广西平南县六陈高级中学2013年秋八年级英语上册 Unit 2单元综合测试题(A卷) 人教新目标版_第1页
广西平南县六陈高级中学2013年秋八年级英语上册 Unit 2单元综合测试题(A卷) 人教新目标版_第2页
广西平南县六陈高级中学2013年秋八年级英语上册 Unit 2单元综合测试题(A卷) 人教新目标版_第3页
广西平南县六陈高级中学2013年秋八年级英语上册 Unit 2单元综合测试题(A卷) 人教新目标版_第4页
广西平南县六陈高级中学2013年秋八年级英语上册 Unit 2单元综合测试题(A卷) 人教新目标版_第5页
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1 UnitUnit 2 2 单元综合测试题 单元综合测试题 A A 卷 卷 一 听力理解 略 二 单项选择 每小题 1 分 共 15 分 31 Do you like watching TV Yes I like it very much I often sit before the TV two hours every day A at B for C with D from 32 What do you often do on weekends I often go online A a B an C the D 33 Although my mother is tired after work she cooks dinner for us every day Oh she is so great and she must love you very much A soB butC andD 34 Would you like something to drink Yes Some please A coffeeB oranges C chocolateD hamburgers 35 What is Tom interested in He is interested in sports basketball tennis and ping pong A such as B at leastC hardly everD because of 36 What does Lily often do on the weekend She often the old man wash his dirty clothes on w eekends A keepsB keep C helps D help 37 Do you often go swimming Nancy I don t like swimming at all A NeverB Always C OftenD Usually 38 I have got a low grade in my English test You study hard in order to improve your English A ever B hardlyC must D maybe 39 I like watching TV And Sports Games is my favorite A food B program C sport D subject 40 90 percent of my classmates to school by bike A goes B go C going D to go 41 Tony to get the math book on the desk but he couldn t A tried B disliked C enjoyedD remembered 42 did you pay for the sweater 100 yuan A How long B How much C How many D How often 43 I go shopping A When do you go shopping 2 B How often do you go shopping C How long do you go shopping on weekends D What do you usually do on weekends 44 does she practice the piano Every day A How longB How farC How oftenD How much 45 It s raining hard I still want to go there A So B HoweverC Luckily D Then 三 完形填空 每小题 1 分 共 10 分 Katrina is my friend In the past she had a bad 46 She got up late and had 47 for breakfast After getting home from school she played computer games Her eating habits were 48 bad She hardly ever drank milk and she ate 49 junk food One day Katrina didn t 50 well Her doctor asked her to 51 in hospital for three weeks She was sad And she decided to 52 her health well Now Katrina has some good 53 She gets up at 5 30 am and then she exercises She 54 every day She doesn t play computer games on school nights She only does that 55 Now she eats healthy food every day The good lifestyle helps her keep in good health and get good grades 46 A teacherB family C program D lifestyle 47 A nothingB anything C nobody D anybody 48 A orB notC alsoD only 49 A littleB a littleC any D lots of 50 A play B feelC wearD find 51 A surfB stay C walkD swim 52 A look atB look for C look up D look after 53 A namesB reasons C habits D friends 54 A runsB sings C eatsD speaks 55 A at home B on weekends C at schoolD on weekdays 四 阅读理解 一 每小题 2 分 共 30 分 A Sara started playing football when she was six She liked it I like football because it helps me to be strong said Sara She knows that if she wants to stay healthy she can t watch TV at home all day Football is Sara s favorite sport She makes many friends when playing football Sara often plays with her friends after school It makes her feel very happy Sara also tries other sports like swimming and tennis But football is 3 still her favorite She even practices playing football at home Sara is also very good at her school work I need to work hard I will have two new subjects this year in the 8th grade I hope to get good grades in all my subjects during the three years of middle school says Sara 56 Sara began to play football at the age of A 5 B 6 C 7 D 8 57 Why does Sara like playing football A Because it helps her to be strong B Because her best friend is on the team C Because her parents let her do so D Because she wants to makes friends 58 Who does Sara often play football with A Her classmates B Her brother C Her friends D Her parents 59 Which of the following sports is NOT mentioned 被提及 in the passage A Basketball B Football C Tennis D Swimming 60 The last paragraph 段落 tries to tell us that A Sara is good at sports B Sara is good at her school work C Sara wants to be a good player D Sara doesn t enjoy her school life B Jim Tom and Jack were three little birds One day their mother said to them Boys it s time for you to fly 飞 down and eat sand 沙子 We birds have no teeth Sand can help us eat some hard food Jim and Tom did what the mother told them to do but Jack was disobedient He said I can t fly and I don t like sand Day by day the birds got older One summer morning the mother took them to a place to play although Jack couldn t fly well Jim and Tom flew well Jack flew behind them He just cried Wait Wait Soon Jim Tom and the mother got to the place There they had fun eating drinking singing and playing When it was late they flew back to their home What do you think they saw when they got home Yes There was Jack eating sand 61 How many birds are there in the story A Two B Three C Four D Five 62 Why did the mother ask the birds to eat sand A Because the sand was delicious B Because she didn t want to look for food for them C Because she wanted to see their teeth were good or bad D Because eating san d could help them eat some hard food 4 63 What s the Chinese meaning of disobedient A 积极的B 沉默的 C 不服从的 D 听话的 64 When the other birds went back home they found Jack A eating sand B sleeping C practicing flying D having delicious food 65 What can be the best title 标题 for the story A An Active Family B A Disobedient Bird C How to Eat Sand D How to Take a Trip C Hello everybody Do you want to make friends with me My name is Rita I like to help people I think that helping others makes me happy And I like to talk with all my friends and classmates because we can learn new things from each other I also like to smile because I think smile is the best way to help me make more friends I m not the best student in my class but I study hard and I think I can be the best one day I joined the Science Club I think it is very important for us to study the earth I d like to get close to the earth and know more about it I can learn many things from books but that s not enough I still have many questions about it I like the Science Club because it can answer some of these questions If you want to make friends with me please call me at 664892316 66 Rita feels to help others A happy B sorry C ill D good 67 Why does Rita like to talk with her friends and classmates A Because they are friendly B Because it is very happy with help them C Because it is a good way to learn new things from each other D Because it is the best word in the world 68 How can you contact 联系 Rita if you want to be her friend A Write a letter to her B Send her an email C Visit her on the weekends D Give her a call 69 Which of the following is NOT true A Rita may be interested in science B Rita is a hard working student C Rita is shy and dislikes smiling D Rita is a science club member 70 Why does Rita write the passage A To show her hobbies B To make friends C To give an introduction to the Science Club D To ask people to learn about the earth 5 第第 IIII 卷卷 35 35分分 五 单词拼写五 单词拼写 每小题 1 分 共 10 分 根据题意及所给单词的首字母或汉语提示 写出单词的正确形式 71 Tom and Jack grew up t They are good friends 72 Did your mother watch that p on TV last night 73 I like reading books My favorite is this kind of m 74 The w of this new book is Mo Yan 75 Now many people often look through news on the I 76 It is very difficult to keep all these words in 头脑 77 The 秋千 is so interesting 78 Do you like to do 家务 79 Where did you buy this 咖啡 80 I play computer games 两次 a week 六 补全对话六 补全对话 每小题 1 分 共 5 分 根据对话内容 从方框中选择五个恰当的句子完成对话 并将其标号填入题号后的横线上 A You have a good habit B How do you feel now C What did the doctor tell you to do D What s your favorite sport E That s a good idea F How often do you exercise G Do you like eating junk food A Hi Alice Why didn t you come to school yesterday B I didn t feel well so I went to see the doctor A 81 B Much better Thank you You look healthy How do you keep healthy A I often exercise and I eat healthy food B 82 A Every day B Great 83 A I like playing tennis best B What food do you like to eat A Vegetables and fruit B 84 A No I only eat it once a month B 85 I ll learn from you 七 阅读理解七 阅读理解 二二 每小题 2 分 共 10 分 Everyone needs a good lifestyle A healthy lifestyle can help you do well in many things For example your body will be very strong and you can be good at schoolwork and get good grades in the exams But what should we do Here are 6 some of my suggestions Firstly exercise often Exercising doesn t always mean 意味着 running or playing ball games If you don t want a big exercise program you can start a small one like walking or doing some housework Try to exercise as much as you can Secondly have a good eating habit Don t eat too much junk food but eat more vegetables and fruit Drink more milk less cola or coffee Thirdly have a good sleep Try to sleep for eight hours every night If you don t have a good sleep you can t work well In a word exercising eating healthy food and having a good sleep can help you keep in good health 86 Why do we need a good lifestyle 87 Is doing housework a kind of exercise 88 What should we eat and drink if we want a good eating habit 89 How many suggestions does the writer give us 90 What s the passage mainly about 八 书面表达 10 分 假设你是林莉 你的网友贝蒂 Betty 给你发来电子邮件 想了解你的日常生活 请给 她回邮件 告诉她你的日常


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