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Where are the computers ,please?教学设计教学内容:听说读写和运用:library , find , CD-ROM ,bring ,use ,card ,easy.问与答:(1) Where are the -about-,please?They are on -.(2) -in two weeks time.教学对象:小学五年级学生。语言知识目标:(1)能听说、认识和口头运用本课所学的library , find , CD-ROM ,bring ,use ,card ,easy.(2)能运用“Where are the -about-,please?还要理解-in two weeks time。语言技能目标:1. 能用所学的知识到图书馆借书。2在创设的真实情景中,让学生体验语言的使用环境,培养学生英语口语表达能力,激发学生自主学习英语的兴趣。情感态度目标:(1) 培养学生说英语的兴趣,积极用英语表达自己所要寻找的东西。(2) 培养学生热情大方,主动帮助同学的习惯。(3) 通过合理有效的教学活动,培养生生,师生之间良好关系并不断加以强化.学习策略目标:(1) 了解学生的学习风格,积极引导学生养成良好的学习习惯,大胆开口,喜欢与人合作交流.(2) 在活动中学,设计对话,帮助他们探索最适合自己的学习策略与方法并挖掘学生运用语言的创造能力。教学重点难点:教学重点: 用“Where are theabout.please?”和“They are on .”进行问答,寻找需要的物品。教学难点:同学们能用英语在图书馆借书。教学准备:食物卡片 教学课件 一些分号类别的书卡和科目卡 新单词卡片 四个标有 shelf 1 shelf 2 shelf3 shelf4的货架录音机教材分析:本次课是外研版第六册的第四模块的Unit1,主要让学生了解图书馆的借书情况,并能通过本课的学习,使同学们能用于实际中,用英语去图书馆借书,和会读,会写,会运用本课的新单词.板书设计: New word :library , find , CD-ROM ,bring ,use ,card ,easy.Where are the,please?They are on .Where are theabout.please?They are on .教学过程:准备活动Step1:热身复习T: Good morning , boys and girls.S: Good morning , teacher.小精灵儿童(/)T: Yesterday was Christmas Day ,do you enjoy yourselves ?S:T: You must have a lot of food,who can tell everyone yeasterday what did he haveforbreakfast/lunch/dinner?(通过复习,使同学对昨天的知识掌握得更加牢固)S:T: Together repeat it.S:T: the food is very delicious,yes or know?S; Yes.T: These are a lot of food words ,I will give you Chinese,you speak English,which group read the fastest, the card will put in which groups shelf(每一个组之前有一个货架分别标有shelf 1 shelf 2 shelf3 shelf4), which group win will abtain the pricze .Do you understand.得出第一名后,老师发了奖品.(这一比赛能提高学生的学习积极性,使后面的教学更容易.)小精灵儿童(/)Step2:句子呈现:老师指着板书句子“Where are the -,please?” . (先练习这个句型可以降低重点句型的难度,使学生比较容易掌握。)T: Where are the groud1 food, pleaseT老师指着第一组的食物卡)They are on Shelf 1.”(老师用手势要学生跟读).T: Where are the food about groud1 , please.S: They are on Shelf 1T: Together with .Again.然后,老师问,学生答,再分组问与答.(此步骤先由老师模范,再慢慢由学生模仿练习,它不仅能让学生理解句子的意思,还能增进师生,生生间的互动)Step3:导入课文T: OK,very clever .Now,I have a ploblum need your help ,listen carS1 : (学生可能会回答)You can buy the book.S2: (也可能回答)你能到图书馆借.老师出示卡片“library”并出示图书馆图片和中文意思.Step4:T: Today,we study the Module4,which is about the library, yesterday Amy and Lingling borrowed book from library, now, we learn how did they borrow. Open the book ,and listen the radio,underline the new words.(单词教学通过图片和创造情境来学习.如CD-ROM可以用日常的光盘帮助教学,find 用创造情境找光盘来教学)在要学生跟读一遍课文.然后让学生看中文,读出英文.Step5把书分类分别放在shelf 1 shelf 2 shelf3 shelf4.并放上相应的科目名.T: Read these words (读科目名) ST: Where are the book about computer, please.S: They are on Shelf 1.设计一个图书馆情境,老师先让学生同桌之间以其他三类书进行对话.对话完后,让学生起来对话.Step6设计一个图书馆情境,老师先当管理员,然后在换为学生当.Step7:T: boy and girl ,look at blankbood,there are five setences which is the steps of borrowing book ,but the order is changed.Now,four student in a group,and correct the order.(教学扩展能提高学生的英语理解能力)A. Take the book back home.B. Find the book by yourself.C. Give the librarian the book and the library card.D. Ask the librarian,“Where can I find books about -?”E. Bring back the book in due time.T: Now th


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