江苏省永丰初级中学八年级英语下学期期末复习练习3(无答案) 牛津版(1).doc_第1页
江苏省永丰初级中学八年级英语下学期期末复习练习3(无答案) 牛津版(1).doc_第2页
江苏省永丰初级中学八年级英语下学期期末复习练习3(无答案) 牛津版(1).doc_第3页
江苏省永丰初级中学八年级英语下学期期末复习练习3(无答案) 牛津版(1).doc_第4页




2013-2014学年八年级英语下学期期末复习练习3 一、单项选择( )1. _ is important _ fish fresh water. a. that; to give b. it; to give c. that; giving d. it; to giving ( )2. peter likes watching his goldfish _ around every day. a. to swim b. swim c. swimming d. swims ( )3. you _ be polite to the old man. a. should b. can c. need d. may ( )4. must i return the book right now? no, you _ . a. mustnt b. dont have to c. neednt d.b and c ( )5. my dog likes to _ , but it never _ me. a. bark; bark at b. barking; bark c. bark; barks at d. bark at; barks ( )6. who taught you _ a rabbit? a. feed b. feeding c. to feed d. fed ( )7. feeding the fish _ is bad for them. a. much too food b. too much food c. much too foods d. too much foods ( )8. timmy plays with his pet for _ every day. a. sometime b. some times c. sometimes d. some time ( )9. dog is _ useful animal. a. a b. an c. the d. / ( )10. dont forgot _ your schoolbag here tomorrow. a. to bring b. bringing c. to take d. taking ( )11. he has some trouble _ english. a. to learn b. learns c. learned d. learning ( )12. two boys are fighting _ a picture book. a. with b. at c. for d. to ( )13. he can speak _ english but he can write _ english words. a. a little; few b. a few; a little c. few; little d. little; few ( )14. a cat has _ and _.a. scales; fins b. a beak; feathers c. whiskers; pawsd. a tail; wings( )15. i dont know what kind of pet _.a. getting b. to get c. to get it d. get( )16. its a good idea _ a message on her desk.a. leaving b. to leave c. take d. to take( )17. mum wont let me play football _i finish my homework.a. or b. and c. but d. until( )18. can you _ me the differences between a bird and a parrot?a. say b. speak c. tell d. talk( )19. the motorbike is making so much _. how _ it is!a. noise; noise b. noise; noisy c. noisy; noisily d. noise; noisily( ) 20. if you dont have much time, you _ have a pet.a. mustnt b. shouldnt c. must d. ought to二、完形填空mr white works in an office. he liked reading in bed when he was at school. it was bad for his 1 and now he has near sight ( 近视 ). but he wouldnt want 2 to know about it and he never wears a pair of glasses. it often 3 him some trouble.one winter morning he was sent to a village school on business (出差 ). he 4 a bus at astop in a small town. then he had to walk there. the road to the village wasnt smooth (平坦). he fell over some times and it 5 his clothes dirty. 6 he got to the village. suddenly it began to blow and it got colder. he was looking for the school while his 7 was blown off. he began to run after it but he couldnt get it. he couldnt understand why his hat ran into a house as if (似乎 ) it had 8 . and he ran into the house, 9 .a woman stopped him and shouted 10 , “what are you running after my hen (母鸡 )for?”( )1. a. ears b. nose c. mouth d. eyes( )2. a. anybody else b. nobody c. woman d. somebody( )3. a. follows b. takes c. brings d. carries( ) 4. a. took off b. got off c. got on d. came on( )5. a. let b. madec. gave d. felt( )6. a. at first b. at homec. at times d. at last( )7. a. clothes b. bagc. hat d. glasses( )8. a. legs b. hands c. shoes d. arms( )9. a. always b. alsoc. either d. too( )10. a. angry b. happyc. angrily d. happily三、阅读理解 aonce upon a time, there lived a rich man. he had a servant (仆人). he and the servant loved wine and good food very much. each time the rich man left his home, the servant would drink the wine and eat up all the nice food in the house. the rich man knew what his servant did, but he had never caught his servant doing that. one morning, when he left home, he said to the servant, “here are two bottles of poison (毒药) and some nice food in the house. you must take of them.” with these words, he went out. but the servant knew that the rich man had said was untrue. after the rich man was away from his home, he enjoyed a nice meal. because he drank too much, he was drunk and fell to the ground. when the rich man came back, he couldnt find his food and his wine. he became very angry. he woke the servant up. but the servant told his story very well. he said a cat had eaten up everything. he was afraid to be punished, so he drank the poison to kill himself. ( )1. in the story, _ liked wine and good food very much. a. the rich man b. the servant c. both a and b d. neither a nor b ( )2. the rich man knew that it was _ that drank the wine and ate up all the nice food. a. the cat b. himself c. nobody d. the servant ( )3. the rich man told the servant that there was poison in the two bottles, because _. a. there was in fact poison in the bottles b. he did not want the servant to drink his wine c. he wanted to kill the cat d. he wanted to kill the servant ( )4. in fact, _ ate all the nice food and drank the wine. a. the servant b. cat c. the rich man d. nobody ( )5. from the story, we know that the servant is very _. a.lazy b. bad c. clever d. kind b阅读下面的短文,根据短文内容,完成表格。(每空填1至3个词)china has decided to stop the use of free plastic bags. supermarkets, shops and outlets(经销店) in china cant offer plastic bags any more. every year, people use too many plastic bags. they throw them here and there after they have used them. the government has done its best to deal with them but failed.while we offer quick service(服务)to customers, the plastic bags pollute water,earth and air,and they waste the oil. the government asks people to go back to carry cloth bags and use baskets when they go to buy something. the cloth bags and the baskets can be used again and again. many months have passed. the environment has been improved a lot. action make a decision to stop the use of 6._. 7._supermarkets, shops and outlets advantage offer 8._ service to customers disadvantage pollute water, earth and air and waste 9._ what should we do go back to carry cloth bags and use 10._ 四、词汇a.根据首字母和中文填入适当的单词1.everyone except jim and me _(刷)teeth every day.2.in the park, we should keep our dogs on _(链子)。3.the _(讲话的人) are interesting and humorous. 4.the cat is playing with a ball of _. (绳子)5.the _(扇尾的) goldfish like eating _(豌豆).6.its_(必要的) for us to learn english well.7.it is so _(嘈杂的) outside.8.to open the can of coke, you must (拉) the ring.9.the dogs f_ is white.10.there are five red goldfish in my fish t_.11.the water in the tank must be c_.12.the little boy likes p_ the rabbits ears. 13.we put some stones at the b_ of the tank. 14.dont be s_. say it out loudly.15.a tortoise has a s_ and it moves s_.b.用所给词的适当形式填空。1.i have some _ (trouble) in learning english. 2.who are the _ (own) of the old houses? 3. he was very surprised and opened his eyes _ (wide). 4. peter is the _ (clever) student in my class. 5.i like listening to those _ (speak) wonderful voice. 6. there are many new _ (hutch) in the shop. 7.here are some _ (brush). 8. i often heard mary _ (sing) in the evening. 9. its a good idea _ (go) fishing this sunday. 10.14. its very important _ (not


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