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Chengdu Erxianqiao School unit 9 My favorite subject is science. ( section A 1a-1c)教学设计Teaching Design by School English GroupTeacher:Song Xue-gang(成都市二仙桥学校 宋学刚)一、Teaching Aims: 【Knowledge Aims】A.New words: subject, favorite, P.E., art, science, music, math, Chinese, geography, history, etc.B.New language: “Whats your favorite?”“My favorite subject is.”“Whats his/her favorite?”“His/Her favorite subject is.”【Ability Aims】A.Communicative function: to talk about preferences B.Language skills: listening and oral skillsC.Learning strategies: co-operative learning【Emotion Aims】A.Set up the right view on how to be a good studentB.Cultivate their team spirit in the pair work二、Teaching important points:A.Learn the new words.B.Communicate with others with the new sentence patternsC.Learn to talk about preferences (subject/teacher/fruit/color,etc)三、 Teaching difficult points: A. Students can talk with each other about the subjects and other preferences in natural speech.B. How to get others preferences and say them out in the third person.四、Teaching Methods: Video-audio method, Task-based approach, Communicative-based approach五、Teaching Procedure:Step1:Lead-in 1. 问:Whos she? Ss:She is English teacher.2. 自我介绍:Hello,boys and girls. Im Mr.Song, Im an English teacher,too. As we all know,English is a useful and important subject. (展示一张课程表)Every day we have some subjects.(板书subjects)Step2:Presentation 1. 师生合作: (学生发散思维)问:What other subjects do you know? 答:Chinese/math/ art/music/history(Free-talk)老师在黑板左边板书学生说的科目(说一个科目就同时板书在黑板上)2. All of these are our school subjects. Boys and girls,please guess(请学生猜):Whats Mr.Songs favorite subject?(创设语境,让学生理解favorite) 学生开始猜:说:I like Chinese. I like English very much. But I like science best. (引入science ,favorite)We also can say: My favorite subject is science。(出现本课标题内容,把遮住的标题打开)(板书favorite和音标)3.(出现主题图片)问:Where are they? What are talking about? 答:They are at school in the USA.问:They are having P.E. / art / science / music / math / Chinese / geography / history. 说:Now,I have a task for you. Please look at 1a:学生做完后公布答案:1c, 2f, 3b, 4e, 5h, 6d, 7a, 8g说:Now,please read after me.教读正音、巩固加深印象。4. A game:说:Now,I want to check you. Lets play a game: first letter( I say E, you say English ) 5. Pair work: Now,lets talk about others favorite subjects.OK?1) A: Whats your favorite subject?B: My favorite subject is _.(班上随机四人:S1S2S3S4)2)一个小组开火车:从1号到6号,请其他同学仔细听,然后用三人称转述。3)同桌互相询问。 随机检查几组基础较差的组回答,判断全班对目标单词的掌握程度。Step3: Work on 1b:Listening Anna Linda (They are next to the lockers.)1. 说:We are talking about our subject. What about Anna and Linda? what are they talking about? 答:They are talking about their favorite subjects.2. 说:Guess what they may talk about. Ss: Guessing . Now, listen and circle the subjects you hear in 1a.( circle subjects)T:Please guess what subjects you will hear.3. Listen and circle (the 1st time)4. Listen again (the 2nd time) answer the two questions.1)Whats Lindas favorite subject? Lindas favorite subject is science.2)Whats Annas favorite subject? Annas favorite subject is music.5. Listen and read (the 3rd time). 学生使用老师发的1b的录音材料(留空让学生思考)1) . Listen and read学生版:Linda: Hi,Anna! Hows your day of school ?Anna: Hey,Linda! Its . Im to see all my .What you?Linda: Me,too.And my are great.Anna: Whats your favorite ?Linda: My subject is science. Whats ?Anna: Hmm. Well, I like and . But my favorite subject is music .教师版:Linda: Hi,Anna! Hows your first day of school ?Anna: Hey,Linda! Its good.Im happy to see all my friends.What about you?Linda: Me,too.And my classes are great.Anna: Whats your favorite subject?Linda: My favorite subject is science.Whats yours?Anna: Hmm. Well, I like art and math. But my favorite subject is music. 2) .Practise the structure:Eg. I like art and math. But my favorite subject is music. Ss: I likeand . But my favorite subject is .Step4: Post-listening 1. Practise the conversation1) .T: Whats your favorite _?S1: My favorite .color/ fruit/sportsWho is your favorite teacher? 让学生说出who,区分what2) .Pair-work conversation: Ss own conversations。 学生使用上面素材编自己的对话2. Group work (请ABCD四个学生各说一列:一人称,三人称)1) . Do it.2) . Report.My favorite is ( I like best.)His favorite is (He likes best.) Her favorite is (She li


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