



游泳英语单词1 AAUC (c-level) meets (美国业余体联丙级比赛) abduct 外转 additional drag 附加的阻力 additional force 附加力 additional timekeeper 候补计时员 adduct 内转 adequate exchange 充分交换 against the current 逆流 age-group swimming 分龄游泳 10 air expulsion 互气量 air inflow 吸气量、进气量 12 algaecide (游泳池等用的除藻剂) all out 全力游泳 14 all-out sprint 全力冲刺 all-out time trial 全力计时游泳 16 all-round swimmer 全能游泳运动员 alternating arm action 两臂交替划水动作 18 alternating breathing 换气 alternating overarm strok 两臂轮流出水的游泳法 20 alternating progressive-regressive interval training 逐渐加快和逐渐减慢交替间歇训21 alternating 轮流、交替 alternating progressive-regressive set 逐渐加快和逐渐减慢交替游泳 23 alternating slow-fast set 变速游泳 24 Amateur Swimming Association (美国)业余游泳协会 25 American crawl 美国式爬泳(六次打腿) 26 American Swimming pool Research Organization 美国游泳池研究组织 27 amount 幅度 amount of bend in the elbow 屈臂程度 29 amount of rest 间歇时间 anchor 接力的最后一人 31 anchor bracket (固定分道的)挂钩 angle of attack 迎角,冲角 33 animal stroke 模仿动物的游泳法 appreciable current 明显的水流 35 aquacade (有音乐伴奏的)游泳跳水比赛 aquatic 水中的;水上的 37 arch 弓身游泳姿势 arch the back 弓背;塌腰、弓身 39 arch cycle 划水周期 arm depressors 臂压肌 arm-leg relationship 手腿配合 42 arm movement 划臂动作 arm pull 划臂 arm recovery 移臂 45 arm revolution 划臂次数 arm stroke 手臂划水动作 47 arm swimmer 划臂有力的游泳运动员 arriving judge 终点裁判员 49 artesian water 井水 artificial waves 人工浪 51 ASA=Amateur Swimming Association (英国)业余游泳协会 52 ASPRO=American Swimming pool Research Organization 美国游泳池研究组织 53 assignment to lanes 指定泳道 54 Australian crawl 澳大利亚式爬泳(两次打腿) 55 automatic lap counter 自动游程记趟器 56 automatic officiating equipment 自动裁判装置 57 away meet 外地比赛 back crawl 仰泳 back crawl kick 仰泳打腿 60 back floating position 仰漂姿势 back flutter kick (仰泳)震动打腿 62 backstroke 仰泳 backstroke flip turn 仰泳翻滚转身 backstroke flip indicter 仰泳转身标志线 back to arch 背反弓 66 back wash 后浪 balance of couples 力矩平衡 68 ballistic movement 弹道线形移动 bar 栏杆 basin 游泳池 bathing cap 游泳帽 bathing costume 游泳衣 bathing gown 浴衣 bathing place 游泳场,海滨浴场 bathing slips 游泳裤 bathing suit 游泳衣 bathrobe 浴衣,毛巾衣 beach area 滩区 79 beating the gun 枪声未响抢先出发犯规 80 beat the kick 过早出发,出发犯规 81 before surfacing 浮出水面以前 82 beginning swimmer 初学游泳者 83 bent arm pull 屈臂划水 84 bent arm stroke 屈臂划水 85 bent elbow pull 屈臂划水86 best amount of roll (身体) 最合理的滚动87 bicycle pedalling (仰泳)两腿交替屈膝打水;踏车式踢水88 bikini 女用上下两段游泳衣(比基尼泳衣)89 bi-lateral breathing 两侧呼吸法90 block start 出发台出发bluff body 非流线体92 bobbing 身体在水中做一上一下的动作93 body of good streamline shape 好的流线形体94 body of least(minimum)drag 最小阻力体95 bottom 最低点 bottom of the bath 池底97 bottom of the low wave 弓形波的底部(波谷)98 bottom of the feet 脚底 bottom of the pool 池底100 break hold 解脱 break the surface of water 露出水面102 break/back mixed 蛙、仰混合游103 breaststroke 蛙泳breaststroke on the back 蛙式仰泳 breaststroker 蛙泳运动员107 breath deep 深呼吸breath shallow 浅呼吸breath control 控制呼吸109 breath in 吸气breath out 呼气 breathingless 减少呼吸110 breathing action and timing 呼吸动作和配合111 breathing arm (爬泳)呼吸一侧的手臂112 breathing every third stroke 每划水三次呼吸一次114 breathing pattern 呼吸动作,呼吸方式115 breathing side 呼吸的一侧117 bring inward 向里扣118 broken set 分段游法;分段分组游法119 broken winded 呼吸急促120 broken swim 分段游泳 bubble 气泡,水泡122 “buggy whip” pull “鞭状划水123 bunch 屈膝团身124 buoy 浮标;救生圈使浮起;用浮标指示 buoyancy 浮力;弹性buoyancy force 浮力127 buoyant 移浮的;有浮力的;能浮的buoyant swimmer 浮力好的运动员129 buoying device 浮具130 butter flier 蝶泳运动员 butterfly 蝶泳 butterfly breast stroke 蛙式蝶泳133 butterfly stroke 蝶泳134 cable tensior meters 绳索张力器,绳索张力计 calm pool 水面平静的游泳池136 calm water 静水 calm water resistance 静水阻力138 cancel 抵消 cancelled out 互相抵消140 carry 拖带(溺者) catch 抱水,抓水 catch posion 抱水位置143 catch-up stroke 一臂等待另一臂,前交叉cause 动力145 centre line of the body 身体中线centre of buoyancy 浮心147 century 100码或100米游泳比赛change breath 换气 changing cubicle 小更衣室changing-room 更衣室151 changing the water 换水 channel swimming 渡峡游泳 chiasma 交叉154 chief inspetor 检查主任 childrens pool 儿童游泳池156 chin carry (救生)托下颏的拖带法 chlorinator 氯化器158 choopy 有浪的choopy water 浪花 churn 打出水花;翻腾161 churaing 旋涡 churn the surface 搅动水面;打出水花163 circle swimming pattern 循环游法 circular 弧形165 circular motion 曲线动作;圆周运动 circular swinging motion 曲线摆动167 circular wind-up 曲线摆动city water 自来水169 clear of the water 提出水面,露出水面170 clear round voice 水音clear the water 排水172 Clear watches! 计时表归零!(比赛结束时,计时长检查计时员的秒表无误后发出的口173 clerk of course 游程计算员climb over the water 在水中抬高身体175 climb up on top of the water 浮到水面 climb upward 抬高上体177 closed finger hand 手指并拢 closed race 不公开的比赛179 close to rib 贴着肋骨 clutch 握(住)181 College Swimming Coaches Association of America 美国大学游泳教练员协会182 combination 四肢联合动作 combined action 联合动作184 come closer 向内靠拢 come together向内靠拢186 competitive basin 比赛用地 competitive racing 比赛测试训练法188 competitive stroke 竞技游泳姿势 competitive swimming 竞技游泳190 competitor in default 犯规运动员continuous stroke 连续划臂动作191 competitor touching the finishing line 比赛选手触及池壁192 complete cycle 完整循环 conditioning 竞技状态194 contact pad 触板continuous of movement 动作的连贯197 continuous swim alternating slow and fast laps(locomotive) 快慢交替连续游泳(梯形游:5050,100100,150150,200200,150150,100100,5050米)198 controlled relaxed movement 控制性的放松活动199 conventional diving 常规潜泳 cork belt 软木救生带 cork hoop软木救生圈202 cork jacket 软木救生衣 cork-line 浮标线 cork ring 救生圈205 course line 泳道标志线 course rope 分道线207 covered swimming pool 室内游泳池,有顶蓬泳池 covering the race游完全程209 covering the whole 游完全程crawl flip trun 爬泳前滚翻转身210 crab 向脚的方向俯泳前进crawl 爬泳自由泳 crawl backstroke 仰泳crawler 爬泳运215 crawl stroke(trudgen,double overarm stroke)爬泳(两臂轮流出水,两脚剪水游法)216 cross-chest carry (救生)胸前拖带法,抱上体拖带法217 crossing 交叉cross over leg movement 交叉打腿cross kick 交叉打腿技术220 cross-river swimming 渡河游泳222 cubicle 更衣室(单间)221 CSCAA=College Swimming Coaches Association of America)美国大学游泳教练员223 deal mans float 死人的漂浮姿势,俯卧漂浮姿势(脸朝下两臂向前伸直,身体浮在水面)224 deck edge 池缘deep catch 抱水,深入抓水225 decreasing-distance repeats 逐次减距加速反复游泳227 deep pool 深水池 deep ventilastion 呼吸过深229 deep-water test 深水测验 delayed breathing 延迟吸气depth of water 水深232 descending scries 逐次减距加速游泳 diagonal thrust 斜向蹬腿234 digging 手入水过深 displace 排水235 DIRT(distance-interval-repeat-time)距离间歇时间反复次数完成练习的成绩237 distance in yard 以码为单位的距离238 distance per stroke 划幅,每次划水的距离239 distance swimmer (training for 200,500 and 1650-yard events)长距离游泳运动员(200、500和1650码游泳项目)240 distance swimming 长距离游泳diving (underwater swimming)潜泳242 dog paddle 狗跑(读作“袍”)式游泳dophin 海豚泳244 dophin butterfly stroke 海豚式蝶泳 dophin fishtail 海豚泳246 dophin kick 海豚式打腿dome of water 水花248 dorsiflexed 翻脚 dorsiflexing the feet 翻脚动作250 double arm pull 两臂划水 double overarm 两臂出水的游泳法252 double overarm backstroke 双臂仰泳253 double overhand (蝶泳)两手同时出水的游泳法254 double s pull (蝶泳)双“”形划水路线255 downbeat 向下打腿 downcomer (游泳池)下水道257 downward momentum 向下动量 downward press 向下压水259 downward push 向下推水 downward thrust 向下打水261 DPS=distance per stroke 划幅,每次划水距离262 drag acceleration 减速 drag along the water 拖水264 drag feet 拖脚 drag kick 拖拽动作,拖打腿 drag up 回吸267 drift 漂浮drifted finish mark 浮动终点269 drifted starting 浮动出发 rdifted turn 在漂浮中转弯 drive 推水;蹬水272 drive downward 向下压水 driving up force 上升力 drop 下沉275 drop execessively 过分下沉 drop off 速度下降277 dropped elbow pull 沉肘划水 drowning 淹279 dry land exercises 陆上练习ducking 略浸即起;水中时起时浮281 early breathing 提早吸气法 early leaving 提早出水283 easy 放松 easy free 放松游,自由式 easy water 平静的水286 edge of the pool 游泳池边 eel 鳝鱼式游泳(仰卧水上,两手在腰部划进)288 efficiency of the stroke 划动效力 efficiency of movement 动作效率290 efficiency of the pull 划水效果effort swim 奋力游泳293 eldow pulled 拖肘 eldow up 提肘 elbow-up pull 提肘划水296 electronic equipment timing to 1/100 sec 1/100 秒的电子计时器297 electronic equipment timing to 1/1000 sec 1/1000 秒的电子计时器298 electronic judging and timing equipment 电子裁判计时仪器299 electronic printout 电子计时器输出打字机显示的结果300 electronic starting 以电子装置发令301 electronic timming pad 电子计时触板 end line 终点线303 endurance swimming 耐力游泳304 end wall 池端墙壁 end wall target 池端标志 entry 入水307 European Swimming League 欧洲游泳联盟308 even-pace chart 均匀速度法exhibition swimming 游泳表演309 even-pace swimming 等速游法 even other one fast 一趟快一趟慢311explosive breathing 爆发式吸气 face down 俯卧姿势314 face-down stroke 俯泳 face plates 潜水镜316 false start rope 止泳绳;出发犯规绳,召回绳317 fancy swimming 游泳技术表演,花样游泳 fartlek 任意变速游319 faster arm pull 加速划臂速度fast-slow sets 快慢变速游法320 fast interval training 快速间歇游泳法filter tank 过滤箱;过滤池322 fast starting 急速出发 fast swimming 快游324 fear-eliminating swimming drill 消除恐惧的游泳练习325 feel for the water 对水的感觉 feeling of pressure 压力感 feet first329 FINA=Federation International Natation Amateur 国际业余游泳联合会330 final leg push 最后蹬腿 final taper 最后的赛前减量332 line body 细水流线体 finish end of pool 泳池终端334 fining 鳍鱼式划水(仰卧水面,两脚并拢,两手放身旁上下拍水,使身体向头的方向移动)335 firemans carry 消防队(救生)背运法336 first leg beat 第一次打水fishtail kick 海豚泳,鱼尾式打腿338 fish throw 鱼跃f.i.t.=fast interval training 快速间歇训练340 flagged ropes 旗绳(仰泳转身标志线)34


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