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Nomenclature of Chemical substance,International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry (IUPAC) The IUPAC name of an alkane with an unbranched chain of carbon atoms consists of two parts: a prefix that indicates the number of carbon atoms in the chain; the ending that indicates the species,Nomenclature of Hydrocarbon,Prefixs used in the IUPAC system to indicate one to 20 carbon atoms in a chain,Nomenclature of Hydrocarbon,烷烃(Alkanes):-ane 甲烷methane, 乙烷ethane, 己烷hexane烷烃基(烷基alkyl) 方法:删去-ane,加上-yl; 如甲基:methyl; 乙基:ethyl; 正丁基:n-butyl ; 异丙基:iso-propyl; (n-: normol, 正;iso-:异;neo-:新) 命名原则alphabetical order 3-ethyl-3-methyl-pentane 表示相同的基团数3,3-dimethyl-pentane ( 2:di-, 3:tri- , 4:tetre-, 5:penta-; 6:hexa-.)在字母序中不考虑表示数字的字.,Nomenclature of Hydrocarbon,烯烃 (Alkenes):-ene 乙烯ethene;丙稀propene;戊烯pentene. 双键的位置:2-pentene;2-methyl-2-pentene. 1,3丁二烯1,3-butadiene 烯烃基(alkylene)乙烯基:vinyl 氯乙烯vinyl chloride炔烃(Alkynes):-yne 乙炔ethyne 丙炔propyne; 4-甲基-2-己炔4-methyl-2-hexyne,Nomenclature of Hydrocarbon,醇(Alcohols):-ol 乙醇ethanol, 异丙醇iso-propanol, HOCH2CH2OH: 1,2-ethanediol (ethylene glycol); CH3CH(OH)CH2OH: 1,2-propanediol (propylene glycol); HOCH2CH(OH)CH2OH: 1,2,3-propanetriol (glycerol).醚(Ethers)烷烃为母链,烷氧基为取代基(OR), 烷氧基的命名:数字前缀加oxy, 如甲氧基:methoxy; 乙氧基ethoxy; C-C-C-O-C-C-C-Cpropoxybutane.氧两边的烷基为取代基,醚作母链: 丙基丁基醚propyl butyl ether特例: 乙醚 CH3CH2OCH2CH3: diethyl ether, ethyl ether, ether,Nomenclature of Derivative,胺(Amines)以胺为母体amine; 乙胺ethylamine;丙胺propylamine以胺为取代基:amino-;乙胺aminoethane; 丙胺aminopropane (CH3)2CHCH2CH2NH21-amino-3-methylbutane (isopentylamine) CH3CH2CH2CH(CH3)CH2NHCH3N-methyl-1-amino-2-methylpentane NH2(CH2)6NH2 1,6-diaminohexane (hexamethylenediamino)如有几个取代基,胺基作amino-;4-胺基苯酚4-aminophenol.苯胺:aniline;-氯-苯胺4-chloroaniline (p-chloroaniline)四甲基氢氧化铵:Tetramethylammonium hydroxide三甲基戊基碘化铵trimethylpentylammonium iodide,Nomenclature of Derivative,醛(Aldehydes):-al CH3CH2CHO: propanal; (CH3)2CHCH2CHO: 3-methylbutanal; CH3CH2CH(CH3)CHO: 2-methylbutanal 苯甲醛benzaldehyde(俗名)不饱和醛:-enalH2C=CH-CHO: propenal CHO-CH=(CH3)CCH2CH2CH=C(CH3)CHO 3,7-dimethyl-2,6-octadienal. 酮(Ketones)酮作母体: -one 丙酮2-propanone; 4-甲基-3-己酮4-methyl-3-hexanone -甲基-环己酮2-methyl-cyclohexanone,Nomenclature of Derivative,羧酸(Carboxylic acid)饱和酸:-anoic acid 甲酸methanoic acid (俗名:formic acid); 乙酸ethanoic acid (俗名:acetic acid) 3-甲基-丁酸3-methyl-butanoic acid不饱和酸: -enoic acid 丙烯酸2-propenoic acid; 3-苯基-2-丙烯酸3-phenyl-2-propenoic acid 5-羟基-己酸 5-hydroxyhexanoic acid 5-羰基-己酸5-oxo-hexanoic acid二羧酸:-dioic acid 柠檬酸2-hydroxy-1,2,3-propanetricarboxylic acid (citric acid)酸酐(Acid anhydrides): oic anhydride乙酸酐ethanoic anhydride (acetic anhydride),Nomenclature of Derivative,The order of precedence of serval functional group,Nomenclature of Derivative,3-羰基-丁醇3-hydroxy-butanone,5-hydroxyhexanoic acid苯甲酸benzoic acid,酯(Esters)The examples of derivation of names of esters,Nomenclature of Derivative,酰卤(Acid halides) -oyl乙酰氯:CH3COCl ethanoyl chloride (acetyl chloride)苯甲酰溴:benzoyl bromide (benzene)酰胺:乙酰胺:acetamide,酯(Esters)The examples of derivation of names of esters,Nomenclature of Derivative,酰卤(Acid halides) -oyl乙酰氯:CH3COCl ethanoyl chloride (acetyl chloride)苯甲酰溴:benzoyl bromide (benzene)酰胺:乙酰胺:acetamide,Unit Two Inorganic Chemistry,Lesson One The Nomenclature of Inorganic Compounds,Unit Two Inorganic Chemistry,Lesson One The Nomenclature of Inorganic Compounds,Naming Binary Compounds of Nonmetals 氧化物: oxide (oxygen); 氮化物: nitride (nitrogen) ;五氧化二磷:diphosphoric pentoxide;氧化二氮: dinitrogen oxide五氧化二氮: dinitrogen pentoxide卤化物 氯化物: chloride (chlorine) 氟化物:fluoride (fluorine) 溴化物:bromide (bromine) 碘化物:iodide (iodine),ClO4-perchlorate ionClO3-chlorate ionClO2-chlorite ionClO-hypochlorite ion,Unit Two Inorganic Chemistry,Lesson One The Nomenclature of Inorganic Compounds,Naming Ionic CompoundsIonic compounds are composed of cations and anions.阳离子(Names of Cations)Na+, sodium ion; Fe2+ and Fe3+, iron (II) ion and iron (III) ion, rescpectively.铜离子copper (II) ion, copper (I) ion;阴离子(Names of anions)F- fluoride; Cl- chloride; Br- bromide; I- iodide; N-3 nitride; O= oxide含氧阴离子:-ate 硝酸根离子NO3-nitrate; 亚硝酸根离子NO2nitrite; 硫酸根离子SO42- sulfate;亚硫酸根离子SO32- sulfite.含氢阴离子:加上hydrogen HS- hydrogen sulfide ion HCO3- hydrogen carbonate ion,卤素含氧酸根阴离子: 高氯酸ClO4perchlorate;氯酸ClO3chlorate 亚氯酸 ClO2chlorite; 次氯酸ClO hypochlorite-化物:-ide 氧化物:oxide (oxygen); 氮化物:nitride (nitrogen) ;氧化钙: calcium oxide 氯化物chloride (chlorine) CaCl2calcium chloride氟化物fluoride (fluorine) CaF2 calcium fluoride溴化物bromide (bromine) CaBr2 calcium bromide碘化物iodide (iodine) CaI2 calcium iodide,Nomenclature of inorganic substances,Nomenclature of inorganic substances,卤素含氧酸根阴离子: 高氯酸ClO4perchlorate;氯酸ClO3chlorate 亚氯酸 ClO2chlorite; 次氯酸ClO hypochlorite,Unit Two Inorganic Chemistry,含氧酸根阴离子:,Special anions,Naming Inorganic Acids,Nomenclature of inorganic substances,离子化合物的命名 (Names of ionic compounds) CuSO4 5H2O copper (II) sulfate pentahydrate The number of cations and anions per formula need not be included in the compound name because anions have characteristic charges, and the charge of the cation has already been established by its name. There are as many cations and anions as needed to get a neutral compound with the lowest possible integral subscripts.,Nomenclature of inorganic substances,Naming Inorganic AcidsReplace the -ate ending of an anion with “-ic acid” or replace the -ite ending with “-ous acid.”If the anion ends in -ide, add the prefix hydro- and change the ending to “-ic acid.”,Nomenclature of inorganic substances,Naming Acid SaltsThe anions of acid salt are named with the word “hydrogen” placed before the name of the normal anion. HSO4- is the hydrogen sulfate ion. To denote two atoms, the prefix di- is used. HPO42- is the hydrogen phosphate ion, while H2PO4- is the dihydrogen phosphate ion. In an older naming system, the prefix bi- was used instead of the word hydrogen when one of two hydrogen atoms was replaced. Thus, HCO3- was called the bicarbonate ion instead of the more modern name, hydrogen carbonate ion.,Nomenclature of inorganic substances,Naming HydratesSome stable ionic compounds are capable of bonding to a certain number of molecules of water per formula unit. Thus, copper (II) sulfate forms the stable CuSO45H2O, with five molecules of water per CuSO4 unit. This type of compound is called a hydrate. The name of the compound is the name of the anhydrous (without water) compound with a designation for the number of water molecules appended. Thus, CuSO45H2O is called copper(II) sulfate pentahydrate. The 5 multiples everything after it until the next centered dot or the end of the formula. Thus, included in CuSO45H2O are ten H atoms and nine O atoms (five from the water and four in the sulfate ion).,Nomenclature of inorganic substances,无机化学命名法IUPAC 2005年推荐 (Nomenclature of InorganicChemistry IUPACRecommendations 2005),International Union Of Pure And Applied Chemistry -IUPAC,Nomenclature of Inorganic Chemistry, commonly referred to by chemists as the Red Book, is a collection of recommendations on inorganic chemical nomenclature published at irregular intervals by the International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry (IUPAC). The last full edition was published in 2005, in both paper and electronic versions.A revision of the Red Book was therefore initiated in 1998. This revised Red Book will supersede not only the 1990 Red Book but also, where appropriate, Nomenclature of Inorganic Chemistry II -Recommendations 2000 (Red Book II). One of the main changes from the old Red Book is the different organization of material, adopted to improve clarity. Overall, the emphasi


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