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旅游口语从头学Chapter 1 行前事宜第一讲:计划旅行Planning a Trip计划旅行Tom: I am going to visit the Netherlands alone.Jane: Alone?Tom: Yes, I prefer DIY traveling to package tours.Jane: What are you planning to do during your stay there?Tom: Just tour around the city by bicycle.Jane: That sounds cool. How much is your budget?Tom: Im not going to spend too much money on accommodation.Jane: Then maybe you could stay at a hostel like many backpackers do.Tom: What a good idea!汤姆:我打算独自去荷兰游玩。简:独自一人?汤姆:是的,比起组团游我更喜欢自助旅行。简:你打算在那里做什么?汤姆:骑车游览那座城市。简:这听起来很酷。你的预算是多少?汤姆:我不打算在住宿方面花太多钱。简: 那么也许你可以像那些背包客一样,住在青年旅社。汤姆:好主意!第二讲:咨询旅游信息 Asking about Travel InformationSam: Hey, Nick Im going to visit Thailand. You have been there before,right?Nick: Yes, do you want some suggestions?Sam: Yes.Nick: Its better to go to the seaside but try to avoid the peak season.Sam: I see. I dont want to be one of the dumplings boiling in the sea.Nick: Thats what I said. Dont forget to have your room booked in advance.Sam: Of course.Nick: Be careful of the girls you meet at the pub.Sam: Why? Is it because they are gorgeous and dangerous?Nick: There is a chance that the girl you are kissing might be a guy.山姆:嘿,尼克。我打算去泰国游玩。你之前去过那里,对吧?尼克:是啊,你想听一些建议吗?山姆:好啊。尼克:去海边比较好,但是要设法避开旺季。山姆:我明白了。我也不想像煮水饺似的在海水里人挤人。尼克:我就是那个意思。不要忘记提前订房。山姆:当然。尼克:小心你在酒吧里认识的姑娘。山姆:为什么?是因为她们既美丽又危险?尼克:那是因为很有可能你在亲吻的女孩子是个男的。第三讲:申请签证Applying for a Visa Visa Officer: Why are you going to the U.S.?Lucy: Im taking a trip to Los Angeles.Visa Officer: Do you have relatives in the U.S.? If yes, who?Lucy: Yes. My uncle lives in Los Angeles.Visa Officer: What does your uncle do for a living?Lucy: He works for Starbucks.Visa Officer: OK. Well let you know once your visa is granted.Lucy: Thanks.签证官:您为什么要去美国?露西:我要去洛杉矶旅游。签证官:您在美国有亲戚吗?如果有,是谁?露西:有。我叔叔住在洛杉矶。签证官:您的叔叔做什么工作为生?露西:他在星巴克工作。签证官:好的。您的签证一旦通过我们就会立刻通知您。露西:谢谢。第四讲:旅行物品ArticlesJane: Hey, Amy, Im going to Thailand. What should I take?Amy: Sun block and your own toiletries are needed.Jane: I prefer to buy them at a local store.Amy: Then take some medicine in case of an emergency.Jane: Whats the weather like in Thailand in summer?Amy: It is hot and rains a lot. An umbrella is a must when you are outdoors.Jane: There are so many items to take. How can I remember all of them?Amy: Youd better make a checklist.简:嘿,艾米,我要去泰国旅行。我应该带些什么呢?艾米:防晒霜和你自己的洗漱用品都是必备的。简:我宁愿在当地的商店购买这些东西。艾米:那就带点药品以防发生紧急情况。简:泰国夏天天气如何?艾米:炎热多雨。你在户外时,雨伞是必备物品。简:要带的东西好多啊。我怎么可能全部记得住?艾米:你最好列个检查清单。第五讲:订酒店 Hotel Reservation Staff: Hello, this is Mercury Hotel. May I help you?Tom: Id like to book a double room.Staff: Which dates would you like to reserve?Tom: I am thinking about arriving on June 21.Staff: How many nights do you wish to stay?Tom: Two nights.Staff: OK, thats a double room for two nights.Tom: Yes, thats right.职员:您好,水星饭店。我可以为您效劳吗?汤姆:我想预订一间双人房。职员:您想预约哪一天的双人房?汤姆:我打算在6 月21 号到达。职员:您打算住几晚?汤姆:两晚。职员:好的,那么就是一间双人房,入住两晚。汤姆:是的,没错。第六讲:兑换外币 Currency ExchangeTeller: Hello, sir. How may I help you?James: Id like to change Chinese Yuan into Euros.Teller: We can do that here. How much do you want to change?James: Only CNY 10,000 for now. My bank card will work in Germany, right?Teller: It should. If you change CNY 10,000, you will get EUR 1,375.Please hand me the money so I can put it in the money counting machine.James: Here you go. Do I need to sign anything?Teller: Yes, here is your receipt.James: Thank you very much.出纳员:先生,您好。有什么我可以为您效劳的吗?詹姆斯:我想把人民币兑换成欧元。出纳员:我们可以在这里办理。您想兑换多少钱?詹姆斯:现在只换 10,000 元人民币。我的银行卡在德国也能用吧?出纳员: 应该是可以的。如果您兑换 10,000 元人民币,将会换到 1375 欧元。请把钱递给我,好让我可以把钱放入点钞机。詹姆斯:我这就给你。有什么需要我签字的吗?出纳员:有,这是您的收据。詹姆斯:非常感谢。第七讲:乘出租车 Taking a Taxi Jane: Taxi!Driver: Where are you going?Jane: Take me to Hyde Park, please.Driver: Would you mind if I turned off the air conditioning?Jane: No, please turn it off and open the window.Driver: Are you in a hurry?Jane: Yes. How long will it take to get there? I have to meet somebodythere in 10 minutes.Driver: You can never tell. At this time of day, we would probably get stuckin a traffic jam.Jane: Thats terrible.Driver: I can drive you to the nearest subway station. You can take Line 4 tothe park.Jane: Thanks.简:出租车!司机:您要去哪里?简:请载我到海德公园。司机:您介意我关掉空调吗?简:不介意,请把空调关掉并开窗。司机:您赶时间吗?简:是的。到那里要花多长时间? 10 分钟后我得在那儿和某人碰面。司机:这可说不准。每天到这个时候我们都有可能遇上堵车。简:那太糟了。司机:我可以把您载到最近的地铁站。您可以搭 4 号线到该公园。简:谢谢。第八讲:问路Asking for Directions Lucy: Excuse me, sir, but can you show me the way to theCentral Park?Tony: Oh, of course. Do you want to walk or take the subway?Lucy: What about taking the subway?Tony: It takes about ten minutes by subway.Lucy: Can you tell me where the subway station is?Tony: Please look at your right side. There is an avenue leading to ashopping mall. You enter it and then follow the directions sign.Lucy: Which Line should I take?Tony: Take Line 4 and get off at Central Park station.Lucy: Thank you so much!Tony: Youre welcome! Bye!露西:先生,不好意思,您可以告诉我去中央公园的路吗?托尼:哦,当然。您想走路去还是坐地铁去?露西:坐地铁要多久?托尼:坐地铁大约要 10 分钟。露西: 您可以告诉我地铁站在哪里吗?托尼: 请看您的右边。那儿有一条通往购物中心的大道。您进入购物中心后再跟着方向指示走。露西:我该搭乘哪一号线?托尼: 乘坐4 号线,在中央公园站下。露西:非常感谢!托尼:不客气。再见。Chapter 2 乘飞机出行第九讲:机票预订Flight Ticket Reservation Jane: Hi, Id like to reserve a flight ticket to Tokyo.staff: When would you like to fly out?Jane: At the end of the month, if possible.staff: Which airline would you like to fly on?Jane: It doesnt matter. Id like to choose the cheapest flight.staff: All right. Ill have to check the system, and Ill get back to you this afternoon.Jane: Thanks for your help.staff: No problem. Im just doing my job.简:你好,我想订一张去东京的机票。职员:您想何时出发呢?简:可以的话,就这个月底。职员:您想搭乘哪家航空公司?简:哪家不要紧。我想要选最便宜的航班。职员:好的。我得查一下系统,今天下午就可以回复您。简:谢谢你的帮忙。职员:没什么。我只是尽本分罢了。第十讲:航班延误Flight Delay Airline Employee: Im sorry, sir. Your flight has been delayed until tomorrow.James: What?Airline Employee: There has been a mechanical malfunction with thelanding gear.James: Cant we just get on the next flight?Airline Employee: Im afraid not. This evenings flights are all booked.James: Well. Whatever.地勤人员:先生,抱歉。您的航班被延迟到明天了。詹姆斯:什么?地勤人员:飞机的起落架有机械方面的故障。詹姆斯:我们不能搭下一班飞机吗?地勤人员:恐怕没办法。今晚的航班全订光了。詹姆斯:好吧。那就随便吧。第十一讲:登机和托运 Boarding and Check-in Staff: May I have your passport and ticket, please?Jane: Here you are. May I have an aisle seat, please?Staff: One moment. OK. Heres your ticket and boarding pass. Please putyour luggage on this scale.Jane: No problem.Staff: Your luggage is two kilos overweight.Jane: How much should I pay for the extra weight?Staff: For excess luggage we charge 1.5% of the ticket fare per kilo. So, yourtotal is 14 dollars.Jane: OK. Here you are. And what time does boarding start?Staff: Its printed on the boarding pass.Jane: Thank you.职员:麻烦请让我看一下您的护照和机票好吗?简:这就是。我可以坐在靠走道的座位吗?职员:稍等。好的。这是您的机票和登机牌。请把您的行李放在称重机上。简:没问题。职员:您的行李超重了两公斤。简:我需要为超重的部分支付多少钱呢?职员: 超重部分的行李,每超出一公斤我们收取机票费用的1.5%。所以,您总共要支付14 美元。简:好的。这就是。什么时候开始登机呢?职员:登机时间印在登机牌上。简:谢谢。第十二讲:赶不上飞机Missing the Flight Tony: Excuse me, Ive missed my flight. What can I do?Ground staff: Take it easy, sir. Is your flight ticket covered by travel insurance for missing it?Tony: No.Ground staff: We are sorry to inform you that we cant return the ticketfare.Tony: Can I change to the next flight?Ground staff: No, there are no open seats on it. What about the flightdeparting at 4 PM today?Tony: OK, I will take that.Ground staff: You will have to pay a rebooking fee.Tony: Well, this is not my day!托尼:不好意思,我没赶上航班。我该怎么办?地勤人员:先生,别紧张。您的机票有投保误机的旅游保险吗?托尼:没有。地勤人员:我们很遗憾地告知您我们不能将机票费用退还给您。托尼:我能换下一趟航班吗?地勤人员: 不行,下一趟航班上已经没有空位了。您觉得今天下午四点起飞的航班如何?托尼:好的,我就订那个航班吧。地勤人员:您需要支付重新订票的费用。托尼:呃,我今天真倒霉!第十三讲:找座位Finding Ones Seat Tom: Excuse me, I cant find my seat. Can you help me, please?Flight Attendant: With pleasure. May I see your boarding pass?Tom: Yes, here you are.Flight Attendant: Its a window seat in the third row. Please come this way.Tom: Thank you.Flight Attendant: Excuse me, Sir. Im afraid you are sitting in the wrong seat.Bob: Oh really? Isnt it 32F?Flight Attendant: Its 32G.Bob: Sorry.Tom: Never mind.汤姆: 不好意思,我找不到我的座位。可以请你帮个忙吗?空乘:当然可以。我可以看一下您的登机牌吗?汤姆:好的,这就是。空乘:您的座位是第三排的靠窗座位。请往这边来。汤姆:谢谢。空乘:不好意思,先生。恐怕您坐错了座位。鲍勃:哦,是吗?这个位子不是32F 吗?空乘:这是32G。鲍勃:抱歉。汤姆:没关系。第十四讲:免税店购物Shopping at a Duty-free Store Clerk: May I help you, sir?Tom: Yes, Id like to take a closer look at that pen.Clerk: Certainly. It really is a good buy. Here. Theres only one left.Tom: Can I get it duty-free?Clerk: Sure, but you must show me your passport.Tom: Oh, its not the latest model, is it?Clerk: No, Im afraid it isnt. Thats why its such a bargain. No other store could beat this price.店员:我可以帮你什么忙吗,先生?汤姆:可以,我想仔细看看那支笔。店员:当然。它真的物有所值。我这就给您。只剩下一支了。汤姆:我可否以免税的价格购买这支笔?店员:当然可以,但您必须让我看一下您的护照。汤姆:哦,那支笔不是最新款的,对吧?店员: 不,恐怕不是。那也是它卖得如此便宜的原因。没有哪一家商店给的价能比这个价格更便宜了。第十五讲:安检Security Check Customs Officer: Please place your bags in the basket.Jane: Can I take my drinks through security?Customs Officer: You can take no more than 100 ml of liquid.Jane: What about a lighter?Customs Officer: Flammable items are not allowed to be taken onto theaircraft.Jane: May I have a female officer do the body check?Customs Officer: Yes, you may. Please remove your shoes and raise yourarms.Jane: OK.Customs Officer: Now, lower your arms and step through the metal detector,please.海关人员:请将您的包放入篮子中。简:我可以带我的饮料过安检吗?海关人员:您可以携带少于100 毫升的液态物品。简:打火机呢?海关人员:易燃物品不能带上飞机。简:我可否让女性安检员替我做安检?海关人员:好的,可以。请脱去您的鞋子并举起双臂。简:好的。海关人员:现在,请把您的手臂放下来,并通过那个金属检测器。第十六讲:海关通关Going through Customs Officer: Good Morning. Your passport and visa, please?Jane: Here you go.Officer: Whats the purpose of your visit?Jane: Im here on vacation.Officer: How much money do you have with you?Jane: About 800.Officer: Do you have anything to declare?Jane: No, I dont.Officer: Would you mind opening your bag for me?Jane: Not at all.Officer: That will be all, thank you. Enjoy your stay.Jane: Thanks.官员:早上好。请出示您的护照和签证。简:这就是。官员:您这趟旅行的目的是什么?简:我是来这里度假的。官员:您身上带了多少钱?简:大约800 美元。官员:您有什么物品要申报吗?简:没有。官员:您介意把袋子打开给我看吗?简:一点也不介意。官员:那就这样了。谢谢。祝您玩得愉快。简:谢谢。第十七讲:机舱服务Plane Service Flight attendant : What can I do for you?Jane: Can you bring me a blanket?Flight attendant : Sure, here you are.Jane: May I have something to drink?Flight attendant : Of course. We have tea, coffee and juice.Jane: Coffee, please. And what is the landing time?Flight attendant : This flight is scheduled to land at 5:00 PM.Jane: Thank you.Flight attendant : My pleasure.空服员:我可以为您做些什么呢?简:你可否给我拿条毯子来?空服员:可以,这就给您。简:我可以喝点什么吗?空服员:当然。我们有茶水、咖啡和果汁。简:请给我咖啡。请问着陆时间是什么时候?空服员:这趟航班预计在下午五点着陆。简:谢谢。空服员:不客气。Chapter 3 住宿第十八讲:酒店入住Receptionist: Welcome to the Freemont Hotel.Guest: Thank you. Id like to check in, please.Receptionist: Yes, sir. What name is the reservation under, please?Guest: The reservation is under the name of Jenkins.Receptionist: Mr. Jenkins, yes, I have the record right here. OK. Can you fillout this form? And may I see your passport?Guest: Sure. Here you are.Receptionist: Thank you. Here is your keycard. Your room number is 2125 onthe 21st floor.前台:欢迎光临福莱蒙特酒店。顾客:谢谢。我想办理入住手续,麻烦你。前台:好的,先生。请问您用什么名字订的房?顾客:用詹金斯的名字订的房。前台: 詹金斯先生,谢谢。我这儿有您的预订记录。好的。可否请您填写这张表格?顾客:可以。给你。前台:谢谢您。这是您的房卡。您的房间在21 楼,房号是2125。 第十九讲:订房失败Reservation Failure Staff: Sir, Im afraid theres no reservation made under your name.Guest: How could that be? Do you have any vacancies now?Staff: We can put you on the waiting list. Theres a single room checkingout in half an hour.Guest: But I would like to stay in a double room.Staff: Im afraid youll have to wait until 6:00 PM. Shall I find you anotherhotel?Guest: Yes, please.Staff: With pleasure, sir.前台:先生,恐怕我们这儿没有以您的名字订房的记录。顾客:那怎么可能呢?你们现在有任何空房吗?前台:我们可以安排您到候补名单里。半小时后有一间单人房要退房。顾客:但我想要入住双人房。前台:恐怕您得等到晚上六点以后了。要不要我另外给您找一家酒店?顾客:好的,麻烦你了。前台:先生,我乐意为您效劳。第二十讲:客房服务 Room Service Jack: Hello. This is Jack Bradshaw in room 404. Id like to order a hamburgerand a Coke from room service.Clerk: Yes, Mr. Bradshaw. Would you care for anything else from roomservice?Jack: No, thanks. I also want to ask about your laundry service.Clerk: Theres a laundry bag in your closet. Please put your dirty clothes inthe bag for pick-up by 10:30 AM.Jack: OK. Do you have a hairdressing salon?Clerk: Yes. We have one on the third floor.Jack: Do I need to make an appointment?Clerk: Yes, its advisable to do so.杰克: 你好。我是404 号房的杰克布拉德肖。我想向客房服务部点一份汉堡和一份可乐。客服:好的,布拉德肖先生。您还想从客房服务部点些别的什么吗?杰克:不了,谢谢。我还想要咨询洗衣相关服务。客服: 没问题。在您的衣柜里有一个洗衣袋。请把您要换洗的衣服放置袋内,隔天早上10 点半之前会有人来收取。杰克:好的,贵饭店有美发沙龙吗?客服:有的。在三楼有一家。杰克:我需要预约吗?客服:是的,您这样做很明智。第二十一讲:问题与投诉 Problems and Complaints Guest: Hi. I have a problem in my room.Clerk: What seems to be the problem?Guest: The room has quite a few cockroaches!Clerk: Really? Im sorry. I will look into the matter at once. Would you liketo transfer to a different room?Guest: Yes, most definitely. Is it possible for me to get a free room upgradefor the inconvenience?Clerk: Please allow me to report this to my manager. Ill discuss it with himand will get back to you very shortly.Guest: Thank you.客人:你好,我的房间出了个问题。前台:出了什么问题呢?客人:房间里有好多蟑螂。前台: 真的吗?我很抱歉。我会立刻调查此事。您愿意换到另一间房间吗?客人:是的,当然愿意。因为这些不便,我的客房能否免费升级?前台:请让我将此问题向经理汇报。我会和他商讨并尽快答复您。客人:谢谢。第二十二讲:寄宿家庭At Homestay Nancy: Hi, Im Nancy. Nice to meet you.Sam: Hi, Im Sam, Nice to meet you. Welcome to my place.Nancy: I have a small gift for you.Sam: Wow, its really amazing. Would you like something to drink?Nancy: No, thanks.Sam: Let me show you around the house. Heres the kitchen. Please note that scraps should be dropped into the sink.Nancy: OK. So wheres the bathroom?Sam: Your bedroom has one. Help yourself to the shampoo and body wash.Nancy: Thats so nice.Sam: Your bedroom is on the second floor. Come this way, please.Nancy: Thank you.南希:你好,我是南希。很高兴认识你。山姆:你好,我叫山姆。很高兴认识你。欢迎来我家。南希:我有个小礼物要给你。山姆: 哇,真棒。你想喝点什么吗?南希:不用了,谢谢。山姆: 让我带你看看这个房子。这是厨房。请注意厨余要扔进水槽里。南希:好的,那么浴室在哪里?山姆: 你的卧房里有一间。洗发乳和沐浴乳可以随意使用。南希:那太棒了。山姆: 你的卧室在二楼。请往这边走。南希:谢谢。第二十三讲:在寄宿家庭应有的礼仪Manners at Homestay Nancy: Hi, Sam. Sam: Hi, Nancy. There are a few things I want you to know.Nancy: OK. Im listening.Sam: First, please come back before 10:30 PM and shut the door quietly.Nancy: OK, I can do that.Sam: Good. We do the laundry on Wednesdays. You may place yourclothes in the basket right outside your door.Nancy: No problem. Can I use your kitchen?Sam: We prefer you not to cook but making tea and toasting bread are OK.Nancy: So wheres the public area?Sam: The public area includes the balcony and living room. Thats all.Please make yourself at home.南希:你好,山姆。山姆:你好,南希。我有几件事情要告诉你。南希:好的,我在听。山姆:首先,请在晚上十点半之前回来,轻轻地把门关上。南希:好的,我可以做到。山姆:好极了。我们每周三洗衣服。你可以把衣服放在你房间外面的篮子里。南希:没问题,我可以用你家的厨房吗?山姆:我们比较不希望你煮东西,但是泡茶和烤面包是可以的。南希:那么公共区域在哪里?山姆:公共区域包括阳台和客厅。我要说的就这么多。不要拘束,请随意。第二十四讲:在寄宿家庭会发生的问题Problems at Homestay Jane: Mrs. Brown, please come over here. Mrs. Brown: Whats happening?Jane: The air conditioning isnt working.Mrs. Brown: OK, let me take care of it. Do you have any other problems?Jane: The water isnt hot enough and I dont know how to adjust it.Mrs. Brown: Let me see.Jane: And I have run out of the shampoo. Can you provide somemore?Mrs. Brown: Yes, but Im afraid you have to pay for it.Jane: Thats OK.简:布朗太太,请过来一下。布朗太太:发生了什么事?简:空调发生故障了。布朗太太:好的,让我来处理这个问题。你还有其他问题吗?简:水不够热,我不知道怎么调整水温。布朗太太:让我看看。简:还有,洗发乳用完了。您可以再提供一些吗?布朗太太:好的,恐怕你得付钱购买哦。简:那没问题。Chapter4交通第二十五讲:租车Car RentalJohn: Hello, Id like to rent a car.Clerk: Hi, what size are you looking for?John: What size do you have?Clerk: We have compact, medium, and full-size.John: A compact will be fine. What is the daily rate?Clerk: For the compact, the rent is $30 per day for periods less than a week.John: Im going to rent it for two weeks.Clerk: In this case, youll need to pay $25 per day.John: Fair enough. Ill take it.Clerk: Good choice. May I see your international drivers license and credit card, please?John: OK. Here you are.约翰:你好,我想要租一辆车。服务人员:您好,请问您想租什么规格的车呢?约翰:你们有什么规格的车?服务人员:我们有小型、中型和标准规格的车款。约翰:小型车就行了。请问日租金多少?服务人员: 如果是小型车,租期又少于一星期的话,日租金是 30 美元。约翰:我要租两周。服务人员: 这样的话,您的日租金是25 美元。约翰: 蛮公道的价钱。那么我要租这辆。服务人员: 选得好。我可以看看您的国际驾照和信用卡吗?约翰:好的,这就是。第二十六讲:加油Refueling a Car Clerk: May I help you?John: Yes. Fill it up, please.Clerk: Premium or regular?John: Regular, twenty dollars worth, please.Clerk: OK, the tank is full now. Shall I check the tires?John: No, thanks. Im in a hurry.Clerk: Have a nice day, sir.John: Have a nice day.店员:可以为您效劳吗?约翰:好的。请把油箱加满。店员:精品汽油还是普通汽油?约翰:普通汽油,请加20 美元的量。店员:好的,油缸现在满了。需要我检查一下轮胎吗?约翰:不必了,谢谢。我在赶时间。店员:祝您有愉快的一天,先生。约翰:也祝你有愉快的一天。第二十六讲:加油Refueling a Car Clerk: May I help you?John: Yes. Fill it up, please.Clerk: Premium or regular?John: Regular, twenty dollars worth, please.Clerk: OK, the tank is full now. Shall I check the tires?John: No, thanks. Im in a hurry.Clerk: Have a nice day, sir.John: Have a nice day.店员:可以为您效劳吗?约翰:好的。请把油箱加满。店员:精品汽油还是普通汽油?约翰:普通汽油,请加20 美元的量。店员:好的,油缸现在满了。需要我检查一下轮胎吗?约翰:不必了,谢谢。我在赶时间。店员:祝您有愉快的一天,先生。约翰:也祝你有愉快的一天。第二十七讲:停车 Parking Sam: No, you cant park your car here.Nick: Oh, really?Sam: Didnt you see the traffic signs? You will get a parking ticket if you parkyour car here.Nick: I find them confusing. Could you tell me where to park my car?Sam: See that sign over there. You can park your car there but keep in mindthe time limit for par


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