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哈尔滨工业大学 本科毕业设计(论文) - 1 - 附录 1 在冻土环境下工作对铲运机铲斗的侵害 伊万诺夫 UDC 621. 876. 6:624.13 9 为了确定积极铲运机在冻土上工作时的有效性, 我们 对 自然冻 土 周围进行了实地调查,为此,我们设计和制造 了 实验 铲 ; 在冲击能量为 100 千克每米的 两个气动锤的 底部, 铲斗 被 安装在一个标准的 由 液压控制 的 刮板 上 。测试程序规定的记录诱导应力和压缩空气消耗,实验 在 砂砾粘土和壤土 中 进行 ,实验时土壤的温度在 2-12 度之间。 为了突出铲斗的运动特色, 我们采取了适当的指数 , 即具体的能源消费总量 ,这是总结的 当铲斗内装满土时的 能源消耗 。 能源消费的影响,打破了地面组成 的 具体的转变工作 状态的 能源消 耗 和压缩空气 上的 能源消耗 , 这是 把 能耗 从 N 转 至其强度 i。地面的 断裂强度 是由 某一部 哈尔滨工业大学 本科毕业设计(论文) - 2 - 门确定的 公式决定的。 36002ik SFFiV 分别 来看 F1 和 FK,在转折点的开始的 横截面领域 和 F-I 曲线的尾部,是 在该部 分的 工作 机构的速度 。 具体的能源消 耗的是由以下的公式确定的 在 pH 值为横向部分的破岩部 位和斗 齿的工作 部位,力是决定转折点 断裂面积 的主要因素。 具体的压缩空气 的 能源消费量在 Patm 是指超过压缩空气压力仲因子。 Q 是指压缩空气消 耗图( 3)是 压缩空气消耗 的 表示条款 。 哈尔滨工业大学 本科毕业设计(论文) - 3 - 这里 T 是空气的绝对温度凯文规模 。 P0 是 温度 在 T = 15 C 的气压, 弗朗索瓦的绝对温度 , 并 且 Patm.a 是绝对的空 气 压力图 1 是一个 有计划 的厚度层被打破 的 具体能源消费 的 各种约束条件,它可以看到打破冻土 时 最低的能源消费 , 是可取的工作层厚度大于 15 厘米,由于能源消耗远 大于 更薄层表 1 给出了具体的打破冻土 的 能源消费,获得作者的最小 层厚度 15-20 厘米,而且还给出了实验数据拉恰。打破冻结壤土上 - 5 - 7 负荷的影响,能源的影响正在每个 100 千克米 履行相同的条件下 1 。可以看出具体的能源消费量为打破较少积极铲运机斗比分裂的一个坚实的楔子(他们不太系数为 4 的影响能量为 a = 100 千克米 。以及一个因素 1.5-2.0 为 A = 1000千克米 ) 。这表明,积极的利用铲运机斗是一种有效的方式,打破冻结地面具体的能源消费对填补桶冻结与岩石破碎确定后测定采矿的格局变化,部队沿着填补了铲斗与岩石。这种阴谋显示依赖于图 0.2 。可以看出桶灌装部队随层厚度的 抛物线规律。此外,这些曲线给 出 桶灌装系数,滤波,得到了这些实验方程,以确定具体的能源消费填补桶,射血分数,并在移动刮板像汽车,绦虫,可写在一般形式在吉隆坡的系数松动的岩石,和 Q 是体积岩石 铲斗 替代均衡器。 ( 5 )桶灌装 力的 公积金(图 FIG.2 )和平均值的牵引作用重新获得性,以取代刮板道路沿线的加油站,钯 ( 920-1070) 公斤,这是我们的实验) ,我们得到的各种不同的条件 下的 Ed 和 Ef 曲线 ( 如 图 FIG.3 )。 哈尔滨工业大学 本科毕业设计(论文) - 4 - 当 h =10 厘米 时 ,只 对 冻结断岩石进行了微不足道 的 填补铲斗观察。这将是从该曲线的具体能源节能消费减少填补几乎所有的厚度层被打破 ;然而,人们不能从这个推断,这是比较有利的工作填补一斗更薄的层,因为减少了 H 不仅 同时减少了 力 ,而且还填补了填充系数 KF 的 减少 (见图 2 ) ,以及只有部分 铲斗装满。具体能源消耗填补 , 砾石 的比 壤土 的 高 ;这也是由于的 KF 对 砂砾地面 的应用 价值 低, 上 用 冻结岩石填补铲斗和流离失所的刮板类似 的 解冻岩石 的指数做 具体的能源消费 的 比较,获得了 Artemev 2 ,表明他们是大致相同的,与岩石 一起 来填补 铲斗 所需的具体的能源甚至有点少 了 冻结岩石 ;这显然是由于在 后一种情况中 减少了摩擦 。鉴于这一事实,即一些碎石不 能被铲斗 拾起,能源消耗 被 打破是在 1 立方米的岩 石铲斗 中,使用损失系数口( 1.该 meanvalue 当这个系数 h = 15-20 厘米 时 为 1.63 。总体具体能耗刮板流程,帐户的损失系数,是0.36-0.56 千瓦时 / MS 分析,根据地面 的 性质。 在 冻土 上 工作 时 积 极刮板 铲斗 的具体能源消费明显的取决于厚度层 已经 被打破 ;如果 在 足够厚的 层 工作,如 在切削方面铲斗 远远比机器更有效作业的 ;具体的能源开支弥补铲斗与破碎岩体和取代刮板不超过相应的值刮刀工作解冻 地面 .当 h=10 厘米,只有微不足道填补铲斗断冻结岩石观察。这将是从该曲线的具体能源节能消费填补几乎跌幅在所有的厚度层被打破,但是,人们不能从这个推断, 比起铲斗的最薄层 这是比较有利的工作层,因为减少了 H 是不仅减少了 力 ,而且还填补了填充系数的 KF (图 2 )的增长 ,以及只有部分铲斗装满砾石 的 能源消耗填补桶比壤土 的 高 ;这也是由于 哈尔滨工业大学 本科毕业设计(论文) - 5 - 低价值的 KF 为砾 石地面, 比较具体的能源消费上填补铲斗与冻结岩石和流离失所的刮板类似指数 。 沃尔沃铲齿系统 在关键位置上用耐磨材料设计自我磨利装置,新的沃尔沃铲齿系统提供了一个垂直的紧缩装置,在铲齿后部有一个加强区域,防止适配器和引导把柄过早磨损。适配器与铲齿连接部分有一个角度,能更好阻止正面的力, 降低 铲 齿 盒的 开放 。 倒梯形的适配器 能够在 适配器 与铲齿 之间提供一个 合适的位置。 向里和向外的保持闩有一个可以重复使用的钢闩和一个较小的、可以替换的 二氧化碳浸渍聚氨酯 的保持闩,它能 提供所需的弹性 ,方便安装和拆除 。 钢可以形成耐磨的硬钢或者坚韧的软钢。 硬钢耐用性不好,快速击打时能够形成裂缝。 软钢耐用性好,受到强烈的冲击是不易形成裂缝。为了能在不同的土壤环境下使用,大多数制造商会在两种特性钢之间寻求一个平衡。但是如果你想在你的铲斗上找到合适的铲齿,最好的方法是你要知道你的铲齿在什么时候能超时工作。 对于特别坚韧、易磨的场合,一些制造商把磨料焊接到硬质合金铲齿的狭长地方。这些都是很昂贵的,通常只会在大型采石场和矿业场合使用。“这些都是真正的客户,他们承担不起停机造成的损失。”西蒙斯说。 但制造商建议不要焊接自己的铲齿的 硬面。“如果你不能保证硬面,铲齿可能会破碎。” Yoresen 说。原因是制造商在对铲齿进行最终热处理之前已经进行了焊接,焊接形成的热点可能会破坏钢铁的温度,引起局部区域的断裂。 哈尔滨工业大学 本科毕业设计(论文) - 6 - 同时要牢记铲齿不要太热,在操作期间铲齿太热而不能接触,特别是对大型装载机的铲齿或者是挖掘机在研磨材料时,这都会降低廉价钢的硬度和弹性,因此在对铲齿进行设计时不能对温度评级造成伤害。 铲齿断裂是另一个考虑因素。“我们所说得用户的头号问题最终是铲齿破损问题”, MTG 的行销业务总监 Nil Vallve 说。在铲齿和适配器之间出现松动会很快导 致铲齿破损或毁坏,“当所有的新零件适合紧凑时,对于一个好的铲齿系统最关键的还是要能够超时间工作。”他说。这样的设计也是为了避免应力集中分布区的影响力和交配表面面积为宽越好。 破碎铲齿对机器有时会出现不止一个问题。“失去了铲齿的花费就行滚雪球一样,特别是你在做任何一种破碎工作时”, Yoresen 说,“如果你花费 $200,000做一个硬齿钢的破碎铲齿,那么电机或其它重要的部分就会受到影响。 LITERATURE CITED 1. A .N .Zelenin, Principles of Mechanical Breaking of Ground in Russian, Mashinostroenie ,Moscow (1968) 2. K .A .Artemev ,Principles of the Theory of Scraper Excavation in Russian, Mashgiz ,Moscow (1963)” 哈尔滨工业大学 本科毕业设计(论文) - 7 - 附录 2 ENERGY CONSUMED IN WORKING FROZEN GROUND WITH AN ACTIVE SCRAPER BUCKET R. A .Ivanov UDC 621.876.6:624.13 9 哈尔滨工业大学 本科毕业设计(论文) - 8 - To determine the effectiveness of using active scrapers for working frozen ground, we carried out field inves-tigations on natural frozen ground. For this purpose we designed and made an experimental bucket; in the bottom of which were located two pneumatic hammers with an impact energy of 100 kgm. The bucket was installed on astandard scraper with hydraulic control. The test procedure provided for recording of the induced stress and thecompressed air consumption . The experiments were performed in gravelly clay and loam; the soil temperatureduring the investigations was between 一 2 and 一 120C. To characterize the efficiency of scraper operation, we took a suitable index, namely the total specific en-ergy consumption, which was the sum of the energy consumption on breaking the frozen ground, filling the bucketwith this material, and shifting the scraper. The energy consumption of impact-breakingof the ground consisted of the specific energy consumption onshifting the working member F5 and the energy consumption on compressed air, and was the ratio of the powerconsumed N to its intensity i. The intensity of breaking of the ground in the given sector was determined fromthe equation 36002ik SFFiV 哈尔滨工业大学 本科毕业设计(论文) - 9 - where Fi and Fk are, respectively, the cross-sectional areas of thefracture path at the beginning and end of the sector i-k, and Vsis the speed of the working member in the sector.The specific energy consumptions on shifting the working member were determined by means of the equation where Ph is the horizontal component of the rock-breaking forceson the teeth of the working member, and F is the cross-sectional area of the fracture path. The specific energy consumption on compressed air was where Patm is the mean excess compressed air pressure in the sec-tor. * and Q is the mean comumption of compressed air.In Eq. (3) the compressed air consumption is expressed in terms of free air。 where T is the absolute temperature of the air on the Kelvinscale ,P0 is the air 哈尔滨工业大学 本科毕业设计(论文) - 10 - pressure at t = 15C ,T Ois the absolutetemperature ,and Patm.a is the absolute air pressure.Figure 1 is a plot of the specific energy consumptionvs the thickness of the layer being broken under various con- ditions; it will be seen that for minimal energy consumptionon breaking frozen ground ,it is desirable to work layemthickerthan 15 cm ,because the energy consumption is much greaterfor thinner layers.Table 1 gives the specific energy consumptions onbreaking frozen ground, obtained by the author for layerthick-nesses of 15-20 cm; it also gives the data of experiments byA .N .Zelenin on breaking frozen loam at - 5 and - 7 by an impact load, the energy of each impact being 100 kgm, performed under the same conditions 1 .It will be seen that the specific energy consumption on breaking areless for an active scraper bucket than for splitting by a solid wedge (they are less by a factor of 4 for an impact en-ergy A = 100 kgm .and by a factor fo 1.5-2.0 for A = 1000 kgm) .This shows that the use of an active scraperbucket is an efficient way of breaking frozen ground.The specific energy consumption on filling the bucket with broken frozen rock was determined after deter- mining the pattern of change in forces along the path of filling of the bucket with rock ,lf .This dependence isplotted graphically in Fig .2. It will be seen that the bucket filling forces increased with the layer thickness by a parabolic law. Furthermore ,these curves give the bucket filling coefficients, Kf ,obtained by these experiments.The equations for determining the specific energy consumption on filling the bucket ,Ef, and on moving the scraper like a vehicle, Em ,may be written in the general form where Kl is the coefficient of loosening of the rock ,and q is the volume of rock in the bucket.Substituting into Eq. (5) the bucket filling forces pf (Fig .2) and the mean value of the tractive effect re-quired to displace the scraper along the filling path ,Pd (this was 920-1070 kg in our experiments) ,we get the val-ues of Ef and gd for various different breaking conditions (Fig .3). 哈尔滨工业大学 本科毕业设计(论文) - 11 - When h 10 cm ,only negligible filling of the bucket with broken froz en rock was observed .It will be seen from the curves that the specific energy con-sumption of filling hardly decreases at all with the thickness of the layer beingbroken; however, one cannot infer from this that it is more advantageous to fillthe bucket by working a thinner layer, because a decrease in h is accompaniedsimultaneously not only by a decrease in the filling forces but also by a decreasein the filling coefficient Kf (Fig. 2) ,and the bucket is only partly filled. Thespecific energy consumption on filling the bucket is somewhat higher for gravelthan for loam; this is also due to the lower values of Kf for gravelly ground.A comparison of the specific energy consumptions on filling the bucketwith frozen rock and on displacement of the scraper with the analogous indicesfor unfrozen rock ,obtained by Artemev 2 ,reveals that they are virtually the same and that the specific energy expenditure required to fill the bucket with rock is even somewhat less for frozenrock; this is evidently attributable to the reduced friction in the lattercase.In view of the fact that some of the broken rock was not picked up by the bucket, the energy consumption of breaking was recalculated breaking a cubic meter of rock in the bucket ,using the loss coefficient I(l .The meanvalue of this coefficient when h = 15-20 cm was 1.63 .The overall specific energy consumption of the scraper pro-cess ,with account for the loss coefficient ,was 0.36-0.56 kWh/m s, according to the nature of the ground.The results of these investigations enable one to draw certain conclmions: the specific energy consumptionof working frozen ground with active scraper buckets depends markedly on the thickness of the layer being broken;if the layer worked is sufficiently thick ,such buckets are far more efficient than machines operating on the cuttingprinciple; the specific energy expenditures on 哈尔滨工业大学 本科毕业设计(论文) - 12 - filling the bucket with broken rock and on displacing the scraper do not exceed the corresponding values for scrapers working unfrozen ground.When h 10 cm ,on ly negligible filling of the bucket with broken frozenrock was observed .It will be seen from the curves that the specific energy con-sumption of filling hardly decreases at all with the thickness of the layer being broken; however, one cannot infer from this that it is more advantageous to fillthe bucket by working a thinner layer, because a decrease in h is accompaniedsimultaneously not only by a decrease in the filling forces but also by a decreasein the filling coefficient Kf (Fig. 2) ,and the bucket is only partly filled. Thespecific energy consumption on filling the bucket is somewhat higher for gravelthan for loam; this is also due to the lower values of Kf for gravelly ground.A comparison of the specific energy consumptions on filling the bucketwith frozen rock and on displacement of the scraper with the analogous indices VOLVO TOOTH SYSTEM A self-sharpening design with strategically positioned wear material, the new Volvo tooth system offers a vertical locking device and a reinforced area on the heel of the tooth that protects the adapter and guide lugs from early wear. The edge where the adapter meets the tooth is angled, which better resists frontal forces and reduces the risk of the tooth box opening up. The inverted trapezoidal shape of the adapter nose provides a snug fit between the adapter and tooth even when the teeth are well worn. The tap-in/tap-out retainer pin has a reusable steel pin and a smaller, replaceable polyurethane retainer impregnated with carbon dioxide to provide the required elasticity for easy installation and removal. Steel can be formulated to be hard and abrasion resistant or soft and tough. A hard steel wont wear out as quickly, but a hard, quick hit may cause it to crack. Soft steel wears faster but can take shocks without breaking or developing cracks. To cover a wide variety of applications and soil conditions, most manufacturers strike a balance between the two properties. But the best way to know if youve got the right type of steel in your teeth is to observe how they perform over time. For particularly tough, abrasive applications some manufacturers weld carbide 哈尔滨工业大学 本科毕业设计(论文) - 13 - strips onto the tooth in highfriction areas. These are expensive, and usually make sense only for the large quarries and mines. “Those are really for applications where the customer cant afford the downtime,” Simmons says. But what manufacturers dont recommend is hardfacing the teeth yourself. “It will void the warranty if you hardface, and the tooth will probably break,” Yoresen says. The reason is that manufacturers put the carbide wear strips on before the tooth goes through its final heat treating process. The heat generated by welding a finished tooth will ruin the temper of the steel and cause that area


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