六年级下册英语试题 期中综合测试卷 人教PEP含答案.doc_第1页
六年级下册英语试题 期中综合测试卷 人教PEP含答案.doc_第2页
六年级下册英语试题 期中综合测试卷 人教PEP含答案.doc_第3页
六年级下册英语试题 期中综合测试卷 人教PEP含答案.doc_第4页




期中综合测试卷笔试部分I按要求写出所给单词的正确形式。(6分)1young(比较级) 2old(反义词) 3big(比较级) 4Sad(反义词) 5taller(反义词) 6thin(比较级) II选出下列每组单词中不同类的一项。(5分) ( )1Ateacher Bolder Cstronger( )2Aexcited Btired Ceat( )3Acm Bm Ckg( )4Ahave a headache Bhave a cold Chave a rest( )5Anose Bhead ChurtIII单项选择。(10分)( )1一 is your father? 一90 kg AHow big BHow old CHow heavy( )2一How long is your table? 一 A20 ton B15 g C150 cm( )3一How your father feel? 一He cold Ado;feel Bdoes;feels Cdo;feels来源:z#zstep.&co%m*( )4My hair is longer than Ayour Byou Cyours( )5The elephant is and than the dog Abiger;heavier Bbigger;heavier Cbig;heavy IV根据图片提示及答语写出相应的问句。(10分) 1一 一No,I played sports last Thursday2一 一Tom feels angry3一 一He visited his grandparents yesterday4一 一Theyre 300 kg5一 一Yes,she did V给下列图片选出恰当的句子描述。(10分) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )AIm shorter than my mother BThe elephant is stronger than the mouse CI have a toothacheDI feel happy EI have a coldVI按要求完成下列各题。(10分)1I am tallHe is taller(合并成一句) 2My bag is bigger than yours(改为同义句) 3I am l50 cm tall(就画线部分提问) 4Tom is 50 kg(就画线部分提问) 5My mother feels happy(就画线部分提问) VII阅读短文。判断句子正(T)误(F)。(10分)Sam:Hello,Ted,you look perfect nowHow heavy are you?Ted:Im 50 kgYoure thinner than meYou look taller than beforeHow tall and heavy are you, Sam?Sam:Im 165 cm and 45 kgTed:Oh,youre lo cm taller than meBut you are 5 kg thinner than me,please eat more Sam:Yes,I want to be as fit as you( )1Ted is taller than Sam( )2Ted is thinner than Sam( )3Sam looks perfect( )4Sam is 45 kg( )5Ted is l55 cmVIII写作。(9分)请根据提示介绍一下你的朋友李兵。1男孩,l2岁,在北京第3小学读书。他每天骑车上学。2他最喜欢的老师是英语老师吴磊,他们是好朋友。3他每天上六节课,最喜欢体育课。4周末他要上数学课、拉小提琴,有时去打篮球。参考短语:go to school;by bike;favourite;good friends;play basketball笔试部分I. 1. younger 2. young 3. bigger 4. happy 5. shorter 6. thinnerII. 1.A 2.C 3.C 4.C 5.CIII. 1.C 2.C 3.B 4.C 5.BIV. 1. Did you read a book Last Thursday? 2. How does Tom feel? 3. What did he do yesterday? 4. How heavy are the elephants? 5. Did Amy row a boat last Sunday?V. 1.A 2.C 3.B 4.D 5.E来源 VI. 1. He is taller than I. 2. Your bag is smaller than mine. 3. How tall are you? 4. How heavy is Tom? 5. How does your mother feel?VII. 1.F 2.F 3.F 4.T 5.TVIII. My friend is Li Bing. He is 12 years old. He studies in No.3 Primary School in Beijing, He goes to school by bike every day. His favourite teacher is Mr Wu. He is Li Bings English teacher. They are good friends. He has six classes a day. He likes P.E. class


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