



乳腺增生的八个原因1、乳房疼痛常为胀痛或刺痛,可累及一侧或两侧乳房,以一侧偏重多见,疼痛严重者不可触碰,甚至影响日常生活及工作。疼痛可向同侧腋窝或肩背部放射;部分可表现为乳头疼痛或痒。乳房疼痛常于月经前数天出现或加重,行经后疼痛明显减轻或消失;疼痛亦可随情绪变化、劳累、天气变化而波动。这种与月经周期及情绪变化有关的疼痛是乳腺增生疾病临床表现的主要特点。2、乳房肿块肿块可发于单侧或双侧乳房内,单个或多个,一般好发于乳房外上象限。表现为大小不一的片状、结节状、条索状等,其中以片状为多见。边界不明显,质地中等或稍硬,与周围组织无粘连,常有触痛。大部分乳房肿块也有随月经周期而变化的特点,月经前肿块增大变硬,月经来潮后肿块缩小变软。3、乳头溢液少数患者可出现乳头溢液,为自发溢液,多为淡黄色或淡乳白色,也有少者经挤压乳头可见溢出溢液。如果出现血性或咖啡色溢液需要谨慎。目前,多认为与内分泌失调及精神、环境因素等有关。1、内分泌失调。黄体素分泌减少,雌激素相对增多是乳腺增生发病的重要原因。如卵巢发育不健全、月经不调、甲状腺疾病及肝功能障碍等。2、情绪等精神因素的影响。精神紧张、情绪激动等不良精神因素容易形成乳腺增生,经常熬夜、睡眠不足等也会造成乳腺增生,而且这些不良因素还会加重已有的乳腺增生症状。3、人为因素或不良生活习惯:女性高龄不育、性生活失调、人工流产、夫妻不和、不哺乳等原因,造成乳腺不能有正常的、周期性的生理活动。佩戴过紧的胸罩或穿过紧的内衣等等。4、饮食结构不合理,如高脂、高能量饮食导致脂肪摄入过多,饮酒和吸烟等不良生活习惯会诱发乳腺病。此外,现在人们的饮食好了,有高血压、高血糖病的人也很多,这些也容易使女性出现内分泌失调,导致乳腺增生。5、长期服用含雌激素的保健品、避孕药。人体长期过量摄入雌激素,将导致内分泌平衡失调,现在一些速生食品、人工饲养的水产及家禽使用的饲料中也多含有激素成分,长期食用也会导致乳腺疾病的发生。1, breast pain is pain or tingling, involving one or both sides of the breast, to see more emphasis on one side, severe pain can not touch, and even affect the daily life and work. The pain to the ipsilateral axillary or shoulder back radiation; part can be manifested as nipple pain or itch. In the menstrual breast pain often occur a few days or worsen, the pain was relieved or disappeared; the weather can change, with the emotional pain, fatigue and fluctuation. This is related to the menstrual cycle and the emotional changes of pain is the main feature of breast hyperplasia disease clinical manifestation.2, breast lumps mass in unilateral or bilateral breast, single or multiple, usually occurs in the upper outer quadrant of the breast. Is not the size of a flake, nodules and cords, which is more common in flake. The boundary is not obvious, the texture of moderate or slightly hard, no adhesion with the surrounding tissue, often tenderness. Most breast lumps are change with the menstrual cycle and the menstrual, before mass increases hard, menstrual cramps after reducing swelling of soft.3, a nipple discharge can occur in patients with nipple discharge, spontaneous discharge, is pale yellow or creamy white, there are less visible overflow discharge by extruding nipple. If the bloody or brown discharge need to be cautious.At present, many associated with endocrine disorders and mental and environmental factors.1, endocrine disorders. Luteinizing hormone secretion decreased, the relative number of estrogen is an important cause of breast hyperplasia disease. The ovary development is not perfect, irregular menstruation, thyroid disease and liver dysfunction.2, emotions and other mental factors. Mental stress, emotional and other adverse psychological factors to formation of breast hyperplasia, often stays up late, lack of sleep can also cause breast hyperplasia, but these adverse factors have aggravated symptoms of breast hyperplasia.3, human factors or bad habits: elderly female sterility, sexual disorders, abortion, marital discord, not breast-feeding and other reasons, cause the breast cannot have normal cyclical physiological activities. Wearing a tight bra or wearing tight underwear etc. 4, unreasonable diet structure, such as high fat, high calorie diet leads to excessive intake of fat and smoking, drinking and other bad habits will cause breast disease. In addition, people are now eating well, also a lot of high blood pressure and high blood sugar disease, which is also easy to make female endocrine disorders, resulting in hyperplasia of mammary glands.5, health care products, long-term use of estrogen containing contraceptives. The body will lead to long-term excessive intake of estrogen, endocrine i


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