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九年级上学期英语科期中测试卷(总分:分;考试时间:90分钟)听力部分笔试部分总分IIIIIIIVVVI一、听力部分:(30分)A B C D EI. 根据你所听到的环保措施,按顺序将相应的图片序号 (A E ) 填在横线上。(5分)No.1_ No.2 _ No.3 _ No.4_ No.5 _ II. 根据听到的对话,选择和对话内容相符的图片。(分)A B CA B CA B CA B C( ) 6. ( ) 7. ( ) 8.( ) 9. A B CA B C( ) 10.( ) 11.III. 根据听到的句子选择相应的答语。(5分)( ) 12. A. About 2 kilometers. B. By bike.C. At seven oclock.( ) 13. A. Its very big. B. Twice a week.C. Yes, I do.( ) 14. A. Thats too bad. B. Bad luck.C. Sure, Id love to.( ) 15. A. No, he hasnt. B. Yes, they have.C. Its in the east of China.( ) 16. A. Because theyre cute. B. I like pandas best.C. My favorite subject is math.IV. 根据对话选择正确的答案。(分)( ) 17. The earth is about _years old.A. 4 600 millionB. 4 060 millionC. 460 thousand( ) 18. Mr Black is from _. A. ParisB. LondonC. New York( ) 19. It was _yesterday. A. rainyB. sunnyC. cloudy( ) 20. Michael _once a week. A. plays basketballB. goes skatingC. goes swimming( ) 21. Jane usually takes _when she goes shopping. A. plastic bagsB. a cloth bagC. a basket( ) 22. Who has been abroad? A. Only Jane.B. Only Jack.C. Both Jane and Sam.V. 根据对话选择正确的答语。(分)听第一段对话,回答第23、24小题。( ) 23. Mike is _. A. reading a book B. doing homeworkC. making a cake( ) 24. The woman wants Mike to repair the _. A. carB. computerC. watch听第二段对话,回答第25、26小题。( ) 25. Bill went to the _last night.A. libraryB. museum C. cinema( ) 26. Bill returned home at about _.A. 11:20B. 11:30C. 11:50听第三段对话,回答第27、28小题。( ) 27. Whats wrong with the young man?A. He has a headache.B. He hurt himself. C. He has a fever.( ) 28. Whats the doctors advice?A. Drink more water.B. Dont eat too much. C. Listen to relaxing music.听第四段对话,回答第29、30小题。( ) 29. They are talking about _pollution. A. noiseB. lightC. water( ) 30. They decide to write a letter to the _. A. factoryB. newspaperC. policeman二、笔试部分(120分)I. 语言知识运用 (30 分)(A)选择填空:从A、B、C三个选项中, 选出能填入空白处的最佳答案。(20分)( ) 1. Now in many places farmers plant crops _the help of machines. A. inB. withC. at( ) 2. May I speak to Maria? -Im sorry she isnt in. She _to the shopping center. A. has goneB. has beenC. went( ) 3. I _the computer since 2001. A. have boughtB. have hadC. has had( ) 4. My father has been at this school _. A. since ten yearsB. ten years agoC. for ten years( ) 5. Maria asked Jane _. A. what is she readingB. what she is readingC. what she was reading( ) 6. -Has he cooked lunch ? -Yes, he has done that.A. yet; already B. yet; yet C. yet; never( ) 7. Kangkang is so smart and careful that he has _failed an exam. A. justB. everC. never( ) 8. -May I _your pen, please ? -Sure, here you are. A. borrowB. lendC. bring( ) 9. Mike asked Jane _ there were any shops near her school. A. thatB. whatC. if( ) 10. Some kinds of animals are becoming _because people have destroyedthe environment where they live. A. more and moreB. fewer and fewerC. less and less( ) 11. He has to do the job by himself because _ would like to help him. A. nothingB. nobody C. anybody( ) 12. Trees can keep water from _away. A. runB. ran C. running( ) 13. China has the _population in the world. A. mostB. largest C. best( ) 14. The government _homeless people with nice homes. A. givesB. provides C. makes( ) 15. The factory makes a lot of _ and I cant manage to sleep well at night. A. voiceB. soundC. noise( ) 16. Electric cars work well, _they are slow and cant run for long. A. andB. butC. or( ) 17. The rubbish produced every day _a lot of space. Its difficult to find new land to put it in. A. takes upB. picks up.C. takes off( ) 18. We should reuse plastic bags _throw them away. A. rather thanB. so thatC. even though( ) 19. I got lost and couldnt find the way to the hotel yesterday. -_. A. Bad luck!B. Best wishes!C. Not bad!( ) 20. Which of the following signs means recycling? A. B. C. (B)完形填空: (10分) A famous program in Edmonton has helped homeless people for many years. It is called Edmonton Community Services. It is famous _1_ it has been so successful in helping homeless people return to _2_ lives. Edmonton Community Services helps people get jobs. It also_3_ _ money to them so that they can rent apartments and buy clothes for their children. A special program for street kids, called “Kids in the Hall”, helps _4_ children like Zack. “In the Hall” is the name of a _5_ in Edmonton. The food is prepared, cooked and served by street kids. _6_ the same time, they are learning restaurant skills there. When they finish their training, it will be _7_ for them to find jobs. However, street kids _8_ obey strict rules. If _9_ takes drugs or disobeys the other rules, he cant stay in the program. He has to _10_ to the streets. Zack says that the program has given him a good chance to succeed.( ) 1. A. becauseB. butC. though( ) 2. A. poorB. richC. normal( ) 3. A. borrowsB. lendsC. keeps( ) 4. A. carelessB. homelessC. silly( ) 5. A. bankB. hospitalC. restaurant( ) 6. A. OnB. AtC. With( ) 7. A. easyB. difficultC. impossible( ) 8. A. canB. mayC. must( ) 9. A. everyoneB. anythingC. anyone( )10.A. returnB. runC. walkIII阅读理解(30分) ( A )Dear Kimiko,I cant wait until you get here! I am meeting you at the airport at 1:00 on Friday. From there we are going right home, so you can meet my family. After you rest for a few minutes, we are all going to dinner at a Japanese restaurant. We want you to feel comfortable on your first day in New York. After dinner, well probably go to a movie.Saturday we can sleep late if you want to. In the afternoon, we can take a boat ride around New York, so you can see what it looks like. Later we are visiting a couple of museums. Jerry and Tania want to have dinner with us Saturday night. Well probably meet them at an Italian restaurant on 56th Street.Im sorry you have to go to Washington so soon, I am going to the airport with you on Monday morning to say goodbye.Have a safe trip,Maria判断下列陈述是否和以上电子邮件内容相符:(相符的写T, 不相符的写F)(10%)( ) 1. Kimiko is going to New York by plane.( ) 2. Maria will take Kimiko to a French restaurant on her first day in New York.( ) 3. Maria and Kimiko are visiting the museums on Saturday night.( ) 4. Kimiko is going to leave New York on Monday morning.( ) 5. Maria feels sorry because she is too busy to go to the airport with Kimiko to say goodbye. ( B )The day was like any other day in his life. After school Bill walked past the shop on the street corner. He stopped to look at the front row of shoes, and he felt sorry for himself. He really wanted to have a new pair for his birthday. He sadly walked away and thought of what to tell his mother. He knew she would give him anything if she could. But he also knew very well she had little money. He decided not to go home at once, because he looked worried and he didnt want to make his mother worry about it. So he went to the park and there he sat on the grass. Then he saw a girl in a wheel chair. He found that the girl moved the wheels with her hands. Bill looked at her carefully and was surprised to see that the girl had no feet. He looked down at his won feet. “It is much better to be without shoes than without feet.” He thought. It was not right for him to feel so sorry and sad. He went away and smiled, thinking he was more lucky in life.根据短文内容选择最佳答案:(10%)( ) 1. Bill was sorry that _.A. the shoes in the shop were too large for himB. he forgot to bring any money with himC. he couldnt get a new pair of shoesD. he had to work hard every day( ) 2. Which of the following is True ?A. Bills mother had much money.B. Bills mother often bought presents for Bills birthday.C. Bills mother didnt love him so she never bought him anything.D. Bill had a poor family.( ) 3. Why didnt Bill go home at once?A. Because his mother was at work.B. Because his mother wouldnt give him any money.C. Because he was tired and he wanted to have a rest on the grass.D. Because he didnt want to give his mother any trouble.( ) 4. In the park, Bill found the girl _. A. without hands B. without feet C. walking sadly D. sitting on the grass( ) 5. At last Bill _.A. decided to buy a new pair of shoesB. left the park sadlyC. thought he was more lucky than the girl in the wheel chairD. didnt know what to do with his old shoes( C ) On the first day of class, Toms teacher asked the class to fill out a form. The information always helped her get to know her students. Tom filled out the form like this.Last NameSmithFirst NameThomasDate of birthOct.15, 1989Address8 Long Street, NewtownHow long at this address six yearsTelephone number456-8976E-mailTSchoolNewtown High SchoolGrade9thHeight178cmWeight50 kgHairbrown, curlyEye colorblueBrothers or sisters (include age of each ) noneinterestsbaseball, skating根据短文内容选择最佳答案:(10%)66. Toms teacher asks for this information to _. A. find out the best studentB. get to know the studentsC. see what they do every day D. see how they make friends67. Tom has lived in Newtown for _years.A. sixB. eightC. nineD. ten68. What does Tom look like?A. He is a short boy with blue eyes.B. He is short and heavy.C. He is a tall boy with brown hair.D. He has black straight hair.69. In the form the teacher did not ask students about their _.A. addressB. parentsC. birthdayD. height70. Tom _.A. prefers swimming to skatingB. likes neither baseball nor skatingC. is not interested in sportsD. likes both baseball and skating IV语言知识运用 (20分)(A)单词归类 (你能写出更多的同类单词吗?)(10分)flowerfactorywolftree boxgrassgrannyrabbitcupbasketpandabamboopersontigerhotelbottlefishermancinema presidentlibrary容器类:_ _ _ _ ( )动物类:_ _ _ _ ( )植物类:_ _ _ _ ( )人物类:_ _ _ _ ( )地点类: _ _ _ _ ( )(B)选择方框里的单词,使句子完整,句意通顺。(5分) spend prevent none either waste1. Trees can _ the sand from moving toward the rich land.2. As we know, _of us likes pollution.3. We should recycle _ paper and soft drink cans.4. I have _ the whole holiday working in the disabled childrens home.5. You may take _ a bus or a taxi to the beach. (C)根据中文写出单词,使句子完整,句意通顺。(5分)1. People who work and live in noisy conditions may become _ (聋的).2. In many countries people produce electricity from the _ (太阳).3. Mum, is supper ready? Im so _ (饥饿的). 4. There is a big _ (市场) near the bus station.5. So far we have learnt more than 1500 English _ (单词).V口语运用 (30分)( A ) 搭配左右两栏的句子,组成意思通顺的对话:(10分)A. He has been there twice.B. Sure, Id love to.C. My main job is to look after kids.D. No, I have never been abroad.E. Reduce waste and save energy. A B( ) 1. How can I be a greener person?( ) 2. How many times has he traveled to Japan?( ) 3. Have you ever visited a foreign country?( ) 4. Can you tell me what you do there?( ) 5. Would you like to go skiing with me?(B)口语匹配:根据情景从方框中选择最佳表达,将其相应序号填在横线上。(10分)1. Mike tells you that he has been ill for a week, you can say “ ”.2. When you cant understand someones words, you can ask “ _ ”.3. When someone says thanks to you, you can reply “_”.4. You can tell someone to stop littering by saying “_”.5. Tom tells you that he cant go hiking with you because he is busy, you can say “_”.A. Its a pleasure.B. Dont throw rubbish about.C. Its a great pity!D.I hope you feel better soon.E. What do you mean?(C)补全对话:从方框中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项,将其序号填在横线上。(10分)Maria: Hello, Michael. _ Your mother said that you and Kangkang had gone to a shopping center. _Michael: Oh! I never want to go shopping again.Maria: But why?Michael: _ We got lost and couldnt find each other.Maria: Bad luck! _Michael: Yes, he has already gone home. I really hate to go shopping.Maria: _A. So do I.B. How was it?C. Ive just tried to call you.D. Because there were too many people there.E. Have you found him yet? VI. 作文:(10分)以Lets be greener people! 为题,写一篇文章呼吁同学们行动起来做一名环保卫士,关爱我们共同的地球家园。 (要求:字迹工整,表达流畅。词数:80词左右。)温馨提示:以下三个问题或许对你有帮助。What do you think of the environment around you? How does pollution hurt the earth? Do you follow the three R sreduce, reuse and recycle? Do you have other good habits of protecting the environment?Lets be Greener People!_listening materialI. 根据你所听到的环保措施,按顺序将相应的图片序号 (A E ) 填在横线上。(5分)More and more people are trying to do what they can to protect the environment. Listen to the following sentences to see how green you are. 1. Save water. 2. Plant more trees.3. Dont throw rubbish about.4. Walk or ride a bike when youre traveling a short distance.5. Recycle bottles and soft drink cans.II. 根据听到的对话,选择和对话内容相符的图片。(分)6. Where shall we go this Sunday?Lets go to the zoo.7. What does Tom often do after supper? He often watches TV.8. What do you want to be when you grow up? (boy)I want to be a doctor.9. Whats wrong with you, Peter?The chemical factory produces terrible gas and I feel sick. (boy)10. Dont step on the grass, sir.Oh, Im sorry. (boy)11. Have you ever told stories to kids? (boy)Yes, I have.III. 根据听到的句子选择相应的答语。(5分)12. How do you go to school every day?13. How often do you tidy your room?14. Would you like to go hiking with us?15. Has your brother ever been to Shanghai?16. Whats y


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