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双流区东升一中教学设计 七年级英语 备课组一教学内容分析课题Unit 1 Can you play the guitar?执教人教学课时6课时教学对象 七年级学生教材分析(单元或章节或篇目)本单元为七年级下第一单元。单元话题为joining a club加入一个俱乐部。话题功能为谈论能力。语法结构为:1)情态动词can用法及其Yes/No回答。 2)what 特殊疑问句构成及用法。 目标语言为: A1)can you swim? Yes/No. 2)What can you do? I can/cant sing. 3)What club do you want to join? I want to join the chess club.词汇和短语涉及不同俱乐部的活动。循环涉及旧知识为“I like/dont like I like to I want to ” 本单元教材设计主线为: Section A 部分主要为语法功能,以grammar focus为目的,让学生掌握目标语言的语法功能section B部分主要涉及目标语言在实际生活中的语用功能。以学校新学期的课外活动俱乐部为话题,让学生谈论自己和他人会做什么,不会做什么,来加入自己喜欢的俱乐部。B部分让学生用目标语言在实际生活中的工作招聘为话题,密切联系实际,体会并掌握目标语言的语用功能。学情分析本单元的主题是运用情态动词Can谈论能力,通过对目标语言的学习使学生能够表达自己在某一方面所具备的才能;通过谈论彼此的特长与爱好培养一种群体意识。通过七上的学习,学生普遍已经初步认识了英语的一些基本语法和结构知识,学习了实义动词(like, want, need,play)的部分表达,而本单元“谈论能力”只是将情态动词can用于这些表达中;情态动词can在肯定句、否定句和疑问句中的构成,若教师在教学中要善于引导学生比较这两种结构的异同以加强记忆,学生学习难度不算太大。教学项目 听根据语言材料完成听力任务;能用目标语言谈论自己和他人的能力及喜好。 说读阅读关于学校活动的广告;并能用阅读技巧准确扑捉阅读中的相关信息。能为学校活动写一篇广告。 写教学方法策略语音教学:模仿操练;词汇教学:演示讲解、情景操练、反复使用;口语教学:互相操练、对话练习、交际活动;阅读教学选词填空练习;听力教学:图文配对和对话选择;写作教学:填空造句、模仿写作;语法教学:总结规律、模仿操练。教学目标知识与技能过程与方法情感态度价值观功能及句型方面:Can you play the? What club do you want to join?词汇方面:包括各种俱乐部和乐器的名称语法:用于谈论自己和他人的能力及喜好,情态动词can 的用法。引导学生积极参加社会,团体活动和社会实践来丰富自己的文化生活;通过与别人的交流学习和互相帮助来培养自己多方面的才能。学习策略认知策略通过学习情态动词can的用法,使学生能够表达自己在某一方面所具备的才能;能够谈论自己的喜好与意愿;能够为各种俱乐部制作相应海报;会写招聘广告。调控策略掌握写一则活动招聘广告的要素及其表达。交际策略情景操练、反复使用;互相操练、对话练习、交际活动资源策略多媒体、图片教学重点1.情态动词的用法;2. 学校的活动制作海报或招聘广告教学难点能正确使用情态动词can来谈论自己和他人的能力及喜好;写一篇关于学校活动的广告。二、教学流程 教学流程Period 1 SectionA (1a-1c)(含教学内容、师生活动)设计意图Step 1:1)Greeting: Good morning, boys and girls. 2) Revison and lead-inT: Welcome back to our school. This is our objectives for this class. At the end of this class, I will be able to1) to use each new word to talk about ablilities. .(I, you, he/she,they) 2) to use“can”and “cant” to make at least 3 sentences.(I, you, he/she,they) 3) to use “want to join” to talk about likes.(I, you, he/she,they) T: Well. Thats for this class. Later you can check if you make it.I think/believe you will have a good term this year. Why? Because there are many interesting clubs in our school this term. How about this school?Step 2: PresentationAsk the students to look at the pictures of Page 1 .There are some clubs in it. T:Lets see, What are they? They are the art club, the English club, the chess(go围棋/gobang 五子棋) club and the music club. Do you know what “club” means? Right. Do you know more clubs ? (可根据本班情况添加或者删减俱乐部种类。)T:Read the names of clubs together three timeT: Well, I like English. So I want to join the English club. Do you know the meaning of “join”? Yeah. Ok, I want to join the English club.And I want to join the music club,too. How about you? What club do you want to join? (The teacher writes What club do you want to join? I want to join on the blackboard. ) 2. Pair work: ( Ask the students to practice it.)T: Now tell your partner what club you want to join. Students work together and then show others “ I want to join” 3. After two pairs showing, the teacher asks the students “Why do you want to join the basketball club: Can you play basketball? Help the students say : “Yes, I can. No, I cant.” And repeat with other actions or pictures, such as play volleyball. “Ask students “Can you ?” “ yes, I can/ No, I cant.”Then introduces the key vocabularies and the words can and cant. 4. A game (根据本班情况决定取舍): (One acts, and the other guesses what he/she does. Choose one game.)1)The teacher asks students to work in pairs and show in front of class。One acts out the word or phrase, and other students say out the word or phrase.2)Write the words and phrases on pieces of paper. Ask one of the students come to the front and choose one of the paper, then do the action. Ask other students to guess what he or she can do. Then exchange.Step 3 Pre-Listening: 1a:Ask students to look at the pictures on Page 1. Finish the task in 1a. Check the answers.Step 4. Listening 1b:Look at the conversations and let students read them in Part 2. After doing this, play the recording the first time. Students only listen. Play the recording a second time. This time ask the students to listen to the conversations and write a number 1 next to the first conversation they hear, a number 2 next to the second one they hear, and a number 3 next to the third one they hear. Point out the sample answer. Step 5.1c.PairworkAsk students to look at the screen. Show the sample conversations. Have students repeat. Then ask students to practice the conversations in pairs. Ask them to use the vocabulary from 1b.Step6.T: Now we will listen to two conversations. Play the tape twice, let ss listen to these two conversations and circle the clubs you hear. Let different groups answer.then check the answers. (a, c, d)Step7 2c Ask students to listen again , Complete the sentences. Let ss fill in the blanks in pairs. See which group is the best.Then check the answers.1.chess chess. 2. English .English 3. Sing , dance , music.Step8 2c: Let ss act in pairs about 2b.A: what club does Lisa/Bob want to join ?B: She wants to join the chess club.B: Bob wants to join the English club.A: What can Lisa/Bob/Mary do ?B: He /She can _Step 8:Summary and self-check 1) At the end of this class, I will be able to1) to use each new word to talk about ablilities. .(I, you, he/she,they) 2) to use“can”and “cant” to make at least 3 sentences.(I, you, he/she,they) 3) to use “want to join” to talk about likes.(I, you, he/she,they) 2) Go through the text to see if there are any questions. The teacher gives help if necessary.复习已学相关单词,利于引入新词通过练习,让学生轻松掌握生词复习已学相关句型引入新句型;由上一环节自然过渡到新课的学习,学生在不知不觉中感知新知识;四板书设计Unit1 Can you play the guitar?Period 1(1a-2c) What club do you want to join? I want to join Can you ?Yes, I can/ No, I cant.”五、布置作业1. Memorize the words and phrases in this lesson.2. Recite the listening material on P89 (2a).2. Finish the task in the exercise book.(导学案) : fill in the form. Write down three things you can do and three things you can not do about your abilities(能力).六、教学反思 教学流程Period 2 SectionA 2d(含教学内容、师生活动)设计意图Step 1. Greeting and revision1) Greeting the students2) Check the answers of the prevision study on Exercise Book1 导学案自主预习答案3) Let students read their objectives for this lesson.(让学生明确本堂课学习目标,做到带着明确的目标进入课堂,下课之前可用目标评价本课的学习)Step 2. Lead-in 1.) Ask students to guess “ What club do I want to join?”Then tell students “I want to join the English club. Do you know why?” I can speak English. And I can speak English well.” Means “I am good at speaking English.” To introduce “ be good at” by giving two examples.“I can speak English. And I can speak English well.”= I am good at speaking English.“He can play basketball well.”= “He is good at playing basketball.”2) Ask students “ How about you?” “ What are you good at doing?” to introduce the new words. “telling stories”3) Ask students What clubs can you think of想起?” to arouse their interest and let them do a prediction. “What does this conversation talk about?” “ What club do they want to join? Why?”(用看图联想进行预测的方式,激发学生的学习兴趣和背景知识。)Step 3 2d Reading1) Let students read for the first time and answer. “What clubs do they talk about?”2)Let students Read for the second time and answer. “1.What club does Bob want to join? 2. What club does Jane want to join?”3)Let students Read for the third time and answer:1. Why does Bob wants to join the soccer club?2. Why does Jane want to join the story telling club?3. Why does Jane want to join the art club?4.Is jane good at drawing?4)Let students read for the fourth time and fill in the chart.NamesClubReasonsBobsoccerJanestory tellingart5) Let students listen and imitate(语音,语调,情感等)6) Let students Read the conversation by themselves.Step 4 Role-play and retell Let students Role-play the conversation and try to retell it with the help of the chart。(此处可根据实际情况删减此 复述环节。)Step 5 Summary and self-check1)Ask students to assess their work for this lesson on Exercise Book 1导学案。2)Let them go through the lesson and think if there is any question. If there is ,then ask the teacher for help.通过复习,引入新单词引入不同俱乐部名称设置听前、听中和听后的任务,提高听力能力。四板书设计Unit1 Whats the matter?Period 2d 五、布置作业1.Write down the conversation.2.Finish Exercises.六、教学反思 教学流程Period 3 SectionA (2d)(含教学内容、师生活动)设计意图步骤. Show a picture. He has a sore throat.What should he do? -I think he shouldWhat shouldnt he do? -I think he shouldnt 步骤. Fill in the chart. whoproblemreasonadviceLisa步骤. Read again and find out:1. How to ask for advice?What should I do?/ Should I ?Can you give me some advice?2. How to give advice?You need to I think you should/ shouldntIf , then +祈使句步骤. Listen and follow1. 语音、语调2. 连读3. read步骤. PairworkMake up a new conversation then role play. 通过图片呈现,引入目标语言学生通过阅读对话,完成表格。学生总结寻求建议和提出建议的句型。4 板书设计Unit1 Whats the matter?Period 3(2d)headtake ones temperaturehave a feverbreak hurtHow to ask for advice?What should I do?/ Should I ?Can you give me some advice?How to give advice?You need to I think you should/ shouldntIf , then +祈使句五、布置作业1.practice the conversations in 2d.2.Finish Exercises.六、教学反思 教学流程Period 4 SectionA(3a-3c)(含教学内容、师生活动)设计意图步骤. Discuss the pictures and learn new words. 1. What can you see in the picture? 2. Where is the old man? Whats the matter with him? 3. What is the woman next to him doing? 4. What is the driver doing?步骤. Prediction 1. What kind of article is it? 2. What does the title tell us? 3. What do you want to know from the story? What questions can you ask?步骤. Reading1.Read it again to get main information of the story2.Read and finish 3b3. Read and finish 3c步骤. DiscussionIf you see an old man lying on the road, will you help him or not? Why? If yes, how will you help him? 步骤.Retell the story by looking at the pictures and key words.步骤.Language points步骤.Exercises通过看图,讨论问题,让学生在语境中学习新单词lying,shouting for help,get off,Passenger通过文章标题和图片预测文章大意培养阅读能力情感态度价值观的渗透,培养乐于助人的品质四板书设计Unit1 Whats the matter?Period 4(3a-3c)lying see sb.do/ doing sthshouting for help to ones surprise get off get sb. into trouble Passenger thanks to五、布置作业1.Review the new words and expressions. 2. 发挥想象,连词成文(50-100字)have a fever, take your temperature, doctor, lie down, matter, exercise, cough六、教学反思 教学流程Period 5 Grammar Focus(含教学内容、师生活动)设计意图步骤.Review Whats the matter? What should they do? 步骤.通过观察,发现句子规律1) What should I do?2) Should I take my temperature?3) I think you should lie down and rest.4) I have a stomachache. -You shouldnt eat so much next time.5) He hurt himself. He has a sore back.-He should see a dentist and get an X-ray. 6) What should she do? -She should take her temperature.7) Should I put some medicine on it? - Yes, you should./No, you shouldnt.步骤. Fill in the blanks of the target sentences.步骤. Practice1. 根据汉语意思完成下列句子。2.4a. Fill in the blanks and practice the conversations.3.4b.Circle the best advice for these health problems. Then add your own advice.4c. One students mimes a problem. The other students in your group guess the problem and give advice. 步骤.Make up a new conversation then role play.步骤. 请根据健康问题用should给出恰当的建议。通过图片复习目标句型语法讲解采用归纳法,尽可能多的呈现一些相关例句,或可让学生从已学课文中找相应例句,引导学生试着从所观察到的语言现象中总结出语法规律。巩固should用法在具体的语言环境中运用should情景交际四板书设计Unit1 Whats the matter?Period 5 Grammar Focussome/much/a lot of/lots of advicea piece of advice shouldnt=should not五、布置作业1.还记得第一次发烧吗?可把自己吓坏了吧?你是如何告诉你的父母的?他们给你什么建议了?请写下你的生病经历。字数:150-200。2.完成学案六、教学反思 教学流程Period 6 Section B 1a-1d(含教学内容、师生活动)设计意图步骤. Show three pictures of accidents.Whats the matter with?步骤. 1a Put the actions in order. 步骤. Listening1b .Listen to the school nurse. Check () the problems you hear. 1c.Listen again. Write the letter of each treatment next to the problems you checked in the chart above. 步骤. SpeakingRole-play a conversation between the nurse and the teacher. Use the information in 1b and 1c. 步骤.Fill in the blanks步骤.Write a note .通过看图,让学生在语境中学习新单词sick,nosebleed,kneeKnife,hit利用事件的发展顺序来辅助理解所阅读的材料本环节是教材安排的任务型听力活动,目的是让学生在听音时抓住关键词,培养学生边听边做笔记的学习策略。通过练习加深印象体现在学中用四板书设计Unit1 Whats the matter?Period 6 Section B 1a-1dsick get hit on the headnosebleedkneeknife hitbandage五、布置作业1. Review the new words and expressions. 2. Write a short passage about the accidents happened in your P.E. class.六、教学反思 教学流程Period 7-8 Section B reading(含教学内容、师生活动)设计意图步骤. PresentationWrite the letter of each sport next to each accident or problem that can happen.步骤. Pre- readingShow the photo of Aron Ralston1. Who is the man?2. What happened to him?3. When did he lose his arm?步骤. Show another photo of Him climbing the mountain. 1. What do you think of mountain climbing? 2. Do you like


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