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Unit2Whattimedoyougotoschool Period1 A1a 2c Ithasnofeet butitcanwalkwithhishands What sthis ItcallsTick Tick Tickeveryday Let sguess Ithasnomouth butitcanspeaktoyou clock Whattimeisitnow Let slearn 整点 It ssixo clock Whattimeisitnow It s ninethirty threeofive threeseventeen 9 30 3 17 3 05 halfpastnine 一半 fivepastthree seventeenpastthree 过了 7 50 2 40 sevenfifty twoforty tentoeight twentytothree 差 Whattimeisitnow It s to 表示几点差几分 past 表示几点过了几分 past分钟数不超过30分 halfpast to分钟数超过30分 o clock 时间表达法 1 点钟数 分钟数6 10sixten7 25seventwenty five 2 分钟数 past 点钟数 分钟数不超过30分 7 20twentypastseven8 30halfpasteight 3 差分钟数 to 下一点钟数 分钟数超过30分 8 45fifteentonine9 50tentoten Summary 1 顺读法 钟点 分钟 按时 分的顺序用数字直接表示整点数字后加上o clock 4 00fouro clock7点15分sevenfifteen6 40sixforty 时间的表达法 2 分钟 past 小时 几点过几分 12 05fivepasttwelve8 25twenty fivepasteight11 10tenpasteleven 3 分钟 to 小时 差几分几点 当分钟大于30时 用to表示 差几分钟到下一个钟点 to是 差 的意思 10 50tentoeleven6 58twotoseven9 40twentytoten 15或45分钟 a onequarter半小时用 half7 45aquartertoeight10 15aquarterpastten3 30halfpastthree 在几点用 介词 at 1 表示上午 下午或晚上的具体时刻 可以在时刻后加上inthemorning intheafternoon intheevening atnight2 在12点之前的具体时刻后用a m在12点之后的具体时刻后用p msixa m上午六点onep m下午一点 It snineo clock Whattimeisit It stwelveo clock Whattimeisit It sninethirty It shalfpastnine Whattime It stenpastten Whattime twofifty tentothree What twelvefifteen fifteenpasttwelve What 6 25 6 40 7 00 4 05 7 15 9 30 halfpastnine 5past4 20to7 25past6 15past7 7o clock 1 上午七点整2 中午十二点3 早上五点半4 下午五点一刻5 差十分六点6 五点过两分7 三点二十五8 四点三十八分9 十二点差一刻10 五点零五分11 九点十分12 十一点零六分 Whatdoyouusuallydoeverymoring getup eatbreakfast gotoschool takeashower brushteeth getdressed getup gotoschool getdressed 3 brushteeth 4 eatbreakfast 5 takeashower a b c d e f 1a 1b Listenandmatchthetime Listenandmatchtheactivities WhattimedoesRickusuallydotheseactivitieseverymorninng 1c Dopairwork Jimhas brothersand sisters Rick sFamilyhas shower two two one 2a Listenandfillintheblanks 5 30 5 50 6 15 6 30 6 45 2b Listenagainandcompletethisshowerschedule Let sfill Jimabigfamily Hehasbrothersandtwosisters buttheyonlyhaveoneshower Maybeyouthinkit sforthemtotakeashower No theyhaveashowerschedule 时间表 HisbrotherBobtakesashowerat5 30 That searly butInevertakeashowersoearly ThenhissisterMaryashower5 50NexthisbrotherJackashowerat6 15 thenhissisterAnna6 45 Now pleaseguess WhattimeJimtakeashower has two difficult because first takes takes at does at Talkaboutyourself Whattimedoyougetup getdressed brushteeth Iusuallygetup getdressed brushteeth at First Then Iusuallygetupat then next afterthat so Homework Unit2Whattimedoyougotoschool Period2 A2d 3c brushteeth getup eatbreakfast eatlunch 睡觉穿衣服刷牙去上学吃早餐起床洗澡吃午餐做运动 takeashower gotobed getdressed gotoschool Let sdo 你通常什么时间起床 我通常早上6 25起床 瑞克通常什么时候去上学 他通常7 35分去上学 Whattimedoyouusuallygetup Iusuallygetupatsixtwenty fiveinthemorning WhattimedoesRickusuallygotoschool Heusuallygoestoschoolatseventhirty five do playsports exercise I Scotthasaninterestingjob Heworksataradiostation Scott whattimeisyourradioshow S Fromtwelveo clockatnighttosixo clockinthemorning I Whattimedoyouusuallygetup S Ateightthirtyatnight ThenIeatbreakfastatnine I That sfunnytimeforbreakfast S Yeah Afterthat Iusuallyexerciseatabouttemtwenty I Whendoyougotowork S Ateleveno clock soI mneverlateforwork radiostationradioshow Scotthas interestingjob Heworksataradio andheworks twelveo clockatnight sixo clockinthemorning Heworksvery hours Heusually ateightandeatsbreakfast nine That sa breakfast thatheusually atabouttentwenty thenhegoesto ateleven Soheis late work long at to funnytimefor never work getsup After exercises for from an station Let sfill 3a Writeanswersprquestions Usealways usuallyornever Whattimedoyougetuponschooldays 2 Rickalwaysgetsupat6 20 3 Whattimedoyouhavebreakfast 4 Annanevereatsbreakfast 5 Whattimedoesyourbestfriendgotoschool WhattimedoesRickusuallygetup WhattimedoesAnnausuallyeatbreakfast always usually never 总是通常从不 Let ssurveyandreport 3c Askyourfriendsquestionsasfollowsandwritedownthetime thenmakeareportaboutthem Makeareportlikethis XXXusuallygetsupat Thenhetakesashowerat Next Afterthat So Unit2Whattimedoyougotoschool Period2 A2d 3c Homework Unit2Whattimedoyougotoschool Period3 B1a 2c Whendostudentsusuallydothesethings Matchtheactivitieswiththetimeofday 6 30AM 3 15PM 6 45PM 9 45PM Halfpastsixinthemorning aquarterpastthreeintheafternoon aquartertosevenintheevening Aquartertotenintheevening 1 dohomework 2 eatdinner 3 eatbreakfast 4 gotobed Let slistenandcircle Thenlistenagainandwritethetime getup 6 domyhomework run 7 cleanmyroom eatbreakfast 8 eatdinner 4 gotoschool 9 takeawalk 5 gohome 10 gotobed 5 30 6 00 7 00 7 45 4 15 5 30 7 15 9 00 Pairwork WhendoesTomusuallygetup Heusuallygetsupathalfpastfive 2a Checktheactivitiesyouthinkarehealthy gotobedearly eatice cream eatquickly eatvegetables playsports takeawalk Thinkmorehealthyacitivities CircleTony shealthyactivities CircleMary shealthyactivities Writedownthehealthyandunhealthyhabitsofeachperson TonyMary UnhealthyhabitsHealthyhabits getuplate eatbreakfastquickly eathamburgersforlunch EitherwatchTVorplaycomputerintheevening gotobedlate playbasketballafterschool brushteethbeforegoingtobed alwayseatice creamafterdinner getupearly eatgoodbreakfast eatfruitandvegetablesforlunch swimortakeaworkintheevening gotobedearly playvolleyballafterlunch Homework 1号作业本第四课时报纸27期B4版全部完成报纸27期Unit1测试完成家听背诵2b第一段 Unit2Whattimedoyougotoschool Period4 B3 selfcheck Iusuallyexercisefromsixfifteentoseven Ialwaysgetupatsix Afterthat Ialwaysbrushmyteethandgotoschoolateight ThenIquicklyhaveashowerandeatbreakfast Ihavelunchataquartertotwelve Igethomefromschoolathalfpastfouranddomyhomework Ihaveaveryhealthylife Ihavedinneratseventhirty Igotobedatten Numberthesentencesinorder 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Let sfill Ice creamusually sostudentsliketoeatitafterschool Mygrandparentsareveryhealthy Theyalways afterdinner Youneedto aftereatingtohavegoodteeth He Heworksataradiostation Hereareyourclothes Goand quickly Idon thavetimeto fromMondaytoFriday SoIcleanitonweekends B yourteethmyroomawalkgooddressedagoodjob A tastecleanhavegettakebrush tasteswell takeawalk brushteeth hasagoodjob getdressed cleanmyroom A yourmother usually getup B 5 45 A Why getup soearly


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