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Module 1 How to learn English质量检测一、单项选择1Look at these new words. Please _ in your notebook.Awrite it downBwrite down itCwrite down themDwrite them down2Can you give me _ advice?Of course I can.AsomeBanyCsomethingDanything3Lily is American. She often helps me _ my English.AforBtoConDwith4Try _ every word when you read a newspaper in English.Anot translateBdont translateCnot to translateDdont to translate5It will be a very nice day tomorrow. How about _ boating?AgoBgoingCdoDdoing6It _ me an hour to learn English every day.AusesBneedsCtakesDspends7Ms. Liu often gives us some _ on how to learn English better.AadviceBideasChomeworkDways8Its a good idea _ a swim in hot weather.AhasBhavingCto haveDhave9_ you take an umbrella with you? The radio says its going to rain this afternoon.AWhy notBWhy dontCHow dontDHow not10Mary is often shy _ she speaks to her foreign teacher.AandBsoCafterDwhen11Can you give me a small magazine _ ?Ato readBto watchCto seeDto look at12After his long journey, he _ his home yesterday.AreturnedBreturned backCreturned toDreturned back to13Im sorry I forgot _ you there will be no classes tomorrow.Atalking toBto talk toCto say toDto tell14Shall we have a picnic tomorrow?_.AThanks a lotBNoCId love toDThats a good idea15When you have some questions, you can _ the teachers _ help.Aask; forBanswer; toCask; toDanswer; for二、完形填空My friend John is a student. Last year, he went to Japan and stayed there 1 two months. I was 2 that John was able to have such a long holiday in 3 because he was not 4 “How did you get so much money, John?” I asked, “I thought you could 5 in Japan for 6 two weeks.” “It was 7 ,” he answered, “I got a job in Japan.” “A job? What did you do? I gave English lessons 8 a shop owner, we became good friends.” “But you are not a teacher! Mr. Noda, the shop owner, knew I was not a teacher, but he said he had a lot of American customers, so he wanted to learn English. I spent three hours a day 9 to him. In return, he gave me a room, three meals a day and some 10 Did he learn much English? I dont know,” John said, “but I learnt a lot of Japanese.”1AscienceBforCafterDbefore2AsurprisedBexcitedCinterestedDworried3AAmericaBChinaCEnglandDJapan4Agood enoughBrich enoughCbad enoughDpoor enough5AstayBarriveClearnDteach6Aat leastBat mostCat lastDat first7AhardBdifficultCeasyDterrible8AatBinCforDto9AtalkBto talkCtalksDtalking10AmoneyBfoodCclothesDdrinks三、阅读理解(A)Its eight in the morning. Mr. Robert is free from work. He is now looking at a list of TV programmes with his little son Tony.Channel 27: 30 Morning News14:40 Olympic Games: womens table tennis single final15:30 Arts and Cultures16: 50 Cartoon: Crayon Shinchan18:20 Olympic Games: mens table tennis double finalChannel 89:55 Olympic Games: mens 100-metre race final11:40 Olympic Games: the Olympic Rings20: 40 TV serials: Sunrise22: 09 Film: Spiderman23: 57 Olympic Games: mens high jump finalChannel 99:00 Chinese History10: 30 Cartoon: King Lion21: 15 Travelling in China22:30 Olympic Games: special report1Mr. Robert plans to watch TV in the morning and he doesnt show much interest in sports and news. Which channel would he like to choose?AChannel 2BChannel 8CChannel 92At night, Mr. Robert wants to know the results of the Olympic Games of the day, he may choose_.AChannel 8, mens high jump finalBChannel 2, womens table tennis single finalCChannel 9, special report3Tony likes cartoons very much. But he isnt allowed to watch them in the morning. He has to finish his homework first. Which programme can he choose?ACrayon ShinchanBSunriseCKing Lion4Tony is interested in basketball. What will he feel after reading the list?ALuckyBUnhappyCInterested5By watching TV today, how many results of the Olympic Games final can Mr. Robert at least get to know if he would like to?ATwoBThreeCFour(B)阅读短文判断正误。The day was like any other day in his life. After school, Bob passed by a shop on a street corner. He stopped to look at the shoes in the shop window, and felt sorry for himself. He really wanted to have a pair of them for his birthday.He sadly walked away and thought how to tell his mother. He knew she would give anything he liked if she could. But he also knew very well she had little money. He decided not to go home at once, as his mother may notice that he looked worried. He went to the park and there he sat on the grass. Then he saw a boy in a wheel chair. The boy moved the wheel with his hands. Bob could see it was hard for the boy to move around the park. Bob looked at him carefully and was surprised to see the boy had no feet. “It is much better to be without shoes than without feet,” he thought. There is no reason for him to feel so sorry and sad.( )1Bob wanted to have a pair of new shoes on his birthday.( )2Bob felt sorry for himself because he didnt have enough money to buy a pair of new shoes.( )3Bob asked his mother to buy a pair of new shoes for him.( )4Bob saw a boy in a wheel chair without hands.( )5Bob didnt feel sorry for himself after he saw the boy in the park.四、单词拼写1He likes reading n _ every evening.2English is a very useful l_.3Dont be afraid of making m _ when you speak English.4This two-year-old child can c _ from one to a hundred.5You should know the c _ spelling of the word “pronunciation”.五、用所给单词的适当形式填空1You can practice _ (speak)English every day.2My teacher gave me some _ (advice).3Its a good idea _ (write)new words in groups.4I like _ (watch)English films.5How about _ (go)for a picnic?6Why dont you _ (drink)more water?7Try _ (not look)up every new word in a dictionary.8He is too fat. He should _ (take)more exercise.9Why not _ (invite)Tom to our English club?10Remember _ (turn)off the lights when you leave.六、句型转换1The students are picking apples on the farm(对画线部分提问)_are the students _ on the farm?2The green truck can carry a lot of baskets. (对画线部分提问)_truck _ carry a lot of baskets?3They are going to swim tomorrow afternoon. (改为一般疑问句)_ they _ to swim tomorrow afternoon?4There are some apple trees in the garden. (改为否定句)_ There _ apple trees in the garden.5Mr. Smith is going to work in Beijing. (对画线部分提问)_ is Mr. Smith _ to work?七、补全对话A: _1_B: What a good idea! Whats the weather going to be like, do you know?A: _ 2_B: Yes, I think so.A: _ 3_B: Lets go there by bike.A: _ 4_B: Some of our classmates.A: OK. _ 5_B: No. Youd better bring some drinks.AWho else will go with us?BIll go with you.CIts too hot to go there by bike.DHow are we going there?EIts getting warm, isnt it?FShall I bring some food?GWould you like to go fishing with me?八、根据中英文提示完成句子1今天我有许多事情要做。I have _.2下次你愿意把你的朋友带来吗?Would you like _?3长安街大约10公里长.60米宽。Changan Street _.4你为什么不多做些运动呢?Why dont _?5对我们来说.年轻时学好一门外语是很重要的。_for us _ when were young.九、阅读回答问题We learn a second language mainly by reading and reciting. It is a good way to recite everything you learned. But I think it is also important for us to understand the meaning of each sentence and know how to use them in our daily life. If you just repeat sentences automatically like a phonograph, there may come some problems. Here is a short story about it.A foreigner was walking in a street in France. A car from behind ran fast to him. It nearly hit him. With a sudden stop, the driver, an Englishman, got out of the car to say sorry to him.“Im terribly sorry. How are you?” The driver said.“Fine, thank you, and you?” the foreigner answered with what he learned in class without a second thought.Do you think it is a joke? Every one of us repeats the same sentences every day in our English class. Few students pay attention to the language when they are practising it. We can not say they are speaking English. Do you agree with me?1Is it good for us to repeat English automatically like a photograph?_2Who is the driver?_3What did the driver mean when he said “How are you ?” in the story?_4What should we know when we are reading and reciting a sentence?_5Why does the writer tell us a story here ?_十、写作假如你的朋友对英语学习感到困难.并准备放弃。请你以书面形式.并使用提示词语写一篇作文。劝说这位朋友.并说明你将如何帮助他。surprised.drop(放弃).because.be sure.change ones mind(改变主意)Dear Li Shang,_Your friend,Ma Dong拓展探究How to give adviceAsk your friend about his or her problem and really listen to what he or she has to say. Dont get distracted by something else and ignore them. Really listen to them and make sure they know you are listening. Nod your head after they have told you.Think about what kind of advice you can give to that person. Remember, it must lead to the right path and have a lot of common sense. For example, your best friends might plan to rob a store with maximum security. You know about the gig and you tell them that if they rob the store, they will go to jail and wont get out unless someone bails them out.If you do give them advice, think carefully about their situation before you say it. Be honest with your advice but try not to offend the person. Consider their situation and figure out the best thing they could do. Offer your expertise on the subject.If you think they are in danger or they could be, tell them that they should get help. Ask them to tell someone such as a parent or someone they trust, and if they dont, decide how much danger they are in and if you should confide in someone about him.Think what an agony aunt would say. Try to be kind and professional when you say it, even though they are just your friends.If the person decides to take his or her own advice, let it happen. Do not force them to like your advice.If that persons advice doesnt work, give him or her another piece of advice. Keep trying and listen to what the outcome is.参 考 答 案Module 1一、1D 2A 3D 4C 5B 6C 7A 8C 9B 10D11A 12C 13D 14D 15A二、1B 2A 3 D 4B 5 A 6B 7 C 8D 9 D 10A三、A:1C 2C 3A 4B 5B B:1T 2T 3F 4F 5T四、1newspapers 2language 3mistakes 4count 5correct五、1speaking 2advice 3to write 4watching 5going 6drink 7not to look8take 9invite 10to turn六、1What.doing 2Which.can 3Are.going 4arent any 5Where.going七、1G 2E 3D 4A 5F八、1a lot of things to do today.


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