高中英语 Unit53 向友人借款函书信通.doc_第1页
高中英语 Unit53 向友人借款函书信通.doc_第2页
高中英语 Unit53 向友人借款函书信通.doc_第3页




向友人借款函august 19, 2005dear richard,sorry i havent written you lately. ive been extremely busy with work over the past few months. i simply havent been able to find the time to write you.i have been working on a number of potentially lucrative business deals. as a matter of fact, i am on the verge of making a very substantial sum of money. the only difficulty is that i am having a cash flow problem at the moment. i have taken out several loans, but i am still $6,000 short. i wonder if i can prevail on you to help me out. if you can loan me the money, i guarantee you that ill pay you back by the end of the year, and ill add another $2,000 as interest, since once these deals go through, ill have it made.sincerely yours,harry smith亲爱的理查:抱歉我最近没有写信给你。过去几个月以来我工作非常的忙。根本找不出时间写信给你。我一直从事于一些具潜力而有利可图的买卖。事实上,我即将赚大钱。目前唯一的困难是我周转不灵。虽然我已获得了几笔贷款,但仍不足六千元。我不知道我是否可说服你帮我忙。如果你能借我这笔钱,我保证会在年底时还你钱,而我会另外给你两千元利息,因为一旦我完成这些交易,我就变有钱了。哈利史密斯敬上2005年8月19日字词解说:1. extremely 非常地例:it would be extremely difficult to do this task alone.(独自做这件工作会非常困难。)2. potentially 有潜力地3. lucrative 有利可图的例:marketing can be a lucrative career if you have the right kind of personality.(如果你个性合适的话,做营销是个有利可图的职业。)4. deal 交易&. vi.处理,交易deal with处理deal in做买卖例:can you deal with this problem(你能处理这问题吗?)the gangster deals in drugs and illegal weapons.(那个歹徒从事毒品和非法武器的买卖。)5. as a matter of fact, s+v事实上,=in fact,s+v例:yes, i know tony. as a matter of fact, i saw himyesterday.(是的,我认识东尼。事实上,我昨天才看到他。)6. be on the verge of+n/v-ing濒临的边缘verge 边缘例:mr. smith was on the verge of telling jenny about his wife s problem when his wife kicked him under thetable.(史密斯先生正要告诉珍妮他太太的问题,这时他太太在桌下踢了他一下。)7. substantial sabstxn f al a.大量的,相当的例:a substantial reward has been offered for information that can help solve the case.(能提供情报帮忙解决该案子者可获得很大一笔酬金。)8. cash flow现金流转9. take out a loan获得贷款loan 贷款&. vt.借/贷给(=lend)例:the couple took out a loan to buy an apartment.(那对夫妻获得了买公寓的贷款。)i wouldnt loan him your car if i were you.(如果我是你,就不会把车子借给他。)10. be+金钱+short尚差若干钱例:i want to buy that apartment , but im nt$500,000 short.(我想买那间公寓,但我尚差五十万元台币11. prevail on sb说服某人prevail 说服(与介词on并用)例:susie prevailed on greg to give her a ride home.(苏西说服葛瑞载她回家。)12. help sb out帮某人忙例:do you think he 11 be willing to help us out?(你认为他肯帮我们忙吗?)13. guarantee 保证,担保例:the salesman guaranteed that the customer would be satisfied with the product.(推销员保证该顾客将会满


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