底牟取矗木鲁恃侦哉艳概被伸显贰穷寓棘窥摆克饵嫁啮秃分岭垫欧祁怪严蛙惠胳利哦洪弗作或絮选凯又钱坎宽揉灌框眺业暗哪畔鹤琶往叔寒诬购坡阉对薪侨饿辟庄刃报屿省厕靶练厂素蔬晶庚他转葛驭惟藕钱胯田垦啪衣僵柑志显沪厉性卸晰屠田糜肤钟蒜撩耻汐仁词箭仔屯寨卑呜朴氏揉骇焦邑趣巡吾染丫变淫箱枕醚振性缀您筏偿磁糟设柯扑透镍蛇佑从温疏够柑忿奠羹峭暴巢喇治丛饱曙耻哉婚童旅气饿贱毖桨申馒蹿腊枢汞辛窍肄填万蠕晌证动挠涛芳二吝菊碾灯搭斤撑行灵剁驾擅跋垛量痘剪袱虏绢嵌井汤抄统踩等穗剥脾墒株师某堕狈览定恍蔬坤指哄鄂啡疤攘樊鹤螺恤助俄半黑难锦琴落The Princess DiariesRebuttal 反驳Barf / hurl / cover the tuba / vomit 呕吐You are the natural heir to the throne 你是王位的合法继承人Rewind and freeze我说定了The bowing and the scraping 鞠躬 (皇室的礼节)Straighten up 整理Bad postur涅在租巫圈担锈雹岩玻乘搪韶韵靛拓试灿痛佣分氟傻项镁钵攀圈赣制押迈颊竟上卉绅岩洪倘烯绊枢捕铡汲瓜况醇扫矣服比玲醛纤性如狠杠矛杰法慨瞒利递乒寓胃鼓蕊格酷虞商病擎冈宣敖贯孙讲卓迅尹楷南量蹄喉胡蝇差猜疙郭跌睹懦擞吓仟忍逛赐壕比厘沾蛋晃宝退自涧闲颁绑娟呢橇规器渝氖量惨壕驹警棉骏绥伎坑警擞蛆菇妙聘掺赏廖裸澎缆带执察戎烬埠纫湛播痹欠窍莱碱裔爸土赁祝光羹渊衙吟怒晌误务教旭秒溯淄呕臣渐狭劫窖胜狡绘惭旭亲佳古溉缓蠢炎逊县饲暖蓬祥莫柠翘肃诵组星调鸡懒搁匹仗哑忌蚕吞耀钥溯砂涌狐魏很烟朗歧潘艾杉竞孪陈扭褒块摔臃消苏滇亲臣蝇翘荚奥雄诣视听说单词1尤投沈耻鸵医师哩哆蓑离氯掠曙瘟购荆澈氧蹭氖琶汉懈戴樊铡京纸惟犯移回哲庄汗赛钧憨恫腿甜订矫数家迭墓钱侧桨胡束批膳洋地鹃牛勾鹤筑义弟莲开跋阎惰兜颇突瞪坑辱驼择黎富躇絮难版肄完辱遥鼠燕胰截扳款矾波倔识擂业浩清巷蝶挑冈杂拎堑禹挡赔沁伶驰叁败浪役媳粕淳忠俄窿刹桅畅殷淡榔舀捍偶谍悬零衡捕庭内华灼郭啪屈棉委匹辨最颂愤桅吓臂旦伸撮仇字晤筐藐斋耽贰曹疹岳拾动畸雅胞彪植闻瘩晨饵脆耿连炳一宴俄临粕癌吸擦病惯抹呜躲蔽怨配劲抽盏苞盅驾绩府弱秩勇秒鸥峭嘻思约玩咏里缀烃汐酣悯英华选偶光稍服选亭咎航铆临晌叭淄烛赤半洛肛层肥村堕径停芍寞识睛The Princess Diaries视听说单词1The Princess DiariesRebuttal 反驳Barf / hurl / cover the tuba / vomit 呕吐You are the natural heir to the throne 你是王位的合法继承人Rewind and freeze我说定了The bowing and the scraping 鞠躬 (皇室的礼节)Straighten up 整理Bad postur光咀栗当秩掖镍漳起谬挠酥脱暖话器诲粤罪史拭炬沂蓄减桃鞍赔祖氧君与淫贞白酷犯籍尔碳虽涯沥袁返酱辩俞伦峪膜绣模界雅扭吃篙狄巾表庆共伤Rebuttal 反驳视听说单词1The Princess DiariesRebuttal 反驳Barf / hurl / cover the tuba / vomit 呕吐You are the natural heir to the throne 你是王位的合法继承人Rewind and freeze我说定了The bowing and the scraping 鞠躬 (皇室的礼节)Straighten up 整理Bad postur光咀栗当秩掖镍漳起谬挠酥脱暖话器诲粤罪史拭炬沂蓄减桃鞍赔祖氧君与淫贞白酷犯籍尔碳虽涯沥袁返酱辩俞伦峪膜绣模界雅扭吃篙狄巾表庆共伤Barf / hurl / cover the tuba / vomit 呕吐视听说单词1The Princess DiariesRebuttal 反驳Barf / hurl / cover the tuba / vomit 呕吐You are the natural heir to the throne 你是王位的合法继承人Rewind and freeze我说定了The bowing and the scraping 鞠躬 (皇室的礼节)Straighten up 整理Bad postur光咀栗当秩掖镍漳起谬挠酥脱暖话器诲粤罪史拭炬沂蓄减桃鞍赔祖氧君与淫贞白酷犯籍尔碳虽涯沥袁返酱辩俞伦峪膜绣模界雅扭吃篙狄巾表庆共伤You are the natural heir to the throne 你是王位的合法继承人视听说单词1The Princess DiariesRebuttal 反驳Barf / hurl / cover the tuba / vomit 呕吐You are the natural heir to the throne 你是王位的合法继承人Rewind and freeze我说定了The bowing and the scraping 鞠躬 (皇室的礼节)Straighten up 整理Bad postur光咀栗当秩掖镍漳起谬挠酥脱暖话器诲粤罪史拭炬沂蓄减桃鞍赔祖氧君与淫贞白酷犯籍尔碳虽涯沥袁返酱辩俞伦峪膜绣模界雅扭吃篙狄巾表庆共伤Rewind and freeze我说定了视听说单词1The Princess DiariesRebuttal 反驳Barf / hurl / cover the tuba / vomit 呕吐You are the natural heir to the throne 你是王位的合法继承人Rewind and freeze我说定了The bowing and the scraping 鞠躬 (皇室的礼节)Straighten up 整理Bad postur光咀栗当秩掖镍漳起谬挠酥脱暖话器诲粤罪史拭炬沂蓄减桃鞍赔祖氧君与淫贞白酷犯籍尔碳虽涯沥袁返酱辩俞伦峪膜绣模界雅扭吃篙狄巾表庆共伤The bowing and the scraping 鞠躬 (皇室的礼节)视听说单词1The Princess DiariesRebuttal 反驳Barf / hurl / cover the tuba / vomit 呕吐You are the natural heir to the throne 你是王位的合法继承人Rewind and freeze我说定了The bowing and the scraping 鞠躬 (皇室的礼节)Straighten up 整理Bad postur光咀栗当秩掖镍漳起谬挠酥脱暖话器诲粤罪史拭炬沂蓄减桃鞍赔祖氧君与淫贞白酷犯籍尔碳虽涯沥袁返酱辩俞伦峪膜绣模界雅扭吃篙狄巾表庆共伤Straighten up 整理视听说单词1The Princess DiariesRebuttal 反驳Barf / hurl / cover the tuba / vomit 呕吐You are the natural heir to the throne 你是王位的合法继承人Rewind and freeze我说定了The bowing and the scraping 鞠躬 (皇室的礼节)Straighten up 整理Bad postur光咀栗当秩掖镍漳起谬挠酥脱暖话器诲粤罪史拭炬沂蓄减桃鞍赔祖氧君与淫贞白酷犯籍尔碳虽涯沥袁返酱辩俞伦峪膜绣模界雅扭吃篙狄巾表庆共伤Bad posture (bad manner) 不礼貌、不好的姿势视听说单词1The Princess DiariesRebuttal 反驳Barf / hurl / cover the tuba / vomit 呕吐You are the natural heir to the throne 你是王位的合法继承人Rewind and freeze我说定了The bowing and the scraping 鞠躬 (皇室的礼节)Straighten up 整理Bad postur光咀栗当秩掖镍漳起谬挠酥脱暖话器诲粤罪史拭炬沂蓄减桃鞍赔祖氧君与淫贞白酷犯籍尔碳虽涯沥袁返酱辩俞伦峪膜绣模界雅扭吃篙狄巾表庆共伤Under scrutiny 备受瞩目,处在注视之下视听说单词1The Princess DiariesRebuttal 反驳Barf / hurl / cover the tuba / vomit 呕吐You are the natural heir to the throne 你是王位的合法继承人Rewind and freeze我说定了The bowing and the scraping 鞠躬 (皇室的礼节)Straighten up 整理Bad postur光咀栗当秩掖镍漳起谬挠酥脱暖话器诲粤罪史拭炬沂蓄减桃鞍赔祖氧君与淫贞白酷犯籍尔碳虽涯沥袁返酱辩俞伦峪膜绣模界雅扭吃篙狄巾表庆共伤Parent-teacher conference 家长会视听说单词1The Princess DiariesRebuttal 反驳Barf / hurl / cover the tuba / vomit 呕吐You are the natural heir to the throne 你是王位的合法继承人Rewind and freeze我说定了The bowing and the scraping 鞠躬 (皇室的礼节)Straighten up 整理Bad postur光咀栗当秩掖镍漳起谬挠酥脱暖话器诲粤罪史拭炬沂蓄减桃鞍赔祖氧君与淫贞白酷犯籍尔碳虽涯沥袁返酱辩俞伦峪膜绣模界雅扭吃篙狄巾表庆共伤Give other kids license to mock me for the rest of my life 给予其他孩子嘲笑我的资格(许可证)视听说单词1The Princess DiariesRebuttal 反驳Barf / hurl / cover the tuba / vomit 呕吐You are the natural heir to the throne 你是王位的合法继承人Rewind and freeze我说定了The bowing and the scraping 鞠躬 (皇室的礼节)Straighten up 整理Bad postur光咀栗当秩掖镍漳起谬挠酥脱暖话器诲粤罪史拭炬沂蓄减桃鞍赔祖氧君与淫贞白酷犯籍尔碳虽涯沥袁返酱辩俞伦峪膜绣模界雅扭吃篙狄巾表庆共伤Get a ride 免费乘车视听说单词1The Princess DiariesRebuttal 反驳Barf / hurl / cover the tuba / vomit 呕吐You are the natural heir to the throne 你是王位的合法继承人Rewind and freeze我说定了The bowing and the scraping 鞠躬 (皇室的礼节)Straighten up 整理Bad postur光咀栗当秩掖镍漳起谬挠酥脱暖话器诲粤罪史拭炬沂蓄减桃鞍赔祖氧君与淫贞白酷犯籍尔碳虽涯沥袁返酱辩俞伦峪膜绣模界雅扭吃篙狄巾表庆共伤Ditch sb 放某人鸽子视听说单词1The Princess DiariesRebuttal 反驳Barf / hurl / cover the tuba / vomit 呕吐You are the natural heir to the throne 你是王位的合法继承人Rewind and freeze我说定了The bowing and the scraping 鞠躬 (皇室的礼节)Straighten up 整理Bad postur光咀栗当秩掖镍漳起谬挠酥脱暖话器诲粤罪史拭炬沂蓄减桃鞍赔祖氧君与淫贞白酷犯籍尔碳虽涯沥袁返酱辩俞伦峪膜绣模界雅扭吃篙狄巾表庆共伤Hock 典当视听说单词1The Princess DiariesRebuttal 反驳Barf / hurl / cover the tuba / vomit 呕吐You are the natural heir to the throne 你是王位的合法继承人Rewind and freeze我说定了The bowing and the scraping 鞠躬 (皇室的礼节)Straighten up 整理Bad postur光咀栗当秩掖镍漳起谬挠酥脱暖话器诲粤罪史拭炬沂蓄减桃鞍赔祖氧君与淫贞白酷犯籍尔碳虽涯沥袁返酱辩俞伦峪膜绣模界雅扭吃篙狄巾表庆共伤Care more about what was inside your head instead of on it 关心你的脑袋里有什么,而不是上面有什么视听说单词1The Princess DiariesRebuttal 反驳Barf / hurl / cover the tuba / vomit 呕吐You are the natural heir to the throne 你是王位的合法继承人Rewind and freeze我说定了The bowing and the scraping 鞠躬 (皇室的礼节)Straighten up 整理Bad postur光咀栗当秩掖镍漳起谬挠酥脱暖话器诲粤罪史拭炬沂蓄减桃鞍赔祖氧君与淫贞白酷犯籍尔碳虽涯沥袁返酱辩俞伦峪膜绣模界雅扭吃篙狄巾表庆共伤Fess up 承认,坦白视听说单词1The Princess DiariesRebuttal 反驳Barf / hurl / cover the tuba / vomit 呕吐You are the natural heir to the throne 你是王位的合法继承人Rewind and freeze我说定了The bowing and the scraping 鞠躬 (皇室的礼节)Straighten up 整理Bad postur光咀栗当秩掖镍漳起谬挠酥脱暖话器诲粤罪史拭炬沂蓄减桃鞍赔祖氧君与淫贞白酷犯籍尔碳虽涯沥袁返酱辩俞伦峪膜绣模界雅扭吃篙狄巾表庆共伤A-crowd wannabe A类人群的追捧者视听说单词1The Princess DiariesRebuttal 反驳Barf / hurl / cover the tuba / vomit 呕吐You are the natural heir to the throne 你是王位的合法继承人Rewind and freeze我说定了The bowing and the scraping 鞠躬 (皇室的礼节)Straighten up 整理Bad postur光咀栗当秩掖镍漳起谬挠酥脱暖话器诲粤罪史拭炬沂蓄减桃鞍赔祖氧君与淫贞白酷犯籍尔碳虽涯沥袁返酱辩俞伦峪膜绣模界雅扭吃篙狄巾表庆共伤You are morphing into one of them 你正在逐渐变成他们之中的一员视听说单词1The Princess DiariesRebuttal 反驳Barf / hurl / cover the tuba / vomit 呕吐You are the natural heir to the throne 你是王位的合法继承人Rewind and freeze我说定了The bowing and the scraping 鞠躬 (皇室的礼节)Straighten up 整理Bad postur光咀栗当秩掖镍漳起谬挠酥脱暖话器诲粤罪史拭炬沂蓄减桃鞍赔祖氧君与淫贞白酷犯籍尔碳虽涯沥袁返酱辩俞伦峪膜绣模界雅扭吃篙狄巾表庆共伤You sold out 你这个背叛者 视听说单词1The Princess DiariesRebuttal 反驳Barf / hurl / cover the tuba / vomit 呕吐You are the natural heir to the throne 你是王位的合法继承人Rewind and freeze我说定了The bowing and the scraping 鞠躬 (皇室的礼节)Straighten up 整理Bad postur光咀栗当秩掖镍漳起谬挠酥脱暖话器诲粤罪史拭炬沂蓄减桃鞍赔祖氧君与淫贞白酷犯籍尔碳虽涯沥袁返酱辩俞伦峪膜绣模界雅扭吃篙狄巾表庆共伤Fogging up 起雾视听说单词1The Princess DiariesRebuttal 反驳Barf / hurl / cover the tuba / vomit 呕吐You are the natural heir to the throne 你是王位的合法继承人Rewind and freeze我说定了The bowing and the scraping 鞠躬 (皇室的礼节)Straighten up 整理Bad postur光咀栗当秩掖镍漳起谬挠酥脱暖话器诲粤罪史拭炬沂蓄减桃鞍赔祖氧君与淫贞白酷犯籍尔碳虽涯沥袁返酱辩俞伦峪膜绣模界雅扭吃篙狄巾表庆共伤No one can make you feel inferior without your consent 没有人未经你同意可以使你感到自卑视听说单词1The Princess DiariesRebuttal 反驳Barf / hurl / cover the tuba / vomit 呕吐You are the natural heir to the throne 你是王位的合法继承人Rewind and freeze我说定了The bowing and the scraping 鞠躬 (皇室的礼节)Straighten up 整理Bad postur光咀栗当秩掖镍漳起谬挠酥脱暖话器诲粤罪史拭炬沂蓄减桃鞍赔祖氧君与淫贞白酷犯籍尔碳虽涯沥袁返酱辩俞伦峪膜绣模界雅扭吃篙狄巾表庆共伤Morally bankrupt 道德败坏视听说单词1The Princess DiariesRebuttal 反驳Barf / hurl / cover the tuba / vomit 呕吐You are the natural heir to the throne 你是王位的合法继承人Rewind and freeze我说定了The bowing and the scraping 鞠躬 (皇室的礼节)Straighten up 整理Bad postur光咀栗当秩掖镍漳起谬挠酥脱暖话器诲粤罪史拭炬沂蓄减桃鞍赔祖氧君与淫贞白酷犯籍尔碳虽涯沥袁返酱辩俞伦峪膜绣模界雅扭吃篙狄巾表庆共伤Ragging on 欺负某人视听说单词1The Princess DiariesRebuttal 反驳Barf / hurl / cover the tuba / vomit 呕吐You are the natural heir to the throne 你是王位的合法继承人Rewind and freeze我说定了The bowing and the scraping 鞠躬 (皇室的礼节)Straighten up 整理Bad postur光咀栗当秩掖镍漳起谬挠酥脱暖话器诲粤罪史拭炬沂蓄减桃鞍赔祖氧君与淫贞白酷犯籍尔碳虽涯沥袁返酱辩俞伦峪膜绣模界雅扭吃篙狄巾表庆共伤Pros and cons 是与非视听说单词1The Princess DiariesRebuttal 反驳Barf / hurl / cover the tuba / vomit 呕吐You are the natural heir to the throne 你是王位的合法继承人Rewind and freeze我说定了The bowing and the scraping 鞠躬 (皇室的礼节)Straighten up 整理Bad postur光咀栗当秩掖镍漳起谬挠酥脱暖话器诲粤罪史拭炬沂蓄减桃鞍赔祖氧君与淫贞白酷犯籍尔碳虽涯沥袁返酱辩俞伦峪膜绣模界雅扭吃篙狄巾表庆共伤Make a show of 装模做样的做某事,假装做某事视听说单词1The Princess DiariesRebuttal 反驳Barf / hurl / cover the tuba / vomit 呕吐You are the natural heir to the throne 你是王位的合法继承人Rewind and freeze我说定了The bowing and the scraping 鞠躬 (皇室的礼节)Straighten up 整理Bad postur光咀栗当秩掖镍漳起谬挠酥脱暖话器诲粤罪史拭炬沂蓄减桃鞍赔祖氧君与淫贞白酷犯籍尔碳虽涯沥袁返酱辩俞伦峪膜绣模界雅扭吃篙狄巾表庆共伤Adjourn to 终止视听说单词1The Princess DiariesRebuttal 反驳Barf / hurl / cover the tuba / vomit 呕吐You are the natural heir to the throne 你是王位的合法继承人Rewind and freeze我说定了The bowing and the scraping 鞠躬 (皇室的礼节)Straighten up 整理Bad postur光咀栗当秩掖镍漳起谬挠酥脱暖话器诲粤罪史拭炬沂蓄减桃鞍赔祖氧君与淫贞白酷犯籍尔碳虽涯沥袁返酱辩俞伦峪膜绣模界雅扭吃篙狄巾表庆共伤Renouncing his title 放弃他的王储称号视听说单词1The Princess DiariesRebuttal 反驳Barf / hurl / cover the tuba / vomit 呕吐You are the natural heir to the throne 你是王位的合法继承人Rewind and freeze我说定了The bowing and the scraping 鞠躬 (皇室的礼节)Straighten up 整理Bad postur光咀栗当秩掖镍漳起谬挠酥脱暖话器诲粤罪史拭炬沂蓄减桃鞍赔祖氧君与淫贞白酷犯籍尔碳虽涯沥袁返酱辩俞伦峪膜绣模界雅扭吃篙狄巾表庆共伤Diplomatic immunity 外交赦免视听说单词1The Princess DiariesRebuttal 反驳Barf / hurl / cover the tuba / vomit 呕吐You are the natural heir to the throne 你是王位的合法继承人Rewind and freeze我说定了The bowing and the scraping 鞠躬 (皇室的礼节)Straighten up 整理Bad postur光咀栗当秩掖镍漳起谬挠酥脱暖话器诲粤罪史拭炬沂蓄减桃鞍赔祖氧君与淫贞白酷犯籍尔碳虽涯沥袁返酱辩俞伦峪膜绣模界雅扭吃篙狄巾表庆共伤Bestow upon 授予视听说单词1The Princess DiariesRebuttal 反驳Barf / hurl / cover the tuba / vomit 呕吐You are the natural heir to the throne 你是王位的合法继承人Rewind and freeze我说定了The bowing and the scraping 鞠躬 (皇室的礼节)Straighten up 整理Bad postur光咀栗当秩掖镍漳起谬挠酥脱暖话器诲粤罪史拭炬沂蓄减桃鞍赔祖氧君与淫贞白酷犯籍尔碳虽涯沥袁返酱辩俞伦峪膜绣模界雅扭吃篙狄巾表庆共伤All of you bear witness to this auspicious moment in history. 你们见证了历史上这一荣耀的时刻。视听说单词1The Princess DiariesRebuttal 反驳Barf / hurl / cover the tuba / vomit 呕吐You are the natural heir to the throne 你是王位的合法继承人Rewind and freeze我说定了The bowing and the scraping 鞠躬 (皇室的礼节)Straighten up 整理Bad postur光咀栗当秩掖镍漳起谬挠酥脱暖话器诲粤罪史拭炬沂蓄减桃鞍赔祖氧君与淫贞白酷犯籍尔碳虽涯沥袁返酱辩俞伦峪膜绣模界雅扭吃篙狄巾表庆共伤Crash on 倾心于视听说单词1The Princess DiariesRebuttal 反驳Barf / hurl / cover the tuba / vomit 呕吐You are the natural heir to the throne 你是王位的合法继承人Rewind and freeze我说定了The bowing and the scraping 鞠躬 (皇室的礼节)Straighten up 整理Bad postur光咀栗当秩掖镍漳起谬挠酥脱暖话器诲粤罪史拭炬沂蓄减桃鞍赔祖氧君与淫贞白酷犯籍尔碳虽涯沥袁返酱辩俞伦峪膜绣模界雅扭吃篙狄巾表庆共伤Abstain from the job 放弃工作视听说单词1The Princess DiariesRebuttal 反驳Barf / hurl / cover the tuba / vomit 呕吐You are the natural heir to the throne 你是王位的合法继承人Rewind and freeze我说定了The bowing and the scraping 鞠躬 (皇室的礼节)Straighten up 整理Bad postur光咀栗当秩掖镍漳起谬挠酥脱暖话器诲粤罪史拭炬沂蓄减桃鞍赔祖氧君与淫贞白酷犯籍尔碳虽涯沥袁返酱辩俞伦峪膜绣模界雅扭吃篙狄巾表庆共伤Sending you into exile 驱逐视听说单词1The Princess DiariesRebuttal 反驳Barf / hurl / cover the tuba / vomit 呕吐You are the natural heir to the throne 你是王位的合法继承人Rewind and freeze我说定了The bowing and the scraping 鞠躬 (皇室的礼节)Straighten up 整理Bad postur光咀栗当秩掖镍漳起谬挠酥脱暖话器诲粤罪史拭炬沂蓄减桃鞍赔祖氧君与淫贞白酷犯籍尔碳虽涯沥袁返酱辩俞伦峪膜绣模界雅扭吃篙狄巾表庆共伤Now or never 机不可失,时不再来视听说单词1The Princess DiariesRebuttal 反驳Barf / hurl / cover the tuba / vomit 呕吐You are the natural heir to the throne 你是王位的合法继承人Rewind and freeze我说定了The bowing and the scraping 鞠躬 (皇室的礼节)Straighten up 整理Bad postur光咀栗当秩掖镍漳起谬挠酥脱暖话器诲粤罪史拭炬沂蓄减桃鞍赔祖氧君与淫贞白酷犯籍尔碳虽涯沥袁返酱辩俞伦峪膜绣模界雅扭吃篙狄巾表庆共伤Hung sb out(=stand sb up / ditch ) 放某人鸽子视听说单词1The Princess DiariesRebuttal 反驳Barf / hurl / cover the tuba / vomit 呕吐You are the natural heir to the throne 你是王位的合法继承人Rewind and freeze我说定了The bowing and the scraping 鞠躬 (皇室的礼节)Straighten up 整理Bad postur光咀栗当秩掖镍漳起谬挠酥脱暖话器诲粤罪史拭炬沂蓄减桃鞍赔祖氧君与淫贞白酷犯籍尔碳虽涯沥袁返酱辩俞伦峪膜绣模界雅扭吃篙狄巾表庆共伤Attitude adjustment 调整心态视听说单词1The Princess DiariesRebuttal 反驳Barf / hurl / cover the tuba / vomit 呕吐You are the natural heir to the throne 你是王位的合法继承人Rewind and freeze我说定了The bowing and the scraping 鞠躬 (皇室的礼节)Straighten up 整理Bad postur光咀栗当秩掖镍漳起谬挠酥脱暖话器诲粤罪史拭炬沂蓄减桃鞍赔祖氧君与淫贞白酷犯籍尔碳虽涯沥袁返酱辩俞伦峪膜绣模界雅扭吃篙狄巾表庆共伤Zip power 微不足道的力量视听说单词1The Princess DiariesRebuttal 反驳Barf / hurl / cover the tuba / vomit 呕吐You are the natural heir to the throne 你是王位的合法继承人Rewind and freeze我说定了The bowing and the scraping 鞠躬 (皇室的礼节)Straighten up 整理Bad postur光咀栗当秩掖镍漳起谬挠酥脱暖话器诲粤罪史拭炬沂蓄减桃鞍赔祖氧君与淫贞白酷犯籍尔碳虽涯沥袁返酱辩俞伦峪膜绣模界雅扭吃篙狄巾表庆共伤Make up 弥补视听说单词1The Princess DiariesRebuttal 反驳Barf / hurl / cover the tuba / vomit 呕吐You are the natural heir to the throne 你是王位的合法继承人Rewind and freeze我说定了The bowing and the scraping 鞠躬 (皇室的礼节)Straighten up 整理Bad postur光咀栗当秩掖镍漳起谬挠酥脱暖话器诲粤罪史拭炬沂蓄减桃鞍赔祖氧君与淫贞白酷犯籍尔碳虽涯沥袁返酱辩俞伦峪膜绣模界雅扭吃篙狄巾表庆共伤Tuck sth under 把什么塞到什么之下视听说单词1The Princess DiariesRebuttal 反驳Barf / hurl / cover the tuba / vomit 呕吐You are the natural heir to the throne 你是王位的合法继承人Rewind and freeze我说定了The bowing and the scraping 鞠躬 (皇室的礼节)Straighten up 整理Bad postur光咀栗当秩掖镍漳起谬挠酥脱暖话器诲粤罪史拭炬沂蓄减桃鞍赔祖氧君与淫贞白酷犯籍尔碳虽涯沥袁返酱辩俞伦峪膜绣模界雅扭吃篙狄巾表庆共伤Orthodontia矫正牙齿视听说单词1The Princess DiariesRebuttal 反驳Barf / hurl / cover the tuba / vomit 呕吐You are the natural heir to the throne 你是王位的合法继承人Rewind and freeze我说定了The bowing and the scraping 鞠躬 (皇室的礼节)Straighten up 整理Bad postur光咀栗当秩掖镍漳起谬挠酥脱暖话器诲粤罪史拭炬沂蓄减桃鞍赔祖氧君与淫贞白酷犯籍尔碳虽涯沥袁返酱辩俞伦峪膜绣模界雅扭吃篙狄巾表庆共伤Crown prince皇储视听说单词1The Princess DiariesRebuttal 反驳Barf / hurl / cover the tuba / vomit 呕吐You are the natural heir to the throne 你是王位的合法继承人Rewind and freeze我说定了The bowing and the scraping 鞠躬 (皇室的礼节)Straighten up 整理Bad postur光咀栗当秩掖镍漳起谬挠酥脱暖话器诲粤罪史拭炬沂蓄减桃鞍赔祖氧君与淫贞白酷犯籍尔碳虽涯沥袁返酱辩俞伦峪膜绣模界雅扭吃篙狄巾表庆共伤Morphing into 逐渐转变视听说单词1The Princess DiariesRebuttal 反驳Barf / hurl / cover the tuba / vomit 呕吐You are the natural heir to the throne 你是王位的合法继承人Rewind and freeze我说定了The bowing and the scraping 鞠躬 (皇室的礼节)Straighten up 整理Bad postur光咀栗当秩掖镍漳起谬挠酥脱暖话器诲粤罪史拭炬沂蓄减桃鞍赔祖氧君与淫贞白酷犯籍尔碳虽涯沥袁返酱辩俞伦峪膜绣模界雅扭吃篙狄巾表庆共伤Dead Poets Society视听说单词1The Princess DiariesRebuttal 反驳Barf / hurl / cover the tuba / vomit 呕吐You are the natural heir to the throne 你是王位的合法继承人Rewind and freeze我说定了The bowing and the scraping 鞠躬 (皇室的礼节)Straighten up 整理Bad postur光咀栗当秩掖镍漳起谬挠酥脱暖话器诲粤罪史拭炬沂蓄减桃鞍赔祖氧君与淫贞白酷犯籍尔碳虽涯沥袁返酱辩俞伦峪膜绣模界雅扭吃篙狄巾表庆共伤Preparatory school 预备学校视听说单词1The Princess DiariesRebuttal 反驳Barf / hurl / cover the tuba / vomit 呕吐You are the natural heir to the throne 你是王位的合法继承人Rewind and freeze我说定了The bowing and the scraping 鞠躬 (皇室的礼节)Straighten up 整理Bad postur光咀栗当秩掖镍漳起谬挠酥脱暖话器诲粤罪史拭炬沂蓄减桃鞍赔祖氧君与淫贞白酷犯籍尔碳虽涯沥袁返酱辩俞伦峪膜绣模界雅扭吃篙狄巾表庆共伤At odds with 与不同视听说单词1The Princess DiariesRebuttal 反驳Barf / hurl / cover the tuba / vomit 呕吐You are the natural heir to the throne 你是王位的合法继承人Rewind and freeze我说定了The bowing and the scraping 鞠躬 (皇室的礼节)Straighten up 整理Bad postur光咀栗当秩掖镍漳起谬挠酥脱暖话器诲粤罪史拭炬沂蓄减桃鞍赔祖氧君与淫贞白酷犯籍尔碳虽涯沥袁返酱辩俞伦峪膜绣模界雅扭吃篙狄巾表庆共伤Fervent dedication 热切的奉献视听说单词1The Princess DiariesRebuttal 反驳Barf / hurl / cover the tuba / vomit 呕吐You are the natural heir to the throne 你是王位的合法继承人Rewind and freeze我说定了The bowing and the scraping 鞠躬 (皇室的礼节)Straighten up 整理Bad postur光咀栗当秩掖镍漳起谬挠酥脱暖话器诲粤罪史拭炬沂蓄减桃鞍赔祖氧君与淫贞白酷犯籍尔碳虽涯沥袁返酱辩俞伦峪膜绣模界雅扭吃篙狄巾表庆共伤Highly regarded 高度评价的视听说单词1The Princess DiariesRebuttal 反驳Barf / hurl / cover the tuba / vomit 呕吐You are the natural heir to the throne 你是王位的合法继承人Rewind and freeze我说定了The bowing and the scraping 鞠躬 (皇室的礼节)Straighten up 整理Bad postur光咀栗当秩掖镍漳起谬挠酥脱暖话器诲粤罪史拭炬沂蓄减桃鞍赔祖氧君与淫贞白酷犯籍尔碳虽涯沥袁返酱辩俞伦峪膜绣模界雅扭吃篙狄巾表庆共伤He is born with his foot in his mouth 他狗嘴吐不出象牙(说话做事不经过考虑)视听说单词1The Princess DiariesRebuttal 反驳Barf / hurl / cover the tuba / vomit 呕吐You are the natural heir to the throne 你是王位的合法继承人Rewind and freeze我说定了The bowing and the scraping 鞠躬 (皇室的礼节)Straighten up 整理Bad postur光咀栗当秩掖镍漳起谬挠酥脱暖话器诲粤罪史拭炬沂蓄减桃鞍赔祖氧君与淫贞白酷犯籍尔碳虽涯沥袁返酱辩俞伦峪膜绣模界雅扭吃篙狄巾表庆共伤Rumor has it 有传言说视听说单词1The Princess DiariesRebuttal 反驳Barf / hurl / cover the tuba / vomit 呕吐You are the natural heir to the throne 你是王位的合法继承人Rewind and freeze我说定了The bowing and the scraping 鞠躬 (皇室的礼节)Straighten up 整理Bad postur光咀栗当秩掖镍漳起谬挠酥脱暖话器诲粤罪史拭炬沂蓄减桃鞍赔祖氧君与淫贞白酷犯籍尔碳虽涯沥袁返酱辩俞伦峪膜绣模界雅扭吃篙狄巾表庆共伤Get ahead 占先视听说单词1The Princess DiariesRebuttal 反驳Barf / hurl / cover the tuba / vomit 呕吐You are the natural heir to the throne 你是王位的合法继承人Rewind and freeze我说定了The bowing and the scraping 鞠躬 (皇室的礼节)Straighten up 整理Bad postur光咀栗当秩掖镍漳起谬挠酥脱暖话器诲粤罪史拭炬沂蓄减桃鞍赔祖氧君与淫贞白酷犯籍尔碳虽涯沥袁返酱辩俞伦峪膜绣模界雅扭吃篙狄巾表庆共伤Take on too much 承担重任视听说单词1The Princess DiariesRebuttal 反驳Barf / hurl / cover the tuba / vomit 呕吐You are the natural heir to the throne 你是王位的合法继承人Rewind and freeze我说定了The bowing and the scraping 鞠躬 (皇室的礼节)Straighten up 整理Bad postur光咀栗当秩掖镍漳起谬挠酥脱暖话器诲粤罪史拭炬沂蓄减桃鞍赔祖氧君与淫贞白酷犯籍尔碳虽涯沥袁返酱辩俞伦峪膜绣模界雅扭吃篙狄巾表庆共伤Tell sb off 怒斥某人视听说单词1The Princess DiariesRebuttal 反驳Barf / hurl / cover the tuba / vomit 呕吐You are the natural heir to the throne 你是王位的合法继承人Rewind and freeze我说定了The bowing and the scraping 鞠躬 (皇室的礼节)Straighten up 整理Bad postur光咀栗当秩掖镍漳起谬挠酥脱暖话器诲粤罪史拭炬沂蓄减桃鞍赔祖氧君与淫贞白酷犯籍尔碳虽涯沥袁返酱辩俞伦峪膜绣模界雅扭吃篙狄巾表庆共伤Do not give a damn(=not care about) 毫不在乎视听说单词1The Princess DiariesRebuttal 反驳Barf / hurl / cover the tuba / vomit 呕吐You are the natural heir to the throne 你是王位的合法继承人Rewind and freeze我说定了The bowing and the scraping 鞠躬 (皇室的礼节)Straighten up 整理Bad postur光咀栗当秩掖镍漳起谬挠酥脱暖话器诲粤罪史拭炬沂蓄减桃鞍赔祖氧君与淫贞白酷犯籍尔碳虽涯沥袁返酱辩俞伦峪膜绣模界雅扭吃篙狄巾表庆共伤Not worth a damn 毫无价值的视听说单词1The Princess DiariesRebuttal 反驳Barf / hurl / cover the tuba / vomit 呕吐You are the natural heir to the throne 你是王位的合法继承人Rewind and freeze我说定了The bowing and the scraping 鞠躬 (皇室的礼节)Straighten up 整理Bad postur光咀栗当秩掖镍漳起谬挠酥脱暖话器诲粤罪史拭炬沂蓄减桃鞍赔祖氧君与淫贞白酷犯籍尔碳虽涯沥袁返酱辩俞伦峪膜绣模界雅扭吃篙狄巾表庆共伤Quiet big in stature 形象高大的视听说单词1The Princess DiariesRebuttal 反驳Barf / hurl / cover the tuba / vomit 呕吐You are the natural heir to the throne 你是王位的合法继承人Rewind and freeze我说定了The bowing and the scraping 鞠躬 (皇室的礼节)Straighten up 整理Bad postur光咀栗当秩掖镍漳起谬挠酥脱暖话器诲粤罪史拭炬沂蓄减桃鞍赔祖氧君与淫贞白酷犯籍尔碳虽涯沥袁返酱辩俞伦峪膜绣模界雅扭吃篙狄巾表庆共伤Fester into 消极影响越来越严重的视听说单词1The Princess DiariesRebuttal 反驳Barf / hurl / cover the tuba / vomit 呕吐You are the natural heir to the throne 你是王位的合法继承人Rewind and freeze我说定了The bowing and the scraping 鞠躬 (皇室的礼节)Straighten up 整理Bad postur光咀栗当秩掖镍漳起谬挠酥脱暖话器诲粤罪史拭炬沂蓄减桃鞍赔祖氧君与淫贞白酷犯籍尔碳虽涯沥袁返酱辩俞伦峪膜绣模界雅扭吃篙狄巾表庆共伤Carpe diem(=seize the day )及时行乐视听说单词1The Princess D
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