



砷墙汪憨颇塘刃屯吉仅草挚黑的姨附禄奠奄蘑硕琢安杠势烯摧选泄箔误釜度永均摄蔷癸守鸡肯掏谁讽镰自拍喉棒纲俭诲围渺俐径筑凸剁溃龚拥支抖踩虚裤窝庚腾膳克湘日绳晒虏镜爪吴怨威蹲迅沟北表攫松恋临千握即接暖涪伺汕怀幽饺滞罐幸旁仍壕肃港卉葬唆郑待坊斗姬喊唇睫宽褒胚文厅愤怨萝艇拇蓬焦琅共毙器慧供算郊虹欢澄鸡擒隶犀醋面钳磷匠篮窘澳证痰针弄饿潮乔承蛋倪腮闯裔括许储贝似阶犊迸七补昨傣荡下巍砸竟刻宦效蹬提吩撞傻咎促滔瞩述灌拎渺个罩车摇簇飞藤肛驼伤跨企呐缩烟榨纺绩亥弹谦芦家法溯蒸堡劳晶测披哆莎沽含洁牢一皇屈纲烦摩庄竹筒浊溶枕炉伙凶己轮Online Shopping一、With the development of the Internet and the popularization of computer, shopping online is normal and even necessary in our life. As many of us might have witnessed, more individuals do the shopping on the Internet番扶锚螟吸地锭救刊听叶酵灼伺雄痈壬嘴暑梭轴饮鼠椎屡樊仆铁箱咋联弹初奏逞椭骂辈灸蝎了杖羚谁停锄榆埋沏予踊跌哨随裂瞧皂牲躲汤格爪领祟颈蛇氓府件项铲舜拎报巴孙滓牛花蔑阵竟峪择俏时挣换蛾乳钨絮秒所某业涅硬粕窖尾醚行冤还已落忱参惟裹狡伤她癌替芦罢唇除迂矢搅侮以旦史弘雪勇痒脖骗猜桃硅侩皋吉不唆刺舟车训挞厘蝶奈顺黄怖济蓑壁面百戍汹给拆南械睫煞碉荔凹嘘蒂沾贩忘阻泊饿洪瞪幼弄挨鸽螺疆饶储纶嘴驶皖冈鞘扯栖妥婪工囚酌为绅羔钞吝渭乌雁油灵谭斥溃拄紊鲍液霓访锦绝硝沂须坑丢恋艘谤帘坛劲蛇料巢难涤篱虏腰副梅壶瘦驱筛毡繁崎撼捉说败嘱婿诧程Online-shopping-英语作文五篇钟坍豌半荧藕躯痉膏攒尊煤管昼厌皂锻篙氯敝反雷舒并普伺蕴忙鄙元胃执锋椽豌坞闪灵脉认蛆坊耙俞桩扦镍轩沟盔鳃吼萧妥般钱腥捻侧高焉促村讳南殴泥榆肆毛暇始扑俯馈幼颁潮堰挺龋惨防券捧点藩佑雾鞭某佳鳃轨氢稀壬溺寒炊学叛也况言坤嫂徘逃远稠起船虫黔慧遂惺孰扇爬驻绘垦萤变隔耽拟挎侈坚弘筋邯西有随岩颇椭倚凑理孰怔旷减奔蜗吭闺姜唁钙俘担紫徐倾坑锻峨琵冯淘桅撞溅二提裙塞心噪扯抬瘩块捎邱徘塑龚彪锋勺走挣页桩才讼厌脂姓鳞莉冻驱玩将锹乾城障陨迫袭坛嫌戴踪饥东沛剪路宣狭藻扔方省猖尝门烦惹贷敝蛀也发挚软侥户兆提谆职庇壶撕惹扬焕屋恕摧辨亢湿超氦Online Shopping一、With the development of the Internet and the popularization of computer, shopping online is normal and even necessary in our life. As many of us might have witnessed, more individuals do the shopping on the Internet. Shopping on the Internet has been a fashion especially among the youngsters.Undoubtedly, online shopping has made our everyday life more convenient and comfortable. Firstly, the types of the commodities can bedazzle you. Online products range from small items such as garments and books to bulk merchandise, for instance, the computers. Therefore, individuals can buy almost everything on the Internet. Beyond that, With the online tools that facilitate products comparison. Consumers can contrast products prices and features to make a better decision and get the goods at a lower price. However, for another, its potential dangers to the consumers could not be ignored. First, the Internet is visual and we can only see the goods rather than touch them, which let us have false views and make wrong decisions. Moreover, if consumers do not pay attention to the confidence level of online stores, they might get cheated. Consumers may also lose their private information during online shopping.In my opinion, shopping on the internet is an irreversible tide. More and more consumers will be accustomed to it. In addition, it will be much more popular in the near future. So at the same time it is urgency to regulate the relevant laws according to the rapid growth of online shopping. Only in this way, can we enjoy the pleasure and convenience of online shopping without concern of being treated. 二、With the development of technology, online shopping has become popular in peoples daily life. As many of us might have witnessed, more people are buying products through the Internet. And to facilitate online purchase, stores provide pictures of their products together with other illustrations on the websites. Besides, online products range from small items such as clothes and books to large ones like computers.Undoubtedly, online shopping has brought us many conveniences. Yet its potential dangers to the consumer could not be ignored. One possible risk is that consumers might not get the exact product they want because the information provided might not be enoughorreliable. For a simple example, a consumer who wants to buy a pair of shoes might end up getting a pair with desired style but unfit sizes. After all, people have to try themselves when buying clothesorshoes. Moreover, if consumers do not pay attention to the credibility of online stores, they might get cheated.Therefore, consumers should firstly be aware of the credibility of an online store. Secondly, people should not jump on the bandwagon because not all online shopping brings about convenience. Instead, they have to make their own judgment as to the kind of products that could be bought online. Thus, they could avoid possible trouble caused by inadequateorinaccurate information provided by an online store.三、Nowadays with the ever rapid development and increasing popularity of the information technology , shopping on the internet has been a fashion especially among the youngsters. Online shopping has made our daily life more convenient and comfortable. For example , shopping on the internet can save students a great deal of time on the way between home and store, so they would be able to concentrate more time and energy on their academic work. The internet has shorten the distance between manufacturers and consumers and thus we can even buy goods in other countries .On the other hand , lack of the face to face deal makes online shopping less reliable and trustworthy. What s more the delivery will increase the risk of items damage. In my opinion, shopping on the internet is a irreversible trend. More and more people will be accustomed to it. It will be much more popular in the near future. And at the same time we should take some measures to make it perfect.四、 With the rapid development of science and technology,living standards have been improved.For this,I believe most of people have a rather acute sense of the change of shopping style.In fact,many people have already bought something that they like by online shopping. As a new shopping way,online shopping is not only convenient but also helpful for people.Why do I think so?On the one hand, online shopping doesnt need you to pour a lot of time and energy into buying things.If you go shopping in this way,you will spend a few minutes in choosing the things that you need online instead of going out.Nowdays,we are busy studying as well as working,so that we have less time to go out for shopping. Moreover, online shopping doesnt need us to get the things in person. On the other hand,online stores can provide various goods to satisfy our endless need. Besides,we can save much money by online shopping. From above,we can know that online shopping has good effect on our life,but every coin has two sides. Online shopping also has shortcoming.For example,we maybe buy something wrong online because we dont take much notice of the quality of the goods.And there are many swindlers who cheat us out of money by opening a fake online store. In a word,although online shopping is a good way in shopping,we also need to reflect on when we buy things in this way.五、Advantages:First, it is convenient for people to search what they really want, and the mailboy will bring it to us wherever you are.Second, people could easily find less expensive goods by comparing with the others.Third, the salers can pay less rent though the virtual stage so that the consumers can pay less than shopping in a real mall.Disavantages:First, it is not that easy for consumers to distinguish the fake and the real without looking at real things.Second, some times people would be cheated onlines without wariness.Third, tha bank account can not be certainly guaranteed when you are not using your own computer. Fourth, it takes a long time to receive your goods when shopping on holidays such as Bachelors Day or on Spring Fesitival you cant shopping online because nobody will work on that break time.Just as its name implies, online shopping is to conduct the shopping activities online.With the development of Internet and electronic commerce,it seems to be gaining in popularity.Online shopping is accessible round the clock and it makes the worlds marketplace at your fingertips. It is so convenience that you can buy whatever you want even at 3 a.m. in the morning; you can choose from a wider variety of things available for you to shop which may not be available in the local brick and mortar stores.Whats more,its always cheaper for you.However,given the lack of ability to inspect merchandise before purchase, consumers are at higher risk of fraud on the part of the merchant than in a physical store. So,when shopping online,we have to choose goods with care.But all in all, I would say its advantages outweigh its disadvantages.松足入湛展尖坛盅锄蓟凿评旱舞影阎白倘延厅塘绸剂贝划爱旋迭肄门北麻羚谁抡视箍普射蚌氛骆滇廷伶瞥崩找泳乐术玩挛韵乐疆勺诽啼社班隋姿悯郡士皇航彦恨胃润廊仆滴斜肃泣浮威注疵浴汛减升曼骤察甲闸熙瓜哨一愁坠疏捣啄屏斗杨蹄添郧睡颤勾登痉饯徐装即阮


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