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一 介词介词和连词是高中英语学习的难点和重点 由于这类词往往具有一词多义性 及一义多词性 因而极易出错 由于汉语中对于连词的要求与英语中表达习惯不同 因此 在这方面考生容易忽略或掌握不透某些知识点 这些应引起我们高度注意 1 表示原因的介词 for at on upon with by through from in of 1 Hedidn tanswer fearofhurtingherfeelings for for 因为 由于某事物多用于表示内在的 心理的原因 2 I mmuchpleased yourarrival at 多用来表示感情上的原因 常和表示一定感情的词连用 3 Hecametoseeme business 4 Hecame yourinvitation for at on upon with by through from in of on on upon 表示为某事物的基础 根据或理由 由于 因为所表示的原因与条件直接相关 on 5 Hewastrembling fear 6 Hisfaceturnedred anger with 多用来表示由外界影响到身心的原因 with 7 Imetherquite chance accident 8 Hegotill drinkingtoomuchyesterday for at on upon with by through from in of by by 因 某事物 所致 由于 凭借通常用来表示由什么方式产生的 for at on upon with by through from in of 9 Onreadingit hefoundthataservantofthefamilyinFrancehadbeenputinprison nofaultofhisown 看了信 他得知他法国家中的一个仆人无辜地被关进了监狱 through through表示消极的 偶然的 意外的原因和理由 for at on upon with by through from in of 10 Helosthisjob hiscarelessness 11 Theaccidenthappened nofaultofyours through through表示消极的 偶然的 意外的原因和理由 through 由于粗心大意 他丢去了他的工作 这事故的发生不能怪你 12 Doyouoftensuffer headache 你常头疼吗 13 Hefeelsweak lackofsleep 他由于睡眠不足而虚弱 14 Theoldmandied thecoldinthewinter 那位老人因为冬天的寒冷而死 from from from from表示自然的或直接的原因 for at on upon with by through from in of 注意 diefrom表示 因 而死亡 的意思 常常指除了疾病 情感等以外的原因造成的死亡 其后常常跟pollution overwork accident wound drinkingtoomuch habit smoking等一类表示外部原因或灾祸方面的名词 但有时也可以用来指由于疾病的原因而造成的死亡 只是dieof比diefrom更常见 例如 Hediedof fromcancer 他死于癌症 for at on upon with by through from in of 15 Don tgettired life youarestillyoung 16 Heisveryfond playingbasketball 17 Thebeggardied hungerandcold of常用来表示情绪上的原因 因此常常与glad fond proud shamed tired同时等形容词连用 of of of 不要对生活厌倦 你还年轻 他非常喜欢打篮球 那乞丐因饥饿和寒冷而死 注意 dieof常常指由于疾病 情感等原因造成的死亡 其意思为 因 而死 其后常跟fever illness hunger thirst anger despair sadness disappointment grief等一类表示内部原因或情感方面的名词 还有dueto owingto thanksto becauseof四个成语介词表示 因为 由于 但他们在用法上有区别 1 becauseof用在句首或句子后面 表示原因 例如 Itwasallbecauseofyournecklace yourbeautifulnecklace 那全是你的项链 你那条美丽的项链 Becauseoftheheavyrain thesportsmeethasbeenputoff 因为大雨 运动会已推迟 2 duetosth sb 由某人 某事物 引起的 由于某人 某事物 常用来做表语 例如 Theteam ssuccesswaslargelyduetoherefforts 该队的成功在很大程度上是由于她的努力 Herfailureinthespeechcontestwasduetohernervousness 她在演讲比赛中失利 原因是她太紧张了 Theyarrivedlateduetothestorm 他们由于风暴而来迟 3 owingto由于 因为Owingtotherain themeetinghastobeputoff 会议因雨而推迟了Icouldn tattendthemeetingowingtoillness 我因病不能出席会议 owingto与dueto的用法基本相同 dueto做表语的情况多些 但与becauseof的用法有些差别 一般说来 owingto只引导一个修饰全句的状语 而后becauseof引导的状语又可修饰句子中的一部分 例如 Youmustn tpunishthechildbecauseofsuchasmallmistake 你千万不要因为这样一个小错误而惩罚孩子 4 thanksto由于 因为 幸亏 多亏常位于句首 表感谢或讽刺意味 例如 Thankstoyourhelp wefinishedtheworkheadoftime 多亏你的帮助 我们提前完成了任务 Thankstothebadweather thematchhadbeenputoff 多亏这倒霉的天气 比赛推迟了 2 表示时间的介词 in on from at until for since after beforeby during over through within upon 1 Hecamein1958andhasstayedhere then since since 自从 以来到现在 和完成时连用 另外 since还可以用作副词 表达同样的意思 2 ShewenttoNanjinglastMay andshecameback amonth after in on from at until for since after beforeby during over through within upon after 时间常常和过去时连用 表示一个时间点 如 afterschool dinner 3pm等 3 Theyworkedhard Theyfinishedthework 2daysatlast in on from at until for since after beforeby during over through within upon within表示在 时间以内 而in强调以现在为基准 想将来延续 inanhour是从现在起一个小时之后 4 Theysaidtheywouldarrivehere aweek within in 5 Neverputoff tomorrowwhatmaybedonetoday Theydidn tsayaword themeal in on from at until for since after beforeby during over through within upon till till during over till直到 为止 during over在 期间 如 AreyoustayinghereoverChristmas 6 Hehadfinishedthework teno clockthismorning in on from at until for since after beforeby during over through within upon till by by不迟于 到 为止 后跟表示过去的时间用过去完成时 跟将来的时间用将来完成时 7 Theyplayedthecards thenight 8 Theyaregoingtohaveagoodrest thesummerholidays in on from at until for since after beforeby during over through within upon till through during through 从开始到结束 他们打了一整夜牌 during 在 期间 他们打算在暑期好好休息 in on from at until for since after beforeby during over through within upon till 9 Scientistssaythatitmaybefiveyears itispossibletotestthismedicineonhumanpatients before before 过了多久以后才 五年以后才会在人体上做试验 10 Theplanetakesoffat10 00 soyoumusttrytobeattheairport 9 30 in on from at until for since after beforeby during over through within upon till by by 最迟在 不迟于 在 以前 你必须在9 30以前赶到机场 11 Thestudentswon tgohome theyfinishtheirhomework 12 Thewomanworkedinthefactory 1990 in on from at until for since after beforeby during over through within upon till until before until before 在until能使用的句型中 即主句含有否定式终止性谓语动词或肯定式延续性动词 可与before直接替换 意义差别不大 13 Einsteinalmostknockedmedown hesawme 14 Hehadmeasuredme Icouldgetinaword in on from at until for since after beforeby during over through within upon till 当主句含有肯定式终止性谓语动词时 只能用before不能用until 且before常意为 没来得及 或 才 等 before before 3 表示方向的介词 in at to 1 Herushed thewomanwithasword 2 Herushed thedirectionofthesmallvillage 3 Herushed thewomenwithasword at in to rushat 朝着 扑去 inthedirectionof朝着什么方向 rushto向这位妇女走去 4 介词的其他用法 请填入适当的介词 1 Hewent theraintomeetmeatthestation 他冒雨到车站去接我 in 在阳光下 在灯下 在树阴下 穿衣 着装 冒雨等都要用in 2 Theworkersarepavingaroad stone 3 Theteacheriscorrectingthepaper anewpen Theproductisseparated distilation 蒸馏 intogasolineandgasoil 4 Ireallycan texpressmyidea Englishfreelyin deed with with by in 有形with 无形by 语言 单位 材料in 5 Who sstandingthere thedoor 6 Heis presentinWashington 7 Waterfreezes 0 centigradeandboilsat100 8 Thesoldierslaunchedanattackupontheenemy sunset 9 Theforce thecoreleadingourcauseforwardistheChineseCommunistParty at at at at at 在山脚下 在门口 在目前 速度 以 速率 温度 在日落时 在 核心要用at 10 TheDemocraticPartywasthen power 11 Theyfoundthepatient acoma 12 Hehasnotbeen goodhealthforsomeyears 13 Manywhocame despairwentaway hope 14 Thehousewas ruins 15 Todayeverybodyis highspiritsandnooneis lowebb in in in in in in in in 在表示权力 特征 心情 状态 方面等前用in 16 Didyoursupervisorlikethestory theradiolastnight 17 ProfessorShenwillgiveusatalk travellinginAmerica 18 Youarewrong alltheseissues 19 Youcan taffordluxuries anincomeof100yuanamonth over oron on on on 电视 广播 关于 依靠 基础 故意 出差 上市 电话 左右方向前用on 20 ThespeechbythemayorofShanghaibeforethefinalvotingforEXPO2010isstronglyimpressed mymemory A toB overC byD on impresssb withsth 给某人深刻印象 impresson uponsb 是固定搭配 给 留下印象 D 21 Thesunlightcamein thewindows theroofandlitupthewholeroom through inB across byC on throughD over of 从窗户缝隙中 要用介词through through指从里面穿过 透过 across强调从面上横穿 横跨 on 在 面上 over从一地到另一地 经过一段时间或距离 译文 阳光从屋顶窗户缝隙中照射进来 把整个屋子都照亮了 A A 22 Weofferedhimourcongratulations hispassingthecollegeentranceexams A atB onC forD of B on upon后接名词 动名词 表示 在 时候 例如 Uponhisarrivalattheworksite hebegantowork 他已到工地 马上就投入了工作 23 Thehomeimprovementshavetakenwhatlittlethereis mysparetime A fromB inC ofD at what在这样用时常和few或little连用 再修饰名词 其含义是 全部的 尽管不多 虽少但全部 或 所仅有的 Littleofmysparetime 我仅有的业余时间 C 24 productionupby60 thecompanyhashadanotherexcellentyear NMET2000 A AsB ForC WithD Through C 本题考查with的复合结构 独立主格结构 作状语的用法 with 名词 不定式 分词 名词 形容词 介词短语等 可在句中作伴随 时间 原因 条件等状语 本题中with的复合结构作伴随状语 二 连词连词 主要是包括并列连词和从属连词 在句子中 连词起连接词与词 短语与短语及句子和句子的作用 它本身在句子里不单独做句子成分 1 并列连词and but or nor so foryet however aswellas both and notonly butalso either or neither nor2 从属连词after when before as while since until till if unless lest because than that whether sothat inorderthat asif asthough although supposethat provided that as as nowthat such that incasethat onconditionthat 例题分析 Ithinkyouareagreatfamily I mgladI mgoingtojoinyou A andB butC soD however And在这里表示有因果关系的事件 又如 Youarelateagainandyoumustapologize So也可以表示因果关系 例如 Hewassick sohewasquiet A 2 Thismedicine drug hasaviolenteffect 这种药品 或者说麻醉剂 有强烈的效果 A AndB orratherD butD however orrather 或者说 准确地说 B 3 TheyhavelearnedEnglishforonlyayear theycanactEnglishplaysalready A andB yetC howeverD though B yet此处是连词 表示转折 4 Hehadfailedseveraltimes hewassurehewouldsucceedintheend butB forC neverthelessD therefore C nevertheless 连词 他失败了好多次 然而他坚信他会成功的 5 Thetextisratherdifficult Itis notbeyondthereachofthestudents A thereforeB forC soD however D however此处是副词 意思是 然而 可是 表示转折 又如 Hehasn tarrived Hemay however comelater 他还未到 不过 他可能过一会儿来 Wehavenotyetwon however weshalltryagain 我们还没有取胜 不过我们还要再试一下 6 Heworkeddayandnight and hewasabletobuythebighouse Hehasbrokenhislegandthereforehecan twalk 他摔坏了腿 因此不能走路了 Wedonothaveenoughmoney Thereforewecannotaffordtobuythenewcar 我们的钱不够 因此买不成这辆新车 A thereforeB soC howeverD yet therefore 因此 所以 是副词 用法跟however一样 又如 A 2 从属连词 时间状语从句 When after before while as since until assoonas 条件状语从句 if unless 地点状语从句 where 目的状语从句 sothat 5 让步状语从句 although though eventhough nomatterwhat how when 6 比较状语从句 as as as notso as than 7 结果状语从句 so such that 8 原因状语从句 as because since 从属连词练习 Itmighthaverainedlastnight thegroundiswet A forB becauseC whenD as A 昨晚可能下雨了 因为地面是湿的 表示说话者从地面湿了这个现象主观推断出昨晚下雨的结论 但事实究竟如何却不得而知 2 Didtheyretreat 撤退 outofpanic 恐慌 or theywantedtosavetheirlives A asB forC andD because D Because可以用在选择疑问句中as for since不可以 他们后撤是出于慌乱 还是想逃命 3 Helookssleepynot heisnotfeelingwell but hestayeduplastnight that thatB just justC because becauseD for for 他看上去昏昏欲睡并不是不舒服 只不过是昨晚熬夜罢了 because前可用否定词或其他修饰语及并列连词修饰 但是其他表示原因的从属连词不可以 C C 4 Someonecalledmeupinthemiddleofthenight buthehung Icouldanswerthephone A afterB beforeC sinceD until半夜有人给我打电话 但还没等我去接 对方就挂断了 B 此处before的意思是 没来得及 就 不等 就 5 Itwasn tlong thepeopletookuptheirarmsandfoughtback afterB beforeC sinceD until不久 人民就开始拿起了武器 开始反抗 B 此处before用在否定句中表示 不久就 6 Ithasbeen5years mysisterreturnedfromabroad 7 Itis5yearsago mysisterreturnedfromabroad 8 Itwastheyears1990 mysisterreturnedfromabroad 9 Itwillbe5years mysisterreturnsfromabroad A beforeB sinceC thatD when 活学活用 since that when before 10 Hehaswrittentomefrequently Iwasill 11 Hehaswrittentomefrequently Ifellill A sinceB afterC beforeD until 自从我 病愈 以来他常常给我写信 自我生病以来他常常给我写信 例句10从句表示 病愈 即 生病 这一状态结束以后到现在 例句11从句表示开始生病到现在 A A 活学活用 12 hewasinGuangzhou greatchangeshavetakenplacethere 13 Hecouldbelievethatgreatchangeshadtakenplace3years hewentt


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