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英语周测试卷(11.20)Class _ No. _Name _Marks_一、单项选择(每题2分,共20分)( ) 1. This problem is very difficult, Can you tell me _?A. how to solve it B. how to solve C. what to solve it D. how solve it( ) 2. The poor old man has nowhere _.Lets find a house for him_ A. to live ;living B. to live in; to live in C. for live ;to live D. to live; to live in( ) 3. Mrs Black will come to help us with the celebration if she _ too busy tomorrow. A. is B. will be C. wont be D. isnt( ) 4. Who else will come to the party besides Bob and Jack?John _ come, but he isnt very sure yet. A. may B. need C. must D may not( ) 5. His brother has changed a lot. He is _ a thief _. A. /; any more B. not; no more C. not; any longer D. /; any longer( ) 6. They_ on a trip to Beijing next Saturday now. A. will plan going B. are planning to go C. are planning going D. will plan to go( ) 7. Tom, you_ play with the knife. You _hurt yourself. A. wont, cant B. mustnt, may C. shouldnt must D. cant should( ) 8. Will you lend him a magazine _?A. to be read B. for reading C. to read D. he read( ) 9. In competition, as in life, you_ not always win. A. may B. must C. shall D. could( ) 10. The panda is 20 months old now. She is _look after herself. A. old enough B. enough old C. enough old to D. old enough to二、词汇。(每题2分,共30分。)A. 根据释义、提示或中文填词。1. Lucy_(接受)her friends invitation twenty minutes ago.2. He _(握住) my hand and held it tightly. 3. Lizards (蜥蜴)have four legs and a long t_.4. We must walk s_ in the rain.5. We should_ (keep for future) some food and water for tomorrow. B. 用所给单词的正确形式填空。thirsty lose happy rich mouse1. This game brings _to all the children.2. Mr. Zhang is proud of his_.3. He didnt pass the Maths exam because of his _ of interest in Maths.4. My hard-working cat is busy catching _ all day.5. After drinking some milk, I feel even _.C. 用所给动词的正确形式填空。1. It took us two hours _(watch)TV yesterday.2. He decided _(not leave) this city tomorrow.3. Our English teacher often_ (encourage) us to speak English loudly in and after class.4. We _ (not see) each other after we finished high school.5. We must stop _(cut) down forests because they are homes of wild animals.三、句型转换。(每题2分,共10分。)1. A tiger will eat a person if it is hungry.(对划线部分提问)_ will a tiger _ if it is hungry?2. We take care of animals .It is very important.(保持句意基本不变)_ very important for us _ take care of animals 3. He went on practising speaking French. (保持句意基本不变) He _ _ speaking French.4. My mother does most of the washing in my family.(改为否定句) My mother _ _ most of the washing in my family.5. My brother put his watch on the table just now. (改为一般疑问句)_ your brother _ his watch on the table just now?四、根据中文完成句子(每题4分,共20分)1. 这只马正闭着眼站着。 The horse is standing _ _ _ _.2. 他们通常以团队形式工作。 They often _ _ _ _.3. 由于流感,那个地区的一些老人失去了生命。 Some old people in that area _ _ _ _ _ the flu.4. 学生的数量变得越来越少。 The number of the students is _ _ _ _.5. 我们不应该买皮毛做的衣服。We should stop buying _ _ _ _.五、短文填空(每空2分,共20分)Elephant is the l_1_ animal on l_ 2_ today. It w _3_ some ninety kilograms and is about one metre high when born. When it is 12 years old, it studs over three meters and does not grow any m_4_. Elephant is usually grey in c_5_, having a long trunk with large ivory tusks protruding from each side of its mouth. Usually moving in g_6_ and caring for each other, Elephant is known to be a very kind and g_7_ animal. For many years people have used the strength of these powerful animals to m_8_ trees and heavy logs. Elephant has been and is a vital tool for people to do many things that would normally be impossible. Elephant is and will continue to be one of the greatest creatures man has ever come into contact with. Its size. beauty, and p_9_ will forever be u_10_ to man.1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 8A Unit 5 单元测试卷Class _ No. _Name _Marks_一、 单项选择(15)( )1. Last year I met _elephant in _wild.A. a; the B. a; an C. an; the D. an; an( )2. A baby panda _ a white mouse. A. look like B. looks like C. looks likes D. look likes( )3. At four months, the baby panda go outside her home _the first time. A .at B. for C. of D. in ( )4.Some people in the mountains hunt wild animals _a living.A. at B. to C. with D. for( )5. He always agree with his friends about everything. _,he has no thoughts of his own.A. In fact B. and C. but D. otherwise( )6. Everyone should do something _wild animals. A. to protect B. protecting C. protect D. to protecting( )7. All the students will write a report _wild animals _ next week.A. on; in B. on; / C. to; in D. to; /( )8. We usually_ each other when we do not know what to do .A. look at B. look after C. look for D. look up( )9. We are going to build_ reserves and make laws _ protect pandas. A . more; to B .more; / C. many; / D. much; to ( )10. Baby tigers _to catch other animals if they watch their mothers. A. learn how B. will learn how C. learn why D. learn when ( )11.Look! The children are playing _. They are always _. A. happy; happy B. happily; happy C. happily; happy D. happy; happily( )12. Giant pandas are in danger. If we do nothing, soon there may _. A. have none left B. has no left C. be none left D. be no left( )13. The doctor asked him _ in bed for three days.A. to stay B. not stay C. stays D. not stays( )14. Eddie isnt eating the delicious food. I think he _hungry. A. may not B. can be C. must not D. may not be( )15. Were organizing a party next Saturday, and Id like you to come._! I have a meeting to attend that day. Thank you all the time. A. Good luck B. What a pity! C. Never do it again. D. Well done.二、完形填空。(每题1分,共10分。)One day, some children were playing hide-and-seek(捉迷藏)happily. In front of the 1 , Jim found the door of the letter box was 2 and climbed in. He 3 closed the door. When he knew that he 4 himself in it, he began to 5 help, but nobody could 6 . He was 7 and began to cry. At that time, his sister was 8 for him. She happened to hear him. She , of course, wasnt able to open it.When the 9 helped him out, he couldnt keep back his tears. He had been in the box for nearly an hour. “Dont forget to 10 a stamp on yourself next time,” said the postman.( ) 1. A. shop B. park C. post office D. hospital( ) 2. A. open B. closed C. big D. broken( ) 3. A. slowly B. easily C. quickly D. hardly( ) 4. A. get B. locked C. put D. jumped( ) 5. A. find out B. ask for C. think about D. look after( ) 6. A. open B. help C. see D. hear( ) 7. A. angry B. hungry C. afraid D. happy( ) 8. A. asking B. looking C. waiting D. shouting( ) 9. A. policeman B. friend C. postman D. cleaner( ) 10.A. draw B. put C. make D. buy三、阅读理解。(每题2分,共20分。)ALeopards ( 豹 ) live in many parts of the world , from Siberia to Africa .They have a very beautiful yellow skin with large black spots. They live for about 15 years and eat small mammals (哺乳动物) such as zebras, monkeys, and antelopes (羚羊) .They sleep for about 12 hours a day . Leopards are very solitary(独居的)animals. They spend most of their time alone in trees , where they wait until a small animal passes . They jump on the animal and then drag it up into the tree, where they eat it.Like many animals ,leopards are disappearing because people hunt them. They kill them for their beautiful coats. The Sinai leopard , for example , from Egypt, is now probably extinct(绝种的).( ) 1. How long can a leopard live?A . Fifty weeks B. Fifteen months C. Twelve days D. Fifteen years ( ) 2. Leopards _.A . live in family groups B. live alone C. live together D. live with other animals ( ) 3. Leopards spend much time in tree because they want to_.A. sleep B. jump C. wait and catch small mammals D. rest ( ) 4. Which is not true ?A. Leopards have beautiful fur B. Leopards eat animals and plantsC. Leopards sleep 12 hours a day D. The Sinai leopard probably extinct ( ) 5. People hunt leopards because_.A. they kill them for their meat B. they attack people all the time C. they are dangerous D. they kill them for their coats B One day a man and a tiger were walking together. The man said, We man are the strongest in the world. The tiger said to the man. What did you say? Men are the strongest? Oh, no. I dont think so. We tigers are the strongest. They walked on. They saw a picture. In the picture there was a man sitting on the top of a tiger. Look, the man said. The man is on the top of the tiger. As you see, we men are stronger than tigers. Oh, no. If we tigers knew how to draw pictures, wed put the man under the tiger.( )1. One day a man and a tiger were talking about_. A. who was the strongest B. who was the tallest C. who was the happiest D. who was the weakest( )2. The man thought _. A. men could do anything B. men was the strongest C. tigers were strong animals D. tigers were cleverest animals( )3. When the tiger heard what the man said, he_. A. ran away from the man B. stop talking with him C. didnt agree with him D. felt angry with the man( )4. As they walked on, they saw a picture with_. A. some men beside a tiger B. some tigers under a big tree C. a man on top of a tiger D. a tiger on top of a men( )5. The tiger knew_. A. man was the strongest B. who drew the picture C. a tiger drew the picture D. tigers were the strongest四、词汇(15)A、根据句意、英文解释及中文提示写出单词。1. People may d_ without water.2. Can you take the following a _to protect wild animals.3. What do _ (斑马) do when there is danger?4. In China, everyone who breaks the_ will be sent into prison(监狱).5. If no one buys furs, people wont _ (cause to die) wild animals any more.B. 选择适当的词,并用其适当形式填空begin danger have sad hear1. At the_ of the lesson, we learned some new words.2. She went to school without_ breakfast this morning.3. _ , many people still dont want to do something to protect the wild animals.4. An elephant has poor eyesight but good _and smell.5. Dont touch these animals. They are_.C. 选择适当的动词,用其适当形式填空 call live be not sell weigh1. Soon birds may not have a place_.2. Everybody _me Millie at school.3. He will take good care of his pet when he _busy.4. You can know the weight of the apples after _it.5. I _everything I owned except for my car and my books五、句型转换 (10 )1. Most babies weigh between 3 and 4 kilos when they were born. (保持句意基本不变) Most babies weigh between 3 and 4 kilos _ _.2. Giant pandas eat a special kind of bamboo to live. Giant pandas _ _ a special kind of bamboo. (保持句意基本不变)3. Hunters catch tigers for their fur, bones and other parts of the body. (对划线部分提问) _ do hunters catch tigers _?4. Eight months later, she was not a small baby any more.Eight months later, she was _ _a small baby. (保持句意基本不变)5. We must study hard. We want to get high grades.(保持句意基本不变) We must study hard _ _ high grades.六、任务型阅读。阅读文章,回答问题。(每题2分,共10分。)Robert Green was 31 years old when he went to college. That was his first time he came into the classroom Eleven years later, he received a doctors degree in physics. Robert Green was a good example in studies for all people .His life was a moving story. From a young age ,Robert Green lived a simple and poor life with his grandfather in the mountains of Boston .His grandfather taught him to read. Later he taught himself to read Maths books and Physics books. From time to time , he bought old books with his saved money and read them all . At that time few people in Roberts neighbourhood knew about his love of reading and learning .But one person , Jane Keller did Know him.She worked in a library . Robert used to go there and he read everything in it She suggested books for him to read. A year later , he entered Bethel College .He was interested in everything that he had


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