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WELCOME 1 LindacomestoLondon comes 动词的一般现在时第三人称单数形式 一般现在时通常用来表述现在的和可预见的将来的情况 或 永恒真理 newwords nexttoarrivalsexitwaitforBaggageHall 紧靠 旁边进港处出口等待行李领取厅 suitcase手提箱皮箱comeround来到附近stand站立phone电话comeout出来sit坐sandwich三明治armchair扶手椅standup站起来read读TV电视listento听 morewords now haveatest Tryit 根据汉语说出英语单词 单词记忆大比拼 根据英语说出汉语意思 ListeningandUnderstanding听力理解Listentotherecording andthenanswerthesequestions WhereisKaren andwhoisshewaitingfor 听录音 然后回答问题 卡伦在哪儿 她在等谁 Answerquestionsaboutthetext IsKarenwaitingforPaul 2IsKarenhavingabowlofsoup 3WhereisLinda NO sheisn t No sheisn t She shavingacupofcoffee She sintheBaggageHall AnswerQuestions 1 WhereisKaren 2 WhoisKarenwaitingfor 3 What sKarendoing Uint1LindacomestoLondon Whoisshe Linda Sheisinthecoffeebar Sheishavingacupoftea Uint1LindacomestoLondon 4 Whereisthecoffeebar 5 WhatisLindadoing 6 WhereisPaulstanding ThecoffeebarisnexttotheArrivalsExit Sheiswaitingforhersuitcase PaulisstandingbesideKaren 现在进行时表示动作或事件发生在有限的时间之内 或者表示情形在不断变化 因此 只有动态动词 即表示有意的动作和情形变化的动词 才能用于在现在进行时 ThePresentProgresstense LindacomestoLondon 这里是用一般现在时 表示某事物在现在和在可预见的未来是事实 Where where是用于提问地点的疑问词 引导特殊疑问句 can beableto 能 后面加上动词原形 I mgivinghimmyphone 这里give是双宾语及物动词 第一个宾语 him 是动作的接受者 是间接宾语 而第二个宾语 myphone 是直接宾语 ThePresentProgresstense thecoffeebar the 这里使用定冠词the 是因为从上下文已知是哪一家咖啡店 coffeebar 复合名词 coffee限制修饰bar I mwaitingforyou 这里使用了第一人称的现在进行时 wait 不及物动词 与后面的宾语要用介词for连接 即waitfor acupofcoffee 一杯咖啡 a 量 cup glass bag等 of 名词这一结构可以用来表达某一数量的物质 I mgivinghimmyphone give 后面跟双宾语 himgive的间接宾语 是接受者 myphone give的直接宾语 I vegotmysuitcase havegot 意为 有 拥有 课文注释 现在进行时表示正在发生的动作和正在进行的状态 结构 人称 be 动词ing 现在分词的构成方法 1 一般情况下 在动词后加 ing构成 work working sleep sleeping wait waiting等 2 在不发音的 e结尾动词去掉e后再加 ing smile smiling move moving等 3 以重读闭音节或r音节结尾且末尾只有一个辅音字母动词 要双写末尾的辅音字母再加 ing sit sitting plan planning refer referring occur occurring等 4 以字母ie结尾的动词 通常将ie改为y 再加ing die dying lie lying tie tying等 5 动词picnic 野餐 的现在分词为picnicking 不是picnicing GuidedConversation对话练习 8 Sheiscomingoutnow a 1 No sheisn t 2 Yes sheis 3 Yes sheis 4 No sheisn t 5 Yes sheis 6 Yes sheis 7 Yes itis 8 Yes heis 9 No sheisn t 10 Yes sheis b 1 No sheisn t She shavingacupofcoffee 2 No sheisn t She swaitingforherson 3 No heisn t He sstandingbesideKaren 4 No heneedn t Hemusttalktohismother 5 No sheisn t Lindaiscomingoutnow c 1 SheisintheBaggageHall 2 Sheiswaitingforhersuitcase 3 Yes shecan 4 Itiscomingroundnow 5 He sstandingbesideKaren 6 KarenisgivingherphonetoPaul 7 Lindahasgothersuitcasenow 1 A IsKarenhavingacupofcoffee B Yes sheis A WhatisKarendoing B Sheishavingacupofcoffee 2 A IsLindawaitingforhersuitcase B Yes sheis A WhatisLindadoing B Sheiswaitingforhersuitcase 3 A Ishersuitcasecomingroundnow B Yes itis A Whatishersuitcasedoingnow B Itiscomingroundnow 4 A IsPaulstandingbesideKaren B Yes heis A WhoisstandingbesideKaren B Paulis 5 A IsLindacomingoutnowwithhersuitcase B Yes sheis A Whoiscomingoutnowwithhersuitcase B Lindais Findthemout 现在进行时 意义 表示主语正在做什么 结构肯定句 主语 be动词 V ing 其他 现在进行时肯定句 主语 be动词 V ing 其他 I They We He She It am is are You 现在进行时肯定句 主语 be动词 V ing 其他 V ingwait waitinghave havingcome comingstand standinggive giving I mwaitingforyou I mwaitingformysuitcaseI mhavingacupoftea It scomingroundnow I mcomingoutnow He sstandingherebesideme I mgivinghimmyphonenow Whatishedoing Heisdrinkingcoffee Pauldrinkcoffee Whatisshedoing pickstrawberriesSheispickingstrawberries Whatisshedoing cooklunchSheiscookinglunch Whatishedoing sitinhisarmchairHeissittinginhisarmchair Whatishedoing readabookHeisreadingabook Whatishedoing Heistalkingtohismother talktohismother Whatisshedoing waitforabusSheiswaitingforabus shineThesunisshining 现在进行时 结构否定句 主语 be动词 not V ing 其他 讲下面的句子改为否定句 I mwaitingforyou I mnotwaitingforyou I mhavingacupoftea I mnothavingacupoftea I mcomingoutnow I mnotcomingoutnow 讲下面的句子改为否定句 It scomingroundnow It snotcomingroundnow He sstandingherebesideme He snotstandingherebesideme I mgivinghimmyphonenow I mnotgivinghimmyphonenow waitingforyou Is he waitingforyou He is Yes heis No heisn t 一般疑问句 Q AP7 Yes No 将下面的句子变为一般疑问句 Heisdrinkingcoffee Ishedrinkingcoffee Sheiscookinglunch Isshecookinglunch Heisreadingabook Ishereadingabook Sheiswaitingforabus Isshewaitingforabus Yes heis Yes sheis Yes heis Yes sheis Sheispickingflowers Isshepickingflowers No sheisn t Heisstandingup Ishestandingup No heisn t Heistalkingtohismother Ishetalkingtohismother No heisn t Itisraining Isitraining No itisn t 特殊疑问句特殊疑问词 一般疑问句Who what 对划线部分提问Heisdrinkingcoffee Whoisdrinkingcoffee Heisdrinkingcoffee Whatishedoing 2MatchAandB搭配A B栏WriteoutAandcompleteeachsentenceorquestionwiththecorrectwordsfromB 用B栏的正确词语完成A栏的句子 Answer A1 B7A2 B8A3 B4A4 B1A5 B5A6 B2A7 B3A8 B6 3SentenceStructure句子结构Writeinthemissingwords andthenlookatthetextinLesson1 填入所缺的词 然后查看第1课的课文 1 I m foryou and acupofcoffee pic 2 2 Where you andwhat you pic 3 3 Ah Ican it It s round pic 4 4 He s here me I m himmyphone pic 5 waiting I m having are are doing see coming now standing beside giving now MultipleChoice选择填空Choosethecorrectanswertofilltheblanka b cord ThenlookatthetextinLesson1 从a b c和d中选择正确的答案填空 然后查看第1课的课文 1 I minthecoffeebar theArrivalsexit pic 2 a forb intoc nexttod at2 Whereareyou andwhat pic 3 a doyoudob youdoc youdoingd areyoudoing3 It scomingroundnow pic 4 a There sb It sc Hereit sd Thereitis4 herebesideme pic 5 a Hestandb Hestandingc Hestandsd He sstanding5 I vegotmysuitcase and outnow pic 6 a I mcomingb Icomec Icomingd coming c d d d a Exercise 1Filltheblanks 贝蒂在哪里 WhereisBetty 她在出口旁的咖啡馆 Sheisinthecoffeebarn tothee 哪个男孩是你的侄子 Whichboyisyournephew 坐在汽车里的那个 Theones inthecar 是拿手提箱的那个男孩吗 Isthatboywithas 对 他正从车里出来 Youareright Heiscomingo ofthecar 他在等他的女朋友吗 Ishewaitingf hisgirlfriend 是的 她马上就到 Yes sheiscomingr now ext xit itting uitcase ut or ight 2Matchthem a I vegot coffeethismorning 1acupofb Thereis breadinthebasket 2abottleofc Thereis teaontheshelf 3abowlofd Isthere milkinthefridge 4apieceofe Ibuy chocolateinthesupermarket 5apacketoff Weneed meatforourdinner 6abarofh Jackhas riceforlunch 7aloafof 1 7 6 2 3 4 5 3Makesentencesfollowingtheexample Examples Olivewaitsforherhusband Oliveiswaitingforherhusband Whoiswaitingforherhusband 1Mybrotherdrinksaglassofwater Mybrotherisdrinkingaglassofwater Whatismybrotherdrinking 3Makesentencesfollowingtheexample 2Georgeplaystennisinthepark 3IwatchTVintheliving r


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