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本科毕业设计文献翻译 JATIGEDE大坝工程本科毕业设计文献翻译题 目 JATIGEDE大坝工程 学 院 水利水电学院 专 业 水利水电工程 学生姓名 xxx 学 号 xxxxx 年级 xxxx 指导教师 xxxxx 二xxx年 六 月 五 日Indonesia Jatigede Hydraulic Project1 Project OverviewJatigede Dam is planned to be built over the Cimanuk River, about 25km from upstream of Rentang Barrage. The Project is located at Cijuengjing Village, Jatiged Sub-district, Sumedang District, West Java Province, with a distance of 16km from trunk road of Cirebon-Sumedang and 75km from Cirebon City.Project development assignment contains comprehensive utilization functions,the primary function is irrigation, secondary function is generating electricity. Primary goal of Jatigede Reservoir construction was to generate electricity, which is altered to be irrigation along with changes in irrigation demand.Jatigede Reservoir in Clay Core Rockfill Dam type controls drainage area of 1414km2 and with maximum dam height of 110m.Total storage of the Reservoir reaches 1062.78106m3.The Reservoir holds normal pool level of 260.00m, corresponding reservoir area of 39.53km2 and corresponding storage of 796106m3.The Power Station is of equipped capacity of 110MW and perennial average electricity generated reaches 450,000,000 kWh. Main hinge buildings include: dam, spillway, irrigation tunnel, diversion and power generating system and workshops etc. See Characteristic Form of Jatigede Hydraulic Project for characteristics of such buildings.2 General Situation of Physical Geography2.1 General Situation of the WatershedCimanuk River is at West Java of Indonesia, its start point is at Garut, flow from southwest to northeast, and finally flow into Wado. At the lower reach of Wado, Cimanuk River goes across a mountain, forming a continuous gorge. Jatigede Dam is located at the top of the upper reach of the gorge.At the north of the river valley, Cimanuk River flows out the valley at Parakankondang near the Parakankondang Hydropower Station (generating capacity 10MW).After receiving the two major tributary branch Cilutung River of the right bank and the Cipeles River on the left bank, it forms a vast valley and turn to north. At the lower reach, Parakankondang Cimanuk River continue wriggle, finally flows into coastal areas i.e. lower reach of Tomo area, and flow into Java Sea. Catchment area controlled by the watershed of Cimanuk River is 3584km2, the river length is 210km.The river system is in the shape of tree. Geographic coordinates of the river basin is located within 1074810825E, and 615730S.Jatigede Reservoir is located at the middle reach of Cimanuk River, the river valley is mostly in the shape of V, and the river course is comparably precipitous. The elevation is EL. 160 meters at normal water stage, and the width range of river is between fewer 20 meters to 50 meters. Starting from elevation of water stage, the gradient of the gorge raise up from 45to 60at the first 40 meters, then fall down between 30and 45.In the area the forest is densely covered, the vegetation is good, the population is small, and the agriculture and reclamation is worse.Geographic coordinates of Jatigede Dam site are 65200S, and 1074800E. The watershed area controlled by the dam site is 1460km2, covers 40.74% of the total watershed area, and the river length in the watershed is 101.453km.River system of the basin and distribution of hydrometrical station refers to Fig. 7.2.2 Meteorological CharacteristicsThe Cimanuk river basin is in the tropics climatic region, warm and moist, the change of temperature within year is slightly. Climate changes evidently along with altitude, mountain strike and wind direction of monsoon.The watershed is as same as other places in Indonesia. There are two major seasons. Rainy season (West monsoon season) starts from November and ends at April. Dry season (East monsoon season) starts from May and ends at October. In the Jatigede Reservoir basin the rainfall is extremely abundant. According to the Review of Detailed Design completed in 2004, computing by the precipitation data of 19852003 got by above 6 precipitation gauging stations, the average annual precipitation of the basin reaches 2406.90mm. Precipitation assigns very unevenly in the year. Monthly precipitation change is big. The precipitation concentrates to the rainy season. The precipitation of November April covers 78.8% of the annual precipitation, and in the dry season ay October it just covers 21.2%.According to the air temperature provided by Marongge weather station in the area, the maximum value of average annual temperature is 30.4, minimum value of average annual temperature is 22.7. Monthly average temperature in the year changes slightly, but annual average temperature evidently changes along with the changes of altitude. The temperature at sea level is about 27, however the temperature falls down about 6 per 1000m raise. Maximum temperature appears at October and November, and the minimum appears at February and March. The average air humidity of many years provided by Kadipaten weather station is 79%, average value of gasification is 4.85mm/hair, average annual sunlight time is: from 8:00 to 16:00, totally 5.9 hours. The annual average daily wind velocity is 62.10km. However knowing from the report of detailed design by SMEC in 1986: the Extreme Maximum Temperature is 37.1, the minimum is 20.1. Maximum instantaneous wind velocity is 25m/s. 3 REGIONAL GEOLOGY 3.1 TopograghyThe Cimanuk Basin is located in the northern part of West Java, between 6and 8southern latitude, and between 10730and 10830 eastern longitude. The river rises at an elevation of about 2500 m on the slopes of G. Papandayan, and flows in a northerly direction to the Java Sea.The headwater area of the river, from the vicinity of Garut downstream to Wado, is a relatively high Quaternary volcanic plateau with peaks rising to above EL (elevation) 2000m. In this area the river is generally contained within a steep-walled valley cut into the plateau.Downstream of Wado the river emerges from a gorge in young volcanic deposits, from where it meanders northwards in a fairly wide alluviated valley basin, part of which will be occupied by the reservoir backed up by Jatigede Dam.At the northern margin of this basin there is a range of hills through which the river passes in a series of gorges. The Jatigede dam-site is located in the most upstream gorge. The river exits from the gorges at Parakankondang, near an existing 10 MW hydro-electric power station. Below Parakankondang the river proceeds to the gently sloping coastal plain beyond Tomo. It is in this vicinity that the Cimanuk is joined by its two major tributaries, the Cipeles from the west and the Cilutung from the east.On the coastal plain, at elevations below 50 m, the river meaders from Rentang Weir to the coast near Indramayu. It has formed and continues to form an extensive delta in the Java Sea, by depositing very large quantities of silt.3.2 StratigraphySuperficial deposits occur extensively throughout the region and comprise valley alluvium, soil, weathering products and landslide debris. Bedrock ranges from Oligocene to Recent in age. Quarternary volcanic deposits, including tutf, breccia, lava and reworked material from numerous extinct and active volcanic centres are common, especially in the upper Cimanuk basin. Pliocene claystone of the Citalang Formation and volcanic breccia belonging to an unnamed formation are widespread, with the breccia forming high cliffs and escarpments. Miocene marine volcanic breccia, tuff, claystone, sandstone and limestone occur widely in the central Cimanuk basin, showing considerable deformation. At the dam-site the Miocene rock types belong to the Halang Formation. Oligocene claystone, sandstone and greywacke of the Cinambo Formation also occur in the central Cimanuk basin.The above rocks are intruded by dikes, plugs and laccoliths of diorite, andesite and basalt, ranging in age probably from Pliocene to Recent. Breccia pipes also occur.The older rocks are deformed by faulting and folding. There are unconformities between Oligocene/Miocene rocks with overlying Pliocene and Quaternary strata. The degree of deformation varies considerably, both from area to area as well as being dependent on the rock age. The Oligocence- Miocene rocks are complexly folded and faulted in the Jatigede area, but further north are in places only gently deformed. The Pliocene volcanic breccia forms a possibly gently warped plateau at intermediate level in the middle Cipeles basin. In the Cimanuk valley it forms hill-cappings, being the remnants of this plateau. During the present geological mapping and subsurface exploration many narrow and some larger faults have been found which appear to be related either to tectonic deformation or, more commonly to large-scale slope failure. There is a major zone of faulting at the unconformity where Pliocene volcanic breccia was deposited onto older marine claystones. In the Jatigede-Parakankondong area this zone appears to be the slip plane for almost all major landslides. In some drill holes the zone contained more than 10m of sheared to crushed and granulated, very weak claystone, often with numerous embedded volcanic boulders. Apart from Pliocene volcanic breccia blocks sliding on underlying claystone in the Jatigede area and Quaternary volcanic rocks sliding on claystone in the Wado area, there is evidence (for example near Parakankondang) that blocks becoming detached at plateau edges can gradually sink into or rotate on the underlying claystone.3.3 Regional Geological Structure and SeismicityJava is located above an active, northward dipping Benioff Zone, where the Indo- Australian crustal plate is thrust under the Eurasian Plate. Java is part of an island arc, with submarine trenches along the southern margin, active volcanoes on the landmasses and a seismically stable block to the north. Earthquakes are all shallow south of Java, mostly intermediate to deep from south to north across Java, and deep beneath the Java sea. There is also shallow seismic activity above the Benioff Zone.Instrumentally recorded earthquakes above the Benioff Zone is substantiated by reports of felt intensities and by accurate depth calculations. Each section shows events in a strip 100 km wide.Most earthquakes are located on the Benioff Zone which dips in a northerly direction. In the Jatigede dam-site area it is from about 130 km to 200 km below the surface, but only about 100 km away at the closest slant distance.The more concentrated activity contains several zones. The main zone trends approximately NNESSW and passes through the BogorSukabumi district, extending in a southerly direction into the Indian Ocean. Another of these zones trends NESW and passes through Tegal in Central Java, more than 100 km away from the project area. The area between these two zones has been relatively quiet, at least during the period of instrumentally recorded events. Older records show a high level of seismicity in the Bogor-Sukabumi district (some 150 km west of the project area) for a period of several hundred years. Old records also show that large earthquakes have occurred in the past in areas which are now relatively quie, for example, the Indramayu Earthquake of 1847.An approximately E-W trending line of shallow earthquake activity occurs near Javas south coast, corresponding on the surface with the main line of active volcanoes. This line passes through Garut and is at its closest some 60 km from Jatigede.Shallow earthquakes are also common in the Bogor-Sukabumi district , 100 to 200 km west of the Project area.East of the Project area there is a cluster of local events apparently associated with volcanic activity of G. Ciremai. The annual frequency of these events correlate with the volcanic activity.With respect to the project area, records for the period from 1823 to 1973 show a total of 327 earthquakes in the lower and middle parts of the Cimanuk catchment:CirebonKuninganDarmaTelage districts(18231973):232 eventsMajalengka(18851973):18 eventsJatiwangKadipaten(18911973):3 eventsDarmawangi(18931973):3 eventsCadasngampar(1957):1 eventDarmaraja(19271973):2 eventsSumedangCimalakaCijambeTanjungsari(18231973):68 eventsHistorically active volcanoes within range of the Cimanuk Basin are G.Ciremai (30 km east of Jatigede), G. Guntur, G. Papandayan and G.Talagabodas (40 to 65 km south to south-east of Jatigede), G. Galunggung (45 km south of Jatigede) and G. Tangkuban Prahu (60 km west of Jatigede).The Papandayan, Galunggung, Guntur and Ciremai volcanoes have exhibited strong activity causing widespread deposits of ash, lahar flows and, in the case of Galunggung and probably also Papandayan, incandescent ash clouds. Historic activity of the others is relatively mild. In the lower and middle Cimanuk Basin ash fell from the eruptions of Krakatau (1883), Galunggung (1894 and 1982) and Ciremai (19371938). Exploration for the project revealed only very local preserved young air-fall ash deposits in the area. The last time the area was devastated by volcanic activity appears to be about 2.2 million years ago.3.4 Evaluation on Regional Tectonic StabilityThe project area is located at north of Benioff active structure zone, which is the subduction zone beween India-Australia Plate and Eurasian Plate, where-there earthquake activity is relatively stable on this plate. The two active seismic zones, NNESSW and NESW, is 150km and 100km from the project area respectively and mainly feature in intermediate earthquake, the other approximately E-W trending line of shallow seismic zone is at its closest some 60 km from Jatigede.Earthquake occurred within near field of the area (reservoir area) is of IIIII Ross-Forel intensity. Peripheral earthquake is quite frequent, such as the most severe earthquakes happened on November 16, 1847 and October 25, 1875 as recorded in the history, the maximum seismic intensity of which reached MMVIII or Ross-Forel IX. Faults distributed in the dam-site area are neither continuous in region nor directly connected with active periphery faults. In several investigations, no evidence proves that such faults are whether active faults or potential active faults.3.5 Earthquake Motion Parameter in Project FieldSeismic peak ground acceleration in the project filed can be preliminarily determined through analogy using following data:As per Seismic Hazard Map of Indonesia (see Fig.3-2-2) made by United States Geological Survey (USGS), the project area is within the area where seismic peak ground acceleration is 0.240.32g of 10% Probability of Exceedance in 50 years.According to Indonesia JATIGEDE Reservoir Project Proposal prepared by SINOHYRO CORPORATION, in Mar. 2005, the peak ground acceleration for Design Basic Earthquake (DBE) and Maximum Credible Earthquake (MCE) are 0.236g and 0.525g respectively. The two values correspond to the peak ground acceleration exceeding by probability 10% and 1% in 50 years respectively.As per the seismic-geological background analogy (due to lack of related earthquake analytical curve data) of the project area, it is determined that peak ground acceleration exceeding probability by 5% and 2% in 50 years is 0.3g and 0.4g respectively in the dam area.It can be determined from the above data that the peak ground accelerations exceeding probability by 10% in 50 years in the dam-site area will be 0.236g and earthquake intensity reaches 8th degree of Seismic Intensity scale of PRC. Because of the complex seismic-geological background, uncertain factors still exist in earthquake hazard analysis, and considering that the dam is a large-scale project, it is recommended that 0.525g should be taken into account in the design of water retaining structure which shall be built to achieve Grade-A (the highest grade) defense. The of data on seismicity and the re-analysis of seismic risk and ground motion characteristics had being performed by an Indonesian Consultant, thus, it is suggested that earthquake motion parameter of the project field shall be finally determined after collecting such data.4 Engineering Geological Conditions and Evaluation of Reservoir Area4.1 Basic Geological Conditions in Reservoir Area1.TopographyThe reservoir is in a wide basin, comprising an alluviated plain of the Cimanuk bordered by generally gentle to moderate slopes. However, there are much steeper slopes adjacent to Jatigede dam, below the Sudapati plateau, in the Wado area, and in hills along the east and northeast edges of the reservoir.2.Rock TypesBedrock ages (from young to old) range from Quaternary terrestrial volcanics, Upper Pliocene terrestrial to shallow marine volcanics, Pliocene claystone, folded Miocene claystone and volcanic breccia, to folded Oligocene claystone and sandstone. The claystone are calcareous and locally contain limestone, although recorded occurrences Of limestone are only as lenses and thin beds of limited extent. There are a number of igneous intrusions of andesite and basalt, as dikes, plugs and laccoliths, and some extrusive lava flows, as at G. Julang and near Sudapati.3.Geological StructureThe strata generally strike east-west, resulting in many prominent ridges parallel to the bedding strike. 4.2 The Discussion on the Major Engineering Problems in the Reservoir Area1.Slope StabilityInstability around the reservoir rim and in the reservoir area occurs mainly in the vicinity of the dam abutments, in the Cibala valley below Sudapati, in the Ciguha valley, in hilly country along the northeast margin of the reservoir where there is sliding on dip


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