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2014年MBA大作文动态模板替换句 陈雪峰一、命题类议论文第一段(提出问题)(一)倒推法(From Past to Now)Sentence One1. Two decades ago, it went without saying that ( )2. Many years ago, it was always the case that ( )3. For years, back in the early 1990s, it was commonly found that ( )4. A dozen years before, it was acknowledged that ( )5. Lots of years ago, it must be stressed out that ( )6. Approximately twenty years ago, it was widely accepted that ( )7. Not long ago, it stood to reason that ( )8. Score years ago, it was undeniable that ( )9. More than a century ago, it had been proved that ( )10. Over fifty years ago, it must be admitted that ( )Example: Two decades ago, it was always the case that the tuition was paid by authorities.(第一句尽量用被动语态,给考官留下好的第一映像)Sentence Two1. But/Yet this situation is no longer true. Today, ( )2. But/Yet this condition has radically/remarkably changed. Now, ( )3. But/Yet this is no longer the case. In fact, ( )4. However, things are totally different. Now, ( )5. However, the situation has come to another end. Today, ( )6. But/Yet the table has been turned. In fact, ( )7. But/Yet our place is different. Today, ( )8. But/Yet the condition seems not the same like before. Now, ( )9. However, the case will never be the same. In fact, ( )10. But/Yet I do not think we can look at this the same. In fact, ( )Example: But this situation is no longer the same. Now, students have to cover the education payment by themselves.(多用have to、tend to这样的感情性词汇)Sentence Three1. A sizable percentage of people tend to believe the current trend is rational, but I do not share the same opinion.2. Lots of people are inclined to follow the current trend, but I choose the other side. 3. Numerous people can understand the change, however, opposite voice can also be heard in public.4. A good deal of men and woman choose to go with the new trend, yet the rest offer their opposite voice. 5. Many people determined to accept the new situation, but others express their dissatisfaction. Thus the case is brought to our attention.6. So the issue of _ has been in the limelight and has aroused wide concern in the public.7. Thus creating an acute/a vital/a critical/a crucial social problem that cries for solution/calls for prompt solution.8. As a result, this phenomenon has aroused wide concern and heat public discussion has arisen.9. _ plays such an important role that it undeniably becomes one of the biggest concerns of todays world.10. Thus there arises/evolves a heated discussion over the issue of _.(二)举例法(From Part to Whole)Sentence One1. Some developed countries witnessed the fact that ( )2. Some of my generation experienced the time that ( )3. Lots of European countries saw the phenomenon that ( )4. A good deal of developing economies confronted the fact that ( )5. Recently, a mass of countries from EU make a decision that ( )6. Tens of thousands of people encountered the trend that ( )7. Countless countries experienced the change that8. Numerous nations from the third world faced the truth that ( )9. The case in many new economies is that ( )10. The current situation of many APEC countries is that ( )Example: Some developed countries witnessed the fact that the tuition was paid by authorities.(所填内容与第一段相同)Sentence Two1. This situation is of course not unique and as a matter of fact, more and more _ make the same choice. 2. The case is a rarity of variety and in fact, an increasingly body of _ are confronted with the issue of _.3. This phenomenon is by no means unique and as a matter of fact, many _ are confronted by the serious problem of _.4. These countries are not the only groups facing the dilemma, in effect, an increasingly number of _ are likely to become the victims of _.5. The situation is certainly far from unique and in effect, a growing number of _ are faced by the issue of _.6. The condition is a rarity of variety and as a matter of fact, the number of _ is on the rise.7. The case is by no means unique, and in these days, the issue of _ has aroused peoples discussion.8. This trend is common in recent years, we find that there is a growing number of people who _.9. The phenomenon not rare in the modern society, and as a matter of fact, more and more people join in the new trend.10. The phenomenon is by no means unique, and on the contrary, it becomes so widespread that a growing number of people encounter the same issue.Example: This situation is of course not unique, more and more countries make the same choice.(根据Group A所写的句子来填空)Sentence Three(和倒推法的Sentence Three的写法是一样的)(三)数据法(From Data to Phenomenon)Sentence One1. Based on an Internet survey, 60 percent of ( )2. Based upon an inquiry made by the CNN, many ( )3. According to an investigation, a mass of ( )4. According to the result of a recent survey, approximately 55 percent of ( )5. In a poll made in Europe, a good deal of ( )6. The result of a survey showed that a train of ( )7. The mid-1990s brought one inquiry after another into the cause of ( ), and the results illustrated that ( )8. About 60 percent of ( ) experiences the change that ( )9. Many investigations in the past had proved that ( )10. The consequence of the inquiry indicated that ( )Example: According to a survey, 60 percent of countries tend to afford the tuition for college students.(数字可以换,不能太夸张,比如99.9%之类的)Sentence Two(和举例法的Sentence Two的写法是一样的)Sentence Three(和倒推法的Sentence Three的写法是一样的)第二段(解决问题)(一)原因分析(Reasons)Sentence One1. What, then, lies behind the phenomenon/problem/case/change in question?2. The reflection on the problem/phenomenon mentioned above naturally leads us to the following possible reasons.3. The phenomenon/problem in question certainly does not spring from nowhere.4. Obviously, the problem/phenomenon does not arise from no cause/reason.5. Only by taking these causes into consideration can we account for the problem/phenomenon.6. It is no easy/simple task/job to furnish/identify every reasons for the issue, but on the whole, three factors shout louder than others/weigh heavier than others/stand out from others7. Why does the situation remain unimproved? There are many factors resulting in it.8. Leaving aside many other factors, the following three reasons are worth mentioning.9. Many factors have conveyed to bring about this phenomenon.10. The following three reasons can explain the case mentioned above.Example: The reflection on the problem/phenomenon mentioned above naturally leads us to the following possible reasons.(第二段第一句话是过渡句,必须写)Sentence Two1. Most important of all, it is ascribed to the culprit that ( )2. Firstly, it is due to the fact that ( ) 3. First of all, it is stem from the reason that ( )4. In the first place, it is evolve from the cause that ( )5. First and Foremost, it is result from the factor that ( )6. To begin with, it has much to do with the fact that ( ) 7. To start with, it is root from the view that ( )8. Initially, we can attribute it to the reason that ( )9. The first thing is that ( )10. The first thing to be mentioned here is that ( )Example: The first thing to be mentioned is here that by no means, do our university students have enough practical skills.(第二段第二句话写第一个理由,我上课讲的加分句型争取用进去,这里我用了否定句的倒装句写法)Sentence ThreeExample: Because the colleges only pay their attention to the book knowledge rather than some meaningful abilities like communication and cooperation.(第二段第三句话写第一个理由的展开句,这里我用的是第一种展开法:即写原因的原因,请同学们结合笔记使用)Sentence Four1. Then, we can impute it to the fact that ( )2. Secondly, we can attribute it to the reason that ( )3. Second of all, it is root from the view that ( )4. In the second place, it has much to do with the fact that ( )5. Furthermore, it is result from the factor that ( )6. Moreover, it is stem from the reason that ( )7. What is more, it is due to the fact that ( )8. In addition, it is ascribed to the culprit that ( )9. Besides, it is thanks to the cause that ( )10. Another consideration is that ( )Example: Another consideration is that there are too many students graduating from colleges and universities every year.(第二段第四句话写第二个理由,我上课讲的加分句型争取也要用进去,这里我用了现在分词做后置定语)Sentence FiveExample: Based on/upon a recent Internet survey, about 1 million students are hunting for positions, which creates a severe challenge to the job market.(第二段第五句话写第二个理由的展开句,这里我用的是三大万能展开法的其中一种:数据展开法)Sentence Six1. The final point is that ( )2. The last factor to be taken into account is that ( )3. In the third place, it is thanks to the cause that ( )4. Finally, it is ascribed to the culprit that ( )5. Last, it is due to the fact that ( )6. Lastly, it is result from the factor that ( )7. Last of all, it has much to do with the fact that ( )8. In the last place, it is root from the view that ( )9. Last but not least, we can impute it to the fact that ( )10 The Last element to be presented is that ( )Example: The last element to be presented is that our authorities do not perform their duties on creating sufficient job opportunities for graduates.(第二段第六句话写第三个理由,实在想不出,可以用我上课讲的6个万能原因)Sentence SevenExample: As a result, it can make students lose faith in the government since they think it is the governments responsibility to control the problem.(第二段第七句话写第三个理由的展开句,这里我用另一种上课讲过的展开法:写后果。我这里用了一个上课给大家的6个万能后果之一)注:我更推荐大家只写两个原因,然后没给原因展开两句话,这样可以得到更好的成绩。第三段(建议或后果)Sentence One1. Considering the phenomenon and its cause/possible solution, it is reasonable to believe that _.2. After understanding the reasoning above, it is quite safe now to say: to choose _ is a wise action.3. All in all/In summary/In sum/In conclusion/In short/In a word/In my perspective/In a nutshell, _.4. All in all, I should say that _.5. In view of the change and its possible reasons, I hold the opinion that/it occurred to me that _.6. All reliable evidences point to one saying, that is _.7. All the above suggests that we can come to the simple conclusion that _.8. All the evidence justifies an unshakable view that _.9. All the evidence supports an unmistakable conclusion that _.10. Based on the above discussion and analysis, we can see that _.Example: Considering the phenomenon and its cause/possible solution, it is reasonable to believe that the tuition of poor students is supposed to be paid by our government, but students with enough economic capability should still afford the education payment by themselves.(写一个观点)Sentence Two1. With this in mind, it is rational to suggest that ( )2. In order to finish the target mentioned above, it is reasonable to advise that ( )3. So as to improve the current situation, it is sensible to adopt the following two measures.4. And many changes are needed to finish the goal.5. We should take immediate measures to deal with the issue.6. Considering the seriousness of the problem, it is an urgent thing for us to take action to eliminate it.7. Following these methods may not guarantee the success in solution to ( ), but the pay-off will be worth the effort.8. So what we should do is ( )9. Keeping the opinion in mind, we should apply following methods to change the situation.10. In order to make this come true, it is meaningful for us to take some measures.Example: With this in mind, it is reasonable to recommend that, firstly, we can make the nature of X known to all people so that they would consciously guard against it. And moreover, the government needs to tighten its regulatory standards, stiffen its inspection program and strengthen its enforcement policies.(写一个建议)Sentence Three1. If proper measures are taken, _ will continue to be on the _ in the coming years.2. As long as we give this phenomenon enough attention, it is obvious that the number of _ will _.3. If the appropriate measures are applied, it is clear that the amount of _ will _.4. If we do not make any changes, it is crystal clear that the situation will not under large change in the near future.5. If proper methods are taken, it is manifest that the number of _ has gone dramatic changes.6. If proper measures are adopted, it is apparent that the trend of _ will be _.7. Considering all these aspects, it is sensible to predict that _.8. If proper approaches are taken, we can predict that _.9. If attention is paid, the next step of the case will be _.10. Now that the problem is obvious, it is likely that _.Example: As long as we give this phenomenon enough attention, it is obvious that the number of students without jobs will decrease.(写一个后果)二、图表类议论文第一段(分析图表)(一)动态双线(图表参见2010年真题)Sentence One1. What is shown in the diagram/chart/graph above demonstrate/illustrate clearly that vast/sharp/dramatic/great/significant/huge change have taken place as regards the number of ( )2. This is a bar/pie/line diagram which shows us clearly that some significant changes have arisen /taken place in the past several years in terms of ( )3. As depicted in the above diagram, significant changes have taken place with regard to ( )4. It can be seen from the diagram that the past several years have witnessed considerable changes as regards ( )5. As can be seen from the bar/line/pie chart/graph/diagram, it is manifest that the number of ( ) has undergone dramatic changes.Example: This is a bar diagram which shows us clearly that some significant changes have arisen in the past several years in terms of the subscription number of mobile-phone.(双动态图第一段的第一句话写废话,就写数据有很大变化)或者直接写根据图表也完全没有问题(According to the bar chart)。Sentence Two1. Based on the data/figure/information given by the diagram, we/one can see/notice that the number of ( ) has been on a sharp/steady rise/increase/fall/decline from about/approximately ( ) at ( ) to ( ) at ( ).2. According to the data in the table, the past ( ) years/months witnesses a steady rise/decline in the number of ( ).3. The figures indicate that from ( ) to ( ), the number of ( ) has experienced a steady rise/decline.4. It can be concluded from the figures that the past ( ) years/months saw a steady rise/decline in the number of ( ).5. As can be suggested from the statistics, the number of ( ) has been on a sharp rise/fall between ( ) and ( ).Example: Based on the data given by the diagram, we can notice that the number of mobile-phone subscription in developing countries has been on a sharp rise from approximately 0.4 billion at 2000 to 4 billion at 2008.(双动态度第一段第二句写变化比较大的动态图的趋势)Sentence ThreeExample: While in this period, the mobile-phone subscription number for developed countries almost remained stable.(双动态图第一段第三句话就用一句话描写一下变化比较小的图表的趋势就可以了)Sentence Four(引出下文)1. By analyzing the charts, a sizable percentage of people tend to believe the current trend is rational, but not everyone shares the same opinion.2. By analyzing the diagrams, lots of people are inclined to follow the current trend, but some others choose the other side. 3. By analyzing the tables, numerous people can understand the change, however, opposite voice can also be heard in public.4. By analyzing the graphs, a good deal of men and woman choose to go with the new trend, yet the rest offer their opposite voice. 5. After understanding the charts, many people determined to accept the new situation, but others express their dissatisfaction. Thus the case is brought to our attention.6. After understanding the tables, we can see that the issue of _ has been in the limelight and has aroused wide concern in the public.7. After understanding the graphs, an acute/a vital/a critical/a crucial social problem is created that cries for solution/calls for prompt solution.8. After understanding the diagrams, we can see that this phenomenon has aroused wide concern and heat public discussion has arisen.9. After understanding the charts, we can clearly see that _ plays such an important role that it undeniably becomes one of the biggest concerns of todays world.10. After understanding the charts, there arises/evolves a heated discussion over the issue of _.Example: By analyzing the charts, a sizable percentage of people tend to believe the current trend is rational, but not everyone shares the same opinion.(第一段最后一句话就是开始为下一段做准备了)(二)动态单线(图表参考2013年真题)Sentence One(和动态双图表的Sentence One的写法是一样的)Sentence Two(和动态双图表的Sentence Two的写法是一样的)Sentence Three(三点法)Example: In the year of 1998, there were only 2500 people with this title, but five years later, the number rose to more than 25000, and this trend continued in the following years. By 2004, approximately 35000 got the degree.(用三点法做一下细节描写)Sentence Four(和动态双图表的Sentence Four的写法是一样的)(三)静态双表(真题未考过)Sentence One1. What is shown in the diagram/chart/graph above demonstrate/illustrate clearly that vast/sharp/dramatic/great/significant/huge difference have taken place as regards the percentage of ( ) in ( )2. This is a bar/pie/line diagram which shows us clearly that some significant differences have arisen /taken place in terms of ( )3. As depicted in the above diagram, significant differences have taken place with regard to ( )4. It can be seen from the diagram that the percentage of ( ) ranges from ( ) to ( )5. As can be seen from the bar/line/pie chart/graph/diagram, it is manifest that the percentage of ( ) has undergone dramatic changes in different ( ).Example: What is


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