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一、单选题 答题要求 : 每题只有一个正确的选项。窗体顶端1(5.0分) Therefore, other things _ equal, the number of workers that employers want decreases. A) is B) are C) being D) having 参考答案: C 收起解析 解析: 无 窗体底端窗体顶端2(5.0分) Neither John _ his father was able to wake up early enough to catch the morning train. A) nor B) or C) but D) and 参考答案: A 收起解析 解析: 无 窗体底端窗体顶端3(5.0分) The manager will not _ us to use his car. A) have B) let C) agree D) allow 参考答案: D 收起解析 解析: 无 窗体底端窗体顶端4(5.0分) Janes dress is similar in design _ her sisters. A) like B) with C) to D) as 参考答案: C 收起解析 解析: 无 窗体底端窗体顶端5(5.0分) I have been looking forward to _ from my parents. A) hear B) being heard C) be heard D) hearing 参考答案: D 收起解析 解析: 无 窗体底端窗体顶端6(5.0分) The atmosphere _ certain gases mixed together in definite proportions. A) composes of B) is made up C) consists of D) makes up of 参考答案: C 收起解析 解析: 无 窗体底端窗体顶端7(5.0分) The girl is _ of a film star. A) somebody B) something C) anybody D) anyone 参考答案: B 收起解析 解析: 无 窗体底端窗体顶端8(5.0分) How can he _ if he is not _? A) listen; hearing B) hear; listening C) be listening; heard D) be hearing; listened to 参考答案: B 收起解析 解析: 无 窗体底端窗体顶端9(5.0分) His salary as a driver is much higher than _. A) a porter B) is a porter C) that of a porter D) as a porter 参考答案: C 收起解析 解析: 无 窗体底端窗体顶端10(5.0分) _ these honors he received a sum of money. A) Except B) But C) Besides D) Outside 参考答案: C 收起解析 解析: 无 窗体底端窗体顶端11(5.0分) Its time we _ the lecture because everybody has arrived. A) will start B) shall start C) start D) started 参考答案: D 收起解析 解析: 无 窗体底端窗体顶端12(5.0分) _ her and then try to copy what she does. A) Mind B) See C) Stare at D) Watch 参考答案: D 收起解析 解析: 无 窗体底端窗体顶端13(5.0分) Two days is not enough for him to finish the work. He needs _ day. A) other B) the other C) the third D) a third 参考答案: D 收起解析 解析: 无 窗体底端窗体顶端14(5.0分) Would you let _ to the park with my classmate, Mum? A) me go B) me going C) I go D) I going 参考答案: A 收起解析 解析: 无 窗体底端窗体顶端15(5.0分) The computer system _ suddenly while he was searching for information on the Internet. A) broke down B) broke out C) broke up D) broke in 参考答案: A 收起解析 解析: 无 窗体底端窗体顶端16(5.0分) Its a good idea. But whos going to _ the plan? I think John and Peter will. A) carry out B) get through C) take in D) set aside 参考答案: A 收起解析 解析: 无窗体底端窗体顶端17(5.0分) Theres lots of fruit _ the tree. Our little cat is also in the tree. A) in B) at C) under D) on 参考答案: D 收起解析 解析: 无 窗体底端窗体顶端18(5.0分) Its bad _ for you to smoke in the public places where smoking is not allowed. A) behavior B) action C) manner D) movement 参考答案: A 收起解析 解析: 无 窗体底端窗体顶端19(5.0分) The red flower goes from one to _ in the class. A) the other B) others C) anot


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