英语人教版七年级上册UNIT 8 sectionA 1a-1c.doc_第1页
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英语人教版七年级上册UNIT 8 sectionA 1a-1c.doc_第3页




Unit8 When is your birthday?授课班级七 (2)授课日期2015年12月15日授课类型新授课学 时 数The 1st period (Section A 1a1c)教学目标1. Get students to learn to use When questions, possessive “s” and How old are you?2. Teach students to learn the months of the year and ordinal numbers1-31.3. Get students to learn to talk about dates.教学内容 New words: when, birthday, month, January, December When is your birthday?My birthday is重点难点New words: when, birthday, month, January, DecemberWhen is your birthday?My birthday is学情分析教学方法任务型教学、分级评价法、直观教学法、模仿示范法、情景教学和合作学习法学习方法课前预习、课堂内外练习、听说读写结合教学过程设计备 注课题引入I. Warming-up and revision1. Listen to the birthday song, get the Ss to sing together.2. Get the whole class sit straight, thus announce the beginning of the competition.3. Review the months of the year and ordinal numbers1-31. Show some key words in Chinese on the screen, have students translate them into English, get a student from each group to come to the front and write down their answers on the blackboard, then check the answers, each correct sentence will earn a point for the group.歌曲引入,并且复习十二个月读法以及基变序歌谣教学步骤及主要内容II. Presentation4. Teacher says: , “When is my birthday? My birthday is March 12th.” Get the students to answer, “My birthday is ” Then teacher says, “Its a good / nice answer. I like your answer.”5. On the screen show There are 12 months in a year. They are January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November and December. 6. Show the question “When is your birthday?” Underline “when”, tell the students that it means “what time ”.III. Listening drills (1)7. Do Section A, 1b, listen and number the conversations (1-3).Show the picture on page 1 on the screen with no words on it. Get student to listen to the tape and try to repeat the sentences in the conversations, each correct sentence will earn a point for the group.新课教授,以小组讨论以及对话和造句练习以及听力练习课堂练习IV. Pair-work.8. Get the students listen to the conversations again and repeat after the tape, then work in groups, practice the conversations with the partners.9. Have some students come to the front and show their own conversation, then make a comment on it (praise the students first) and give 2 to 4 points to their group.V. Listening drills (2)10. Do Section A, 2a. Listen to four conversations.11. Do Section A, 2b. Listen again, circle the numbers according to the tape.Listen for the last time, then fill in the blanks.VI Practise12 talk about at in on from the sentences 13 do some practices on the blackboard.14 show some sentences about the writing.小结与作业课堂小结1 总结所有组的分数2 展示学生提前做好的简历3 并根据简历复习前几单元语言目标4 展示简历并留作业本课作业VI. Homework12. Listen and read after the tape for thirty minutes.13. Recite the first conversation of Section A, 1b.14. writing about myself学以致用本课教学后记(课堂设计理念,实际教学效果及改进设想)本课的设计理念是由学生课前做好有关自己生日月份的小日历,来复习序数词的简写形式,并由此引出月份的写法,并由此小教具课堂上展开询问和讨论,询问彼此的生日来巩固句型When is your birthday? Its on . 并又句子引出日期和介词的用法的不同,由此展开思考和讨论。并提前请同学制作简历,内容涵盖生日,姓名,电话,好恶等等,锻炼英语的运用能力。课堂的


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