英语人教版七年级下册Unit10 Id like some bananas..doc_第1页
英语人教版七年级下册Unit10 Id like some bananas..doc_第2页
英语人教版七年级下册Unit10 Id like some bananas..doc_第3页
英语人教版七年级下册Unit10 Id like some bananas..doc_第4页




Unit 10 Id like some noodles. 人教版新目标英语Go for it .(七年级下)一. 教学目标设计1. 认知目标(knowledge objects)New words: would special noodles beef mutton cabbage potato tomatoNew sentences: What kind of noodles would you like? I d like beef noodles, please. What kind of noodles would he/she like? He d /Shed like beef noodles, please.2. 能力目标( Ability objects)(1) 掌握新单词.(2) 学会用英文表达如何定餐.3. 情感目标( Moral objects)通过学习,提高学生运用英语的能力.培养学生养成爱惜粮食的好习惯. 二 . 教学重难点(Teaching key points and difficult points) 1 .重点 : 要求掌握的词语,句型. 2. 难点 : 如何用英文表达如何定餐 三. 教学对象分析 初一学生大都大胆,好动,喜欢交流.对新鲜事物好奇心强.针对学生这个特点,课堂中我尽量采用多样的练习方式,尽量利用多媒体教学吸引学生注意力,并在教学中尽量顾及全体学生,让每个学生均有成功感,提高他们学习英语的积极性.四. 教学策略及教法设计1. 交际法.2. 听说法.3. 小组竞赛法.4任务驱动式教学法 五. 教学媒体设计 1. 图片 Step 2 Lean in 2. 图片 Step 3 Learn the new words 3. 图片 Do 1a Match the words with the foods 4. 录音 Step 3 Listen to the tape. Check the noodles what the person orders。. 5. 图片 Lets the students guess what the person in the pictures would like. 6录像 Acting shows. Lets the students show what the person are ordering 六. 教学过程设计与分析教学过程 设计思路及多媒体应用分析 Step 1 Greeting and warning up. A: Hows the weather? B: Its_. A: Do you like_? B: Yes, I do./No, I dont. Step 2 Lead in 图片 Oh ,so many delicious foods. Im hungry now .Well Id like Some hamburgers .Id like some eggs, too. 板书 Id like _ (Using the old words weve learnt) Step 3 Practice the target language. 讲授新课 Work in pairs, make up conversations . A: What kind of _would you like? B: Id like _ Step 4 Learn the new words. 图片 Ss watch the pictures. Learn the new words. 图片 Ask the students to do 1a. Match the words with the foods. Then check the answers 录音 Listen to the tape.Check the noodles that the person orders. Step 5 Practice 操练 Using the new words practice the important language like this: A: What kind of noodles would you like? B: Id like _noodles, please. A: What kind of noodles would he like? B: Hed like _noodles ,please.Step 6 Role play 情景对话 Let the students work in pairs. One is the waiter and the others are the customers. Then ask some pairs act out in front of the class and watch which team is the best one.Step 7 Guess game 录像 Play the video and let the students guess what the person is ordering ?Step 8 Study card 图片练习 Step 9 Summary小结1. Let the students talk about what we have learnt in this class.2.The teacher make a brief Sumup. ( The names of the foods and how to order the foods in the Restaurant. ) Step 10 Homework 用已学过的引出新话题,让学生 感觉轻松,容易接受理解新知识. 利用网络资源引出单词,使学生获得视觉的冲击.达到回忆的效果. 利用旧的词汇练习新的知识.调起学生学习的兴趣.让课堂气氛浓烈. 利用多媒体资源引出新的单词 学生的听,说,读,写各方面均得 到锻炼.在学习中利用多媒体动 -静转化效果,使学生对枯燥单词的学习,溶入到趣味的图片中,达到寓教于乐的目的.大量的口头训练,让学生更好地掌握目标语言.可以更清楚理解如何 “order food”创设情景,让学生把所学的语言知识与生活实际联系起来,使学习过程生活化.利用多媒体所设的竟猜游戏,营造一个轻松的学习氛围.适量的笔头练习,巩固本节所学的知识,学生在运用 orderfood 的环节上能得到上升华. 让学生进行交流,鼓励学生主动参与,充分表现,培养学生归纳总结知识的能力.学生学以致用, 培养学生解决问题的能力.七. 板书设计 Unit 10 I d like some noodlesWhat kind of noodles would you like?I d like _ noodles, please. I d =I wouldWhat kind of noodles would he/she like? He d / Shed like_ noodles, please. Hed/Shed=He/She would 八. 练习设计 1. Make up conversations between the waiter and the customers. Using the sentences weve learnt in the class. 2. Copy the new words about foods. 九. 教学流程图 Greeting and warning up Ss pair work Ss group workP


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