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小品校园处处体现文明礼仪场景一食堂打饭:旁白:今天是星期四早上,有两人去上课途中在聊天。甲:朋友,今天又到黑色星期四了。乙:啊?何为黑色星期四呢?(表现出一无所知,迷惑)甲:这你也不懂吗?我们今天早上上四节课啊!为了我们的温饱问题,我们要加入浩浩荡荡的打饭队伍中啊!这还不是黑色星期四啊?(“黑色”一词语气要拖长)乙:哦!是啊!想不到这么快就到这天了!真是“一日复一日,时日不待我啊!”那我们还是照老办法吧!(向甲对视)甲:(同时望着乙,做出奸诈的表情)旁白:下课铃响了。甲与乙以百米冲刺的速度冲向食堂。同时甲与乙冲向教室。甲与乙惊呼:哇!如今大家为了解决吃饭问题,个个都锻炼成为刘翔了!看多长的队啊!乙:(指向相对短的那条队伍)看,那条队伍是最短的,我们去那里吧!(说完后,甲与乙就跑到那条最短的队丙的后面)丙:正排在最短队伍的最后一个人,其正在听歌。甲:(对乙说)你快点上去看一下有没有熟人啊?我们插进去啰!(甲推着乙去)乙:我不去了,上次我去了,现在到你去啦,都说好是轮着来。(乙推着甲去)甲:你去!乙:你去!(两人推来推去碰到丙)丙:(摘下耳塞,回过头来)微笑地说:“你们好,你们是赶时间吧!要不你们站在我前面吧,我不赶时间啊!甲、乙(惊呆,后表现得惭愧)甲:不用了,我们不赶时间啊!乙:是啊是啊!不好意思,碰到你呢!丙:没关系啊!(之后就回过头来继续听歌了)甲、乙就安安静静地排队打饭了!旁白:从这次以后,甲乙就守规则安分排队打饭了。 场景二:教室里旁白:星期六的教室里,有若个同学在教室里看书。(甲乙丙丁)突然,同学甲的手机震动了。第一次接电话:甲(感觉手机在震动,手忙脚乱地拿出手机) 喂,你是?(见到陌生的电话,表现得轻声细语)哦!真的!真的!我的小说获得一等奖啊!(表现得很激动,且很大声)。(这时,其他人纷纷抬起头望着甲)甲意识到影响他人了,就拿开手机走出教室听电话。甲听完电话后,就悄悄地回到教室了!第二次也接电话旁白:等了一会,同学甲的手机又震动了。但这次她为不影响他人的学习,就自己轻轻地走出教室听电话了。其实,平时在教室自习时,我们就应该到教室外听电话,以免影响他人学习,这是一项基本的文明礼仪。甲:(同样感觉到手机在震动,这次轻轻地拿出电话,就往教室外听电话了!之后就又悄悄地回到教室。) 场景三宿舍里师姐三个:甲乙丙 师妹:丁师妹:(轻轻地敲门)师姐,我可以进来吗?师姐:请进!师妹:(表现得有点畏惧,因为不认识)小声说道:“师姐,你们好!请问你们有没有军训时用的军徽啊!可以借给我吗?我的不见了,而明天就要军训了!甲:不好意思,师妹。我的带回家了。你应该有吧,你去找找看吧!(指着丙说)丙:师妹,我的之前捐出去了!所以我也没有了!乙:是的,我应该会有的,我去找找看吧!甲:师妹,坐下来等一下吧!丙:是啊!是啊!坐吧!不用那么客气啊!丁:就慢慢地坐下来了!丙:是啊!师妹,你是哪个系的?师妹:我是政史系的!那师姐你们呢?丙:哦!原来你是政史系的,我们是中文系的!甲:那师妹是在哪个宿舍啊?师妹(丁):我在204,就在隔壁而已。(这时丙拿着军帽走过来了)丙说:军徽就在军帽上,要不就整个军帽也借去吧!反正我也不用了!丁:(表现得受宠若惊)哦!好的!谢谢师姐啊!你们真的很好人啊!甲丙都说:没关系的,借吧!丁:好的,真的很感谢你们!那不打扰你们了!我先走了!甲丙:哦!有空过来玩玩! 结束:全体站出来谢幕!一起说出团课主题,“讲文明礼仪,创和谐校园”!表演者:旁 白: The campus is reflected in civilized manners Scene: dining room dozen rice: Narrator: today is Thursday morning, two people go to class on his way to chat. A: friends, today again to black Thursday. B: ah? What is black Thursday? (show anything, confused) A: this you also dont understand? Today we have four classes in the morning! For the sake of our food and clothing problems, we want to join the formidable dozen rice team! This is not black Thursday? ( black words to a gas drag long) B: oh! Yeah! Not so quick to this day! Was a day after day, time not to me! That we still keep on trying! (to a look each other in the eye) A: (also looked at b, make false expression) Narrator: when the bell rang. A and b with a-yard dash speed into the dining room. At the same time a and b rushed to the classroom. A and b exclaimed: wow! Now you eat in order to solve the problem, everyone is exercise become liu xiang! See how long a team! B: (pointing to the relatively short team) look, that team is the shortest, we go there! (with that, a and b and running to the shortest team cs back) C: are in the shortest row of the team last man, its are listening to music. A: (to b say) you hurry up see if there is any acquaintances? We inserted in! (a push b to) B: I dont go to, the last time I went to, now to you, of course, it is a wheel. (b push armour to) A: you go to! B: you go to! (two pushed around met c) C: (took off earplugs, return overdo) smiled and said: hi, you are pressed for time! Otherwise you stand in front of me now, Im not in a hurry! Party a and b (stunned, behave ashamed after) A: no, we are not in a hurry! B: yeah. Yeah! Sorry, run into you! C: it doesnt matter! (later came back to continue to listen to music) Party a and party b will quietly queuing dozen rice! Narrator: from the later, party a and party b will keep bouncing rules get meals in line. Scene two: the classroom Narrator: Saturday in the classroom, the students have if a reading in the classroom. (a YiBingDing) suddenly, classmate a cellular phone vibrate. The first answer the phone: A (feel mobile phone in vibration, out on the phone) Hello, are you? (see strange phone, behave quietly) oh! Really! Really! I won the first prize of the novel! (performance was excited, and very loudly). (at this time, others have looked up at the armour) A consciousness to influence others, with a mobile phone outside the classroom to the phone. After hearing a call, he went back to the classroom quietly! The second is the phone Narrator: wait a moment, classmate a cell phone is moved. But this time she is not influence others learning, he gently walk out of the classroom to the phone. In fact, in the classroom at ordinary times for self-study, we should go to the phone outside the classroom, lest affect other people learn, this is a basic civilization etiquette. A: (also feel mobile phone in vibration, the gently pulls out his phone and went outside the classroom to the phone! Then and then back to the classroom.) Scene three dormitory The teacher elder sister three: a ethylene-propylene teacher younger sister: d Teacher younger sister: (slightly to the door) the teacher elder sister, may I come in? The teacher elder sister: come in, please! Teacher younger sister: (behave a little afraid, because dont know) said in a low voice: the teacher elder sister, how do you do! Do you have any military training in the JunHui! I can borrow? My missing and tomorrow I will be military training! A: sorry, teacher younger sister. My take home. You should have it, you look to see! (pointing to c say) C: teacher younger sister, I went out before the donation. So I also have no! B: yes, I would have some, I look for see! A: teacher younger sister, sit down and wait! C: yeah! Yeah! Sit! Dont so welcome! D: is slowly sit down! C: yeah! Teacher younger sister, you is which is? Teacher younger sister: I was ZhengShiXi! That the teacher elder sister you? C: oh! So you are ZhengShiXi, we are the Chinese department. A: the


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