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扬州市梅岭中学月考试卷 2006 12 一 听力 共25小题 每小题1分 计25分 A 听句子 从A B C 三个选项中选出与你所听到的句子意思最接近的句子 并将其序 号填入题前括号内 听两遍 5分 1 A His younger brother can neither read nor write B His little brother can read and write C His brother is too young to read 2 A Don t go quickly and we ll have a little time left B Don t hurry we have much time to go C Hurry up or we ll be late 3 A If there s little water and no air man will die B If there s no air man will die C Thanks to the air man will live without water 4 A She learned French on the radio with others B She was taught French by others C She taught herself French 5 A He bought the pen with 15 B He gave 5 fen for the pen C He paid 5 yuan for the pen B 听对话 选择正确的答语 听两遍 共10小题 每小题1分 计10分 听第1段材料 回答6 8题 6 Who is ill in hospital A Mike s mother B Mike s grandmother C Mike s grandfather 7 When did Mike go to the hospital yesterday A In the morning B In the afternoon C In the evening 8 What about the football match yesterday A England won the match B America won the match C France lost the game 听第2段材料 回答9 10题 9 Who will be the new chairperson of the Students Union A David B Kitty C Peter 10 What is he worrying about A His homework and football matches B His English study and exams C His ability to do all the extra work 听第3段材料 回答11 15题 11 What has Lin Tao found out about the South China Sea A It has many big islands B It has many beautiful fish C It has many sharks 鲨鱼 12 When did Mary come back from Hainan Island A She came back two weeks ago B She came back three days ago C She came back two days ago 13 What does Mary think of Hainan Island A It s really warm B It s really cold C It s really great 14 What is Mary doing in the library A She is reading books about Hainan Island B She is looking for some information on the Internet C She is looking up information in newspapers and magazines 15 Where is Mary from A She is from Australia B She is from England C She is from the USA C 根据所听短文选择正确的答案 听三遍 共10小题 每小题1分 计10分 听第一段材料 完成第16至第20小题 听第1段材料 回答16 20题 16 How old was Mrs Smith last year A She was 76 years old B She was 77 years old C She was 78 years old 17 On which floor does the writer of this passage live A He lives on the sixth floor B He lives on the ground floor C He lives on the fourth floor 18 Why doesn t the writer like the ground floor A Because he likes the exercise B Because he doesn t think it s safe C Because it s a tall building 19 Who lives on the top floor A Mrs Smith B The writer C The writer s mother 20 Why can t the writer s mother go upstairs A Because doesn t feel safe enough B Because she is as old as Mrs Smith C Because something is wrong with her leg 听第2段材料 回答21 25题 21 Which statement is right according to the passage A Xiaotao was four years old B Xiaotao was the speaker s son C Xiaotao liked animals very much 22 When did Xiaotao and his father go to the zoo A last Sunday morning B last Sunday noon C last Sunday afternoon 23 What did Xiaotao do in the zoo A He played with many animals B He rode a horse C He picked up a pair of glasses 24 What happened to the pair of glasses A It was hidden somewhere B It was found in the room C It was broken by the father 25 What do you think of Xiaotao s father A a forgetful man B a kind father C a glasses maker 二 选择题 15分 26 How many girl students are there in that class A No one B Nothing C Nobody D None 27 You should be patient and do not A give up it easy B give it up easy C give up it easily D give it up easily 28 I think he must be that job A excellent enough to take B excellent enough taking C enough excellent to take D enough excellent taking 29 Mary hasn t paid for the school things has she Her mother will pay for her A Yes she has B No she hasn t C Yes she did D No she didn t 30 The little boy was often seen by the lake A to draw B to drawing C draw D drew 31 There are so many kinds of sweaters in the shop I can t decide A to buy what B to buy which C what to buy D which to buy 32 Thanks for the new chairperson of the Students Union A recommend me as B recommending me as C recommend me for D recommending me for 33 It is kind you to help me with my maths It is hard me to learn them well A of for B of of C for of D for for 34 On weekends I usually get homework to do A too much B much too C too many D many too 35 He would rather to school than A ride a bike take a bus B by bike by bus C rides a bike takes a bus D to ride a bike to take a bus 36 The long story made him A feels sleepy B feel sleeping C feels sleeping D feel sleepy 37 Could you give them Of course A any advice B some advice C any advices D some advices 38 The pictures me my school days A reminds of B remind of C reminds for D reminds for 39 I haven t her since she left our city A hear from B heard a letter from C heard from D hear from 40 We call this dog Eddie The sentence type is A S V P B S V DO OC C S V IO DO D S V DO 三 完形填空 10分 Colour helps you see things But man and some monkeys and apes 猿 are the only mammals 哺乳动物 that can see colour 41 any other mammals such as the dog the world 42 a black white photo Dogs hunt mainly by listening and smelling Like 43 animals dogs see best when things move The animals they hunt seem to know this A rabbit or deer will freeze when they find that they are being hunted Then the dog 44 see it at all Birds can see colour They need to because when they fly they need to find places to land Colour helps them know 45 the place is and what it is like so that they are able to catch flying things in the air or to 46 something they think safe Some birds see things even 47 than man The birds that eat bugs 虫 子 can see them from far away And even a very young bird can see a house 48 the sky So good eyes and being able to see colours help birds 49 food and also help them find out 50 there are other animals that are dangerous to them 41 A For B With C As D To 42 A seem like B looks like C likes D like 43 A other B the ohter C another D others 44 A may not B should not C must not D need not 45 A how soon B how long C how fast D how far 46 A land B land on C land for D be landed 47 A worse B nearer C better D less 48 A for B from C on D at 49 A to look at B look at C find D found 50 A what B when C if D how 四 阅读理解 共15小题 每小题2分 计30分 A Is it difficult for you to get up in the morning Hiroyuki s bed will solve your problem Here is how it works The bed is connected to an alarm clock First the alarm clock rings You have a few minutes to wake up Next a tape recorder in the bed plays soft music The tape recorder in Hiroyuki s bed plays a recording of his girlfriend She whispered in a soft voice Wake up darling please After minutes later Hiroyuki hears a recording of his boss His boss shouts Wake up at once or you ll be late If you don t get up after the second recording a mechanical foot in the bed will kick you in the head The bed waits a few more minutes What You re still in bed Slowly the top of the bed rises higher and higher The foot of the bed goes lower and lower Finally you slide off the bed and onto the floor You are out of bed awake Hiroyuki s bed is not in stores There is only one bed the bed Hiroyuki made for a contest Maybe someday a company will make Hiroyuki s bed and sell it in stores Maybe people will buy millions of beds Then Hiroyuki will be rich If the bed makes Hiroyuki rich he won t need to work and he won t need to get up early 51 The bed is useful to the people A who can t sleep well B who can t get up early C who go to bed early D who go to bed late 52 The bed is not connected to A an alarm clock B a tape recorder C a TV D a mechanical foot 53 What will finally happen to Hiroyuki if he doesn t get up A He will slide onto the floor B A tape recorder will play a recording of his boss C A mechanical foot will kick him in the head D The bed will rise higher and higher 54 Which is TRUE of the following sentences A Hiroyuki s company has made many such beds B Hiroyuki s bed is the only one made for a contest C Hiroyuki has made a lot of money D Hiroyuki needn t get up early now 55 The word whisper in the second paragraph means A speak loudly B speak sadly C speak angrily D speak quietly B People associate 由 联想到 colors with different objects feelings and holidays Red for example is the color of fire heat blood and life People say red is an exciting and active color They associate red with a strong feeling like anger Red is used for signs of danger such as STOP signs and fire engines The holiday which is associated with red is Valentine s Day On February 14 Americans send red hearts to people they love Orange is the bright warm color of leaves in autumn People say orange is a lively energetic color They associate orange with happiness The holidays which are associated with orange are Halloween in October and Thanksgiving Day in November On October 31 many Americans put large orange pumpkins in their windows for Halloween Yellow is the color of sunlight People say it is a cheerful and lively color They associate yellow too with happiness Because it is bright it is used for signs of caution 警告 Green is the cool color of grass in spring People say it is a refreshing 凉爽的 and feelings of guilt 内疚 fear and envy Many people wear green on ST Patrick s Day March17 Blue is the color of the sky water and ice Police and navy 海军 uniforms are blue When people are sad they say I feel blue They associate blue with feelings like unhappiness and fear Violet or purple is the deep soft color of darkness or shadows 阴暗 People consider violet a dignified 高贵的 color They associate it with loneliness On Easter Sunday people decorate baskets with purple ribbons 丝带 White is the color of snow People describe white as a pure clean color They associate white with a bright clean feeling Doctors dentists and nurses frequently wear white uniforms On the other hand black is the color of night People wear black clothes at serious 严肃的 ceremonies 仪式 such as funerals 葬礼 and graduations 毕业典礼 56 According to the passage if you see red when someone hits you without any reason it means that A you are bleeding 流血 B you hit back C you become angry D your eyes are hurt 57 If an actor goes to the green room during the interval 幕间休息 of a play in the theater what possibly could he do in it A He goes to have a rest B He goes to admire the flowers and grass in it C He goes to party D He is punished 58 For the passage we can infer 推断 that people who do not like to be with others often prefer A red B blue C black D violet 59 If you want to make your living room appear warm your will probably paint it A orange B blue C green D violet 60 If you go to your sister s graduation you should wear A white B violet C black D green C The Red Cross Society of China RCC 中国红十字会 has so far received 150 million yuan 18 million US dollars in donation for tsunami hit 遭受海啸 袭击的 countries reports from the RCC said on January 14 2005 2 66 million US dollars of the money were sent to Indonesia Sri Lanka Thailand and Maldives soon after they were hit by the killer disaster 灾难 late last month The rest of the money will be sent for rebuiding villages schools and orphanages homes for children who lost their parents in the disaster area the reports said According to the reports two RCC s rescue 营救 teams have arrived in Indonesia and Sri Lanka Friday A third team will go to Thailand early next week The RCC will report how much money has been collected and the uses of the money on its Website on time the reports said 61 The countries were hit by A a forest fire B a tsunami C a big flood D a drought disaster 62 The RCC collected money for Thailand and Maldives A Indonesia China B Indonesia Sri Lanka C China Sri Lanka D Indonesia America 63 The rest of the money will NOT be used to rebuild in the disaster area A villages B schools C airports D orphanages 64 Which statement is true according to the passage A The RCC has so far received USD 20 66 million in donation for tsunami hit countries B Two RCC s rescue teams have arrived in Thailand C A third team will be sent to Maldives next week D The uses of the money will be reported on its Website on time by the RCC 65 The passage is probably from A a newspaper B an advertisement C an instruction book D a storybook 第 卷 60分 五 缺词填空 共10小题 每小题1分 计10分 根据对话内容和首字母提示 在空格处填入适当的词语使对话完整 每空一词 Amy Hi Sandy Why do you look w 66 Sandy I ve g 67 a problem Amy What s the problem Sandy I got low m 68 in the English exam yesterday Some of my classmates l 69 at me now Amy Don t w 70 You s 71 work hard now and pay no attention to them Sandy You re right I decide to f 72 on English and c 73 up with others Thanks for your a 74 Amy My p 75 That s what friends are for 六 用所给词的适当形式填空 每词只用一次 10分 show off pay attention to try one s best have a good sense of humor argue with give up dream about at times be afraid of recommend to be 76 I flying like a bird last night 77 The students in Class 1 Grade 9 are for their trip to the World Park 78 I Would you tell me what the answer is 79 Don t any difficulty I believe you can succeed 80 Millie goes for a walk with her dog in a nearby park 81 The teacher advised me my spelling when I wrote 82 Simon the monitor of our class last week 83 I to stop her already but it seems to be late 84 My neighbor is a strange man He likes everyone so few people like him 85 My grandfather He often tells a lot of jokes to us 七 单词拼写 10分 86 A year is 分开 into twelve months 87 Colours can change our 心情 88 When we listen to light music we usually feel 放松 89 Edison is a man of great 智慧 90 We should not 争吵 with our parents 91 He works hard He is full of confident 92 Yao Ming is a good football player because he has many person qualities 93 Bill Gates is one of the success businessmen in the world 94 My brother is a practice boy 95 Rocket 火箭队 is a power basketball team but they can t enter the final 八 书面表达 计30分 A 根据所给的汉语完成下列句子 词数不限 计15分 96 Jack在上学期期末考试中得分最高 但他从不炫耀 Jack scored in the final exam last term But he never 97 一些父母要求孩子放弃爱好而集中精力学习 Some parents ask their children and 98 我时常感到有压力和生气 因为我的父母对我要求很严格 I often feel because my parents 99 运动能帮助我们放松 让我们的生活丰富多彩 Exercise can and 100 大部分学生不能确信如何处理这个问题 Most students the problem B 根据要求写作 15分 每个人在学习中都会遇到许多压力 请你谈谈你在学习中遇到了哪些压力 是怎 样解决的 60词左右 Solutions to stress 初三英语月考听力材料 A 听句子 从A B C 三个选项中选出与你所听到的句子意思最接近的句子 并将其序 号填入题前括号内 听两遍 1 His younger brother can t read or write A 2 Be quick or we ll be late C 3 Man will die without air B 4 She learned French all by herself C 5 He spent 5 yuan on the pen B 听对话 选择正确的答语 听两遍 听第1段材料 回答6 8题 Ann Hello Mike did you watch the football match on TV yesterday evening It was between France and England Mike No I had to go to the hospital Ann What was the matter with you Mike My grandmother is ill in hospital I went there to see her yesterday evening Ann I m sorry to hear that Mike She is better now Well what was the result of the football match Ann 2 0 England won the match 听第2段材料 回答9 10题 David Thank you Kitty It was kind of you to recommend me as the new chairperson of the Students Union Kitty It s my pleasure David I think you are good enough to become a great chairperson David Well it s exciting to be the new chairperson but I m worrying about my ability to do all the extra work Kitty You should be confident enough to take this job You are the most suitable person I think David It s very nice of you to say so I ll do my best 听第3段材料 回答11 15题 Mary Hi Lin Tao what are you doing here in the library Lin Tao I ve looked up some information about the South China Sea Mary What have you found out Lin Tao It has many beautiful fish and warm water Hainan Island is in the South China Sea Mary have you ever been to Hainan Island Mary Yes I went there with my parents We just came back three day s ago It was really cool Lin Tao Really How long were you there Mary For two weeks We saw many beautiful fish Lin Tao Why are you here at the library Mary I m here to search the Internet and check my e mail Lin Tao What are you looking for on the Internet Mary I just want to see what is happening at home in America Lin Tao I see Well I have to go now Good luck searching the net Mary Thanks See you at school on Monday C 根据所听短文选择正确的答案 听三遍 听第一段材料 完成第16至第20小题 I don t mind living in a tall building I quite like the exercise Of course it s difficult for old people If you live on the top floor like Mrs Smith it s not easy You see she s seventy eight years old this year and it s difficult for her to walk up to the top floor I don t like the ground floor I don t think it s safe But I like my place I ve got three floors below me and three above I feel very safe My mother lives here too on the ground floor She can t go upstairs because of her leg She s got a bad leg I often go to see her 听第2段材料 回答21 25题 My father took my four year old little brother Xiaotao to the zoo last Sunday As soon as they got home nearly at noon my father began to read newspapers But he couldn t find his glasses What are you looking for Dad my little brother asked My glasses answered my father Did you see them anywhere Yes I did Answered my little brother Where are they now please tell me In the zoo My father looked angry but he tried to keep quiet and asked But why didn t you


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