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Business Presentation Skills Opening 你是谁? 从哪来? 来干嘛? Attention Business Presentation Skills 演示分类 展示结果,分享成功 业务讨论,寻求方法 演 展示型 示 展示型演示 展示型演示 一个精彩的开场 展示型演示 常见的几种方法 令人深思的状况 一个挑战的问题 适度的夸张 讲一个故事 展示型演示 尽量避免 道歉型 混乱型 蚊虫型 过度夸张 展示型演示 一个有力的结尾 展示型演示 结尾要 精确总结 表示结束 长度以 30秒为限 可以把问答放在结尾后 展示型演示 尽量避免 全面重复 没有提示的结束 唐僧 展示型演示 形象生动的过程 案例 Kraft and Corrugated Paper price 从 2007年 3月份开始,纸张价格上涨了 到了 2007年 7月份,纸张价格下降了 从 2007年 9月份开始,又开始涨了 一直涨到 2008年 5月份 2008年五月份以后基本平稳 但是现在的价钱还是很高 理文纸从 3600涨到 3800,又涨到 4500,又涨到 4800 我们的成本压力很大 案例 A p r - 0 7 M a y - 0 7 J u n - 0 7 J u l - 0 7 A u g - 0 7 S e p - 0 7 O c t - 0 7 N o v - 0 7 D e c - 0 7L i w e n K r a f t 3 , 6 0 0 3 , 6 0 0 3 , 6 0 0 3 , 5 5 0 3 , 5 5 0 3 , 5 5 0 3 , 6 5 0 3 , 6 5 0 3 , 8 5 0 RongChe ng K r af t3 , 0 6 0 3 , 0 6 0 3 , 0 6 0 2 , 9 3 0 2 , 9 3 0 2 , 9 3 0 3 , 3 6 0 3 , 3 6 0 3 , 5 0 0 C S X P r i c e 2 , 8 8 4 2 , 8 8 4 2 , 8 8 4 2 , 8 8 4 2 , 8 8 4 2 , 8 8 4 2 , 8 8 4 2 , 9 7 0 2 , 9 7 0 J a n - 0 8 F e b - 0 8 M a r - 0 8 A p r - 0 8 M a y - 0 8 J u n - 0 8 J u l - 0 8 A u g - 0 8L i w e n K r a f t 3 , 8 5 0 4 , 0 5 0 4 , 3 5 0 4 , 5 5 0 4 , 7 5 0 4 , 8 5 0 4 , 8 5 0 4 , 8 5 0 RongChe ng K r af t3 , 7 5 0 3 , 7 5 0 4 , 0 5 0 4 , 0 5 0 4 , 3 5 0 4 , 3 5 0 4 , 3 5 0 4 , 3 5 0 C S X P r i c e 2 , 9 7 0 3 , 0 5 9 3 , 0 5 9 3 , 0 5 9 3 , 1 5 1 3 , 1 5 1 3 , 3 0 8 3 , 3 0 8 Kraft and Corrugated Paper price 案例 260031003600410046005100J a n -07F e b -07M a r -07A p r -07M a y -07J u n -07J u l -07A u g -07S e p -07O c t -07N o v -07D e c -07J a n -08F e b -08M a r -08A p r -08M a y -08M a y -08J u n -08J u l -082 , 8 0 02 , 9 0 03 , 0 0 03 , 1 0 03 , 2 0 03 , 3 0 03 , 4 0 03 , 5 0 03 , 6 0 03 , 7 0 03 , 8 0 0RC Kraft LW Kraft CSX Price Kraft and Corrugated Paper price 案例 RC Kraft LW Kraft CSX Price Kraft and Corrugated Paper price 2600 3100 3600 4100 4600 5100 Jan- 07 Feb- 07 Mar- 07 Apr- 07 May- 07 Jun- 07 Jul- 07 Aug- 07 Sep- 07 Oct- 07 Nov- 07 Dec- 07 Jan- 08 Feb- 08 Mar- 08 Apr- 08 May- 08 May- 08 Jun- 08 Jul- 08 2,800 2,900 3,000 3,100 3,200 3,300 3,400 3,500 3,600 3,700 3,800 展示型演示 形象的演示 动态的效果 静态的图案 静态的图案 枯燥的数据 枯燥的数据 干巴巴的描述 展示型演示 常用的强化手段 数据 引用 类比 图示 案例 游戏与测验 个人经历 重复和复述 展示型演示 几个注意 画面要有重点 引用要有证据和力度 重复要有节奏和节制 展示型演示 展示型演示的框架结构 引人注意的开头 生动形象的过程 简短有力的结尾 展示型演示 演示的灵魂 清晰的逻辑主线 Business Presentation Skills 示 讨论型演 推动进展 介绍方法 寻求建议 排除干扰 达成一致 谋取支持 分享信息 讨论型演示 * 资料来源: 框 架 目 的 可靠的数据源 充分的数据 翔实的材料 清晰的思路 形成方案 讨论型演示 * 资料来源: 框 架 理 论 讨论型演示 * 资料来源: 数据来源必须可靠 讨论型演示 * 资料来源: 数据结果必须准确一致 数据来源必须可靠 讨论型演示 * 资料来源: 数据结果必须准确一致 数据来源必须可靠 讨论型演示 * 资料来源: 材料全面并有针对性 数据结果准确一致 数据来源必须可靠 讨论型演示 * 资料来源: 材料全面并有针对性 分析过程严谨科学 数据结果准确一致 数据来源必须可靠 讨论型演示 * 资料来源: 材料全面并有针对性 分析过程严谨科学 有效使用工具和图表 讨论型演示 * 资料来源: 讨论型演示的过程结构 充分翔实的材料准备 沟通对象的选定 提前分享信息 演示,讨论和纪录 回顾性总结 跟踪执行 小贴士 图形 影像 链接 实物 图表 照片 附件 B Business Presentation Skills Business Presentation Skills 表达的渠道 声音的控制 影响表达效果的因素有哪些? 语音: 语调: 语气: 语速: 清晰准确 抑扬顿挫 恰如其分 适当控制 声音的控制 停顿 强调 改变话题 让听众思考 吸引注意力 保持目光接触 盯梢型 游离型 自我型 保持目光接触 扫射 点射 转动炮台 挺拔 放松 进退有度 关键的肢体语言 站姿 歪斜 僵硬 晃来晃去 关键的肢体语言 有力 恰当 礼貌 手势 关键的肢体语言 手插兜 双手抱胸 手势过小或过大 出现歧义 必须避免 关键的肢体语言 仰手式 俯手式 手切式 手势 30种 手啄式 手推式 拍肩式 拍头式 抚身式 搓手式 克服紧张 心跳加速 口干舌燥 出虚汗 手发抖 两腿发软 有过这样的时候吗? 心神不安 不敢正视 词不达意 盼望结束 大脑空白 克服紧张 深呼吸 稳定训练 兴奋训练 尝试以下方法 打哈欠 自言自语 心理暗示法 克服紧张 充分准备 克服紧张 充 分 准 备 Business Presentation Skills Business Presentation Skills 工具篇 准备投影文件 一致的风格 用色彩、漫画和图像 较大的字体 关键词、短语和数字 分章节 适量 流程、逻辑逐步展示 工具篇 使用白板或夹纸板 书写迅速、清晰 站在旁边 位置可见 避免冷场 工具篇 打印小册子 提示 便于注解 便于纪录 Business Presentation Skills Business Presentation Skills 问题应对策略 害怕被提问 信心不足 故意挑刺 失去控制 基本策略 适当暖场 鼓励提问 仔细聆听 适时发问 实事求是 面向所有观众 应对麻烦 调虎离山 “这个问题值得深入思考 ” “这个问题涉及面较多 ” “ 可否以后讨论 ” 离题的提问 应对麻烦 确认无误 “请问你是不是在说 ” “如果我理解不错的话,你是在问 ” “我能不能这样理解,你是说 ” 罗嗦、不清楚的提问 应对麻烦 防患于未然 回答你记住的问题 回答最后一个问题 回答最重要的问题 多重提问 应对麻烦 “嗯 这个问题不好回答” “这个问题非常敏锐 ” “我们先写下来,我得考虑一下 ” 不能立刻回答的问题 应对麻烦 实事求是 反问求解 不会回答的问题 态度决定一切 方 式 比 语 言 更 持 久 _ Business Presentation Skills Business Presentation Skills 谢 谢 啊 73 机密 此报告仅供客户内部使用。未经麦肯锡公司的书面许可,其它任何机构不得擅自传阅、引用或复制。 Document Date * 资料来源: Unit of measure 例子 High Low Legend Legend Legend Text Text Text Text Text Title x + x + Text Text Text Text Text EXHIBIT TITLE * 资料来源: * 资料来源: Unit of measure Text Text Text Text TextTextText Text 2X2 CUBED * 资料来源: Unit of measure 2X2 TOWER * 资料来源: Unit of measure Place Price Product Package Positioning promotion Product offering 5Ps MARKETING * 资料来源: Unit of measure Strategy Skills Systems Staff Shared values Structure Style 7S * 资料来源: Unit of measure ARROW 3D * 资料来源: Unit of measure CUBES1 3D * 资料来源: Unit of measure CUBES2 3D * 资料来源: Unit of measure * Footnote Source: CUBES3 3D * 资料来源: Unit of measure Text Text Text Text CUTOUT 3D * 资料来源: Unit of measure New entrant Suppliers Industry competitors Buyers Substitutes FORCES AT WORK * 资料来源: Unit of measure Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text JOINT * 资料来源: Unit of measure Text Text Text Text LEVEL SEPARATE 4 * 资料来源: Unit of measure Text Text Text LINEAR A 3D * 资料来源: Unit of measure Text Text Text Text LINEAR B 3D * 资料来源: Unit of measure Text Text Text LINEAR C 3D * 资料来源: Unit of measure Text Text Text LINEAR D 3D * 资料来源: Unit of measure Text Text Text Text LINEAR E 3D * 资料来源: Unit of measure Text Text Text 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measure Text LEVEL 1 * 资料来源: Unit of measure Text Text LEVEL 2 * 资料来源: Unit of measure Text Text Text LEVEL 3 * 资料来源: Unit of measure Text Text Text Text LEVEL 4 * 资料来源: Unit of measure Text Text Text Text Text LEVEL 5 * 资料来源: Unit of measure Text Text Text Text Text Text LEVEL 6 * 资料来源: Unit of measure Text Header Header Text FLOW 2 * 资料来源: Unit of measure Text Text Header Header Text FLOW 2 TITLE * 资料来源: Unit of measure Text Header Header Text Header Text FLOW 3 * 资料来源: Unit of measure Text Text Header Header Text Header Text FLOW 3 TITLE * 资料来源: Unit of measure Text Header Header Text Header Header Text Text FLOW 4 * 资料来源: Unit of measure Text Text Header Header Text Header Header Text Text FLOW 4 TITLE * 资料来源: Unit of measure Text Header Header Text Header Header Header Text Text Text FLOW 5 * 资料来源: Unit of measure Text Text Header Header Text Header Header Header Text Text Text FLOW 5 TITLE * 资料来源: Unit of measure Text Text Header Header Header Header Header Text Text Text Header Text FLOW 6 * 资料来源: Unit of measure Text Text Text Header Header Header Header Header Text Text Text Header Text FLOW 6 TITLE * 资料来源: Unit of measure TextText TextText BLADES * 资料来源: Unit of measure Text Text Text Text BOX * 资料来源: Unit of measure Text Text Text Text BOX * 资料来源: Unit of measure Text Text Text CYCLE 1 * 资料来源: Unit of measure Text Text CYCLE 2 * 资料来源: Unit of measure Text Text Text CYCLE 3 * 资料来源: Unit of measure Text Text Text Text CYCLE 4 * 资料来源: Unit of measure Text Text Text Text Text CYCLE 5 * 资料来源: Unit of measure Text Text Text Text Text Text CYCLE 6 * 资料来源: Unit of measure Text Text Text Text Text Text Text CYCLE 7 * 资料来源: Unit of measure Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text CYCLE 8 * 资料来源: Unit of measure Text Text Text Text Text Text INCOMING * 资料来源: Unit of measure Text Text Text Text Text RIBBON * 资料来源: Unit of measure Text Text Text Text Text RING * 资料来源: Unit of measure Text Text UPON 2 * 资料来源: Unit of measure Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text CONTINUOUS * 资料来源: Unit of measure Text Text Text Text CUTOUT * 资料来源: Unit of measure Text Text Text LINEAR A * 资料来源: Unit of measure Text Text Text Text LINEAR B * 资料来源: Unit of measure Text Text Text LINEAR C * 资料来源: Unit of measure Text Text Text LINEAR D * 资料来源: Unit of measure Text Text Text Text LINEAR E * 资料来源: Unit of measure Text Text Text LINEAR F * 资料来源: Unit of measure Text Text Text LINEAR G * 资料来源: Unit of measure Text Text Text Text LINEAR H * 资料来源: Unit of measure Text Text LINEAR I * 资料来源: Unit of measure Text Text Text Text LINEAR J * 资料来源: Unit of measure Text Text Text Text Text Text LINEAR K * 资料来源: Unit of measure Text Text Text Text LINEAR N * 资料来源: Unit of measure Text Text Text LINEAR P * 资料来源: Unit of measure Text Text LINEAR Q * 资料来源: Unit of measure PROPELLER * 资料来源: Unit of measure Text TextText TextText STEP 5 * 资料来源: Unit of measure Text Text Text Text 2 ON 1 * 资料来源: Unit of measure Text Text Text Text Text Text AGAINST * 资料来源: Unit of measure Text Text Text Text Text AT WORK * 资料来源: Unit of measure Text Text COUPLED HORIZ * 资料来源: Unit of measure Text Text COUPLED VERT * 资料来源: Unit of measure Text Text Text Text FOCUSED * 资料来源: Unit of measure New entrant Suppliers Industry competitors Buyers Substitutes FORCES AT WORK * 资料来源: Unit of measure Text Text Text PARALLEL * 资料来源: Unit of measure Text Text Text Text SPLIT * 资料来源: Unit of measure Text SURROUND * 资料来源: Unit of measure Text Text TWISTED * 资料来源: Unit of measure Text Text UP & AWAY * 资料来源: Unit of measure Text Text UP & DOWN * 资料来源: Unit of measure Customer Clients Distributors Competitors Suppliers 3Cs TRIANGLE * 资料来源: Unit of measure Skills Shared values Strategy Staff Structure Systems Style A coherent set of actions aimed at gaining a sustainable advantage over competition The organization chart and accompanying baggage that show who reports to whom and how tasks are both divided up and integrated The people in the organization, considered in terms of corporate demographics, not individual personalities The way managers collectively behave with respect to use of time, attention and symbolic actions The processes and procedures through which things get done from day-to-day Those ideas of what is right and desirable (in corporate and/or individual behavior) which are typical of the organization and common to most of its members Capabilities possessed by the organization as a whole as distinct from the individuals. Some companies perform extraordinary feats with ordinary people 3S-4S * 资料来源: Unit of measure The way managers collectively behave with respect to use of time, attention, and symbolic actions The people in the organization, considered in terms of corporate demographics, not individual personalities The organization chart and accompanying baggage that show who reports to whom and how tasks are both divided up and integrated Those ideas of what is right and desirable (in corporate and/or individual behavior) which are typical of the organization and common to most of its members The processes and procedures through which things get done from day to day A coherent set of actions aimed at gaining a sustainable advantage over competition Capabilities possessed by the organization as a whole as distinct from the individuals. Some companies perform extraordinary feats with ordinary people Staff Systems Style Shared Values Structure Skills Strategy 2S-5S * 资料来源: Unit of measure Competitive positionLowMediumHighProduct/market attractiveness Low Medium High BUSS PORTFOLIO * 资料来源: Unit of measure Change vision Chief Executive Leadership groups Down the line External constitution Commitment Conviction Courage Capability Individual activity Enabling devices CHANGE BOARD * 资料来源: Unit of measure Delta P Vision and Leadership Organizational Infrastructure Performance Measurement People Development Communications Problem Solving Process Client managers (particularly middle management) have skill to lead program implementation Change in actual behavior Action plans sufficient to achieve goals Agreement on objectives by line management Management of high- involvement process Implementation or near implementation of required structure and systems Flow of 2-way communications Peoples understanding, belief and contribution to act on vision and action plans Accurate measurement of action and results Clear accountabilities Early wins Visible demonstration of new vision and values by client leadership DELTA P * 资料来源: Unit of measure Natural owner Relative abilityto extract value Low Medium Value-creation potential in business unit High Corporate center skills Business unit linkages Taxation/ valuation differences Industry attractiveness Competitive position Restructuring/rationalization opportunities “One of the pack” Retain and give top priority Retain and give priority Retain and manage for code or liquidate Probably divest Divest Divest or liquidate MACS * 资料来源: Unit of measure Business Strategy Manufacturing Strategy Configuration Systems Research Focus Labor Policy Product Design Make vs. Buy Organization Process Design MANUFACTURING STRATEGY * 资料来源: Unit of measure Restructuring framework 1 5 4 3 2 PENTAGON * 资料来源: Unit of measure Benefit Price Competitive disadvantage Competitive advantage PRICE BENEFIT * 资料来源: Unit of measure Appraise performance and prospects Develop strategy Redesign pivotal jobs Design the skill building process Assess change readiness Top down action programs Bottom up action programs 1 2 4 5 6 7 8 3 SMILE CHART * 资料来源: Unit of measure 3. Create and pursue a unique advantage 2. Resegment the market to create a niche 4. Exploit unique advantage industrywide 1. Do more and better of the same When to compete STRAT GAMEBOARD * 资料来源: Unit of measure Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3 Stage 4 Value system Strategic manage- ment Externally orientated planning Forecast based planning Budget planning Meet budget and schedule Predict the future Think strategically Create the future STRAT MANAGE * 资料来源: Unit of measure Selling margin Contribution Sales Selling rate Sales Available selling time Effectiveness Contribution Available selling time Productivity Contribution Total selling costs Efficiency Available selling time Total selling costs Utilization Available selling time Total sales time Support intensity Support costs Total selling costs Support leverage Total sales time Support costs TREE PRODUCTIVITY * 资料来源: Unit of measure Maximize shareholder value Grow through cultural initiative Redeploy assets Improve core business performance Grow through acquisition and/or merger Adopt sound financing approach VALUE CREATION * 资料来源: Unit of measure Real Perceived Clients relative ability to extract value Corporate center skills Linkages between business units Financial ownership fit Industry restructure Internal controller Shared resources Transfer of capability Vertical integration Differences in tax position Existence of non-cases objectives Inefficiencies in financial markets Difference in valuation technique VALUE SOURCES * 资料来源: Unit of measure Header Text GANTT10 * 资料来源: Unit of measure Header


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