2011高三4、8、14高考英语必备资料 David Luo精心整理120个考纲新增单词拼写 【向单词拼写10分满分进军!】请结合题进行复习!高考前几天那就只看单词了!同学们:好好学习,累了,就休息一下! 2010-9-8 51. Next year I will go on with my studies a_ , not at home.2. She is a famous a_ . We can see her in films.3. He a_ breaking the window after his father beat him black and blue.4. The shirt is too expensive . I cant a_ it.5. They a_ the matter over for years, but couldnt agree with each other. 6. He was a_ that he had lied to his mother and made an apology to her.7. They gave him a warm welcome upon his a_ to their university.8. The taller players have a_ in a game of basketball.9. They made a dashing a_ on the enemy and defeated them.10. She a_ to go on with her work in the house, but she could not.11. The a_ temperature is higher this year than last year, although it has been lower for a few months.12. When you go on a journey , dont forget to bring your b_.13. In some shops you can b_ and pay a lower price. 14. The boy _ (洗澡), dressed and went downstairs for lunch.15. The Westerners like to lie on the b_ to have a sun-bath.16. Give me a _ (饼干). Im rather hungry.17. The Great Wall of China a_ many visitors every year. 18. He b_ her for making another mistake.19. Water is drawn from a well in b_ . 20. You can buy meat at the b_.21. When she pressed the b_, the lift stopped.22. Eating more _(卷心菜) will do you good.23. Dont make the _ (地毯) dirty when you enter the room.24. We have set up an office in the _(中心) part of the city.25. He regretted having wasted too much time c_ after dinning .26. He received a written c_ from Mr. Porter for5000.27. On Christmas Day, Tim was glad to receive a box of _ ( 巧克力).28. He has a hobby of collecting _ (香烟) box.29. In this poor village, there is no _ (诊所).30. He gets on well with his _ (同伴).31. After graduation , he worked in an oil _ (公司).32. It was a small place c_ to what it is now. 33. He worked so carefully that his paper _ (含有)no mistakes at all.34. I wondered whether he already knew the _ (内容) of my telegraph.35. If it is _ (方便)for you, I will join you next Tuesday.36. He is choosing a ring at the jewelry _ (柜台).37. Theres another box of salt in the _ (橱柜).38. The medicine will c_ you of your cold.39. The children sat on _ (垫子)on the floor. 40. Social _ (风俗)change greatly from country to country.41. The store has more c_ than it can take care of. 42. Many of the books were d_ by fire. 43. The ground is d_ after the rain.44. The dishes taste d_ and he is satisfied.45. Letters are d_ by the postman every day in the town.46. He gave a d _ (描述)of what he had seen in the car accident .47. Both nations d_ peace, but neither would give in.48. Can we now _ (决定)the date for our party?49. Without a good d_ , there could be no excellent film.50. A person must vote (投票)in his or her own _ (区域).51. He was _ (扰乱) to hear of her illness. 52. People often go d_ for shopping on the weekend. 53. He left his office with his _ (抽屉) open.54. A _ (快淹死)man will grab at any straw.55. He told us such a d_ story that some of us went to sleep.56. He is glad to be _ (受雇)in a bank.57. Martin shook his head, but gave no _ (解释).58. The boiler e_ and many people were injured by the hot steam.59. They _ (开发)its rich resources in wheat and oil. 60. This is an e_ (means “very”)serious case.61. Her teeth are _ (假的),but they look very natural. 62. She had become _ (熟悉)with the house.63. Before you go to bed, remember to _ (栓住)the door. 64. The beast , when cornered, is one of the _ (凶猛的)of all animals.65. She _ (折)the paper into two and put it away. 66. She couldnt _ (宽恕)so terrible an insult to her pride.67. The concert takes place in a _ (两周) time , that is to say on May 15th.68. He went to the big city and tried his _ (运气).69. The colored lights playing on the _ (喷泉)were magnificent. 70. We put food in her r_ to keep it cool in summer. 71. The eggs are _ (油煎)in the pan. 72. The room was small and had far too much _ (家具). 73. They are building very large and modern _ (机库)for planes. 74. He often tells his second g_ not to forget the life in the past.75. On the bus I always manage to _ (扫视)at the headlines in the newspaper.76. Woolen _ (手套)are warmest in winter.77. He kicked the football towards the other teams g_.78. The _ (问候)to all the guests took more than an hour.79. I want a g_ , because I was a stranger here.80. Before taking medicine, remember to read the i_ on the bottle.81. Generally children between three and six go to k_.82. Mother is busy preparing dinner in the k_.83. He works in a library as a l_.84. After m_ , she changed her family name.85. Mother went shopping ; _ (同时) I cleaned the house.86. Our government is trying to reduce the difficulties between manually labour and m_ labour. 87. - Thank you very much. Dont m_ it.88. Be patient! It is m_ a matter of time. 89. The education m_ of the West were also introduced.90. Because of the _ (多山的)nature of the country, the army couldnt march quickly.91. We were both of the same _ (国籍).92. He told us how the accident had o_.93. In the o_ of most people , the sun is not enough.94.She has to keep her bicycle in the _ (通道).95.He doesnt live in the city. He is only a p_. 96.The dress is nice but I dont like its p_.97.The singer had never _ (表演)in New York before.98.They _ (野餐)in the woods yesterday.99.The p_ was crowded when the train arrived.100.The foolish old man soon lost all his _ (财产).101.On Childrens Day, he sent me a picture _ (明信片).102. The beautiful piece of glass is very _ (宝贵的).103._ (产量)has increased in the last few weeks.104.He was received with open arms and a place was _ (提供)for him.105.They had p_ the well dry, and could not get any more water.106. He had not yet r_ from his illness. 107. His way of living is quite _ (有规律).108. He had no r_ in Wuchuan, but didnt feel lonely at all.109. The sight of the clock r_me that I was late.110. It is only a _ (粗略) translation of the poem.111. When she saw what had happened ,she _ (尖叫).112. She had understood nothing, nor had she _ (探寻)to understand.113. In this picture the tree is throwing a s _ on the ground .114. Do you s_ yourself or go to the barbers?115. The bad news s_ everyone at the meeting.116._ (相似的)conditions are to be found in all the other Latin American countries.117. His work this week hasnt been up to his usual _ (标准).118.The most _ (合适的)thing you could do is to become a doctor.119. There are more colourful _ (毛衣)for women.120. Yunnan Province is famous for its t_ industry.120个单词拼写答案【2011高考必备必记】1. abroad 2. actress 3. admitted 4. afford 5. argue 6. ashamed 7. approach 8. advantage 9. attack 10. attempt 11. average 12. baggage/ luggage 13. bargain 14. bathed 15. beach 16. biscuit 17. attracts 18. blamed 19. bucket (桶)20. butchers 21. button 22. cabbage(s) 23. blanket 24. central 25. chatting 26. cheque 27. chocolates 28. cigarette 29. clinic 30. companions 31.company/firm 32. compared (adj.) 33. contained 34. contents 35.convenient 36. counter 37. cupboard 38. cure 39. cushions 40. customs 41. customers / consumers 42. destroyed 43. damp 44. delicious 45. delivered 46. description 47. desire 48. decide 49. director 50. district 51. upset 52. downtown 53. drawer 54. drowning 55. dull 56. employed 57. explanation 58. exploded 59. exploits/ed 60. extremely 61. false
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