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Unit1Wheredidyougoonvacation SelfCheck Makeasurveyandcompletethechart Makequestionsaboutvacation Askthequestionsyourself Askyourclassmatesthequestions Discusswithyourclassmatesthebestplaceforavacation 5 Writeareportonstudents vacations Hereisanexample A Didgoonvacationwithyoulastmonth B Yes myfamilywenttothecountrysidewithme 2 A Didyourfamilygotothebeachwithyoulastweekend 1Completetheconversationswiththecorrectwordsinthebox anythingeverythingnothinganyoneeveryonenoone anyone B No frommyfamilywent butmyfriendwentwithme 3 A Ididn tbringbackanythingfromMalaysia B atall Whynot 4 A Didyoubuyintheshoppingcenter B No Ididn t wasveryexpensive 5 A Howwasthevolleyballgameyesterday B Great hadafuntime noone Nothing anything everything everyone LastAugust ourclass do somethingveryspecialonourschooltrip We go toMountTai We start ourtripat12 00atnight Everyoneinourclass take abagwithsomefoodandwater 2 Completethepassagewiththecorrectformsoftheverbsinbrackets did went started took Afterthreehours someonelookedatthemapand find outwe be not anywherenearthetop Mylegs be sotiredthatIwantedtostop Myclassmates tell metokeepgoing soI go on At5 00a m wegottothetop Everyone jump upanddowninexcitement Twentyminuteslater thesun start tocomeup Itwassobeautifulthatwe forget aboutthelastfivehours found weren t was told went jumped started forgot 自我练习 1 写出下列动词的过去式 1 stay 2 go 3 visit 4 swim 5 study 6 have 7 fly 8 draw 9 do 10 rain 11 help 12 lose 13 make 14 walk 15 decide 16 eat 17 am is 18 are stayed went visited swam had was were ate walked made helped decided did flew studied drew rained lost 1 Theweatherwas 晴朗 lastweek 2 Thegoodnewsmadeus 感到 veryhappy 3 Ifoundagirl 哭 inthecorneronmywayhomeyesterday 4 Wehad 美味的 Sichuanfoodfordinnertoday 5 Wheredidyougoonyour 假期 sunny feel crying delicious vacation 2 单词拼写 6 Hersweaterwas 昂贵的 7 She 学习 forexamslastweek 8 Cathy 听 topopularmusiclastnight 9 Jim 去 tomovieswithhisfriendslastweekend 10 She 看 aninterestingtalkshowyesterday expensive studied listened went saw Lily Joy wasyourvacation Joy Ihadagoodtime Lily yougoonvacation Joy I toHainanIsland Lily wastheweather Joy Itwasnothot cold Therewerelongbeaches Lily How thebeaches Joy They fantastic Lily Iwant gotoHainanIsland How Wheredid went How or were were to 3 补全对话 每空一词 1 Hewenttosummera athome 2 Ivisitedb camp 3 Shewenttothec myuncle 4 Westayedd mountains 5 Theywenttoe NewYorkCity 4 Matchthesentences 5 动词填空 1 It rain yesterday 2 Jim go tothelibrarythismorning 3 Lily help me do myhomework 4 Lily buy abikelastweek 5 Mymotheroftenmakesme help her rained went helped do bought help 6 句型转换 1 ShewenttothebeachlastSunday 变一般疑问句 2 Theystayedathomeonvacation 就划线部提问 DidshegotothebeachlastSunday Wheredidtheystayonvacation 3 Theweatherwashotandhumid 变否定句 4 Nancywenttothecinemalastnight 改为同义句 5 ThepeopleinNewYorkwerefriendly 就划线部分提问 Theweatherwasn thotorhumid Nancywenttoseeafilmlastnight HowwerethepeopleinNewYork 7 Makeaconversation A Hi Lucy How you B I fine thankyou How yourvacation A It interesting B Really Where yougoonvacation A I tothemountains B youseethemonkey A Yes Idid are am was was did went Did I notvisit theGreatWalllastsummer I go toQingdaoonvacation 2 How be thebeachesthere Beautiful didn tvisit went were 8 用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空 3 Nancy go toNewYorkcitylastweekend Yes She go therewithherparents 4 Mary stay athomeand study fortheexamlastSunday 5 What you buy inBeijing Iboughtnothing Did go went stayed studied did buy 1 你们假期去了哪里 you vacation 2 我们假期去夏令营了 We onvacation 3 昨晚她做什么 去买东西 shedolastnight She 4 上星期天气怎么样 又闷又热 theweatherlastweek Itwashotandhumid Wheredid goon wenttosummercamp Whatdid wentshopping Howwas 9 完成句子 5 你决定去哪里度假 Wheredoyou yourholidays 6 他们发现有人正在湖边钓鱼 They someone onthelake 7 爸爸说 李明 我没有钱给你了 Fathersaid LiMing Ihave younow 8 你的故事使我想起了童年 Yourstorymade mychildhood decidetospend found fishing nomoneyfor methinkof 9 公共汽车上太拥挤了 Thebuswere 10 我帮迷路的小孩找到了他的父亲 I the child hisfather 11 当时我没有钱付出租车费 I anymoney ataxiatthatmoment 12 孩子们在水中玩得很开心 Thekids inthewater 13 他们去年参观了博物馆 They lastyear toocrowded helped lost find didn thave for hadagoodtimeplaying visitedmuseum 生活百味汤 开心一刻 Teacher Whyareyoulate Student Therewasamanwholostahundreddollarbill Teacher That snice Wereyouhelpinghimlookforit Student No Iwasstandingonit Decidethenextvacationdestination IdecidedtogotoHong


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