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英译汉35 Since Darwin, biologists have been-firmly convinced that nature works without plan or meaning, pursuing no aim by the direct road of design. But today we see that this conviction is a fatal error. Why should evolution, exactly as Darwin knew it and described it, be planless and irrational? Do not aircraft design engineers work, at precisely that point where specific calculations and plans give out, according to the same principle of evolution, when they test the serviceability of a great number of statistically determined forms in the wind tunnel, in order to choose the one that functions best? Can we say that there is no process of natural selection when nuclear physicists, through thousands of computer operations, try to find out which materials, in which combinations and with what structural form, are best suited to the building of an atomic reactor? They also practise no designed adaptation, but work by the principle of selection. But it would never occur to anyone to call their method planless and irrational. 参考译文 达尔文以后的生物学家们一直相信,大自然的运行是没有计划没有意义的,不会按照预先设定的途径实现任何目的。但是,今天我们知道,这一看法是个严重的错误。为什么恰如达尔文所理解和描述的那样,进化就该是无计划和无理性的呢?飞机设计师们利用风洞检测根据统计数据制造的大量机体模型的耐用性能,在具体运算和计划不起作用的情况下,为选出功能最佳的设计,他们不也正是根据同样的进化原理进行工作的吗?核物理学家经过上万次的计算机运算,试图找出哪些材料,以怎样的结合方式,以及什么结构形式最适宜用于建造原子核反应堆,我们能够说这中间没有自然选择的过程么?他们进行的适应性调节也未经过事先设计,而是根据选择原理进行的。但是人们从未认为这种方法是无计划、无理性的。汉译英22 1995年10月,黄浦江上又一座大桥凌空飞架,将浦南与奉贤连接起来,成为继徐浦、南浦、杨浦三座大桥之后建成通车的第四座大桥奉浦大桥。 奉浦大桥是首座由地方筹资兴建的黄浦江大桥,奉贤县与市区有关部门和企业共同集资4.46亿元,仅用1年零7个月的时间即胜利建成。大桥的建成解决了长期困扰奉贤与浦南地区的过江问题,同时还改善了该地区的投资环境,为杭州湾北岸的开发、建设打下了良好的基础。金秋10月的黄浦江畔,徐浦、南浦、杨捕、奉浦四座大桥沐浴着金秋阳光,各显神姿,交相辉映,为上海这座充满生机与魅力的国际大都市增添了更加夺目的风采。不久的将来,上海还将建造更多的过江设施,把浦江两岸更紧密地连结在一起。 参考译文In October 1995, another bridge flew to span the Huangpu River, connecting Punan with Fengxian. It is Fengpu Bridge, the fourth bridge over the river open to traffic after the Xupu, Nanpu and Yangpu Bridge.Completed in 19 months, Fengpu Bridge is the first locally financed bridge over the river, with the funds of 446 million yuan raised by Fengxian County and departments and enterprises concerned in the municipal government. The completion of the bridge has solved the chronic problem of crossing the Huangpu River that bothered the residents in Fengxian and Punan and also improved the investment environment, which(thus laying)lays a solid foundation for the construction and development on the north bank of the Hangzhou Bay. In the golden autumn of October, the Xupu, Nanpu, Yangpu.and Fengpu Bridges over the Huangpu River, bathed in the golden sunshine, show the distinctive features and enhance each others magnificence, adding (which adds) more luster to Shanghai, a cosmopolis that is full of charm and vitality. In the near future,more cross-river facilities will be built in Shanghai to link closely areas on the two banks of the Huangpu River.英译中 A commonplace criticism of American culture is its excessive preoccupation with material goods and corresponding neglect of the human spirit. Americans,it is alleged,worship only 、the almighty dollar. We scramble to keep up with the Joneses。 The love affair between Americans and their automobiles has been a continuing subject of derisive commentary by both foreign and domestic critics. Americans are said to live by a quantitative ethic. Bigger is better, whether in bombs or sedans. The classical virtues of grace, harmony, and economy of both means and ends are lost on most Americans. As a result, we are said to be swallowing up the worlds supply of natural resources, which are irreplaceable. Americans constitute 6 percent of the worlds population but consume over a third of the worlds energy. These are now familiar complaints. Indeed, in some respects Americans may believe the pursuit of happiness to mean the pursuit of material things.参考译文 人们常常批评美国文化过分热衷于物质产品,却忽略了人的精神需求。他们说,美国人只崇拜“万能的美元”。美国人会在生活上竞相攀比。美国人过分钟情于汽车,长期以来这称为国内外批评家的笑柄。美国人把数量作为衡量一切的标准,无论是炸弹还是轿车,总是越多越好。大多数美国人已经失去了彬彬有礼、和睦相处、量入为出的传统美德。因而美国人吞噬着世界上大量不可再生的自然资源。美国人占世界人口的百分之六,却消耗了世界上三分之一以上的能源。人们常常对此颇有怨言。的确,从某种程度上说,美国人可能信奉追求幸福就是追求物质享受。汉译英03 太湖明珠无锡,位于江苏省南部,地处美丽富饶的长江三角洲中心地带。这里气候宜人,物产丰富,风景优美,是中国重点风景旅游城市。与万里长城齐名的古京杭大运河纵贯市区,泛舟河上,能领略水乡的民俗风情。 距市区七公里的太湖梅粱景区是太湖风景之精华,碧波万顷,渔帆点点,湖光山色令人陶醉。其中的鼋头渚巨石状如鼋头,远眺烟波浩渺的太湖,被诗人郭沫若誉为“太湖佳绝处”。参考译文 Wuxi, the pearl on the Taihu Lake, is located in southern Jiangsu Province in the center of the beautiful and fertile Yangtzi River Delta. With its mild climate, abundant resources and picturesque scenery, it is a key resort in China. The Grand Beijing-to-Hangzhou Canal running across the city is as well-known as the Great Wall. Boating along the river, you will be able to enjoy the local customs and lifestyles of the river-side towns. The Meiliang Scenic Area, 7 kilometers from the downtown area of the city, embodies the essence of beauty of the lake. You will be fascinated by the landscape of the lake and hills with numerous fishing boats dotting the vast blue waters. Among the scenic spots there, Yuantouzhu is a huge rock in the shape of a tortoise head. Overlooking the misty boundless lake, it is praised by Poet Guo Moruo as the best place of the Taihu Lake.英译汉 The three sacred words “duty”, “honor” and “country” reverently dictate what you should be, what you can be, and what you will be. They urge you to build courage when courage seems to fail, to regain faith when there seems to be little cause for faith, to create hope when hope becomes abandoned. I am convinced that these words teach you to be proud and unbending in honest failure, but humble and gentle in success; not to substitute words for action; not to seek the path of comfort, but to face the stress of difficulty and challenge; to learn to stand up in the storm, but to have compassion on those who fall; to have a heart that is clean, a goal that is high; to learn to laugh, yet never forget how to weep, to reach into the future, yet never neglect the past; to be serious, yet never take yourself too seriously; to be modest so that you will remember the simplicity of true greatness, the open mind of true wisdom, the meekness of true strength. In short, these words teach you to be both a militant fighter and a gentleman. 参考译文 “责任”、“荣誉”和“国家”这三个神圣的词庄严地责成你们应成为怎样的人,能成为怎样的人,将成为怎样的人。这三个词要求你们在失去勇气时鼓起勇气,在失去信念时恢复信念,在失去希望时产生希望。我认为,这些词教导你们在真正失败时要自尊自爱、不屈不挠,在成功时要谦和,不要以言代行,不要寻求安逸,而要面对困难和挑战的压力;要学会在风浪中傲然屹立,而对失败者应该予以同情;要有纯洁的心灵,要有崇高的目标;要能笑会哭;要走向未来,但不可忘记过去;要为人持重,但不可自命不凡;要谦虚,这样就会记住真正的伟大在于纯朴,真正的智慧在于开明,真正的刚毅在于温柔。简而言之,这些词教导你们在成为一名勇猛之士的同时,也要成为一位谦谦君子。汉译英在一个极为漫长。的历史阶段中,人类只能通过音乐表演和口授来传播音乐。当人类发明了乐谱后,音乐便开始脱离表演而演变成“文字”得以记录和传播。然而,人类音乐传播的真正革命性里程碑的建立者无疑是科学家们。他们创造了令人叹为观止的音乐传播手段,从最早的机械“留声机”到今天五花八门的“电子媒体”。在20世纪诸多的音乐传播手段中,无线电广播的发明和发展对音乐的传播起了极为重要的作用。然而,高科技的高速发展也使我国广播音乐工作者在新世纪中面临着严峻的挑战。 参考译文 For a very long period of historical development, mankind could only pass on music though performance and oral instruction. When mankind invented musical scores, music started to break away from the boundaries of being merely a performing art, and develop into a system of “written symbols” that can be recorded and spread. Undoubtedly, however, it was the scientists who should be crowned as the founders of the real revolutionary milestone of human musical communication. Scientists invented marvelous means of music transmission, beginning from the earliest mechanical “record turntable” to todays many kinds of “electronic media”。 Among the numerous means of music transmission of the 20 century, the creation and development of radio broadcasting played an extremely important role in the industry of music transmission.英译中 What a noble medium the English language is. It is not possible to write a page without experiencing positive pleasure at the richness and variety, the flexibility and the profoundness of our mother-tongue. If an English writer cannot say what he has to, say in English, and in simple English, it is probably not worth saying. What a pity that English is not more generally studied, I am not going to attack classical education. No one who has the slightest pretension to literary tastes can be insensible to its attraction. But I confess our present educational system excites in my mind grave misgivings, which I cannot believe is the best or even reasonable, a system that thrusts upon reluctant and uncomprehending multitudes treasures which can only be appreciated by the privileged and gifted few. To the vast majority of children who attend our public schools; classical education is from beginning to end long, useless and meaningless. If I am told that classical subjects are the best preparation for the study of English, I reply that by far this preparatory stage is incomplete and without deriving any of the benefits which are promised as its result. 参考译文 英语是一种多么神奇的工具!我们每写下一页,祖国语言的丰富多彩、灵便精深都让我们赞叹不已、喜不自禁。如果一个英语作家不能用英语,或者不能用简明的英语说出必须说的话,那么这些话也许就不值得说。英语没有广泛地得到学习是何等憾事啊!我不是在攻击传统教育。任何人只要自称对文学有些许鉴赏力,就不可能对英语的魅力无动于衷。但我承认,我国目前的教育制度使人忧心忡忡。我认为这不是最好的制度,甚至不是合理的制度。因为这个制度所提供的文学作品,只能为少数特权人物和天才人物所欣赏,却不是普通大众喜闻乐见、能够欣赏的。对公立学校的广大学生来说,传统教育彻头彻尾地冗长无用、毫无意义。如果有人对我说,传统课程为学习英语打下了最好的基础,那我得说,迄今为止这个基础阶段还不完善,未能收到所期望的任何效果。中译英 我国政府强化了对外贸的控管,强化了商会这类中介机构的服务与协调功能。我们希望继续加强外贸体制的改革,使之逐渐走向竞争;并受到诸如关税、汇率和利率等法律和经济手段的制约。所有这些都应有助于加速中国外贸的国际化进程,为宏观经贸局面的形成创造一个较好的环境,通过促进商贸业、制造业、农业、技术产业和银行之间更为密切的合作,我们能够为国际市场提供更多、更好的出口产品。在这种情况下,中国自然会成为一个大市场。 参考译文 Our government has stronger control over foreign trade, and strengthened the service and coordinating functions of such intermediary organizations as chambers of commerce. We hope to continue to strengthen reform in our foreign trade system in order to gradually open foreign trade to competition and to get it under control by both legal means and economic measures, such as tariffs, foreign exchange rates and interest rates. All this should help speed up the internationalization of Chinas foreign trade and create a better environment for bringing about a macro economic and trade prospect. By promoting a closer cooperation among business and trade communities, manufacturing industries, agriculture, technology industries and banks, we will be able to produce more and better export commodities for the international market. Given this situation, China is bound to be a large market.中译英 十月的上海,阳光明媚,秋高气爽,来自35个国家和地区的1300余名比赛选手参加了在沪举行的本世纪最后一届世界中学生运动会。 世界各国青少年在沪逗留的时间虽然短暂,但上海的风貌和中国的传统文化仍然给他们留下了深刻的印象。无论是参观矗立于浦江之畔的东方明珠电视塔,还是游览静卧一隅的城隍庙,他们都能感受到传统与现代的美妙结合。博大精深的中国传统文化让这些外国朋友感受到的是神秘和新奇,这种认知来自短暂的接触,但从此之后,他们不会忘记;有这样一个民族,生活在世界的东方。 参考译文 On the clear and crisp autumn days in Shanghais October, more than 1,300 participants from 35 countries and regions attended the last World Juvenile Games of the 20th century held in the city. Despite their short stay in Shanghai, the young people from various countries of the world are deeply impressed by Shanghais landscape and traditional Chinese culture. Whether visiting the Oriental Pearl Radio and Television Tower on the Huangpu River or the City God Temple in a quiet corner of the city, they marvel at the miraculous combination of tradition and modernity. The profound traditional Chinese culture struck those foreign youngsters as mysterious and novel. Their impression came from the short-time contact, but from then on, they will never forget such a nation in the East of the world.英译汉 Japans once enviable jobless rate will soar to double-digit levels ifand the warning is a big onefirms opt for drastic Western-style layoffs to boost profits. While Japans life-time employment system is visibly unravelling, many economists still doubt whether a scenario of soaring joblessness will occur, given that economic incentives to slash payrolls clash with social and political pressures to save jobs. A kinder, gentler approach to restructuring would soften the social instability many fear would result from doubling the jobless rate, already at a record high. Critics believe it would also cap gains in profit margins and stifle economic vitality, especially in the absence of bold steps to open the door to new growth, industries. Some economists believe different methods of counting mean Japans jobless rate is already close to 7 per cent by United States standards, not that far from the 7.8 per cent peak hit in the US in 1992 when it began to emerge from a two-year slump. 参考译文 如果日本各公司效仿西方国家,通过大幅度裁员来增加利润,日本一度令人羡慕的低失业率将飙升至两位数, 目前形式已经十分严峻。日本的终生雇佣制度明显正在解体, 但是刺激经济需要裁员, 而社会和政治上却要求保留工作岗位,两者互相冲突,因而许多经济学家仍无法断定日本是否会出现失业率急剧上升的局面。许多人担心失业率已经达到历史最高点,如果再增长一倍,就会导致社会不安定,因而以较为温和的方式调整经济,才可以缓解这个问题。评论家们认为这还会限制利润增长,抑制经济活力,如果不去大胆采取措施引进增长型产业,情况会更糟。一些经济学家认为,用不同的方法计算,按照美国标准,日本的失业率已接近7%,与1992年美国7.8%的最高失业率相去不远,而当时美国已开始走出两年的经济衰退期。汉译英 黄浦江纵横南北,把上海分为两部分。浦东因位于黄浦江以东而得名。本世纪2030年代,随着以外滩为核心的金融、商贸区的建立,外商和我国民族资本事开始把经济活动伸向浦东地区。但黄浦江的阻隔,极大地影响了浦东的经济发展。浦江两岸形成了一边,是万商云集的十里洋场,一边是以自然农作物为主的大片农田的鲜明对照。 自1990年中央宣布开放浦东以来,浦东新区的建设日新月异,突飞猛进。高楼大厦如雨后春笋,拔地而起,田园风光和现代建筑交相辉映,浦东正以崭新的面貌跨人新世纪。 参考译文 The Huangpu River flows across Shanghai from north to south, dividing the city into two parts. Historically, Pudong got its name from its location on the east bank of the Huangpu Priver. In the 20s and the 30s of this century when the finance and Business trade district with the Bund as its center was established, foreign businessmen and Chinese national capitalists began to extend their economic activities to the Pudong area. However, inconvenient transportation occasioned by river crossing greatly affected the economic development of Pudong. There was a striking contrast between the long stretch of foreign concessions frequented by thousands of merchants on one side of the Huangpr River and the vast patch of natural crops on the other side译文:Since 1990 when the Central Government announced the opening up and development of Pudong, the Pudong New Area has witnessed dramatic changes and rapid development.High-rises have mushroomed, combining idyllic scenery and modern building, which brings a brand-new Pudong into the new century.英译汉 The fate of unborn millions will now depend, under God, on the courage and conduct of this army. Our cruel and unrelenting enemy leaves us only the choice of brave resistance or the most abject submission. We have, therefore, to resolve to conquer or to die. Our own, our countrys honor, calls upon us for a vigorous and manly exertion; and if we now shamefully fail, we shall become infamous to the whole world. Let us then rely on the goodness of our cause, and the aid of the Supreme Being, in whose hands victory is, to animate and encourage us to great and noble actions. The eyes of all our countrymen are now upon us, and we shall have their blessings and praises, if happily we are the instruments of saving them from the tyranny meditated against them. Let us animate and encourage each other, and show the whole world that a free man contending for liberty on his own ground is superior to any slavish mercenary on earth. 参考译文 我们千千万万子孙后代的命运要依靠我们这支军队勇敢战斗。我们的敌人残暴冷酷,我们要么选择勇敢地反抗,要么只有卑贱地屈从。因此,是征服,是灭亡,我们必须做出抉择。我们个人的尊严,我们祖国的荣誉,要求我们全力以赴、浴血奋战。如果我们战败,我们在全世界将会声名扫地、颜面无存。让我们依靠正义的事业,依靠胜利之神的帮助,激励自己完成伟大而崇高的行动。我们的同胞注视着我们,如果我们能够把他们从水深火热的暴政中解救出来,这将令人欢欣鼓舞,人民会祝福我们、颂扬我们。让我们互相激励,向全世界展示,在自己的国土上为自由而战的人要比地球上任何为金钱而战的乌合之众崇高汉译英 祖国和平统一,乃千秋功业。台湾终必回归祖国,早日解决对各方有利。台湾同胞可安居乐业,两岸各族人民可解骨肉分离之痛,在台诸前辈及大陆去台人员亦可各得其所,且有利于亚太地区局势稳定和世界和平。 当今国际风云变幻莫测,台湾上下众议纷纭。岁月不居,来日苦短,夜长梦多,时不我与。试为贵党计,如能依时顺势,负起历史责任,毅然和谈,达成国家统一,则两党长期共存,互相监督,共图振兴中华之大业。 参考译文 The peaceful reunification of our motherland is a great cause in the interest of future generations. As Taiwan is destined to return to the motherland, the early resolution of the issue is beneficial to both sides of the Taiwan Straits. The Taiwan compatriots will live and work in peace and contentment. People on both sides will no longer suffer from being separated from their own flesh and blood. The older generation in Taiwan and those from the mainland will have proper roles to play. All this will contribute to the stability of the Asia-Pacific region and world peace.As the international situation is changing unpredictably, opinions vary among both the authorities and the general public in Taiwan. The resolution of the issue cannot be allowed to be postponed as time presses and a long delay might lead to unfavorable results. To your own benefit, you should follow the trend of our times and assume historical responsibility to participate in the negotiations for the peaceful reunification of our motherland. Thus, the two parties will be able to make concerted efforts to achieve Chinas rejuvenation through long-term co-existence and mutual supervision.英译汉 The biggest problem of the third industrial revolution is as easy to explain as it is difficult to solve. Technology is creating a global economy that is rapidly supplanting our old national economies. National governments cannot control this new economy, yet no one, least of all Americans, wants to create the form of global government that might be able to control it. As a result we were going to be living in a fundamentally unmanaged economic system. The difficulties of containing the 1997 Asian economic meltdown are just the first of many such difficulties we can expect. National governments, which used to worry about managing and maintaining their economic systems, are slowly being pushed out of business. Changes in global finance overwhelm all but the largest governments. Governments have lost much of their influence over the movement of information and capital. They cannot control who crosses their borders either physically or culturally. Conversely, the power of global businesses is growing with companies ability to move to the most advantageous locations and play countries off against one another in bidding for attractive investment projects. 参考译文 要理解第三次工业革命中出现的最严峻的问题并非难事,可是要解决它却十分困难。技术革命形成经济全球化,这一模式正在迅速取代旧有的民族经济。虽然


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