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Unit Six Do you like bananas 单元教材分析 本课包括三部分 Section A Section B 和 Self check 主主题题 Food 语语言功能言功能 Talk about likes and dislikes 询问某人是否喜欢某种食物及回答 表达喜欢什么和 不喜欢什么 语语言言结结构构 Present tense to like Yes No questions and short answers Affirmative and negative statements like 的一般现在时 一般疑问句及肯 否定回答 肯定句和否定句 语语言目言目标标 主要语法 Do you like hamburgers Yes I do No I don t I like French fries I don t like tomatoes Main vocabulary 词汇 hamburgers tomatoes broccoli French fries oranges ice cream salad bananas eggs strawberry carrots apples chicken breakfast lunch dinner fruit vegetable 品德品德 在平日饮食中要做到不挑食 根据需要可以分为四课时来讲 第一第一课时课时 I 教材分析 这是本单元的第一部分 生词比较多 但是因为涉及到吃的东西 每个同学都有 自己的爱好 学生比较感兴趣 Language topic Do you like bananas Yes I do No I don t Language strategies Talk about likes and dislikes Main vocabulary food banana hamburger tomato broccoli French fries strawberry orange ice cream salad II 语言结构 like 的一般现在时的一般疑问句及回答 III 语言功能 询问某人是否喜欢某物及怎样回答 IV 活动设计 采访调查 Do you like V Teaching steps Step 1 Greetings Step 2 Words pictures What s this picture It s a soccer ball Do you have a soccer ball Yes I do No I don t Do you like it Yes I do No I don t What s this It s a hamburger Do you like it Yes I do No I don t What are these They re bananas Do you like bananas Yes I do No I don t 运用图片和对话教学单词 hamburger banana tomato broccoli French fries strawberry orange ice cream salad 并运用这些单词进行对话 Do you like Yes I do No I don t Step 3 1a Match the words with the pictures P31 Step 4 1b Listen and number the conversations 1 3 Do you like salad No I don t Do you like bananas Yes I do Do you like oranges Yes I do Practice the conversations and then make your own conversations Step 5 2a Listen and circle the food you hear P32 hamburgers tomatoes broccoli French fries oranges ice cream salad bananas Step 6 2b Listen again and fill in the blanks I like hamburgers Do you like hamburgers Yes I do Do you like No I don t like Let s have Oh no I don t like Step 7 4 P33 Make a food survey Do you like How many students like hamburgers How many students like bananas 日常生活中饮食要做到不偏食 不挑食 Step 8 Let s sum what we have learned this class Words Sentences Something else Step 9 Homework 1 Remember the words in this class 2 Practise the dialogue in pairs 教后一得 教完这堂课 感慨颇多 以前经常埋怨学生厌学 没兴趣 从这节课来看 主 要是教师没有认真的去备课 没有去从学生的角度去处理教材 学生当然没兴趣 这节 课 以学生的日常生活为话题 学生积极踊跃参加 效果很好 自我感觉良好 第二课时 I 教材分析 这是本单元的第二部分 生词也比较多 Language topic Does he like salad Yes he does Food like it doesn t like it tomatoesLiu LiZhao Jun hamburgers bananas French fries broccoli salad oranges Does she like salad No she doesn t Language strategies Talk about likes and dislikes Main vocabulary egg apple carrot chicken fruit vegetable breakfast lunch dinner II 语言结构 like 一般现在时第三人称单数的一般疑问句及回答 III 语言功能 询问第三人称是否喜欢某物及怎样回答 IV 活动设计 Guessing game V Teaching steps Step 1 Greetings Step 2 Words 由对话引出 Ask a boy Do you like bananas Yes I do No I don t Ask another student Does he like bananas Yes he does No he doesn t Ask a girl Do you like eggs Yes I do No I don t Ask another student Does she like bananas Yes she does No she doesn t 依次类推 chicken apple carrot fruit vegetable Do you like eggs for breakfast Breakfast is the first meal of a day Do you like vegetables for lunch And do you like chicken for dinner 转到第三人称 Does he or she like carrots for lunch Yes he does No he doesn t Ask the students to remember the new words Step 3 1a Write the number in the box next to the correct food P34 1 broccoli 2 salad 3 eggs 4 apple 5 ice cream 6 hamburger 7 banana 8 orange 9 carrots 10 chicken Step 4 2a Listen and circle the words from 1a that you hear P34 Step 5 1b How many other words can you add to the lists P34 Fruit apples Vegetables broccoli Add five new words to your Vocab Builder Ask the students to remember them Step 6 Write down what your family like to eat My father eggs apples My mother chicken oranges carrots My sister hamburgers ice cream My brother Ask another student to guess What does my father like Does he like vegetables No he doesn t What does my sister like Does she like ice cream Yes she does Step 7 Let s see what we ve learned today Words Sentences Something else Step 8 Homework 1 Remember the words 2 Practise the dialogue in pairs 3 Finish the workbook 教后一得 这节课不如上一节课效果好 原因是 今天我的情绪不好 把自己的个人情绪 带到了课堂 这样是不对的 教师应当以饱满的热情来影响学生 调动学生 从而收到 良好的课堂效果 第三课时 I 教材分析 Language topic I like oranges I don t like bananas They like salad They don t like broccoli He likes hamburgers He doesn t like broccoli She likes ice cream She doesn t bananas Language strategies Talk about likes and dislikes Main vocabulary eat running star lots of healthy food dessert list II 语言结构 like 一般现在时的肯定句和否定句 III 语言功能 怎样表达喜欢什么和不喜欢什么 IV Teaching steps Step 1 Greetings Step 2 Practise dialogue like this Do you like bananas Yes I do I like bananas Do you like salad No I don t I don t like bananas I like salad Practise in groups I like I don t like 转到第三人称 Ask another student Does he like salad No he doesn t He likes bananas Step 3 3 P33 Pair work Find out what Bill and Bob like and don t like French fries strawberry salad ice cream Bob Bill Practise like this Bob likes French fries He doesn t like salad Bill likes Step 4 2b Listen and fill in the chart P34 likes doesn t like Katrina apples carrots Tom Ask and answer questions about what Katrina and Tom like and don t like Step 5 2c Look at the breakfast lunch and dinner in activity 1a Are they Katrina s or Tom s Write K or T P34 Step 6 3a Read the article and underline the fruits and the vegetables P35 Runners eats well Middlebrook High running star Katrina Pedrosa eats lots of healthy food For breakfast she likes eggs bananas and apples For lunch she likes hamburgers salad and oranges And for dinner she has chicken tomatoes French fries and for dessert ice cream New words eat running star lots of healthy food dessert 有些单词让学生会读即可 Step 7 4a You are going on a picnic with a group of friends Make a list of food to buy P35 I like apples Do you like apples Yes I do Do you like oranges Yes I do What do they like Then read your list of food to the class Step 8 Let s see what we ve learned today Ask the students to sum by themselves Words Sentences Something else Step9 Homework 1 Ask the students to remember the new words 2 Practise the dialogue in pairs 教后一得 本单元主要学习如何表达喜欢什么和不喜欢什么 对于这一话题 学生非常感兴 趣 通过教给学生一些食物名词 并适当补充一些日常用到的名称 进行对话练习 学生热 情高涨 第四第四课时课时 Self check Revision I 教材分析 这是本单元的最后一部分 Self check 即本单元的复习部分 这一部分的课本是 由以下几部分组成的 1 Key word check Check the words you know 2 Add five new words to your Vocab builder 3 Draw the food you like to eat for lunch 4 Ask your classmates what they like to eat for lunch Find someone who likes to eat the same lunch as you Just for fun Do you like broccoli II 这一部分可分为如下几个步骤进行 Step 1 Review words like this Food chicken hamburgers French fries ice cream Fruit apples bananas oranges Vegetables salad carrots tomatoes Ask the students to remember them and check up Step 2 Practise the language topic P32 Grammar Focus Do you like salad Yes I do No I don t Do they like salad Yes they do No they don t Does he she like salad Yes he she does No he she doesn t I They like oranges I They don t like bananas He s


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