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Relations among behavioral inhibition, Big Five personality factors, and anxiety disorder symptoms in non-clinical children,非临床儿童行为抑制、大五人格特质、焦虑性障碍症状间关系探讨,1. Introduction引言,Behavioral inhibition is a temperament typology referring to childrens tendency to react with shyness, fear, and withdrawal to novelty, unfamiliarity, and strain. 行为抑制的表现:儿童害羞,胆怯,对新异、不熟悉、紧张刺激表现出退缩倾向Surprisingly little research has been conducted on the underlying personality factors of this temperament characteristic.前人并没有详细研究行为抑制的潜在人格因素,Some authors have argued that behavioral inhibition is the observable manifestation of the fundamental personality trait of neuroticism, which can be defined as the enduring tendency to experience negative emotional states.有研究表明行为抑制与“神经质”关系密切。(神经质:持续性处于消极情绪状态)Another basic personality trait that has been associated with behavioral inhibition is extraversion.行为抑制还与“外向性”相关,Moreover, because behavioral inhibition has rarely been investigated in combination with neuroticism and extraversion, it remains unclear whether this temperament characteristic accounts for unique variance in anxiety symptoms beyond these basic personality traits. 那么,高神经质与低外向性能否解释行为抑制儿童焦虑症状的产生?,From a psychopathology perspective, behavioral inhibition is of interest because various studies have demonstrated that this temperament feature is associated with the development of anxiety symptoms.同时,大量研究表明行为抑制常常与焦虑症状的产生有关。Not only social phobia, but also separation anxiety disorder and multiple anxiety disorders were significantly more prevalent among children with behavioral inhibition. 此外,社交恐惧症、分离焦虑、多重焦虑紊乱也同行为抑制有关。,In this way, it became possible to investigate 于是,本文将研究一下问题:(a) correlations among behavioral inhibition, personality traits, and anxiety disorder symptoms, 行为抑制、人格特质、焦虑症状间相关关系(b) to what extent neuroticism, extraversion, and other personality traits account for unique variance in behavioral inhibition, 神经质、外向性及其他人格特质对行为抑制的解释力如何,(c) whether behavioral inhibition accounts for unique variance in anxiety disorder symptoms after controlling for Big Five personality traits.在控制人格因素后,行为抑制对焦虑症状的解释力如何?,2. Method 方法部分 2.1. Participants 被试,Eventually, due to missing data and children being absent during the assessment session, data of 226 children (109 boys and 117 girls) and parents (155 mothers, 16 fathers, 39 both parents, and 16 other caretakers) were collected. 除去流失被试,最后有226名儿童(男孩109名)及相应数量的父母(母亲166名、父亲16名、39对夫妇、16名其它看护者)参加测试。,These children had a mean age of 10.54 years (SD = 1.05, range 912 years) and more than 85% of them were from original Dutch descent.这些儿童平均年龄10.54岁,其中85%为荷兰籍儿童。,2.2. Questionnaires,Non-clinical children aged 912 years completed self-report scales for measuring behavioral inhibition, Big Five personality traits (including neuroticism and extraversion), and anxiety disorder symptoms. 儿童完成三份自评量表,分别测量行为抑制、人格特质、焦虑症状,As parents filled out similar questionnaires to assess levels of behavioral inhibition, personality factors, and anxiety symptoms in their children, it became also possible to examine the same research issues from the parents perspective.父母完成同样三份量表,以便于儿童自评的量表比较。,Behavioral Inhibition Questionnaire (BIQ)行为抑制量表Big Five Questionnaire for Children (BFQ-C)大五人格量表(儿童版)Screen for Child Anxiety Related Emotional Disorders (SCARED-R)儿童焦虑情绪障碍筛查问卷,3. Results实验结果 3.1. General statistics 一般性统计,Significant sex differences were found for a number of variables.某些变量出现了显著的性别差异In the light of these differences, it was decided to control for sex in all further analyses. 因此在后续统计分析中,将性别作为控制因素。,3.2. Correlations among behavioral inhibition, personality factors, and anxiety 相关分析,Behavioral inhibition was negatively associated with extraversion, agreeableness, and intellect/openness , whereas small but positive links were observed with neuroticism . 行为抑制与外向性、宜人性、开放性显著正相关;与神经质微弱正相关。A substantial positive correlation was found between behavioral inhibition and anxiety disorder symptoms.行为抑制与焦虑症状显著正相关,Finally, the Big Five personality factor of neuroticism was also clearly and positively related to anxiety disorder, whereas small but significant negative correlations were observed between extraversion, agreeableness, and intellect/ openness (only parent-report) and such symptoms.神经质与焦虑症状显著正相关,而外向性、宜人性、开放性与焦虑症状显著负相关。,3.3. Predicting behavioral inhibition from personality factors 回归分析,Extraversion clearly was the strongest predictor of an inhibited temperament: as expected, beta values were negative, indicating that lower levels of extraversion were associated with higher levels of behavioral inhibition.外向性能很好的预测行为抑制:外向程度越低,行为抑制程度越高。,Further, neuroticism also consistently made a small but unique contribution to behavioral inhibition: the positive betas pointed out that higher levels of this personality factor were associated with higher levels of behavioral inhibition. 神经质也可预测行为抑制:神经质程度越高,行为抑制程度越高,Together personality factors accounted for 49% (childreport) to 52% (parent-report) of the variance in behavioral inhibition scores.人格特质可以解释49%-52%的行为抑制反应。,3.4. Predicting anxiety symptoms from behavioral inhibition and personality factors 多层回归,Hierarchical regression analyses were conducted in which childrens anxiety disorder symptoms were predicted from sex (step 1), Big Five personality factors (step 2), and behavioral inhibition (step 3).对焦虑症状进行多层回归分析:性别、人格特质、行为抑制Overall the results indicated that between 37% (parent-report) and 47% (child-report) of the variance in SCARED-R scores could be explained by the predictor variables (see Table 4). 以上变量可以解释焦虑症状的37%-47%。,4. Discussion,The regression analyses indicated that about half of the total variance in childrens behavioral inhibition scores could be explained by Big Five personality factors. This suggests that there might still be other individual difference variables involved. One obvious candidate is effortful control回归分析表明人格因素可解释约50%的行为抑制得分。其余可能还有努力控制(一种调控情绪的执行功能),The fact that behavioral inhibition and personality factors only accounted for up to 42% of the variance in childrens anxiety scores is in agreement with the current multifactorial models which assume that this type of psychopathology may be the result of a wide range of vulnerability factors, including parentchild attachment, fearful parenting, stressful life events, and specific learning experiences.行为抑制与人格因素仅解释42%焦虑症状的原因:焦虑可能由其他因素引起:依恋质量、父母的恐


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