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正评价单词节俭 frugal husband prudence thrift大方 munificent liberal bounteous freehanded generous安静 serene peaceful tranquil sedate phlegmatic dispassionate equable imperturbable placid staid quietude先驱 precursor harbinger herald forerunner吸引 appealing telling compelling inviting taking engrossing中立 indifferent apathetic dispassionate neutral unbiased impassive迷人的 Winsome riveting奇异 bizarre outlandish weird eerie exotic esoteric勇敢 valorous intrepid undaunted indomitable gallant天真 nave guileless innocent artless ingenuous格言 Adage aphorism dictum epigram maxim precept装饰多 flashy decorative embellish garish flamboyant tawdry gaudy bedizen foppish garish gaudy frippery lurid flamboyance flaring meretricious showy florid regal resplendent bravura sumptuous谨慎 politic prudent scrupulous conscientious canny chary meticulous gingerly(adv.) discretion punctilious wary卓越杰出的 Preeminent prominent eminent transcendent salient无瑕疵的 Immaculate impeccable irreproachable欢快的 vivacious active animated brisk dynamic energetic Ebullient ecstasy effervescence euphoria exuberance exult jollity jubilation mirth transport exuberant gay lively spirited sprightly spry 充沛 exuberance opulence profusion cornucopia bountiful copious fertility plenitude prolific affluence ample奇特的,罕见的 exceptional remarkable stupendous奇妙的 miraculous wonderful marvelous大胆的,莽撞的 audacious bold brave daring gallant heroic valiant prowess dauntless Fortitude mettle valor undaunted hardy dauntless gamely indomitable intrepid prowess多产的,丰富的 prolific fecund fertile fruitful productive munificent prosperous affluent flourish opulent plentiful abundant持久的 everlasting perpetual permanent endurable abiding eternal谨慎的,警觉的 wary chary vigilant discreet considerate cautious prudent careful circumspect神圣的 spiritual sanctuary迅速发展,趋于繁荣prosper flourish thrive boom mushroom sprout平息物 balm emollient pain-killer analgesic anodyne placebo宁静的,平静的 quiet calm serene peaceful silent still tranquil pacific composed phlegmatic dispassionate equable imperturbable placid sedate staid tranquil quietude冷静的,不为所动的phlegmatic impassive apathetic composed indifferent reserved nonchalant collected unruffled imperturbable impervious真正的,纯种的 genuine authentic真实的,诚实的 candid candor frank fair genuine open pure trustworthy trustful veracious virtuous忠诚 fidelity allegiance attachment devotion faith fealty steadfast精确,准确 accuracy exactness exactitude precision大纲,摘要 compendium synopsis abstract summary仁慈的,宽大的 lenient benefic beneficent benign benignant clement clemency benign countenance indulgent magnanimous leniency严格的 rigid rigor rigorous severity stringent迷人的,诱人的 intriguing alluring appealing attractive captivate charming enchanting enticing fascinating interesting inviting tantalizing tempting thrilling winning ingratiating优势,主权,权势 clout ascendance ascendancy authority preponderance 合理的 logical national reasonable sound一致的,相等的 congruent tantamount commensurate concord harmony agreement rapport conformity相称的,合适的 condign becoming fitting proper suitable appropriate温顺的,驯服的 obedient meek gentle docile tame deference supple complaisant docile amenable flexible tractable amenable obedient pliant submissive compliant dutiful meek聪明敏锐的 perspicacious perceptive shrewd acumen acute sagacious subtlety discerning incisive shrewd astute heady思考 meditation cerebration muse pore cogitate ponder ruminate预感 foreboding presentiment presage预兆 foreshadow premonition presage prognosis prophetic betoken bode portend portent indicative清楚 conspicuous arresting blatant obtrusive noticeable arresting prominent remarkable salient striking noticeable conspicuous outstanding tangible palpable manifest overt patent conspicuous话少 terse concise compendious curt laconic succinct summary taciturn muted retiring reticent concise curt brief compendious condensed compressed laconic reticent关系近 Germane pertinent affiliated gregarious rapport天生的 congenital inherent intrinsic起初、原始的 nascent incipient rudimentary germinal inchoate primordial embryonic pristine负评价单词挥霍 prodigal lavish spendthrift wasteful squander extravagant sumptuous小气 thrift miserly parsimonious petty stingy niggardly penurious mean skinflint tightfisted小气鬼 miser niggard单调 torpid lethargic inane drab monotonous好斗 belligerent bellicose aggressive contentious诽谤 vilify slander malign defame traduce反感 antipathy repulsion aversion陈腐 banal commonplace trite hackneyed clich傻瓜 fatuous asinine lunatic固执 stubborn obdurate intractable recalcitrant obstinate混乱 commotion turbulent boisterous pandemonium chaotic喧闹 Obstreperous pandemonium boisterous bustle clangor clamorvociferous恶臭 notorious noisome fetid malodorous fetid flagrantfoulmalodorousnoisomenotorietyputridskunkstenchstinkrancid reek stale装饰少 austere Spartan unadorned sober severe plain炎热 torrid scalding sultry scorching后悔 penitent compunction contrite remorse无耻 impudent shameless unscrupulous容易冲动的 impetuous hasty headlong rash brash passionate reckless理论家 doctrinaire pedant theorist残忍的,野蛮的 ferocious brutal cruel fierce ruthless vicious wild atrocious秘密的,偷偷的 cryptic furtive covert surreptitious 隐居 hermit seclusion monastic sequester recluse避难所 asylum haven harbor institution refuge shelter sanctuary傲慢,专横 hauteur swagger imperious arrogance overbearing preemptory presumptuous bumptious scurrilous haughty insolent arbitrary contemptuous swagger strut stride恶作剧的,顽皮的 prankish naughty impish elfish devilish mischievous笨拙的,麻烦的 cumbersome awkward ungainly ponderous 暴乱,骚动 agitation bother commotion stir大风暴 tempest violence storm大混乱,大灾难 havoc calamity catastrophe misfortune mishap woe tragedy巨大的,惊人的 prodigious enormous extraordinary gigantic cosmic astronomical gargantuan hulking magnitude mammoth prodigious titanic voluminous colossal huge immense mammoth vast tremendous胆小的,胆怯的 cowardly craven fearful diffident scared pusillanimous timid dastard poltroon tremulous gall-less过量 Glut plethora superfluous贫困的,贫乏的 indigent penurious penury impecunious needy沼泽,湿地 marsh mire fen mesh swamp虚弱的,衰老的 feckless flaccid flagging languid effete feeble短暂的,瞬间的 momentary temporary transient ephemeral evanescent provisional世俗的 mundane commonplace earthly earthy terrene terrestrial uncelestial worldly carnal corporal secular humane假神圣 sanctimonious sanctified过分注重细节的、挑剔的、拘于礼节的 meticulous nitpick finicky finical exacting censoring fastidious choosy critical particular selective苦行僧 stoic ascetic martinet adherent pilgrim 骚动不安 turbulence turmoil ferment agitation pandemonium sedition tumult uproar放纵、享乐 indulge coddle mollycoddle hedonism epicure cater to spoil libertine licentious voluptuary wastrel mollycoddle coddle cosset humor(迁就) lenient dissipate gorge(暴食)假的 fallacious mendacious ostensible apocryphal feint spurious mendacious ostensible做作的 contrived artificial mannered stilted affected坏脾气的,暴躁的 cantankerous cranky irascible irritable quarrelsome choleric apoplectic churlish petulant raspy蹒跚,摇晃,跌倒 stagger sway tumble waver flounder ramshackle粗略的,大概的 schematic cursory coarse crude rough vulgar荒谬的,愚蠢的 absurd silly ridiculous senseless ludicrous琐碎的,不重要的 trivial frivolous inane measly paltry puny shallow slight superficial trifling worthless卑贱的,可怜的 scurry abject miserable pathetic mean wretched ignoble contemptible despicable shameless ignominious怪人 recalcitrance nonconformist iconoclast bohemian eccentric nomadic怪人特征 erratic idiosyncratic peculiar queer singular weird offbeat教条 convention dogma tradition顽强的,坚固的 headstrong obstinate stubborn adamant bullheaded pigheaded inflexible tenacious unbending unyielding dour recalcitrant bigotry tenacity pertinacity疯狂的 demented delirium frantic frenetic frenzied maniacal rabid zany模糊 equivocal elliptical ambiguous evasive elusive enigmatic obscure impalpable inscrutable intricate murky nebulous话多 glib vocative fluent talkative voluble compact epigrammatic marrowy meaty关系远 dissociation(n.分裂) aloof impersonal unsociable reserved solitary standoffish unapproachable withdrawn支持类动词预见 portend prophesy prescient foreshadow偏爱 penchant for propensity for tendency to disposition on迷住 Captivate enthrall capture enrapture entrance engross引诱、蛊惑: Entice lure tempt allure模仿 mimicry imitation pastiche simulate ape祝福,感谢 bless bliss blessing benediction赞扬 extol compliment glorify laud praise commend acclaim eulogize颂词n. Encomium eulogy anthem paean panegyric tribute extol laud acclaim exalt plaudit支持 Buttress bolster espouse endorse advocacy居住 dwell abide reside inhabit occupy夸张,吹牛 exaggerate bombast overstate full-blown overdo magnify amplify enlarge免责,确定无罪 exempt exonerate exculpate invulnerable absolve acquittal amnesty exonerate exculpate vindicate释放 extricate emancipate unfetter alleviate促进,帮助 precipitate accelerate advance facilitate hasten hurry promote quicken speed-up assist abet press煽动激起 rouse arouse awaken excite foment anger inflame pique provoke disquiet incense whet stimulate stir instigate galvanize vex rile roil annoy aggravate disturb恳求 beseech entreat implore solicit supplicate效忠,尊敬 homage adoration deference esteem honor respect reverence veneration worship暗示 insinuate allude implicate innuendo intimate婉转的表述 inkling circuitous circumlocution euphemism分配,给予,分发 allocate allot apportion assign distribute divide灌输教导 inculcate indoctrinate infuse假定 postulate premise supposition assumption hypothetical reputed报复、报答 requite reprisal retaliation retribution补偿 restitution redress reparation atone compensatory批准认可 sanction approbation endorsement ratification acknowledge反对类动词剥夺 disenfranchise divest strip deprive平息抚慰 mollify solace conciliate assuage placate pacify mollify pacify placate appease propitiate quell solace allay assuage extenuate mitigate palliate remit alleviate remission伪装 dissemble dissimulate feign camouflage fabricate sham否认 deny naysay gainsay repudiate disclaim refute refuse删节 expurgate bowdlerize abridge prune truncate轻视 disdain spurn despise reject scorn contempt derogate belittle disparage depreciate flout defile嘲笑 deride mock ridicule scorn sneer quip flout persiflage taunt mordant spoof badinage banter浪费时间,嬉戏 dally dawdle delay lag linger loiter欺骗,诈骗 deceive beguile mislead trick swindle揭密,泄漏 uncover disclose expose open reveal unmask偷窃 filch pilfer steel thieve purloin burgle诽谤,中伤 aspersion slander derogate calumniate smear libel discredit asperse denigrate injure反对 demur deprecate dissent dissident否认,拒绝,驳斥 deny contradict dispute refute renounce naysay rebuff withhold dismiss reject repudiate gainsay renege rejoinder controvert repulsion retort逃避、避免 abscond evasive shirk shun eschew obviate parry sheer哀悼,后悔,哀叹 deplore bemoan regret lament dirge bewail repent驱逐,出境 deport banish expel expatriate evict exile oust exclude ostracize取消,撤销,废除 repeal nullify abolish quash withdraw abrogate abolish annul cancel invalidate recall rescind evoke retract overrule expunge abrogate countermand derelict repeal rescind expunge束缚 shackle handcuff manacle chain
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