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期货期权术语中英文对照一、期货1 Futures market 期货市场2Futures contract 期货合约3 Financial futures 金融期货4 Commodity futures 商品期货5 Financial futures contract 金融期货合约6 Currency futures contract 货币期货合约7 Interest rate futures contract 利率期货合约8 Stock index futures contract 股票指数期货合约9Financial forward contract 金融远期合约10 Clearing house 清算所11Initial margins 初始保证金12 Settlement 交割13 Short seller 卖空者14 The Gilts 金边债券15 Futures delivery 期货交割16 Futures transaction 期货交易17Hedging mechanism 规避机制18Market expectation 市场预期19 To defuse(attempted monopoly positions) 冲破(形成的市场垄断状况)20 Net settlement status 净结算状况,净结算头寸 21Synthetic financial futures position 综合金融期货头寸22 Status inquiry 信用状况调查23 Stock indexes 股票指数24 Stock index futures 股票指数期货25Currency futures 外币期货26Distant futures 远期期货27 Nearby futures 近期期货28 On a discount basis 以折价形式29 A long position 多头部位,利多形势30 A short position 空头部位,短缺头寸31 Short purchase 买空,空头补进32 Shifting risk 转嫁风险,转移风险33Basis risk 基差风险34 Converge 集聚(期货和现货价格)35 Swing 变动(幅度),摆动,涨跌36 Cross hedge 交叉套做37Volatile 易变的,不稳定的38 Volatile market 不稳定的市场行情39 Margin money 预收保证金,开设信用证保证金40position 头寸,交易部位,部位 41Long position 多头寸,买进的期货合同 42Short position 空头43 Exchange position 外汇头寸,外汇动态44Interest position 利率头寸45 Swap position 调期汇率头寸46 Square position 差额轧平(未抵冲的外汇买卖余额的轧平状况)47 Brokerage firm 经纪商(号)48Security bond 保付单49 Post 登记总帐,过帐50 Brokerage 经纪业,付给经纪人的佣金51FX futures contract 外汇期货合约52 Foreign currency futures 外汇期货53 Futures price 期货价格54 Go long 入金,多头55 Total FX portfolio 外汇投资总额56A long position 多头寸,买进的期货合约57 Go short 短缺,卖空,空头58 A short position 空头,卖出的期货合约59 Place an order 订购,下单60 Trading pit 交易场61 Open outcry 公开喊价,公开叫价 62Floor broker 场内经纪人63 Transactions costs 交易费用64 Zero-sum game 零和竞争(游戏)65 Current futures price 现时的期货价格66 The open interest 未结清权益67 Building agreement 具有约束力的协定68 Pay up 付清,缴清69 In force (法律上的)有效的70 Kill a bet 终止赌博71 Settlement price 结算价格72 Date of delivery 交割期73 Point of delivery 交割地点74Futures commission merchants 期货经纪公司75 Market order 市价订单76 Time order 限时订单77 Opening order 开市价订单78 Closing order 收市价订单79 Basis order 基差订单80 Corners 垄断81Outright position 单笔头寸82 Direct hedging 直接套做83 Indirect hedging 间接套做84 Short hedging 空头套做85 Long arbitrage 多头套做86 Back spreads 反套利87Margin call 保证金统治88 Price discovery 价格发现 二、期权1Option 期权,选择权,买卖期权 2 Call and put options 买入期权和卖出期权 3 Option buyer 期权的买方 4 Option seller 期权的卖方 5 Underlying securities 标的证券 6 Exercise price, striking price 履约价格,认购价格 7 Option fee =option premium or premium on option 期权费 8Intrinsic value 实际价值,内部价值 9Intrinsic utility 内在效用10 Arbitrage opportunity 套价机会11 Arbitrage 套购,套利,套汇12Arbitrage of exchange or stock 套汇或套股13Speculation on foreign exchange 外汇投机14Speculation in stock 股票投机15 To be hedging 进行套期保值16 A put option on a debt security 债务证券的卖出期权17 Call options on an equity 权益(证券)的买入期权18 Cover 弥补,补进(卖完的商品等)19Write 签发,签署,承保,编写20 Margin call 追加保证金的通知21Close out 平仓,结清(帐) 22 Notional sum 名义金额23 Notional principal 名义本金24Equity portfolio 股票资产25 Predetermined 预先约定的26Strike price 协定价格27 Put (option) 卖方期权,看跌期权28 Call (option) 买方期权,看涨期权29Open market 公开市场30Premium 期权费31 Downside 下降趋势32 Open-ended 开口的,无限制的,无限度的33 Out-of-the-money 无内在价值的期权34 In-the-money 有内在价值的期权35 At-the-money 平值期权36Crop up(out) 出现,呈现37Cap 带利率上限的期权38 Floor 带利率下限的期权39Floor trader 交易员40 Break-even 不亏不盈,收支相抵41Asymmetry 不对称 42Symmetry 对称43Sell forward 远期卖出44Up-front fee 预付费用,先期费用45Change hands 交换,换手46 Contractual value 合同价格47 Over-the-counter 场外的,不同过交易所的48Customize 按顾客要求制作49 Futures margin 期货保证金50 Initial margin 初始保证金51 Open position 头寸52 Maintenance margin 最低保证金,维持保证金53 Variation margin 盈亏保证金,变动保证54 Market makers 造市者55 Extrinsic value 外在价值56 Contracts of difference 差异合约57 Market-clearing 市场结算58 Adaptive expectations 适应性预期59 Bid-ask spread 递盘虚盘差价60 Small-order automatic system 小额定单执行系统61 Dealers 批发商 62Dual trading 双重交易63 Mature liquid contracts 到期合约64 Backwardation 现货溢价65 Nearby contract 近期合约66 Short-lived securities 短期有效证券67 Cash-and-carry arbitrage 现货持有套利68 Open positions 敞口头寸69 Uncovered interest arbitrage 未担保利率套利70 Premium 期权权利金71Call-options 认购期权72 Put-options 认沽期权73 Speculation 投机74Cross hedging 交叉保值75 Hedging risk 套期保值风险76 Synthetic options 合成期权77 Option purchase price 期权的购进价格78Options on futures contract 期货合同的期权交易79 Forward swap 远期掉期80 Swap rate 掉期率81 Risk transformation 风险转移82 Contract size 合约容量83 Daily limit 每日涨跌停板84 Double option 双向期权三、市场1Physical trading现货交易2Arbitrage 市场间套利3Basis Price/ Strike Price 基本价格,履约价格4Bear 卖空者,看跌者5Bear market 空头市场,熊市6Bull market7Bottom 底价:某时间段内的最低价8Peak高价:某时间段的最高价9Business day 交易日10Primary market 初级市场11Secondary market 二级市场12Principal 委托人,货主本人13Profit Taking 获利回吐14Prompt 即付15Rally 回升16Range 波幅17Recovery 复苏18Depression萧条19Scalp 小投机,日内多次交易 20Security deposit 保证金21Session 交易时段22Settlement price 结算价格23Short hedge 卖出套期保值24Long Hedge买入套期保值25Speculator 投机者26Spot 现货27Spread 价差:两个相关市场之间或相关商品之间的价格差异28Switching转月:由一个期货合约转为另一个期货合约29Technical analysis 技术分析法30Tick size 最小价位31Time value 时间价值32Turnover/Volume 交易量33Variation margin价格变动保证金34Warehouse receipt仓单35American-style options 美式期权36European-style options 欧式期权37Arbitration 仲裁38Assignment 转让39Average daily volume 平均每日交易量40Board of trade 交易委员会41Breakeven 平衡点(收支相抵)42Brokerage/Commission 佣金43Brokerage house 经纪行44Buy to close买进平仓45Buy to open 买入建仓46Canceling order 取消订单47Clearing fee 结算费48Close 收盘、收市49Closing price 收盘价50Coupon 票面利率51Customer margin 客户保证金52Daily trading limits 日交易限制 53Day trader 当日交易者 54Deferred 延期 55Delivery 交割,交收56Delivery month 交割月 57Delivery points 交割点58Equilibrium price 均衡价格 59Exhaustion gap消耗缺口60Expanded trading hours 延迟交易时间61Expiration 到期,截止期限62Federal funds rate 联邦基金利率63Financial instrument 金融工具64Floor trader 场内交易员65Gross domestic product (GDP) 国内生产总值66High limit 涨停价67Historical volatility 历史波幅68Index 指数69Initial margin 原始保证金70Intrinsic valu


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