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2015届高考高三英语二轮专题训练:完型填空(3)amy father left for our native place on thursday. in fact, he had never traveled by1before, so i just took this opportunity to let him2his first flight. 3being asked to book a ticket by train, i got him a ticket on jet airways. the moment i handed over the ticket to him, he was surprised. the4was very apparent on his face as we waited for the time of the5. just like a schoolboy, he was6himself on that day, using the trolley(手推车)for his luggage and asking for a window seat. he was7enjoying himself and i, too, watching him experience all these things with8. as he was about to go in for the security check-in, he walked up to me with tears in his eyes and9me. he became very10for what i had done meant a great deal to him. i told him there was no need to thank me. later, i11my life. as a child, how many dreams had our parents made come true?without12the financial situation, we asked for dresses, toys, outings, etc. . they tried to13all our needs. did we ever say thanks for all they had done for us?today14it comes to our children, we always think we should give them the best. but we tend to15that our parents have sacrificed(牺牲)a lot to see us happy, so it is our16to make sure their dreams are realized. old age is like a second childhood and just as we take care of our children, the same17needs to be given to our parents. i want to say sorry for making my father18so long for this small dream to be realized. just the fact that they are old does not mean that they will have to19everything and keep sacrificing. they have20, too. take care of your parents. they are precious. (341w)1. a. busb. trainc. shipd. air2. a. catchb. missc. experienced. change3. a. in spite ofb. because ofc. in case ofd. instead of4. a. prideb. excitementc. admirationd. ambition5. a. appointmentb. dreamc. traveld. show6. a. encouragingb. warningc. teachingd. preparing7. a. thoroughlyb. slowlyc. immediatelyd. suddenly8. a. angerb. joyc. shynessd. curiosity9. a. helpedb. pattedc. thankedd. praised10. a. honestb. childishc. nervousd. emotional11. a. looked forb. looked down uponc. looked intod. looked back on12. a. understandingb. describingc. solvingd. improving13. a. avoidb. meetc. recordd. check14. a. unlessb. becausec. whend. though15. a. learnb. expressc. promised. forget16. a. abilityb. responsibilityc. freedomd. fortune17. a. songb. advicec. attentiond. thing18. a. struggleb. waitc. restd. stand19. a. hand inb. pick upc. pay offd. give up20. a. wishesb. jobsc. plansd. suggestions本文是一篇夹叙夹议文。善待自己的父母, 满足父母的一些小愿望吧! 1.【解析】选d。由下文的his first flight可知, 这里是说父亲以前从来没有坐飞机(by air)旅行过。2. 【解析】选c。“我”想利用这次机会让父亲体验(experience)他的第一次空中之旅。3.【解析】选a。尽管(in spite of)父亲要求“我”给他订火车票, “我”还是给他订了飞机票。4.【解析】选b。父亲本来只要求订张火车票, 结果“我”给他订了飞机票, 而且这是他首次乘飞机, 由此可以推断他应该很兴奋, 故选excitement。5.【解析】选c。拿到机票以后, 父亲开始等待旅行(travel)的到来。6.【解析】选d。父亲就像一个男生一样精心做准备(preparing himself)。7.【解析】选a。前面说到父亲一直期盼旅行的到来, 由此可知在做这些事情时父亲非常(thoroughly)开心。8.【解析】选b。看到父亲乐在其中, “我”也很高兴(with joy)。9.【解析】选c。本段末的i told him there was no need to thank me. 是提示。10.【解析】选d。由前文的he walked up to me with tears in his eyes可知, 父亲此时变得非常动情(emotional)。11.【解析】选d。由后面讲到的小时候的事可知, “我”是在回顾(looked back on)过去。12.【解析】选a。小时候, 我们在不了解(understanding)家里的经济状况的情况下有诸多要求。13.【解析】选b。父母亲总是想方设法满足(meet)我们的需要。14.【解析】选c。如今, 当(when)涉及我们自己的孩子的时候, 我们总是想把最好的给他们。15.【解析】选d。根据but的转折语气可知, 这里指我们常常忘记(forget)父母为我们牺牲了很多。16.【解析】选b。父母为我们做了那么多, 现在帮他们实现梦想是我们的责任(responsibility)。17.【解析】选c。就像我们照顾自己的孩子一样, 我们也要给予父母同样的关注(attention)。18.【解析】选b。“我”为让父亲等了(wait)这么长时间才实现了他的愿望而感到惭愧。19.【解析】选d。父母年老并不意味着他们就得放弃(give up)一切或者继续牺牲。20.【解析】选a。本文的中心就是讲要尽量去满足父母的愿望(wishes)。bbthe teacher sat cross-legged in front of the gathering of fourth grade students. she asked them what kinds of things would1world peace. immediately they began offering such2as “get rid of all the bombs.” “there ought to be a3against war.” the teacher rose to note each offering on the board. once the list was4, she sat again with the children and asked them if there was anything5war in their lives. they were6at first but eventually they seemed to begin to7that the teacher meant “war” as a metaphor. one student said, “my brother declares war on me when i8his things.” “my dad blows up at bad drivers,”offered one girl. 9said she did war with one of her dishonest friends. 10the thought appeared that all violence was in conflict with the idea of11. through the discussion the teacher12the concept that they could decrease violence and increase peace in their own lives by giving up the idea of13with others. she asked them to14the rest of the week keeping track of the times when they would choose to carry out peace15violence. by the end of the week the students had experienced dozens of examples16violence and conflict had been avoided in their17lives. eventually the class created a peace movement in the school. they helped rewrite school18that decreased conflict. homework became more inventive and19. parent-teacher meetings always20activities of the students(a dance, or an art or science exhibit). cooperation became the primary path to peace. (278w)1. a. breakb. ignorec. increased. witness2. a. casesb. eventsc. chancesd. suggestions3. a. lawb. willc. deald. duty4. a. missingb. necessaryc. simpled. complete5. a. butb. likec. againstd. after6. a. puzzledb. frightenedc. excitedd. encouraged7. a. stateb. provec. realized. guess8. a. receiveb. botherc. collectd. reserve9. a. eachb. anotherc. the oned. the other10. a. luckilyb. suddenlyc. hopefullyd. finally11. a. peaceb. powerc. cultured. wealth12. a. returnedb. passedc. introducedd. moved13. a. jokingb. fightingc. discussingd. working14. a. wasteb. appointc. spendd. finish15. a. aside fromb. away fromc. regardless ofd. instead of16. a. thatb. wherec. whetherd. whose17. a. politicalb. traditionalc. personald. natural18. a. rulesb. decisionsc. recordsd. introductions19. a. similarb. familiarc. confusingd. interesting20. a. started withb. belonged toc. put up withd. came up to本文主要介绍的是老师如何向学生解释 “war” 这个词的含义, 并使学生们明白在生活中他们应该减少冲突, 加强合作。1.【解析】选c。由第一段第三句中学生们的回答可知, 老师问的是如何能促进世界和平, 故c项正确。2.【解析】选d。根据该空后面学生们的回答可知这是学生们根据老师提出的问题说出的一些解决 “建议” 。故选d项。3.【解析】选a。制定一部 “法律” 来制止战争。故选a项。4.【解析】选d。根据空后的内容可知老师已经把清单列完了, 故选d项。complete表示 “已完成的, 已结束的” 。5.【解析】选b。根据第二段第一句中的 “the teacher meantwaras a metaphor” 可知, 老师问学生们的是在他们的生活中有没有遇到 “像” 战争一样的事情, 故用like。6. 【解析】选a。刚开始学生们感到很 “困惑” , 但是最终他们 “意识到” 老师说的 “战争” 是一个暗喻。故选a项。7.【解析】选c。参见上题解析。realize意为 “意识到” 。8.【解析】选b。一个学生说: “当我打扰我的哥哥做事情时, 他就向我宣战。” bother表示 “打扰, 烦扰” , 符合语境。9.【解析】选b。由 “one student said” 和 “offered one girl” 可知此处是指另一个女孩说, 故选b项。10.【解析】选d。由第二段学生们的回答可知任何暴力都是与和平理念相冲突的, 这也是对上文的总结, 故用副词finally。11.【解析】选a。peace与上半句的violence相对应, 任何暴力都与 “和平” 相冲突, 故a项正确。12.【解析】选c。根据学生的谈论, 老师进行总结, 并且 “引出” 了一个理念, 故选c项, 其他三项均不符合语境。13.【解析】选b。根据该空前面的 “decrease violence and increase peace in their own lives” 可以推知是通过放弃武力的方式来减少暴力、增加和平, 故选b项。14.【解析】选c。她要求学生记录一下在这周余下来的时间里用和平而不是暴力的方式来处理问题的次数。spend some time doing sth. 表示 “花费时间做某事” , 故c项符合语境。15.【解析】选d。见上题解析。instead of表示 “而不是” 。前三项分别表示 “除了” “远离” “不顾, 不管” , 均不符合语境。16.【解析】选b。where引导定语从句修饰先行词examples, 且where在从句中作状语, 故选b项。17.【解析】选c。由13空前的 “in their own lives” 提示可知应选c, 此处表示 “个人生活” 。18.【解析】选a。根据该空后面的 “that decreased conflict” 可知应该是重新制定了学校的 “规则” , 故选a项。19.【解析】选d。家庭作业变得更加有创造性和趣味性。故d项正确。其他三项分别表示 “相似的” “熟悉的” “令人迷惑的” , 均与语境不符。20.【解析】选a。家长教师交流会也总是以学生们的活动开始的, 故选a项。后三项分别表示 “属于” “忍受” “达到” , 均不符合语境。cthe song that has meant the most to me since i was the age of five, watching the movie space jam, is called “i believe i can fly” by r. kelly. every time i listen to the song, it1me that as long as i believe, i can be or do2i want in life even with a disability. i didnt know much of what the song3a long time ago but as i grew older, i still loved the song and started to listen to the4more and more. every time i listen to it, i think about all the obstacles i have5. when i was little, i had to6a wheelchair because i have a disability. the doctors told my mother i had a slim7of ever walking but i was8to walk because i disliked that wheelchair. i knew that i had to believe in myself to9my goal to walk someday. one day the doctor told my mother that he could make a(n)10that would help me walk. 11when i was seven and one-half, i had my first surgery. i12the cast because it was a half body cast, with a bar in the middle of my legs. i was a very13kid so being in a bed for six weeks, not being able to move, i felt horrible. i knew after all the14and the crying it would be worth15it in the long run. 16, at the age of eight, i got my cast off. i felt free when i finally17all the therapy(治疗)and learned how to18. the song19, “i see me running through that open door. ” thats what i felt like. like the song says, “there are miracles in life i must achieve, but first i know it starts inside of me, oh. . . ” i am one of the20in life. (313w)1. a. remembersb. remindsc. regardsd. reflects2. a. whoeverb. whomeverc. whicheverd. whatever3. a. meantb. expectedc. suggestedd. provided4. a. voicesb. meaningsc. wordsd. rhythms5. a. sufferedb. experiencedc. encouragedd. overcome6. a. applyb. usec. seatd. offer7. a. chanceb. occasionc. conditiond. advantage8. a. encouragedb. amazedc. determinedd. organized9. a. accomplishb. finishc. completed. acquire10. a. operationb. performancec. experimentd. arrangement11. a. whileb. butc. ord. so12. a. enjoyedb. dislikedc. expectedd. valued13. a. generousb. kindc. actived. passive14. a. painb. joyc. guiltd. embarrassment15. a. fixingb. wearingc. adjustingd. making16. a. finallyb. instantlyc. normallyd. regularly17. a. went onb. went downc. went outd. went through18. a. liveb. walkc. thinkd. communicate19. a. speaksb. singsc. saysd. answers20. a. successesb. surprisesc. miraclesd. failures本文是一篇记叙文, 主要讲述了作者被一首叫 “i believe i can fly” 的歌曲鼓舞, 勇敢地面对残疾, 克服各种困难, 最终能够行走。1. 【解析】选b。作者每次听这首歌, 它都提醒他只要他相信, 他就能成为任何他想成为的人, 做任何他想要做的事, remind sb. that使某人想起, 提醒某人, 符合语境。2. 【解析】选d。参见上题解析。what


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