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Teaching Plan for Oxford English ( Shanghai Edition)4B M2 U2 Cute animalsTeacher: , Shen Zhouli 沈舟莉(潼港小学) 第二课时Chen Hong 陈红(顾路中心小学) 第三课时Book: Oxford English ( Shanghai Edition)4B M2 U2Date: 2011-03-16Teaching aids: Multi-media etc.教学设计说明:一、学生情况分析:四年级的学生通过三年多的英语学习,已经掌握了一定的语言知识。在词汇方面,例如动物类的单词以及一些形容词学生都已掌握。在句型方面,学生们已经学过了Doeslike(doing)? Yes, does./No, doesnt.的句型,对一般现在时态第三人称单数的运用已经有所了解。而且他们都非常喜欢可爱的小动物,因此很乐于去学习和了解cute animals,并通过已掌握的句型来表达和描述。二、模块教学任务分析:本模块的主题是My favourite things,由三个单元组成。本单元的内容是学习一些可爱动物以及相关食物的单词。同时通过What does(do)? .(does)的句型了解动物们喜爱的食物,并掌握一般现在时态第三人称单数的特殊疑问句的问答。第一单元的学习主题是Sports,重点是学习球类运动的词组以及Doeslike(doing)?Yes, does./ No, doesnt.句型。第二单元的学习主题是Cute animals,重点是学习一些可爱的动物以及食物的单词,还有一般现在时第三人称单数的特殊疑问句型What does(do)? .(does)。要求学生能在特定语境中运用这一句型问答,了解小动物的习性和所喜爱的食物。第三单元的学习主题是Home life,重点是学习掌握家居处所的单词,并运用现在进行时态的句型am/is/are(doing)来表达不同的人在不同的地方正在做什么。三、单元教学任务分析:通过本单元的学习,要求学生掌握一些可爱动物以及相关食物的单词;能了解并运用What does(do)? .(does)的问答句型;通过Say and act的animal friends以及Read a story的The cat and the mouse,让学生进一步了解了可爱动物之间的故事,并提升到动物之间可以做朋友,人与动物也是朋友。在本单元中还复习操练了单词favourite,词组a large bowl of,too和also的替换以及like(s) to do= like(s) doing句型的转换,以提高学生对语言的综合运用能力。四、各学习项目的分析:1. Look and learn: 核心学习板块,主要学习一些可爱的动物以及相关食物的单词,例如:tortoise, parrot, bone, cat food, dog food等单词。2. Look and say: 核心学习板块,主要进行句型学习,重点句型是What does(do)? .(does)的问答句。3. Say and act: 设定了特定的语言场景,通过两个小故事呈现文本内容,不仅使语言生动活泼,而且还使学生懂得动物之间、人和动物之间都是朋友。4. Read a story: 通过阅读有趣的故事,使所学的知识在不同语境中熟练运用。同时在故事中将新旧知识有机整合,使学生体会到阅读的乐趣。5. Do a survey: 通过问答调查学生对小动物的喜好,以及他们所喜爱的食物,为下一课时做好铺垫。6. Listen and enjoy: 通过儿歌吟诵,巩固所学知识,并培养学生热爱动物的情感。7. Learn the sound: 语音学习,感受双元音字母组合的发音,初步树立因素概念,做到发音准确到位。五、单元教学目标说明:1能正确朗读、拼写单词bone, fish, cat food, dog food, parrot, tortoise等。2. 能运用句型来询问小动物喜爱的食物。3. 能阅读、理解并表演对话及故事。4. 能正确读出字母及字母组合的发音:-oe-, -oa- , -o-。六、学习重点和难点:1. 学习掌握一些小动物及所爱食物的单词:例如:bone, fish, cat food, dog food, parrot, tortoise, favourite, large等。2. 学习掌握What does(do)? .(does)的问答句型。3. 能用所学句型简单描述动物的习性和喜好。七、单元课时划分:课时词汇学习运用句型学习运用综合运用能力第一课时bone, fish, cat food, dog food, parrot-What animals do you like? -What food does eat/like?能用所学的单词来表达所喜爱的动物,了解他们喜爱的食物。第二课时tortoise, large, a large bowl of-What does (do)? (does)能用-What does (do)? (does)的问答句型来询问了解小动物的习性和所喜爱的食物。第三课时wake up, climb onto, climb up, climb down, jump off, catch, go back to (does) . is doing . cannot . is , so .能理解故事的内容,并能够根据故事内容回答问题。同时能理解运用拓展的文本进行复述。第四课时shake, fall down, Joe, goat, FloWhat do you have?Do you want.?Lets . (does) .能理解两个故事的含义,升华对friends一词的理解。同时,通过语音学习,初步树立音素概念,做到发音准确到位。第五课时单元复习第二课时教学目标:1、 复习巩固已学的可爱动物及其食物的单词,如bone, fish, cat food, dog food, parrot等,并新教授 tortoise, large等单词。2、 学习并运用What does(do)? .(does)句型来询问了解小动物的习性及所爱的食物。3、 学习有关的短文,通过“送生日礼物”这一故事的情节,设置特定的语境,创设相关的语篇,将新旧知识的引入和巩固穿插其中,达到提高学生综合运用语言的能力。ProcedureTeachers activitiesStudents activitiesPurposePre-taskpreparation1. Enjoy a song.2. Lets guess. Follow a song.Guess two riddles.通过歌曲营造快乐的学习气氛,并通过谜语复习巩固已学过的动物及其食物的单词,同时也激发了学生学习的兴趣。While-taskProcedure1. Teach : favouriteWhat does(do)? -.(does)a. Listen to a dialogue about“Alices birthday prensent”.And read a short passage about a cute cat, Ginger.To elicit: favourite; What does(do)? .(does)b. Lets think Whats your favourite thing?c. Pair workWhat does eat?- eats .Its (his/her)favourite food.2. Teach: large a lagre of a. Listen to the dialogue to elicit “large” “a large bowl of”b. Read a short passage ahout Ginger again and answer the questions.c. Ask and answerWhat does eat? eats a large bowl of every day.3. Listen to a dialogue and read a short passage about a cute dog, Sam.To elicit: .too.=also.a. Lets practice.4. Listen to a dialogue to elicit “like(s) to do=like(s) doing”a. Read and say5. Teach: tortoisea.Listen to a dialogue to elicit “tortoise”.b. Lets chant.c. Read a short passage and answer the questions.1.Learn:favouriteWhat does(do)?-.(does)a. Listen and read.b. Answer the question.c. Pair work.2. Learn: large a lagre of a. lisen to a dialogue.b. Read and answer.c. Ask and answer.3. Listen and read.a. Practice.4. Listen a dialogue.a. Read and say.5. Learn: tortoisea. Listen a dialogue.b. Lets chant.c. Read and answer.通过创设的有关“Alice的生日礼物”的对话,引出单词favourite和主要句型:What does(do)? -.(does)通过回答问题,进一步巩固favourite的运用。通过Pair work,进一步巩固What does eat?- eats .的句型以及favourite的运用。通过相关的对话,引出large和a large bowl of。阅读创设的短文并回答问题,对What does(do)?.(does).句型操练和巩固。通过问答,再次对Whatdoes.(do)?(does)句型反复操练和巩固。通过对话和创设的短文引出.too.=also.的句型结构。通过Practice,使学生了解并掌握too和also的转换。通过对话和创设的短文引出like(s) to do=like(s) doing,并进行相关的操练。通过对话引出tortoise,并通过Lets chant进一步巩固掌握。阅读所创设的短文并回答问题,进一步了解乌龟的生活习性。Post-taskactivity1. Lets read.2. Lets say.1.Read a passage.2.Fill in the blanks and say.通过所创设的短文的整合,让学生填单词并朗读,巩固和深化cute animals的主题。Assignment1. Find some cute animals on the network, to learn about them.2. Write a short passage about a cute animal. Materials:1. Dialogue:Kitty: Alices birthday is coming. I will give her a present.Peter: She likes cute animals. Lets go to the pet shop.(Kitty and Peter are in the pet shop. There are many cute animals in the shop.)K: Look at the cat. She is very cute. What does she eat?P: She eats fish. Its her favourite food.K: Does she eat cat food?P: Yes, she does. She eats a large bowl of cat food every day.K: Look, its a dog. Its cute. Its Sam.P: How about Sam? What does Sam like?K: He likes bones. He likes meat too.P: Does he like dog food?K: No, he doesnt. He doesnt eat dog food at all. P: Does Alice like cats or dogs?K: Cats and dogs are so cute, but I think she doesnt like them. Look! Whats that?P: Oh, its a tortoise.K: I know Alice likes tortoises best. Its her favourite present.P: Good idea. Lets buy it.Alice: Wow, its so cute. I like it!2. PassageCute animalsThere are many animals in the pet shop. Look! This is a cat. Her name is Ginger. She is very cute. She is white and black. She eats fish. Its her favourite food. She likes to eat cat food, too. She eats a large bowl of cat food every day. She grows and grows. She is very fat and cute. Look at the cute dog. His name is Sam. Hes yellow and brown. He likes bones. He likes meat too. But Sam doesnt like eating dog food. He doesnt eat dog food at all. He likes to eat a large bowl of bones or meat every day. So he is very strong. Look there! Its a tortoise. The tortoise is very cute. He is green. He has a shell(壳). Its rough and hard. He can climb slowly(慢). He likes eating small fish and corn. Sometimes he likes dark(阴暗). Sometimes he likes the sun. They are very cute. Do you like them?第三课时教学目标:1. To master the new words “wake up, catch, climb onto, climb up, climb down”2. Let the students understand the main idea of a new story and the meaning of“Friends”3. Have the students improve the reading comprehensions ability by group cooperative learning4. Encourage the students to finish the different tasks by design hierarchical practice.ProcedureTeachers activitiesStudents activitiesPurposePre-taskpreparation5. Enjoy a song.6. Lets guess. Follow a song.Guess two riddles.通过歌曲营造快乐的学习气氛,并通过谜语复习巩固已学过的动物及其食物的单词,同时也激发了学生学习的兴趣。While-taskProcedure1. Teach : favouriteWhat does(do)? -.(does)d. Listen to a dialogue about“Alices birthday prensent”.And read a short passage about a cute cat, Ginger.To elicit: favourite; What does(do)? .(does)e. Lets think Whats your favourite thing?f. Pair workWhat does eat?- eats .Its (his/her)favourite food.6. Teach: large a lagre of a. Listen to the dialogue to elicit “large” “a large bowl of”b. Read a short passage ahout Ginger again and answer the questions.c. Ask and answerWhat does eat? eats a large bowl of every day.7. Listen to a dialogue and read a short passage about a cute dog, Sam.To elicit: .too.=also.b. Lets practice.8. Listen to a dialogue to elicit “like(s) to do=like(s) doing”d. Read and say9. Teach: tortoisea.Listen to a dialogue to elicit “tortoise”.b. Lets chant.c. Read a short passage and answer the questions.1.Learn:favouriteWhat does(do)?-.(does)d. Listen and read.e. Answer the question.f. Pair work.2. Learn: large a lagre of a. l


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