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BBCBBC听力材料范文听力材料范文 BBC听力材料BBC1罗马尼亚掀起罢工浪潮罗马尼亚政府为了灭赤 决 定削减1 4公务员薪酬 触发昨日数万名公务员罢工 工会表示 教育部门 医疗机构 监狱和海关等均受工潮影响 另有数千名医护人员上街示威 不满基本医疗物资供应不足和薪金 偏低 要求政府下台 BBC Newswith VictoriaMeakin The UNSecurity Council has beenholding anemergency sessionto discuss the Israeliattack on ships carryingpro Palestinian activists trying to break the blockade of the Gaza Strip At least nine activists were killedwhen Israeli mandos stormedto the ships ininternational waters Turkey which is hometo manyof theactivists on the shipsis leadinginternational condemnationof Israel s action against theconvoy But Israelsays it was actingin self defence From the UN inNew York Barbara Plettreports Turkey called the mandoraid in act ofmurder bya stateand gravebreach ofinternational law Its ForeignMinister AhmetDavutoglu urgedthe council to stronglycondemn Israel and demand an internationalinvestigation Israel s envoyretorted that the soldiersresponded inselfdefencewhen activistson boardthe aidvessels viathe attackedwith intentionof lynchingthem None ofcouncil membersseemed convincedby that argument demanding at the veryleast atransparent andcredible enquiry And someEuropean stateslike Franceexpressed outrage declaring thatnothing justifythe levelof violenceused The GermanPresident HorstKoehler hasresigned followingcriticism ofments he made about the use of Germantroops abroad It s said the Germany s militaryoperations overseamight benecessary touphold itstrade interests The GermanChancellor AngelaMerkel said the resignationwas unexpectedas OanaLungescu nowreports fromBerlin Chancellor Merkelsaid shewas surprisedwhen Mr Koehler soundher justtwo hoursbefore steppingdown She triedand failedto makehim changehis mind So shepaid tributes to apopular presidentwho she said hadwon overpeople s hearts A formerIMF bossedMr Koehler was a politicaloutsider He insistedhis remarkswere misunderstood but reopeningthe debate about Germany s deeplyunpopular missionin Afghanistanproved anembarrassment to the centre right coalition jousted itspopularity slammedto afour yearlow in the polls Pope Benedicthas appointednine seniorclergy from the United States England andCanada toinvestigate childabuse inRoman CatholicInstitutions in the IrishRepublic The envoyshave playedleading rolesin the investigation of abuse in their owncountries whenarrived inIreland laterthis year Duncan Kennedyreports fromRome Among thenine appointedto leadthe enquiry a cardinalCormac Murphy O Connor the formerhead of the CatholicChurch inEngland andWales It wasn t himselfsubjected criticismover itshandling of a pedophilepriest case25years ago The Vaticansaid hewant torespond adequatelywhat hecalled thetragic casesof abuseperpetrated bypriests and help leadto spiritualand moralrenewal Gunmen haveattacked aPakistani hospitalin Lahore killing at least eightpeople The hospitalchief executivesaid theattackers justbudged in and firedindiscriminately You arelistening to the World News from the BBCin London Emergency workers in centralAmerica arestill strugglingto reachmunities cutoff infloods andlandslides caused by TropicalStorm Agatha It killedmore than100people inrecent days most of them inGuatemala Rescue teamsare diggingthrough mudand debris in searchof dozensof peoplestill missingafter the storm whichdestroyed severalneighbourhoods nearGuatemala city Greece isimposing ablanket banon smokingon indoorspublic placesbecause aprevious partialban didnot work The GreekGovernment usedWorld NoTobao Dayto makethe announcement Here isMalcolm Brabantin Athens The newlaw wille intoeffect atthe startof September It meansthat barsand restaurantswhich haddeclared themselvesas smokingestablishments tofear oflosing customer We arenow beforced to be tobaoof free The banis going to happenin intriguingimpact onGreece s currenteconomic crisis 40 of allGreeks smokeand thereforemake asizable contributionto thenational treasury As part of itsausterity measures the government has imposedtax increaseson cigarettes The bancould reducesales and therefore taxrevenues considerably Tens ofthousands ofpublic sectorworkersinRomania havegone onstrike toprotest againstgovernment austeritymeasures From Tuesday the centre right governmentled by the Prime Minister EmilBoc plansto cutpublic sectorsalaries bya quarterin pensionsby15 The measuresare closelytie to a25 billion dollar aidpackage agreedlast yearwith theInternational MoaryFund with the aimof reducingRomania s ballooningbudget deficit The French born Americansculptor Louise Bourgeois hasdied inNew Yorkattheage of98 Placed inNew Yorksince1938 Bourgeois gainedfame onlylate inher longcareer inkeep workingright up to endfor life In recentdecades LouiseBourgeois s abstractexplorations ofthings suchbirds sexuality anddeath madeher oneof the world s mostinfluential contemporaryartists BBC2英国保诚保险收购美国友邦保险计划失 败英国保诚集团 Prudential PLC 收购美国国际集团 American InternationalGroup Inc 简称AIG 旗下亚洲人寿保险业务美国友邦保险公司 AIA 的交 易计划失败 原因是保诚股东威胁要否决这项交易 35亿美元用于收购友邦保险 价格太高 BBC Newswith DavidLegge There isgrowing diplomaticpressure onIsrael afterits mandosstorm shipstrying tobreak itsblockade of Gaza NATO condemnedthe loss of livesin theassault inwhich atleast ninepro Palestinian activistswere killedand demandedthe immediaterelease ofships andcivilians And therefour of the deadwere fromTurkey whichcalledtheassault ofbloody massacre And inWashington the U S Secretaryof StateHillary Clintonhas givenher response As DavidWillis reports Mrs Clinton reiteratethe sentimentsof carefullycrafted United Nations Security Council statementwhich deeplyregretted thelossof nine livesand calledfor aninvestigation into the actionof the Israeli mandos Mrs Clinton saidshe supportedan Israeliinvestigation which was credibleand transparent A statementwhichisunlikely toappeal theAmerica s critics Among them former allieslike Turkeywho believedtheU S response to thisincident has been toomuted And somenews justin A spokesmanfor the Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu says all foreignnationals arrestedon boardthe flotillawill bereleased The spokesmansaid theywould startdeporting people in earnestand hopeto havethem allout within48hours United StatesGovernment hasopened acriminal investigation into thehuge oil spill in the Gulfof Mexico The U S AttorneyGeneral EricHolder didn t nameany paniesor individuals but promisethat anyonewho hadviolated thelaw wouldbe prosecuted Richard Listerreports fromWashington Mr Holder saidprosecutors nowhave sufficientevidence to begin acriminal enquiryand hewould notrest untiljustice wasdone The paniesinvolved had already beenordered topreserve theirrecords Remote control robotson the seabed nowcutting thedamaged wellriser in order tocap itand pipethe leakoil to the service BP says the procedurewill takeall weekand it doesn t expectthat cuttingthe riserwill allowsignificantly more oil toescape But governmentscientists suggestthe procedurecould releaseupto20 moreoilinitially and the WhiteHouse says itdoes not believeBP has been forthingabouttherisks A newblood testfor lungcancer whichthe makershope forvast improveddiagnoses of the diseasehas beingmercially availableacross the United Statesfor the first timethis week The testidentifies defencesreleased by the humanbody inresponseto the earlierstages of the cancer As ProfessorJohn Robertsonwho ledthe researchexplains The bodywhen itis makinga cancerwith cancercells havedestroyed withdifferent proteinsand people are exquisiteor sensitivityto what is not themselves And theymake immuneresponses tothose cancerantigens andis that antibody responsewill beable todetect Scientists hopethat in the futurethe testscan beadapted todiagnose othertypes ofcancer World Newsfrom theBBC An Americanarmy officeraused ofmurdering13of hiscolleagues atFort Hoodin Texaslast Novemberhas appearedin courtfor thefirst time Maj Nidalwho was left paralyzedwhen securityguard shothim sat incourt ina wheelchair wearing his army uniform A judgemust decidewhether heis fitto standtrial Pakistan sarmforces saythey havedriven the Taliban outof thestrategically importantOrakzai region close to the borderwith Afghanistan The offensivein Orakzaiwaslaunched tenweeks ago Almost everydaythere werereports ofclashes and airstrikes The governmentsaying mostto targetmilitants whohas beendisplaced byearly offensiveshad takenrefugee inOrakzai The BritishInsurance jointPrudential hasfailed in its attempt to buythe Americanold insurerAIA after the Prushareholders threatento voteagainst thedeal Investors in the Britishfirm said the35 billion dollar purchaseprice forAIA was too high Our businesseditor RobertPeston reports The collapseof the Pro s attempt to buyAIA ofAsia isan importantevent in the historyof Britishstock marketcapitalism In thisrare case itwas the Pro s ownshareholders whofrustrated thetakeover bymaking itclear that they thoughtthe purchasewastoosteep andby tellingthePro s directorsthat theywould votedown thedeal The implicationsare significant The Pro s chiefexecutive andchairman mayhave toresign but perhapsmore importantly it showsthat investorshave beemuch lesssupportive than they wereof paniesthat whatbee globalgiant throughtakeovers The Mayorof theMexican resortcity ofCancun has been formallycharged withdrug trafficking money launderingand organisedcrime The chargesmean GregorioSanchez Martinezmust giveup hiscampaign to be governorof thestate ofQuintana Roo Prosecutors saythere isevidence heprotected twoof Mexico s biggestdrugs gangsand livedwell beyondhis means BBC3纱卡国王雕像搬离南非机场祖鲁国王沙卡 Shaka1787 1828 是历史上真实的人物 沙卡出身于祖鲁部落首领之家 但不遭父亲喜欢 与母亲同被父王 驱逐 童年青少年时代坎坷多灾 但也磨炼出了他惊人的意志和强 悍的体魄 长大后他从弟弟手中夺回首领位置 并逐渐统一祖鲁各部 成为南 非第一个国王 他最多时可动员六七万军队进行大规模作战 这在黑非洲地区历史 上 是少见的 有南部非洲一代天骄 祖鲁民族成吉思汗之称 但他统治时期 由于太过好战 对外对内战争不断 导致南非地区 有超过两百万人丧生 BBC Newswith ZoeDiamond A taxidriver hasgone ona rampagein northwest England shooting dead12people andwounding25others beforekilling himself Police said they wereinvestigating30crime scenes They saidthe gunmanmurdered acolleague beforedriving throughCumbria firing atother people Our reporterChris JewsisinWhitehaven wheresome of the killingstook place We havehad hundreds of officersinvolved throughoutthe dayin the manhunts andnow wehave dozensof detectivesworking on theinvestigation andthemoment wesimply don t knowwhat leadsto thisseries ofcrimes throughoutwhatisnormally andextremely peacefulcounty A countyof where the crimerate ismuch lowerthan thenational average And thisis verypeaceful town Whitehaven isharbor town the hometo25 000people And thatmakes itquite alaunch townin thispartof the world The IsraeliPrimeMinisterBenjaminNetanyahuhas defendedthe raidby hiscountry s forces onships trying tobreak the Israeli blockade of Gaza He ausedforeign criticsof theraid ofhypocrisy andsaidthe blockade wouldcontinue Mr Netanyahu saidIsraeli soldiersinvolved in the missionwere thereal victims They weremet witha viciousmob they werestabbed they wereclubbed they werefired upon I talkedto someof thesesoldiers One wasshot in the stomach one wasshot in the knee They weregoingto be killedand they had toact inself defense It isvery clearto usthat theattackers hadprepared theirviolent actionin advance They weremembers ofan extremistgroup thathas supportedinternational terroristorganizations Several planescarrying activistsseized from the shipshave takenoff fromIsrael bound for Turkeyand Greece The bodiesofninepeoplein theIsraeliraid are also beenrepatriated A UnitedNations expert has warned targeted killings including attacks ofunmanned aircraftare drones pose achallenge to the internationalrule oflaw In areport forthe UN Philip Alston a experton extrajudicialkillings says thatrules designedto protectthe rightof lifeare beingdamaged bywhat he calls Washington s illto findlicense tokill withoutcountability Jonathan Marcusreports Unmanned dronescarrying bombsor guidedmunitions arenow theweapon ofchoice inWashington swaragainst terror But intime many othercountries willdevelop suchcapabilities And ProfessorPhilip Alstonargues muchmore needsto bedone toprovide clearrules togovern theuse of these weapons The USis ofcourse nottheonly countryto employtargetedkillings IsraelandRussia tooare alsomentioned in the report But itis Washington s extensiveuseofdrone thatmakes the US whathecallsthe mostprolific userof targetedkillings The oilpany BPhas runinto difficultiesinits latest attempt to stem the oilspill in the Gulfof Mexico It s usingrobot submarinesto cutthrough aruptured pipeon thesea bedinorderto keepit that the bladeof sawbecame stuck World Newsfrom theBBC Prosecutors inGermany areinvestigating ausationsthat thecountry s seniorRoman CatholicArchbishop RobertZollitsch ignoreda caseof childabuse bya priestin the1960s Archbishop Zollitschis alsoaused oflate makingsure thepriest wasgiven anotherjob atthe monasterywheretheabuse allegedlytook place The Archbishophas deniedany wrongdoing A statueof King Shaka has been removedfrom theairports namedafter himin theSouth Africancity ofDurban followingplains aboutthe wayhe s portrayed KingShaka who foundthe Zulu Kingdom istraditionally depictedbearing weapons Tim Sebastianhas thedetails The statuewhich wasunveiled amonth agoatthenew airportshows KingShakawhofamously tookontheBritish inthe19century withhis armsoutstretched surrounded bycattle And that s what s causedthe protests The currentZuluKingGoodwill Zwelithiniis reportedto havedescribed thestatue is looking morelike aherd boythanthefierce hunterwarrior ofZulu folklore Now ateam ofacademic historiansand membersof theZulu s royalhousehold willdebateanew lookfor Shakaandarevised statuewill beunveiled inabout amonth Thousands offootball fansin Zimbabwehave crammedinto theNational Stadiumto watchtheir teamtake onBrazil It sthefirst timesince Zimbabwe s independencein1980thatanon African siteplays there The Braziliansare warmingup forthe World s Cupfinals whichstart laterthis month Brazil wonfortably bythree goalsto nil The selectionof memorabiliafrom Britain s wartimeleader WinstonChurchill has been auctionedfor more than860 000dollars in London The saleincluded anunofficial diary recording meetingswith Rooseveltand Stalinanda letter inwhich Churchillrejected thesuggestion thathemadepeace withHitler The itemswere partofawider collectionbelonging to theUSpublishing magnatesSteve Forbeswho amassedthem overthree decades BBC4加沙援助船遭袭 以色列拒外界调查以色列拒绝国际 社会 联合国人权理事会拟派遣的 独立国际调查团 等国际组织 对以军拦截开往加沙地带的国际救援船只一事进行调查 并称其已 经着手调查此次行动 BBC Newswith ZoeDiamond The oilpany BPsays it has sueededin cuttingthrough aruptured underwaterpipe inits latestattempttostemthehuge oilleak inthe Gulfof Mexico Engineers willnow lowera containmentcap to theseabedand attemptto fitit overwhat sleftof theriser pipe BP s ChiefExecutive TonyHayward saidthey d knowsoon whetherthe cappingwould work Richard Listerreports BP s ChiefExecutive TonyHayward wasupbeat ashe announced that theysuessfully cutaway thedamaged pipelineand shouldsoon beable tocap theleaking well Mr Hayward acknowledgedthough thatwhat theyare doinghas neverbeen triedbefore and there re plentyof challengesstill ahead The cuttingtools usedby theundersea robotsleft ajagged edgeontheremnants of the pipewhich willmake fittinga fullysealed containment device moredifficult Hayward saidthey hopedto haveone inplace by the endof themonth but headded they d havea betteridea of the likelysuess of the cappingoperation inthe nextday orso More than80people have been killedand manymore have been injuredinafire that s engulfedseveral buildingsintheBangladeshi capitalDhaka Here isNaresh Kaushik The firestarted withan explosionatanelectrical transformerinabuilding inthe Nimtoliarea ofold Dhakaand thenquickly spreadto severalnearby residentialand industrialblocks Several shopsselling chemicalsmade theblaze worse Local mediasaid manyof thevictims wereburned alive Rescue workersare trying to findpeople thoughttobestill trappedinthefire affected buildings But theirwork has been madedifficult becauseof thenarrow lanesof thedensely populatedarea Heavy fightinghas brokenout inthe Somalicapital ratherMogadishu betweengovernment forcesand Islamistmilitants from the Al Shababa group At least17people havedied andaround60have beenwounded Richard Hamiltonhas more After yearsof humiliatingsetbacks atthe handsof Al Shababa the transitionalgovernmenthasbegun along awaited offensive This counterattackinvolves Somalitroops who vebeentrained inEthiopia Although Somalia s neighbourofficially withdrewfrom theconflict inearlyxx reports suggestthe operationhasbeensuessful intaking backkey districtsinthenorth ofMogadishu nearthe presidentialpalace The governmentbacked bytroops fromthe AfricanUnion hasbeen fightingIslamist insurgentswho controlmuch ofsouthern Somaliaand haveimposed astrict formof Sharia or Islamiclaw Police inColombia havearrested aman theybelieve wasresponsible forthe kidnappingand killingofaprovincial governorin December Luis FranciscoCuellar wasfound withhis throatcut andexplosives strappedto hisbody twodays afterhe d beenabducted Police saythemanthey ve detainedis alsoaused of leading acolumn of the FARC Colombia s mainleft wing rebelgroup This isthe latestWorld NewsfromtheBBC hereinLondon Israel hasrejected internationalcalls for an outsideinvestigation intoits assaultonanaid flotillathat triedtobreaktheblockade ofthe GazaStrip Nine pro Palestinian activistswere killedintheincident Andrew Northreports fromJerusalem Israel isunder intenseworld wide pressureto aeptan externalinvestigation intoits deadlyraid ontheGazaaid ships The UnitedNations Human RightsCouncilhasalready ordereda fact finding missionto startwork But theIsraeli governmentsays itsmilitary hasbegun itsown investigation andthere snoneed forany outsideinquiry Demands forone showeddouble standardtowards Israelsaid aspokesman which noother countryhas tomeet When Americanor Britishtroops have been ausedof killingcivilians in Iraq orAfghanistan hesaid it s theircountry thatinvestigate not an international body The leaderoftheRoman CatholicChurch inTurkey hasbeen stabbedto death Bishop LuigiPadovese whowas63 w
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