跨国并购反垄断审查中的国际协调机制探讨(doc 8页).doc_第1页
跨国并购反垄断审查中的国际协调机制探讨(doc 8页).doc_第2页
跨国并购反垄断审查中的国际协调机制探讨(doc 8页).doc_第3页
跨国并购反垄断审查中的国际协调机制探讨(doc 8页).doc_第4页
跨国并购反垄断审查中的国际协调机制探讨(doc 8页).doc_第5页
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跨国并购论文:跨国并购反垄断审查中的国际协调机制研究【中文摘要】随着经济全球化趋势不断增强,跨国并购的浪潮日益高涨,并逐渐取代传统的绿地投资成为最主要的国际投资方式。跨国并购虽然有利于企业进行国际化经营、降低境外投资风险、增强国际竞争力,但其负面影响也很明显,如可能导致国际性的生产和销售的集中和垄断,使广大消费者利益受损、目标企业所在国乃至并购方所在国的国民经济受损。因此,大多数国家都利用反垄断法来规制垄断性跨国并购。但由于各国立法差异、域外适用所引发的管辖冲突等诸多问题,导致各国(地区)在依据本国(地区)反垄断法规制跨国并购时必然出现矛盾和冲突,鉴于此,对跨国并购反垄断审查问题构建国际协调机制就显得尤为重要。本文拟从跨国并购反垄断审查中国际协调机制所涉及的基本问题入手,在借鉴具有典型代表意义的国家或国际组织实践的基础上,对构建跨国并购反垄断审查中的国际协调机制目标、原则尤其是模式选择展开深入分析,并就如何在WTO框架下构建跨国并购反垄断审查中的国际协调机制提出建议。继而,在此分析基础上进一步探讨我国参与跨国并购反垄断审查中的国际协调与合作的必要性以及参与协调与合作的具体方式。文章主要包括四部分:第一部分主要分析跨国并购反垄断审查中的国际协调机制所涉及的基本理论。该部分阐述跨国并购的含义及作用,进而对跨国并购与垄断和反垄断法的关系作了探讨。同时,从四个方而分析了对跨国并购反垄断审查中的问题进行国际协调的必要性第二部分主要对跨国并购反垄断审查中的国际协调机制的基本理论构成进行分析。该部分在前文研究的基础上对末来国际协调机制构建的目标、原则提出了自己的建议,尤其是针对学界提出的构建的三种模式,笔者对其利弊作了分析,并提出了自己的建议模式及其适用。第三部分主要探讨跨国并购反垄断审查中的国际协调机制的实践。该部分选取了美国、欧盟、经济合作与发展组织(OECD)、世界贸易组织(WTO)、国际竞争网络(ICN)等在双边协调、多边协调、国际协调等方面最有代表性的国家或组织,对他们有关跨国并购反垄断审查中的国际协调机制的实践作了介绍和评价,以期借鉴其中的精华为我国构建国际协调机制奠定基础。第四部分主要研讨我国参与构建跨国并购反垄断审查中的国际协调机制前景与对策。该部分结合跨国并购在我国发展现状和趋势以及我国立法现状,对我国参与构建跨国并购反垄断审查中的国际协调机制提出相关参考建议。【英文摘要】With the development of economic globalization, the wave of transnational M&A is constantly promoting; as a result, the transnational M&A has replaced the “Green Land Investment” as the most principal international investment mode. Although transnational M&A is conducive to international operations, reducing foreign investment risks, enhancing its international competitiveness, its negative effects are very prominent on the other side. For example, it may leads to the international concentration and monopoly of production and sales, so that great number of consumers and some related countrieseconomy will be damaged.Therefore, most countries have enacted anti-monopoly law to regulate transnational mergers and acquisitions with monopolistic nature. But the problems such as the difference between national legislation and the jurisdiction conflict triggered by theextraterritorial application will lead to contradictions and conflicts when countriesand regions in accordance with national anti-monopoly law to regulate transnational M&A. In view of this, it is particularly important to construct the internationalcoordination mechanism of anti-monopoly in transnational M&A.This thesis starts with the basic issues related to international coordination of theanti-monopoly in transnational M&A; analyses and discusses the objectives and principles especially the choice of mode on the basis oflearning from the practices ofthe typical representative countries or international organizations. Then the authorputs forward her own proposals on how to construct the international coordinationmechanism of anti-monopoly in transnational M&A under the framework of WTO. Finally, the thesis further explores the necessity of Chinas participation in the international coordination and cooperation of anti-monopoly in transnational M&A and the specific ways of coordination and cooperation based on the foregoing analysis.The thesis consists of four chapters.Chapter 1:The basic issues involved in the international coordination of anti-monopoly in transnational M&A. The chapter mainly introduces the definition and the function of transnational M&A and further discusses the relationship between transnational M&A and anti-monopoly and also the relationship between transnational M&A and anti-monopoly law. Meanwhile, the chapter analyses the reason that why the international coordination of anti-monopoly in transnational M&A is badly needed from the view of four aspects.Chapter 2:The construction of the international coordination mechanism of anti-monopoly in transnational M&A. This chapter makes a number of suggestions on the objectives and principles of the future international coordination mechanism on the basis of the former research. Especially for the three models proposed by the academics, the author analyses their advantages and disadvantages one by one. As a result, the author suggests the most constructive mode.Chapter 3:The practice of international coordination of anti-monopoly in transnational M&A. This chapter selects the United States, the European Union, the Economic Cooperation Organization (OECD), World Trade Organization (WTO),International Competition Network (ICN), which are the most representative countries or organizations in bilateral and multilateral coordination, international coordination, and other aspects, introducing and evaluating their practice related to international coordination of anti-monopoly in transnational M&A. And the author expects to learn from the extraordinarily successful practice to set the foundation for international coordination mechanism.Chapter 4:The prospects and countermeasures on Chinas participation in the construction of international anti-monopoly coordination mechanisms in transnational M&A. The chapter puts forward specific proposals for Chinas participation in the construction of international anti-monopoly coordination mechanisms in cross-border M&A based on the current situation and development trend of Transnational M&A in China and Chinas legislative status.【关键词】跨国并购 反垄断 国际协调机制【英文关键词】Cross-border Mergers and Acquisitions Anti-monopoly International Coordination Mechanism【目录】跨国并购反垄断审查中的国际协调机制研究摘要2-4ABSTRACT4-6绪言9-11第一章 跨国并购反垄断审查中的国际协调机制基本渊源11-18第一节 跨国并购与反垄断法11-13一、跨国并购的含义和作用11-12二、跨国并购与垄断、反垄断法12-13第二节 跨国并购反垄断审查中国际协调的必要性13-18一、反垄断法域外适用制度导致管辖冲突13-15二、各国跨国并购反垄断审查立法的冲突15-16三、反垄断法域外适用制度所致的重叠管辖增加并购成本16四、单个国家(地区)反垄断法应对国际垄断行为的其它缺陷16-18第二章 跨国并购反垄断审查中国际协调机制的理


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