已阅读5页,还剩11页未读 继续免费阅读




冀教英语六年级上册Lesson1 1、at the airport在机场用介词at 2、this is用于介绍某人或某物 This is Li Ming. This is a desk. This复数these 反义词that (those) This is a book.(改为复数句) These are books. 3、live in 生活在居住在 4、Li Ming is coming to Canada. 现在进行时表示将来时。 5、want to do sth. 想去做某事 Want sth. 想某事6、go to school去上学 7、 arrive at+小地点 arrive in+大地点 8、日期的表达法月份+序数词 September first 9、基数词变序数词的变化口诀 第一、第二、第三特殊记八去T,九去E, F来把VE替TY需变TIE 若是遇到几十几只需把个位来变TH最后加上去。 10、What time is it?=whats the time? What day is it ? 11、at 5:00在几点钟用介词at. 12、There he is.和There is Li Ming.是倒装句。 13、Nice to see you.=Nice to meet you. 14、have a good trip路途愉快 15、Lets=let us 后面的动词用原形 16、单词 Airport飞机场 want想要 trip旅行 tired累的 suitcase小提箱 let 让 Lesson 2 1、Jennys house 名词所有格的用法 2、come in 进来 go out出去 3、Ill= I will后面加动词原形。 4、mine ,yours 是名词性物主代词后面不能加名词。 5、Whats in the bedroom? 在房间里用介词in。 6、show sb. Sth.=show sth. to sb. 7、单词 House房屋 show 出示 room房间 living room 起居室 Kitchen 厨房 bathroom浴室 bedroom卧室 Lesson3 Making Breakfast 1、Its time for= Its time to do Its time for breakfast.= Its time to have breakfast. 2、What time is it ?=Whats the time? 3、would like sth./would like to do sth. 4、What would you like for breakfast?介词for. 5、on the stove介词on 6、be doing正在干什么 7、cold-hot inside-outside 8、dish 复数dishes 9、put on 10、 in the sink介词in 11、 Breakfast is ready. Be ready to do sth.=be ready for sth. Lesson 41、 dirty-clean 2、on your hands介词on的用法 3、 can后加动词原形 4、 need to do sth. 5、 help sb. do sth. 6、 tooth-teeth foot-feet 7、 on Sunday 在星期几用介词on Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Lesson 5 making supper 1、 supper 晚饭 dinner正餐 2、 Whats for supper?介词for的用法。 3、 祈使句的构成 1肯定形式 动词+副词 Get out. 动词+宾语 Stop talking. Be+形容词 Be careful. 2否定形式dont+动词。 Dont take it away. 3Let+人称代词宾语 Let him not waste time. 4、 What time is it?=Whats the time? 5、 Time for supper.=Time to have supper. 6、 dish复数dishes 7、 Good work。干得好 8、 clean反义词dirty dry反义词wet 9、 单词 Hungry 饥饿的 vegetable 蔬菜 cabbage洋白菜 pea豌豆 onion洋葱 carrot 胡萝卜 ready 准备好的 delicious美味的 Pass传递 wash洗 dirty脏的 dish盘子 dry弄干 towel毛巾 Clean 干净的 Lesson 6 in the living room 1、 want to do sth.想要做什么 2、 watch TV看电视 3、 else的位置 What else can you find in the living room? 4、 play cards 玩牌 5、 read the newspaper读报纸 6、 in the corner介词in用法 7、 everyone 是单数 后面谓语动词用单数 8、 单词 couch 沙发 beside 在旁边 find 找到 card卡片 newspaper报纸 corner角落 everyone人人 Lesson7-81、 fun 玩笑enjoy oneselfHave fun=have a good time 2、 again 再一次又一次 3、 lunch午饭 4、 talk 谈话 Lesson 9 on the school bus 1、 Time to do sth.该做某事了。 2、 否定的祈使句 祈使句的否定形式通常是在动词前加Dont.若否定句有please把dont 放在please与动词原形之间。 3、 常用频率副词 Always总是 often经常 never从不 sometime有时 hardly几乎不 4、 表示天气的词语 Rainy多雨的 snowy多雪的 windy多风的 cloudy多云的 sunny晴朗的 5、 like to do sth.=like doing sth. 6、 在具体的某天用介词on On a rainy day 7、 with反义词without 8、 eat a sandwich for lunch 介词for的用法 9、 bus stop 汽车站 10、 Here comes the school bus.倒装句 11、 by bus/car/bike/ship 12、 ride ones bicycle=by bicycle 13、far from远离 14、 单词 Rainy下雨的 forget忘记 boot靴子 umbrella雨伞 have具有 With一同 dry干燥的 without没有 wet湿的 usually通常的 sandwich三明治 sometimes有时候 soup汤 always总是 pants裤子 never从不stop车站 by 靠近 ride骑 Lesson 10 Li Ming meets Jennys class 1、 打招呼 (1)见面打招呼 Nice to meet you.=Nice to see you. Hello /Hi. Good moring/afternoon/evening. Good night./Good day. (2)相应的答语 Nice to meet you,too./Nice meeting you,bye. Hello./Hi. Good moring/afternoon/evening. Good night./Good day. 2、 be from=come from He comes from China,=He is from China. 3、 How old问年龄 4、 same用法 Look the same看起来一样 the same as 与。一样 All/just the same 虽是如此 5、 Where are you from?=Where do you come from? 6、 the name of 。的名字 7、 live in居住在 8、 speak后加语言 speak English 9、 单词 Far 远方的 about 大约 family 家 apartment一套公寓房间 miss想念 speak说话same同样的 Lesson11 Mr. Wood teachers a lesson 1、 get to work开始工作 2、 询问天气Hows the weather?=Whats the wether like? 3、sunny晴朗的 windy 多风的 snowy下雪的 cloudy 多云的 rainy下雨的 4、 回答天气的方法Its+天气状况+时间 5、 询问温度及回答Whats the temperature+地点 回答Its+具体的温度+degree? 6、 选择疑问句 一般选择疑问句一般疑问句+or+被选择的情况 Is it an umbrella or a flower? Its a flower. 一般疑问句+or not? Are you coming or not? 特殊选择疑问句特殊疑问句+A or B? Which city is bigger,Beijing or Shanghai? 7、How many问可数名词的多少 How much 问不可数名词的多少 8、 inside反义词outside hot反义词cold 9、 单词 weather 天气 temperature温度 degree度数 inside在里面 hundred百 hot 热的 cold冷的 line直线 circle圆圈 square 正方形 triangle三角形favourite特别喜爱的 shape形状 all全部的 lesson 12 How many are there? 1、 可数名词单数变为复数的方法 A.一般在词尾加s如:dog-dogs book -books girl - girlsB.以s、x、ch、sh、o结尾的,在词尾加es. 如:classes buses dishes benches boxes tomatoes potato-potatoes以o结尾的也有例外,如:照片photo- photos 钢琴Piano-pianosC.以f或fe结尾的变f或fe为v,再在词尾加es. 如:leaf叶子- leaces knife刀knives wife妻子- wives也有例外如:Handkerchiefs 手帕。Chiefs 酋长 Roofs 屋顶D.以辅音字母加y结尾的变y为i加es. 如:baby-babies story-stories city-cities lady-ladiesE.特殊变化的如:man男人-men woman女人-women child孩子-children foot脚-feet tooth牙齿-teeth ox公牛 -oxen goose鹅-geese mouse小老鼠 -miceF.只有复数形式的词语如:衣服clothes 玻璃杯、眼镜glasses 裤子pants 剪刀scissors 裤子trousers 短裤shortsG.单复数相同,如 fish , deer(鹿) sheep chineses japanese 注意:fish在表示种类时用复数,如 two fishes 两种鱼2、 bigger是big的比较级 3、 this is 复数these are that is 复数those are 4、 different反义词same be different from与。不同 the same as 和。相同 5、 at the end 结尾 at the end of .在.的结尾 6、 单词 get 到达 end 结尾 stamp邮票 man 男人 woman女人 child孩子 7、 get to 到达 get up起床 get back回来 get in 进入 lesson13 always do your homework 1、 do ones homework 做。的作业 2、 be going to =will将要做 3、 make a chart做表格 4、 put a triangle for always介词for的用法 5、 walk to =on foot I go to school on foot。=I walk to school. 6、 on Saturday在星期几用介词on。 7、 单词 homework家庭作业 walk 步行 else其他的 lesson 14-16 lets sing a new song 1、 play 的用法 play+球类、棋类 play football play+the+乐器 play a piano play with sb. 2、 be sure to do sth.确定做某事 make sure 确信 3、 like to =love to 4、want sb. to do sth.想要某人做某事 5、 单词 guitar吉他 piano钢琴 sure确信 softly柔软的 bus stop 公共汽车站 school bus 校车 driver司机 gone 去 smile微笑 frown皱眉 期中复习一1、 一课三练第一单元考试 2、 第一单元选择专项练习 1Li Ming _to go to school. A want B wants C wanted (2)Li Ming is _to Canada. A come B comeing C coming (3)Today is September_. A two B twenty C second (4) lets _home. A go B go to C goes (5) This _the kitchen. A are B am C is (6) These_ bedrooms. A is B are C am (7)Here is_house, Li Ming. A mine BI C my (8)I will show you the rooms_my house. A in B on Cat (9)_in Li Mings bedroom? A Whoses B Whats C Wheres (10)Time _ breakfast. A of B for C in (11)I would like eggs, toast, jam_juice,please. A but B so C and (12)This is the refrigerator. Its cold_. A outside B inside C behind (13)Mum is _eggs on the stove. A cook B cooks C cooking (14)Lets _some dishes on the table. A putting B put C to put (15)This _a bathtub. A are B am C is (16)My hands _dirty. A is B am C are (17)Can you help him_ it? A finds B find C finding (18)Is this _toothbrush, Jenny? A your B yours C you (19)I need _ my hands and face. A wash B to wash C washes (20)What _is it? Its 600. A times B time C clock (21)Lets help my mother _ supper. A make B to making C makes (22)She needs _vegetables. A a B any C some (23)May I help_? Sure. A your B yours C you (24)Jenny and Danny want _TV. A watches B watch C to watch (25)What _can you find in the living room? A a B else C an (26)Do you see a _? A flour B flowers C flower (27)This _a TV. A arent B isnt C cant (28)Do you see Li Ming _the coener? A in B out C under (29)Jenny _Danny live in Canada. A with B but C and (30)Li Ming is coming_Canada. A two B to C too (31) Let _help you. A me B I C my (32)What would you like _breakfast? A on B in C for 期中复习二 一、一课三练第二单元测试卷讲解。 1、连词成句 注意:首字母大写 标点符号 不要改变所给单词的形式。 2、 选择填空 1speak和say的区别 2系动词be的用法 3祈使句的否定形式。 二 期中测试卷听力练习。 三期中测试卷部分练习题讲解 1、 用所给单词的正确形式填空。 1代词的运用 2现在进行时的构成 3a/an/the的用法 4可数名词单数变复数的变法 5形容词副词的用法 2、 选择 1助动词do/does/did的用法 2play、want、for、too、及介词的用法 3、 句型转换 (1)What time is it? (2)Whats the temperature? (3)Hows the weather? (4)单数句变为复数句 (5)变一般疑问句 (6)变否定句 四、第二单元单项选择专项练习 Lesson 17 seasons 1、 there be句型 There be 表示“某地有某物”句中的there is 和there are意思是“有”句子中的主语为be动词后的名词。 there is +单数名词+表示场所的介词短语 There are +复数名词+表示场所的介词短语 例: There is a book on the table. There are many eggs in the fridge. 否定句 There is /are 句型的否定形式是在is/are的后面加not. 例There is not a bed in this room. 一般疑问句将is/are调到there之前 Is there a middle school here? 特殊疑问句在一般疑问句前加上相应的疑问词。 How many people are there in your family? 问“某处有什么”的用句型Whats Whats on the table? 2、感叹句表示喜怒哀乐等感情。(1)一般用how和what开头。 how +副词+主语+谓语 How high Li Ming jumps! (2)How +形容词+主语+谓语 How delicious the mooncakes are! (3)What +a/an (+形容词)+单数名词+主语+谓语 What an interesting film it is! (4)What (+形容词)+不可数名词+主语+谓语 What thick ice! What (+形容词)+复数名词+主语+谓语 What beautiful flowers they are! 3、 多个形容词修饰同一名词时的排列顺序 限定词包括冠词序数词基数词物主代词+性质、状态+大小、长短、高低+形状+新、旧、年龄+颜色+产地、国籍+质地、材料+用途+名词中心词 4、 在四季用介词in。 In spring/summer/fall/winter 5、take off脱掉 put on 穿上 6、clothes 是常用词统指身上的各种衣服包括上衣、裤子、内衣等是复数名词可与many ,few等词连用但不能直接与数词连用“一套衣服”要说a suit of clothes clothing 是物质名词是服装的总称没有复数形式后面要接动词的第三人称单数形式。 dress范围较宽做可数名词讲时指意见女服、连衣裙做不可数名词讲时指某种特殊服装。 7、单词 Winter冬季 spring春天 summer夏季 fall秋季 season季节 bloom开花wind风blow吹动different不同的clothes衣服mitten连指手套 wear穿 Lesson18 snowIts winter. 1、 英语中如何表达日期 英语中表达几月几日星期几:星期、月、日、年。Saturday,January 30(th),2010. 2、 ready准备好 Be ready for为、做好准备 Get ready for 3、 put on穿上强调穿的动作 Wear穿强调穿的状态 4、 look out向、外看 Look after照顾 look like 看起来像 look for 寻找 look at看 look over检查 look up (the dictionary)查(字典) 5、 Are you ready for school? =Are you ready to go to school? 6、 want to do sth.想要做某事 7、 teach sb.sth.教某人某事 8、 on the ice在冰上 9、 like to do sth. 喜欢做某事 10、 单词 November十一月ready准备好 look看 snowy下雪的 like喜欢 skate滑冰 ice冰 ski滑雪 snow雪 Lesson 19 Dannys winter clothes 1 forget to do sth.忘记了该做的事情 Forget doing sth.忘记了做某事 2 love to do sth. Love sth. 3 want to do sth. 4 in the snow介词in的用法 5 单词 Outside 在外面put 放 scarf围巾 mitts连指手套 Take带走 inside内部的 Lesson 20 winter fun 1 形容词、副词的比较级的构成方法 1一般在词尾加er。 Small-smaller (2)以字母e结尾的直接加r. fine-finer (3)以辅音字母加y结尾的先变Y为i再加er. Dry-drier 以一个辅音字母结尾的重度闭音节形容词先双写这个辅音字母再加er。Hot-hotter 不规则变化规则 Good/wellbetter bad/badly/illworse many/much-more little-less far-farther/further old-older/elder 3 形容词、比较级的用法 1表示A超过B。 A+谓语be动词+形容词比较级+than+B A+谓语行为动词+副词比较级+than+B The weather here is hotter than in your hometown. He speaks English better than I. (2)表示A不及B. A+谓语否定形式+形容词、副词的比较级+than+B A+谓语+less+形容词、副词原级+than+B A+谓语否定形式+so/as+形容词、副词原级+as+B He doesnt run faster than his elder brother. Mrs . Brown isnt so/as she looks. (3)表示A和B是同等程度 A+谓语+as+形容词、副词原级+as+B Mary dances as well as Kate. (4)the +比较级the+比较级。 The more he eats,the fatter he will be. the +比较级+of the two the taller of the two boys is my elder brother. 2 put的用法 Put on top 把。放在上面 Put away 将。收起 put down放下 put into放进 Put on 穿上 put out熄灭 put up建造 3 含有第一、三人称主语的祈使句 1肯定式句型 Let+第一人称me.us+动词原形+其他 Let+第三人称代词him/her/it/them或名词短语+动词原形+其他 Let me try again. Let Tom go there himself. (2)否定形式 Lets +not+动词原形+其他 Dont let+第三人称代词的宾格或名词短语+动词原形+其他 Lets not say anything about it. Dont let them play with fire. 4 why的用法 答句用because回答 Why didnt you go to school yesterday? Because I hurt my leg. 5 else的用法 用在疑问词或不定代词后。 What else do you want? Or else否则要不然 6 look out!小心、=Be careful!=Take careful! 7 go inside=go into the room 反义词go outside 8单词 Snowman雪人 another再一snowball雪球smaller比较小的than比top顶端 little一点儿rock石子stick柴think思考wonderful意想不到的slide滑动throw扔why为什么because因为 lesson 21 A skating lesson 1 walk forwards反义词walk backwards 2 turn around转圈 3 teach的用法 (过去式taught) (1)Teach +宾语。 He taught a big class. (2)teach+间接宾语+直接宾语 He teaches us English. (3)teach +宾语+动词不定式 She taught her son to draw. (4)teach+宾语+how+动词不定式 He taught me how to write. 4 do的用法 与do有关的短语 Do some cleaning打扫卫生 do ones best尽某人最大的努力 Do the bed整理床铺 do some washing洗衣服 Do ones homework做某人的作业 do some shopping购物 Do sports做运动 do well in在。方面做得好 5 fast 侧重于指人或物具有动作快的特点 Run as fast as you can. Quickly指反应快或表示某事在比较短的时间里发生或完成。 He had breakfast quickly. Soon 不久指现在或指定时间之后不久。 Soon they were in the middle of the river. 5 a pair of一双一副 6 put +代词的宾格+on 7 stand up反义词sit down 8 on the ice介词on 9 fall down跌倒 10 come on 小心加油 11 单词 Forwards向前 backwards向后 turn转身 around在周围 Teach教教学 learn 学习 skate溜冰鞋 think思考 Come 来oops哎呦 slowly 缓慢的 fast快的 Lesson 22 I like winter 1 favourite最喜欢的 My favourite season is=I like best. Which season do you like best? Whats your favourite season? 2 in winter在冬季 3 like to do sth.喜欢做什么 4 play的用法 Play+the+乐器 Play+球类、棋类 5 in the park在公园 6 单词 Favourite最喜欢的 splash溅起 run跑步 fly飞 Lesson 25 christmas is coming 1 give sb. Sth.=give sth. to sb. Give up放弃 give back归还 2 have fun =have a good time Have fun doing sth. 3 序数词的变化规则 口诀第一、第二、第三特殊记8去t9去ef来把ve替ty须变tie,若是遇到几十几只需把个位来变th最后加上去。 One-first two-second three-third four-fourth five-fifth six-sixth seven-seventh eight-eighth Nine-ninth twelve-twelfth twenty-twentieth twenty-one-twenty-first 4 on a holiday介词on的用法 5 He is a merry man in red clothes,介词in的用法 6 on Christmans介词on的用法 7 invite sb. to do sth. 8 They bring gifts for us.介词for的用法 9 excited主语是人 exciting主语是物 10 bring sb. sth=bring sth to sb. 11 单词 Christmas圣诞节 holiday假日 special特殊的light灯 Christmas tree圣诞树 Santa 圣诞老人 merry愉快的bring带来 toy玩具 carol颂歌 together一起 excited兴奋地 Lesson 26 Christmas tree 1 walk to school=go to school on foot 2 一般过去时 1主要表示过去发生的动作或事情。 2含有BE动词的 肯定句主语+be动词的过去式was/weae+ 否定式主语+be动词的过去式was/were+not+ 一般疑问句be动词的过去式was/were+主语+ 肯定回答Yes,主语+was/were. 否定回答No,主语+wasnt/werent. 特殊疑问句特殊疑问词+be动词的过去式was/were+主语+? 3含有实义动词的 肯定句主语+动词的过去式+。 否定句主语+did not+动词原形+。 一般疑问句Did+主语+动词原形+。 肯定回答Yes,主语+did. 否定回答No,主语+didnt. 特殊疑问句特殊疑问词+did+主语+动词原形+。 4动词的过去式变化规则 A 一般在动词的词尾加上ed. Play-played B 以e结尾的动词在词尾加d. arrive-arrived C 以辅音字母加y结尾的变y为i加ed。 Carry-carried D 以重读闭音节的动词双写最后一个辅音子母加ed. Stop-stopped E 不规则的变化 3 一般现在时 1表示经常发生的动作或习惯性的动作。通常和usually,sometimes,always,often等连用。 2肯定句主语第一、二人称单复数第三人称复


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