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Unit 6 Do you like bananas? Period 1 Section A (1a-1c) 马集乡中心校 七年级英语上册 主备人:孙乐天 审核人:韩书玲 教学流程教师寄语: First come, first served. 捷足先登。二次备课Step1. Lead-in(导入)Greet the class as usual. Ask one student to talk about his own survey to the class. Then lead in the new lesson.Step2. Showing learning aims(明确学习目标).Ask the students to read the learning aims together. Let them know what they should learn in this period. Then teach the new words.Step3. Preview guide(预习导学)Let the leader of each group check the homework in class. If they have problems, they can show their answers and problems on their own small blackboards to ask for some help. The answers are:1.汉堡包 2.西红柿3.橙子 4.沙拉5.草莓 6.梨子7.牛奶 8.冰淇淋9.-你喜欢吃香蕉吗? -是的,我喜欢。10.-你喜欢吃沙拉吗? -不,我不喜欢。Step4.Cooperative inquiry learning (合作探究)Activity 11. Listen to the tape, finish 1b.2. Listen to the tape again, check the answers in each group.3. Listen again, read after the tape.Activity 2Use the pictures or the things you have to make a conversation.Step5 .Summary (小结) Ask a student to show the summary of this period. If necessary, the teacher can help him/ her.Step6 Test(达标测评)Ask students to finish the exercises of the test. Then correct the answers.The answers are:1. (1) a banana (2) eight strawberries(3) ice cream(4) some rice(5) some water2. (6) hamburgers (7) ice cream (8) tomatoes(9) oranges(10) milk【学习目标】 1. 掌握9个表示食物的单词:banana, hamburger, tomato, ice-cream, salad, strawberry, pear, milk, bread. 2. 通过听,说,模仿,掌握询问别人喜爱的食物的句型:Do you like.?及其肯定回答和否定回答:Yes, I do./ No, I dont.【学习重点】掌握句型:Do you like.? 及其肯定回答和否定回答:Yes, I do./ No, I dont.【学习过程】一、自主预习译一译:试试看,相信你一定行。1. hamburger 2. tomato 3. orange 4. salad 5. strawberry 6. pear 7. milk 8. ice-cream 9. Do you like bananas? Yes, I do. 10. Do you like salad? No, I dont. 二、预习展示:赶紧把你的预习成果与组内其他成员交流一下吧,然后把你们的答案展示在小黑板上,与其它小组进行交流。 三、合作探究活动一:听一听1、听课本P31的录音第一遍,完成1b的要求,为对话编号。2、听录音第二遍,小组内核实答案。3、听录音第三遍,全班跟读。 活动二:两人一组,利用手中的实物或图片进行问答。Key sentences: A: Do you like apples?B: Yes, I do.A: Do you like bread?B: No, I dont.四、小结:快来总结一下今天这节课你有什么收获,看谁学得最认真。五、达标测评:一、英汉互译1. 一根香蕉 2. 8颗草莓 3. 冰淇淋 4. 一些大米 5. 一些水 二、 根据汉语提示填空6. She doesnt like (汉堡), but her sister like them.7. They like strawberries and (冰淇淋).8. My cousin eats salad with carrots and (西红柿).9. My mother doesnt like (桔子), but she likes bananas.10. Do you like (牛奶) ?No, I dont. I like water.反思: Uint6 Do you like bananas? Period 2 Section A (2a-2d) 马集乡中心校 七年级英语上册 主备人:孙乐天 审核人:韩书玲教学流程教师寄语: Haste makes waste. 欲速则不达。 二次备课Step1.Lead-in(导入)Greet the class as usual. Ask one student to talk about his own survey to the class. Then lead in the new lesson.Step2.Showing learning aims(明确学习目标).Ask the students to read the learning aims together. Let them know what they should learn in this period. Then teach the new words.Step3. Preview guide(预习导学)Let the leader of each group check the homework in class. If they have problems, they can show their answers and problems on their own small blackboards to ask for some help. The answers are:1.next week 2.fruit3.vegetable 4.birthday dinner5.sounds good6.当然。7.认为8.怎么样?Step4.Cooperative inquiry learning (合作探究)Activity 1 1. Listen to the tape, finish 2a on Page 32.2. Listen again, finish 2b.3. Read after the tape.Activity 21. Listen to the tape of 2d. 2.Then role-play the conversation.Step5 .Summary (小结) Ask a student to show the summary of this period. If necessary, the teacher can help him/ her.Step6 Test(达标测评)Ask students to finish the exercises of the test. Then correct the answers.The answers are:1. (1) doesnt; likes (2) doesnt; like(3) like(4) potatoes; tomatoes (5) Lets; have2. (1) They dont like oranges. (2) Does Jane like strawberries? (3) He likes milk.【学习目标】1.会读、写以下新单词和短语并记住汉语意思:birthday, dinner, week, think about, food, sure, how about, burger(hamburger), vegetable, fruit, right, apple, then.2. 通过听,说,模仿,掌握询问别人喜爱的食物的句型:Does he/she like.?及其肯定回答和否定回答:Yes, he/she does./ No, he/she doesnt.【学习重点】 掌握句型Does he/she like.? 及其肯定和否定回答:Yes, he/she does./ No, he/she doesnt.【学习过程】一、自主预习记一记:先翻译,然后记住它们。1. 下周 2. 水果 3. 蔬菜 4. 生日晚餐 5. 听起来不错 6. Sure. 7. think about 8. how about.? 二、预习展示议一议:这些句子什么意思呢,先翻译,然后议一议他们跟我们学过的句子有什么不同。1. Does she likes bananas? Yes, she does. 2. Lets think about the food. 3. John likes strawberries and apples. 赶紧把你的预习成果与组内其他成员交流一下吧,然后把你们的答案展示在小黑板上,与其它小组进行交流。 三、合作探究活动一:听一听1听课本P32上2a的录音第一遍,圈出你所听到的食物。2听录音第二遍,完成2b。3听录音第三遍,全班跟读。 活动二:演一演1听录音2d的对话。2分角色朗读对话,然后表演。活动三:调查活动 运用所学的句型,小组内调查小组成员喜爱的颜色或食物,记录下来并向全班回报调查结果。 In our group, Jack likes red and Alice likes blue.四、小结快来总结一下今天这节课你有什么收获,看谁学得最认真。五、达标测评1. 根据汉语提示完成句子(1) 他不喜欢汉堡,但他喜欢冰淇淋。He like hamburgers, but he ice cream.(2) 玛丽不喜欢吃薯条。Mary French fries.(3) 我的祖父母喜欢吃香蕉。My grandparents bananas.(4) 这些是土豆和西红柿。These are and .(5) 让我们吃些草莓和苹果吧。 some strawberries and apples. 2. 句型转换(1) They like oranges. (改为否定句) (2) Jane likes strawberries. (改为一般疑问句) (3) He doesnt like milk.(改为肯定句) 反思: Uint6 Do you like bananas? Period 3 Section A (3a-3c) 马集乡中心校 七年级英语上册 主备人:孙乐天 审核人:韩书玲教学流程教师寄语: Honesty is the best policy. 诚实至上。二次备课Step1. Lead-in(导入)Greet the class as usual. Ask one student to talk about his own survey to the class. Then lead in the new lesson. Step2. Showing learning aims(明确学习目标).Ask the students to read the learning aims together. Let them know what they should learn in this period. Then teach the new words.Step3. Preview guide(预习导学)Let the leader of each group check the homework in class. If they have problems, they can show their answers and problems on their own small blackboards to ask for some help.The answers are:1. likes2. like3. dont4. doesnt5. Does Step4.Cooperative inquiry learning (合作探究)Activity 1 1.Read the Grammar Focus.2.Discuss the present tense in groups.3.Discuss the Countable nouns and Uncountable nouns in groups.Activity 21.Discuss in groups about whether do or does should be used after each personals. 2.Then finish 3a.Activity 31. Make conversations in pairs according to 3b.Step5 .Summary (小结) Ask a student to show the summary of this period. If necessary, the teacher can help him/ her.Step6 Test(达标测评)Ask students to finish the exercises of the test. Then correct the answers.The answers are:1. (1) tomatoes (2) is(3) has(4) eggs (5) Carrots2. (1) Does; have; has (2) Are; are (3) Do; do (4) do (5) does【学习目标】1. 掌握下列单词:egg,carrot, rice, chichen, so.2. 掌握一般现在时的肯定句及否定句形式,尤其是第三人称单数的变化形式。.3. 掌握可数名词和不可数名词及可数名词的单复数形式的变化。【学习重点】1. 一般现在时的第三人称单数的变化。2. 可数名词的单复数形式。【学习过程】一、自主预习填写空格可数名词的单数形式可数名词的复数形式不可数名词hamburgermilktomatobreadorangericebananastrawberrypear选择括号里正确的单词完成句子1. Bob (like, likes) tomatoes.2. Cindy and Mary (like, likes) fruit.3. Some boys (doesnt, dont) like ice-cream.4. My mother (doesnt, dont) like hamburgers.5. (Do, Does) Anna like carrots?二、预习展示赶紧把你的预习成果与组内其他成员交流一下吧,然后把你们的答案展示在小黑板上,与其它小组进行交流。 三、合作探究活动一:1. 读一读课本的Grammar focus.2. 组内讨论对一般疑问句的认识。3. 讨论名词的可数与不可数及可数名词的单复数形式的变化规律。 活动二 :1. 小组讨论下列人称代词是用助动词do还是does。第一人称单数(I)第一人称复数(we)第二人称单数(you)第二人称复数(you)第三人称单数(he/she/it/Mary)第三人称复数(they/Mary and Tony)名词单数(apple)名词复数(apples)2. 完成课本P33上的3a。活动三:仿照课本3b的内容,和同学们联系对话。四、小结快来总结一下今天这节课你有什么收获,看谁学得最认真。五、达标测评:1. 用括号中所给词的正确形式填空(1)There are some (tomato) in the basket。(2)Chicken (be) very delicious(美味的).(3)She (have) ice-cream for dessert(甜点).(4)I like (egg).(5). (carrot) are healthy(健康的) food.2从方框中选择适当的词补全对话,可以重复使用。does do is are have has(1) she any pencils? No, she doesnt. But she some pens.(2) your sisters in the picture? No, they not.(3) they like computer games? Yes, they .(4)How you spell watch? W-A-T-C-H.(5)What your uncle like?He likes sports.反思: Unit 6 Do you like bananas?Period 4 Section B (1a-1e) 马集乡中心校 七年级英语上册 主备人:孙乐天 审核人:韩书玲教学流程教师寄语: Knowledge is power. 知识就是力量。 二次备课Step1.Lead-in(导入)Greet the class as usual. Ask one student to talk about his own survey to the class. Then lead in the new lesson. Step2.Showing learning aims(明确学习目标).Ask the students to read the learning aims together. Let them know what they should learn in this period. Then teach the new words.Step3. Preview guide(预习导学)Let the leader of each group check the homework in class. If they have problems, they can show their answers and problems on their own small blackboards to ask for some help. The answers are:1.早餐我喜欢吃鸡蛋和牛奶。2.午餐我不喜欢吃米饭。Step4.Cooperative inquiry learning (合作探究)Activity 11. Compete which group writes down the most fruit and vegetables on the blackboard.2. Then talk about what do you like for breakfast/ lunch/ dinner based on the picture of 1a.Activity 21. Listen to the tape, finish 1a. 2.Then listen to the tape again. Finish 1d.Activity 31. Find out what food does your friend like and what food he/she doesnt like.Step5 .Summary (小结) Ask a student to show the summary of this period. If necessary, the teacher can help him/ her.Step6 Test(达标测评)Ask students to finish the exercises of the test. Then correct the answers.The answers are:1. (1) lunch (2) dinner(3) breakfast(4) carrots (5) vegetables2. DCABE【学习目标】1. 掌握下列单词:breakfast, lunch.2. 巩固动词like的一般现在时的肯定句、否定句和疑问句形式。.3. 谈论自己一日三餐都吃什么。【学习重点】 谈论自己一日三餐都吃什么。【学习过程】一、自主预习想一想自己每天三餐都吃什么,并作好记录。1. I have for breakfast. 2. I have for lunch.3. I have for dinner.译一译:1. For breakfast, I like eggs and milk.2. I dont like rice for lunch.二、预习展示赶紧把你的预习成果与组内其他成员交流一下吧,然后把你们的答案展示在小黑板上,与其它小组进行交流。 三、合作探究活动一 :比一比 说一说。1. 水果蔬菜大比拼:小组比一比,在规定的时间内,哪组同学写的又快又正确。Fruit: pear.Vegetables: carrots.2. 利用课本P34上1a的图片,大家说一说自己一日三餐都吃了什么,看谁说的最流利。For breakfast/lunch/dinner, I like.I like.for breakfast/lunch/dinner. 活动二 :听一听1.听录音,在课本1a中圈出所听到的食物。2.再听一遍录音并填表,完成1d. 活动三 :就表格中的食物向你的朋友提问,找出他们喜欢和不喜欢的食物。FoodLikesDoesnt likeTomatoesHamburgersMilkIce creamcarrots四、小结 快来总结一下今天这节课你有什么收获,看谁学得最认真。五、达标测评1. 根据句意及首字母提示完成单词。 (1)For l , I like rice and vegetables.(2)Sandy likes chicken and tomatoes for d .(3)She has some milk and bread for b .(4)The rabbit(兔子) likes to eat c .(5) I like all v . 2. 给下列句子找出合适的答句。Do you like French fries? ( )Does she like bananas? ( )What do you like to eat? ( )Who likes ice-cream? ( )Do they like tomatoes? ( )A. I like hamburgers. B. Amy C. No,she doesnt.D. Yes, I do. E. No, they dont.反思: Unit 6 Do you like bananas?Period 5 Section B (2a-2c) 马集乡中心校 七年级英语上册 主备人:孙乐天 审核人:韩书玲教学流程教师寄语: Look before you leap. 三思而后行。二次备课Step1.Lead-in(导入)Greet the class as usual. Ask one student to talk about his own survey to the class. Then lead in the new lesson. Step2.Showing learning aims(明确学习目标).Ask the students to read the learning aims together. Let them know what they should learn in this period. Then teach the new words.Step3. Preview guide(预习导学)Let the leader of each group check the homework in class. If they have problems, they can show their answers and problems on their own small blackboards to ask for some help.The answers are:1.真地 2.问题3.肥的;胖的4.吃 5.好的6.是;有;存在7.sports star 8. ask9.eating habits10.healthy译一译(一) 你早餐喜欢吃什么?(二) 你喜欢什么水果?(三) 我不想胖。Step4.Cooperative inquiry learning (合作探究)Activity 1Talk about which food are healthy and which are not. Finish 2a on Page 35.Activity 21. Read the passage of 2b, and answer the questions in 2c. 2. Then close the book. Talk about what Cindy likes in your own words.Step5 .Summary (小结) Ask a student to show the summary of this period. If necessary, the teacher can help him/ her.Step6 Test(达标测评)Ask students to finish the exercises of the test. Then correct the answers.The answers are:1. (1) well (2) stars(3) really(4) fat (5) habits2. (1) C (2) A (3) D(4) C (5) D【学习目标】1. 掌握10个新单词: star, eat, well, habit, healthy, really, question, want, be, fat.2. 谈论食物是否健康,培养良好的饮食习惯。3. 运用所学知识,谈论他人三餐喜欢吃什么。【学习重点】谈论他人三餐喜欢吃什么。【学习过程】一、自主预习词汇自学。通过拼读拼读、跟读录音、请教他人等方式自学单词和短语,掌握读音和汉语意思。读熟课本P35上的2b中的对话(至少5遍),找出Cindy的三餐饮食喜好,并划出自己有疑问的句子,先和同学谈论一下,如果不能理解,咨询一下老师。然后合上书本,试着填出相应的内容:1. really 2. question 3. fat 4. eat 5. well 6. be 7.运动明星 8. 询问 9.饮食习惯 10.健康的 译一译:1. What do you like for breakfast? 2. What fruit do you like? 3. I dont want to be fat. 二、预习展示赶紧把你的预习成果与组内其他成员交流一下吧,然后把你们的答案展示在小黑板上,与其它小组进行交流。 三、合作探究活动一 :完成课本P35上2a,小组内讨论一下什么样的食物才是健康的。小组内讨论一下自己饮食习惯中不健康的方面。 活动二 :1. 阅读课本P35上2b的文章,讨论完成课本2c的问题。2. 合上书,用自己的话,说一说Cindy三餐喜欢吃什么。四、小结快来总结一下今天这节课你有什么收获,看谁学得最认真。五、达标测评:1. 用所给词的适当形式填空。 (1).Sports star eats (好).(2)His two sons are football (明星).(3)He (真正的) likes bananas.(4)They are too (肥胖的).(5)I have good eating (习惯). 2. 单项选择( )(1) does she like? She apples. A. What; like B. Who;likes C. What;likes D. Where; like( )(2) Lets have hamburgers for breakfast. . A. That sounds great B. Yes, lets do C. Lets have eggs D. Thank you( )(3) she like vegetables? , she . She likes chicken. A. Do; Yes; dont B. Does; No; dont C. Is; No; isnt D. Does; No; doesnt( )(4)I dont have any , but I think Lisa has . A. egg; some B. Eggs; any C. eggs; some D. egg; any( )(5)You eat too much , so youre fat. A. tomatoes B. Fruits C. egg D. ice-cream课后反思: Unit 6 Do you like bananas?Period 6 Section B (3a-3b and Self Check) 马集乡中心校 七年级英语上册 主备人:孙乐天 审核人:韩书玲教学流程教师寄语: Practice makes perfect. 熟能生巧。二次备课Step1. Lead-in(导入)Greet the class as usual. Ask one student to talk about his own survey to the class. Then lead in the new lesson.Step2. Showing learning aims(明确学习目标).Ask the students to read the learning aims together. Let them know what they should learn in this period. Then teach the new words.Step3. Preview guide(预习导学)Let the leader of each group check the homework in class. If they have problems, they can show their answers and problems on their own small blackboards to ask for some help.The answers are :1.-早餐你喜欢吃鸡蛋吗? -不喜欢,我喜欢吃面包。2.午餐他不喜欢吃胡萝卜,但是他喜欢吃米饭和鱼。Step4.Cooperative inquiry learning (合作探究)Activity 11.Talk about what color/spo


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