea of the text.2. Enlarge the knowledge of the different great people in different field.3. Let the Ss talk about the great people in different fields.三教学方法 Teaching methods: Skimming, fast reading and comprehension, task-based, explaining.四教具准备 Teaching aids:A computer, a recorder, a projector and some slides.五教学步骤 Teaching procedure:Step I. GreetingsStep II. Extensive Reading1. Lead-in question: What do you think the people in the prison will do? Have a discussion in groups.2. Get the students to learn more about Nelson Mandela. Read the


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