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高二英语第一学期第一次月考试卷 本试卷分第卷(选择题)和第卷(非选择题)两部分。共150分.第卷 第一部分:听力(略)第二部分:英语知识运用(共两节,满分75分)第一节:单项填空(共35小题;每小题1分,满分35分)从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填人空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。1-I dont believe its good to hang the drawing here. - _ I move it over there? Do you think it will look better? A. What about B. What if C. How about D. What with2. His words surprised everyone. I couldnt _ so.A. imagine his sayingB. think him sayingC. imagine him to say D. consider him saying3. _ you have bought!A. What a fine piece of furniture B. How fine furnitureC. what a fine furniture D. How beautiful a furniture4. When he came to,he found himself _ by a group of villagers. A. surrounding B. being surrounded C. surrounded D surround5. - Didnt you have a good time at the party? - Of course I did. As a matter of fact, I had such fun that time seemed to _ so quickly.A. go by B. go away C. go out D. go over6. The girl got married _ the man who she had been engaged _.A. with; with B. to; to C. with; to D. to; in7.It was the first time that he_ a game, so he felt very sad.A. loses B. lost C. has lost D. had lost8. We are kept _ of what is happening in the world by reading newspapers and watching television.A. to inform B. to be informen C. informing D. informed9. Pop music is liked by many people, but it is not _ everyones taste.A. with B. in C. on D. to10. It was a small place then, _ what it is now.A. to be compared toB. comparing toC. compared toD. comparing with11. We would like to pay you a visit this weekend _. A. if you are convenient B. if it will be convenient to youC. if it is convenient to you D. whether you are convenient12. There are two new hotels near here_ construction. A. under the B. under C. within D. within the13. We shouldnt spend our money testing so many people, most of_ are healthy. A. that B. which C. what D. whom14. I recommend _ an English-English dictionary, which I thought would be of great help to his study. A. buying B. bought C. to buy D. be bought15. The house has been standing_ without use for months. A. empty B. still C. quietly D. lonely16. I felt _ to see her _ face.A. disappointing; disappointed B. disappointed; disappointingC. disappointed; disappointing D. disappointed; disappointed17. The thief broke into the house, _ by the owner.A. only to be caught B. only being caughtC. having been caught D. caught18. Although they get higher pay than before, they are becoming pooer because prices keep_.A. bringing down B. go up C. going up D. bring up19. We must draw our attention _ the fact that the young dont look _ to the old nowadays.A. to; up B. on; down C. on; upon D. to; down20. youd better _ some money for special use.A. pick up B. set aside C. put off D. give away21. _ all her efforts to control it, her voice was shaking .A. Although B. Despite C. Because of D. According to22. The girl asked him not to leave the door_.A. to close B. closed C. to be closed D. closing23. Dont be too _ about things you are not supposed to know.A. strange B. amusing C. curious D. conscious24. _ is announced in todays paper, they have succeeded in solving many problems according to the new theory. A. It B. That C. What D. As25. Its high time that he settled down in the city and _ a new life. A. start B. started C. to start D. starting26. Her husband is so _ to smoking that he cant give it up. A. addicting B. addictive C. addicted D. addiction27. The film _ him of what he had seen in China.A. remembered B. made C. reminded D. learned28. I would rather Tom _ the meeting instead of Mr Smith.A. attends B. attended C. attending D. to attend29. 18. She cant _ being kept waiting.A. allow B. permitted C. stand D. forbade30. We had thought nobody would survive in the air crash, but much to our surprise, everything_ well.A. turned out B. turned on C turned over D. turned to31. Only after you finish your work _ TV.A. you are allowed to watch B. are you allowed watching C. are you allowed to watch D. can you be able to watch32. The old man took a cup of tea, and went on_ his story.A. towards B. to C. for D. with33. The soldier often dreamt _ his home and staying with his mother.A. at B. in C. for D. of34. After graduation she reached a point in her career _ she needed to decide what to do. A. that B. what C. which D. where35. Ever since my childhood, my father has been trying to _ on me the value of confidence for ones success. A. impress B. express C. affect D. strike第二节:完形填空(共20小题;每小题2分,满分40分) 阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从3655各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项。The telephone rang in the police station at Richmond, California, USA “36 station? A train for Santa Fe collided(相撞) a 37 at the McDonald Street Crossing Please come here at once With an ambulance(救护车), too A man is badly wounded,” said a(n) 38 voice of a young woman “OKWell come soon Please stay there and wait,” replied the 39 Within a minute, a police car and an ambulance 40 off Soon they got to the crossing, but only to find everything was 41 No collision, no wounded man “What a dirty 42 !” said the policeman angrily “We must find out that mischievous(恶作剧的) 43 and ” They had not been able to say anything about a 44 when they heard the whistle of a train was nearing them quickly All of a sudden, a truck appeared It came 45 towards them, too When it was passing the crossing, it suddenly 46 to move on Right then and 47 , before the eyes of all the people 48 , the train collided with the truck heavily and struck it dozens of metres away When Randolph Bruce, the 49 , was helped out of the damaged truck, he was badly wounded just 50 the young woman had foretold(预言) on the phone As he was taken to hospital in time, he was 51 at last Later the police did whatever they could to 52 the woman who had 53 them, but failed It is really 54 that a prophecy(预言) should coincide(巧合) with the fact so 55 36APolice BWeather CRailway DFire37Atrain Bbus Ctruck Dtaxi38Alow Bsweet Canxious Dbeautiful39Ateacher Bofficial Cpoliceman Ddoctor40Awalked Bturned Ctook Dstarted 41Afine Bbad C.satisfied Dpleasant42Aplan Bcall Clie Dtrick43Adriver Bpoliceman Cboy Dwoman44Apunishment Breward Cpraise Dthanks45Apassing Bturning Crunning Dstarting46Astopped Bcontinued Crefused Dbegan47Awhere Bthere Cafter Dlater48Aaway Bpresent Calive Dfrightened49Adriver Bwoman Cpoliceman Dboy50Awhen Bas Cbecause Dif51Aalive Bsaved Cdead Dawake52Athank Bfind Cmeet Dpunish53Avisited Blaughed Ctelephoned Drepeated54Ainteresting Bexciting Csurprising Dpleasing55Acarefully Bequally Ctruly Dexactly第三部分:阅读理解(共20小题;每小题2分,满分40分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项。ADick was a twenty-year-old man. His father was a teacher and taught chemistry in a middle school and his mother worked in a shop. They lived a happy life until his parents died one night when suddenly an earthquake broke out. Luckily his sister took him to see their aunt in the city and they did not stay at home. Everything was destroyed in the earthquake and the two children got into trouble. Thanks to their aunt who was not rich enough, they grew up but they lived a hard life. His sister was so sad that she became a nun (修女). After he finished middle school, he was introduced to an owner of a hotel and began to work there.One day the young man fell to the ground while he was cleaning a window on the second floor. He was sent to the hospital and the doctor looked him over. One of his legs was broken and he had to be in hospital. He said to the nurse, “Im a poor man, madam. Arrange a third-class ward (安排一个三等病房) for me, please.”“Cant anybody help you?”“No, madam,” answered Dick. “I have only a sister. Shes nun and shes poor, too.”“I dont think so,” the nurse said angrily. “Nuns usually marry God. And God is the richest in the world, you know!”“Well, then,” Dick said with a smile. “Please arrange a first-class ward for me and post the bill (账单) to my brother-in-law.”56. Dicks parents died _.A. in an accidentB. in the warC. in the earthquake D. from the disease57. Dick and his sister escaped from the earthquake because _ A. They played outside B. they were in a safe place C. their parents saved them D. the aunt saved them58. The sister and brother lived a hard life because _.A. they lost all B. they were too young C. they were hurt in the earthquake D. they had to look after themselves59. After Dick finished middle school, _.A. he stayed at home B. he began to look for a jobC. he broke his leg D. he began to work in the hotel 60. Which of the following is true?.A. The nurse would arrange a third-class ward for Dick.B. The nurse would arrange a first-class ward for Dick. C. The nurse would post Dicks bill to God.D. Dick had a rich brother-in-law.BColour helps you see things. But man and some monkeys and apes (猿) are the only mammals (哺乳动物) that can see colour. To any other mammal, such as the dog, the world looks like a black-and-white photo. Dogs hunt mainly by listening and sniffing (闻).Like other animals, dogs see best when things move, The animals they hunt seem to know this. A hunted rabbit or deer will “freeze”. Then the dog may not see it at all. Birds can see colour. They need to, because they fly and need to find places to land. Colour helps them judge distance and shape. In this way they are able to catch bugs (昆虫) in the air or to light on branches. Some birds see things even better than you do. The birds that eat bugs can see them from far away. And even a very young bird can see a hawk high in the sky. So sharp eyes and a sense of colour help birds find food and also help them find where their enemies are.61. _ can see colour.A. All the animalsB. All the mammalsC. Man and dogsD. Birds and monkeys62. In order to find their food, dogs mainly use their _.A. eyes and noses B. ears and nosesC. eyes and earsD. mouths and ears63. The word “freeze” in the passage means _.A. the hunted animals are frozen on the ground because of cold weatherB. the hunted animals temperature is becoming lower and lower until it drops below 0C. the hunted animals will stop running and stay in the same place without movementD. the hunted animals are so frightened that they cant move any longer64. Colour helps birds _.A. see better than man B. see better than dogs C. see how colourful the world is D. see clearly where food and enemies are CHong Kong pop star Zhang Guorong(张国荣), 46, jumped out of a window of Mandarin Oriental Hotel at the start of April, 2003, leaving behind sorrowful fans and suicide(自杀)note which newspapers said was caused by emotional problems. His death shocked the public and the incident again brought a serious topic to suicide.Zhang was best known globally for his part in the blockbuster film “Farewell My Concubine”, where he played a homosexual(同性恋的)Chinese opera singer. The popular 1993 film won a lot of awards including the world-famous Palmed and at the Cannes Film Festival. However, such achievements could not make Zhang content with his life. It was reported that long before his death, Zhang had been suffering from depression.According to experts, about 5 to 10 percent of people are suffering from depression, some of whom are not even aware of the illness. And 10 to 15 percent of people suffering from depression will be likely to commit suicide.Statists(统计学家)also show suicide is the leading cause of death among young adults. It leads to 3.6 percent of all deaths each year in China, a survey said. Last year, 287000 Chinese died after committing suicide. The female rate is 25 percent higher than the male rate. For this reason, the media must let people know the negative(负面的)influence of Zhangs tragedy in its reporting. It is shameful to talk too much about his death. Although his achievements in arts were great, his final choice cannot be praised, let alone calling his death a “perfect end” to a shining life.The media should guide people especially Zhangs fansto shake off their sorrow quickly, learn a lesson from their idols tragedy, find a release from the pressure of their lives and value their priceless lives.65Why on earth did Zhang choose to kill himself in such a way?ABecause he was not as popular as he was before. BBecause he was disappointed at his life.CBecause he suffered from high pressure from his fans. DBecause he dropped out of the hotel accidentally.66What does the word “blockbuster” in the second paragraph probably mean?Amost popular.Bvery interesting. Cordinary.Dboring.67Whats the best title of the passage?AThe End of a Famous Star. BDepression Causes Deaths. CHow to Face Suicide. DA Perfect End of Life.DTradition says that at the beginning of the sixth century one of the tribes(部落) in Ireland was called Celt. The chief(酋长) of Celt had a beautiful daughter, named Ellis, who was from childhood, fond of having honey. When she grew up, lots of knights(爵士) and princes from neighboring countries came to propose marriage to her. Ellis fell in love with a young master of a southern tribe who was among the proposers. They were soon in love with each other. At last they decided to get married. On the wedding day Ellis entertained the honored guests with honey wine made from the honey which had been presented by the young master. After drinking the wine, the guests sang high praise for it. They said the wine was as sweet as love. But there was too much wine for them to drink up. They were intoxicated (沉醉)with the sweet honey wine. It took the young couple a whole month to drink up.From then on it was very popular among the local people to drink honey wine within the first month after the man and womans marriage. They thought that it stood for the sweetness and happiness of a newly-married couple. Later on, it spread far and wide. People named the first month after marriage honeymoon.68. In Ireland there was a tribe named Celt _. A. thousands of years ago B. after the sixth century C. before the twenties of the 6th century D. about 14 centuries ago69. What did the guests sing high praise for at the wedding feast(款宴) ? A. The grand wedding. B. The brides beauty. C. The honey wine. D. The bridegrooms brightness.70. How long did it take the bride and bridegroom to drink up the left over honey wine? A. Over forty days. B. Around a month. C. A month less three days. D. A full month.71. Which is the best title of the passage? A. The origin of honeymoon. B. How did the tribe of Celt come into being. C. Ellis and her husband. D. The interest of Ellis.ETom Brennan was working in a Philadelphia office building when he noticed a black bag. The bag contained a book.This chance discovery ended a 12-day search by the Library Company of Philadelphia for a historical treasure a 120-page diary kept 190 years ago by Deborah Logan, “a woman who knew everybody in her day,” James Green, the librarian told the magazine American Libraries.Most of the diary is a record of big events in Philadelphia. It also includes a description of British soldiers burning Washington, D. C. in the war of 1812. She describes President James Madison on horseback as “perfectly shaking with fear” during the troubled days. George Washington, she writes, mistook her for the wife of a French man, and praised her excellent English.The adventure of the lost book began September 4 when Cory Luxmoore arrived from England to deliver the diary of his ancestor (祖先) to the Library Company, which he and his wife considered to be the best home for the diary.Green told American Libraries he had the diary in his pos


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