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GCT练习题库说明:本题库共分三个部分,第一部分是小对话,为大家提供了大量练习题目,并分组训练,大家可以计时练习,5分钟必须完成。后面附有答案,以便自测。第二部分:提供了几篇完型,让大家时刻处于英语语感中,这很重要。第三部分:是我最初为大家整理的小对话部分,后来发现与邵宁老师串讲讲义最后50道完全一样。现在放到最后,让大家做复习资料使用。 最后两周,希望大家参考我在最后一次串讲课上给大家提出的备考计划并结合自身情况来做最后冲刺。让自己处于做题状态,这样考试时就不会感到冷场,速度和质量并存。 我能为大家做的只有这些了。最后衷心祝愿大家身心愉悦,考试顺利!God bless you!第一组: 1. Guest: Oh, I hadnt realized how late it was. Im afraid Ill have to be going.Host:Oh, not yet. Im just going to make some coffee.Guest: _, though Id really love to stay. Ive got to be up by , unfortunately. Thank you for a wonderful party.A. Im sorry, but I mustB. Excuse me, but I have to goC. Pardon me, but I should goD. Its a pity, but no way out.2. Mary: What are your working on?Susan: Im doing some embroidery.Mary: _Susan: I dont do very much, just for very special occasions.A.I didnt know you did needlework.B.I think you have done a good job.C.Where did you learn to do needlework?D. Why do you do needlework? 3. Tom: You are playing guitar well. Can you read music?Charles: No, I dont. I just listen to songs on the radio and then play them until they sound right.Tom: _Charles:No, really.A. Youre lying. B. Youre cheating. C. You are boasting.D. Youre kidding.4. Connie: Are you doing pottery? It looks like fun!Frank:_.Connie: Boy, would I? Thanks.A.Would you please give me a hand?B.Would you please not to bother me?C.Have you ever learned how to do it?D. Would you like to try it?5. Michael: The Johnsons are moving next week. We are going to have a going-away party for them Saturday.Tracy:I didnt realize they were moving so soon. _Michael: Yes, but well have one last chance to get together. Were planning a barbecue.A.Wish them a happy journey. B.May they have a more comfortable home.C.They are really going to be missed. D. We cant stay together forever, can we?6. Martin: Can you cover for me on Sunday? Im supposed to teach the high school class.Lisa: Sure. _Martin: Were going to the beach for the weekend.Lisa: Well, dont worry. Ill take good care of Sunday school.A. Whats in? B. Whats the thing?C. Whats up? D. Whats down?7. Joe: We havent got together for a long time. How about lunch next week?Nancy: Im pretty tied up all next week. How about we plan on two weeks from today? _Joe: O. K. Wednesday in two weeks.A.I can reach it on that Wednesday.B.I can make it on that Wednesday.C.I can get it on that Wednesday.D. I can assure it on that Wednesday.8. Jim:I have a pair of tickets to opera Saturday night. Would you like to go?Cindy: I dont think so. _A.Im not too wild about opera.B.I not too interested about opera.C.Im not very excited about opera.D. Im not very anxious about opera.9. Wang (guest): That was a delicious dinner. Mrs. Willis (hostess): _. Would you like to go to the living room now? Its more comfortable there.A. Thank you. Dont mention it. B. Youre welcome.C. Not so delicious, Im afraid.D. Im glad you enjoyed it.10. Wendy: Have you been to the new bakery on the corner ?Arthur: No, how is it?Wendy: It is heaven! _A.Their cakes are to strive for!B.Their cakes are to struggle for!C.Their cakes are to die for!D. Their cakes are to pay for!答案:1-5 AADDC 6-10 CBADC第二组: 1. Woman: I think the Internet is more of a distraction than a benefit to students.Man: Thats true. _A. Chatting on the net can be very expensive.B.They are putting less time in schoolwork now.C.The web pages can sometimes help them with schoolwork.D.Their schoolwork doesnt take long enough, does it?2. James: I adore your hat.Jane: It s pretty, isnt it? And you cant believe how much I paid for it. Only $ 10.James: Oh, really? _A. Its indeed a bargain.B. Its very cheap.C. Anything wrong?D. Congratulations.3. Betty: Sam looks very sad today.Kelly: _Betty: No wonder.A.I hear he got an F from his history teacher.B.He is the monitor in the class.C.I never talk to him.D.You know him well, dont you ?4. Peter: Why not join us this Saturday and tell us about your adventures in Russia?Keith: _A. No problem.B. Id love to.C. Glad to be at your service.D. Thanks for the invitation.5. Daughter: The jeans look cool.Mum: _A. Arent they a little too tight on you? B. Do you like them?C. lets look around.D. Put them on and look.6. A: Excuse me. Where is the nearest petrol station?B: _A. You cant miss it.B. Drive along for two miles.C. Two blocks away.D. Along this road.7. Customer: _Salesperson: Im awfully sorry. Ill change it right away.A.Excuse me. Id like to change this dish.B.Look, there is a hair on my steak.C.Miss, I want my refund for this.D.This shirt I bought last Saturday has a hole on a sleeve.8. James: _Jane: Maybe you should talk to him about it.A. Its driving me crazy.B. I cant stand his complaints.C. This film is boring.D. The book he lent me is torn.9. A: Fine day, isnt it?B: Well, yeah, its beautiful.A: _B.Yes, Im extremely well.A. Youre looking so nice.B. Hi, what do you do?C.Its very nice of you.D. Im glad to hear that.10. A: Good evening, Juliet, my love. How have you been?B: Fine, _A.thank you, my love. Oh, how Ive missed you !B.thank you very much.C.Its my fault.D.Its very hot.答案:1-5 BAABA 6-10 CDBAA第三组:1. School secretary: Good morning.Can I help you? Student: Yes,Id like to enroll for the course. School secretary:_ a. Thank you very much b. Nice to see you here c. Certainly.Whats your name please? d. Sorry.Can I see your passport please? 2. Doctor: _? Patient: Im much better.My stomach problem is gone.Now I just feel hungry. a. Do you have anything to declare,sir b. Good morning,May I help you c. How are you feeling today d. What seems to be the problem 3. Client: Hello.May I speak to Mr.Turner? Secretary:_ a. Im sorry.Hes at a meeting right now. b. Speaking,please c. Hello.Whore you,please? d. Hello.Thank you for calling. 4. Robert: Mary,Id like you to meet my new neighbor,Tom. Mary: Hello,Tom.Its nice to meet you. Tom: _ a. How is the baby? b. Hello,Mary!I havent seen you for ages. c. Hi,Mary!Ive heard so much about you. d. Hi,Mary!Welcome to China. 5. Man: Excuse me, madam. Do you mind if I smoke here? Woman:_ a. Well, yes, actually this is a no smoking area . b. Of course not, this is a no smoking arec. No,Im sorry. d. All right. If you just smoke one cigarette a day? 6. Shop-assisant: May I help you,sir? Customer:_. a. Mind your own business b. Im just looking.Thanks c. Sorry.I dont need your help,thank you d. If you want to help me,Ill be glad to accept it 7. Pupil: Sorry,Mr.Wang.Im late.My alarm clock didnt ring. Teacher:_. a. It doesnt matter.These things happen b. Excuse me,sir.I never accept any apologies all c. Thank you.Youre welcome d. Never mind.You dont have to be so polite. 8. Colleague A: Cigarette? Colleague B: No,thank you.Ive given up smoking.Havent had one since last month. Colleague A:_ a. well,you dont mind if I have one,do you? b. Ok.Go ahead and do it c. All right.Take care d. Sorry,have another one then 9. Friend A: Just call me dad! My wife and I had our first baby. Friend B:_ a. What a nonsense! b. Really? Congratulations! c. Dad, are you Ok? d. Sorry to hear it. 10. Passer_by:_? Local resident: Yes, theres one near the end of the street. Its behind the church. a. Hello, sir. Wheree the bus station b. Excuse me.Is there a parking lot anywhere around here c. Excuse me,sir. How can I find the way to the police station d. Which building is the Department of Immigration,please 答案: 1-5 CCABA 6-10 BAABB1、c. Certainly.Whats your name please? 2、c. How are you feeling today 3、a. Im sorry.Hes at a meeting right now. 4、c. Hi,Mary!Ive heard so much about you. 久仰大名 how is the baby? 用于老朋友之间 hello,Mary! I havent seen you for ages 用于熟人之间 5、a. Well,yes,actually this is a no smoking area. 对包含mind一词问句的正确回答方式:肯定用no,否定用yes。此外,特别注意不要选包含前后矛盾说法的迷惑选项。 6、b. Im just looking.Thanks. 7、a. It doesnt matter.These things happen. 没关系,这是常有的事。 8、a. well,you dont mind if I have one, do you? 9、b. Really? Congratulations! Just call me dad! 我作爸爸了。 10、b. Excuse me. Is there a parking lot anywhere around here 第四组:1. Mother: Jimmy, what are you hiding behind your black? Let me see. Jimmy:Its kitty. Please let me keep it. Its a good kitty and will not bring you any trouble Mother:_.I told you. No pets. Itll make a mess of this house. a. No way b. Not at all c. By the way d. On the contrary 2. Sophia:Therell be an issue next month introducing your newly publish book and Id with you,if possible. Josh: An interview? Id likt to,but Im afraid my schedule is all full. Sophia: It wont take you long,Mr.Josh._. a. One and a half hours will satisfy b. One and a half hours will do c. One and a half hours will go d. One and a half hours will help 3. Mother: Tom,its 7:30,youre going to be late for school. Tom: I feel like another five minutes sleep. Mother: _Get dressed. a. Come on! b. Fast! c. Hello! d. Anyway. 4. Bus driver: Move to the rear of the bus,please.There are plenty of seats. Passenger:_? Bus driver: Forty cents.Drop it in the box. a. What is the price,please. b. What shall be the fee,please c. How much does it cost,please d. How much is the fare,please 5. Passenger: Driver,I want a transfer to 55th street cross-town bus.How much is the fare? Driver: _. a. We dont need money for transfer b. We have no fare for transfer c. Theres no payment for transfer d. Theres no charge for transfer 6. Husband: Can I wait at the coffee bar?I feel ill at ease when you are picking things out. Wife: _.I dont want to shop alone.You can always give me advice,or enjoy looking at beautiful women. Husband: Dont talk nonsense. a. Please,honey b. All right,honey c. Excuse me,honey d. Sorry,honey 7. Lucia: Do you have any tissue, Polly? Polly: Here._ Lucia: Thanks.I have a terrible headache.It seems to be flu. a. What do you want to do? b. Can I help you? c. Are you all right? d. Im glad to help. 8. Tony: Will you please pass me the saltshaker, Bill? Bill: Sure._. Tony: Thank you. a. Give it to you b. Take it c. Here you are d. Hold it 9. Mother: Danny!Dont make any sound when you have your soup. Danny: Yes,Mum. Father: _.Hes only a child. a. I completely agree with you b. The noise is very disturbing c. Dont be very cruel to him d. Dont be so hard on him 10. Passenger: Taxi!(A cab stops and he goes in.) Cab driver:_? Passenger: Kingd Hotel on North Steet. a. where to go,sir b. To where,sir c. Where to,sir d. Go where,sir 答案:1、a. No way No way 绝对不行 Not at all 一点也不. by the way 表示转换话题 on the contrary 相反 2、b. One and a half hourc will do 3、a. come on 4、d. How much is the fare,please fare 车票费用 fee 学费、入场费、手续费 5、d. 对话中司机说转车不收费 收费要用charge6、a. Please,honey 表示请求 7、c. Are you all right 8、c.Here you are 递给别人所要的东西时说here you are,表示给你 9、d. Dont be so hard on him 10、c. where to,sir 出租司机问乘客上哪儿,英语的习惯表达是where to 第五组 1. Michael: Hi,mom. Id like you to meet my girlfriend, Susan Lee. Susan, this is my mother. Susan: How do you do,Mrs. Miller. Mother:How do you do,Susan. Im glad you can join us._. a. Take is easy b. Please feel natural c. Make yourself at home d. Feel all right here 2. Jimmy: Could I have dinner now,Mummy? Mother:Ok,Jimmy.Go upstairs and tell Daddy that everybodys here. Then come help me_. a. set the table b. arrange the table c. place the table d. fix the table and chairs 3. Mary(after work): Shall I punch out for you,Juliet?Im leaving now. Juliet: _.Ive to work overtime. a. Yes,thanks b. No,not necessary c. No,thanks d. I dont care 4. Alice: Ted asked me to go to the beach this weekend. Whats your plan? Laura: Ive to work overtime.Sometimes I envy you a lot.Ted is a good guy. Alice: _.You just havent met the right person.And I think you work too much.You should learn how to entertain yourself and enjoy your life. a. Come on b. OK c. Well done d. By the way 5. Nurse: Do you have any designated doctor? Patient:Yes, Dr.Hurt, Cliff Hurt. Nurse: Here is your registration card. Dr Hurt is at clinic No.6._. a. You may stay here and wait for your right b. You can sit over there and wait for your turn. c. You may stand in line here and wait for your arrangement d. You may sit here and wait for your order 6. Stephen: I want to send this package parcel post, registered. Clerk:_? Stephen:Yes, please, for sixty dollar. a. Do you want it guaranteed b. Do you want it insured c. Do you want it preserved d. Do you want it ensured 7. Roger: Hi,Frank. Frank: Hi,Roger.The party is really nice,isnt it? Roger:_.Lots of food and drinks! a. It is real b. It sure is c. It is certain d. It must be 8. George:_? Ann: Well,its a great dance all right,but Ive been to quite a few parties lately and fed up with them. a. Dont you play happily b. Dont you stay here pleasantly c. arent you fond of yourself d. arent you enjoying yourself 9. Bill: Here,Cindy!Id like you to meet my best partner,Daniel.(To Danniel) This is Cindy,my girlfriend. Cindy:Hi,Daniel._ Daniel:Mostly good things I hope. a. How do you do? b. You looks handsome. c. Bill tells me youre a good guy. d. Bill talks about you a lot. 10. Jack: Id like a haircut,please. Barder:Would you care for a shave and a shampoo as well? Jack:_.A haircut will be just fine. a. Yes,please b. No,thanks c. Its very kind of you d. Im glad you can think of it 答案:1、c. Make yourself at home 主人让客人随便一些的说法是 Make yourself at home Take it easy 表示别着急,别过于努力 2、a. set the table 吃饭前布置餐桌用 set the table arrange 安排 place 放 fix 修理 3、c. No,thanks 4、a. Come on Come on 用于鼓励或催促别人 OK 表示同意 Well done 表示赞扬 by the way 表示转换话题 5、b. You can sit over 排队等候看病一般用 wait for ones turn 6、b. Do you want it insured guaranteed 保证 preserved 保存 insured 保险 ensured 确保 7、b. It sure is 的确如此8、d. arentt you enjoying oneself 询问别人是否玩的开心 9、d. Bill talks about you a lot. 10、b. No,thanks 第六组:1. Host: John,come and sit in the sofa. Dinner will be ready in a minute. Could I get you something to drink? Guest:_. a. No,dont trouble.Ive drunk enough b. No,you couldnt.Im not thirsty c. Yes,please.Id like some Sprite d. Yes,you could.Id like some Coca cola 2. Clerk: Good morning.Can I help you? Miss Chang:Yes,Id like a one-way ticket to Manchester 8:15 tomorrow evening . Clerk: Fifteen pounds,please. Miss Chang:_. a. Here you are b. Here it is c. There is the payment d. Take the payment,please 3. Robert: What are you doing? Ellen: Trying to get this wine stain out of the carpet. Robert: Hang on.Theres some soda in here.It should take the stain right out. Ellen: Really?Hey,_. a. it really is functioning b. it really is working c. it really is playing d. it really is influencing 4. Alan: My schedule this afternoon is an absolute mess.Between 3:30 and 4:00 Im supposed to be in four different places.Theres no way. Adam: Ive done that before._? a. Anything I can help you b. Something I can help you c. Anything I can help you with d. Something I can help you with 5. Tom: I see in the paper theyre sending more equipment to space.And we might have to live there someday. John: _!Im staying right here! a. Never I b. Not me c. No me d. None me 6. Cindy:_? Rebecca: No,what happened? Cindy: They let him go as he is suspected to be cheating. a. Did you know John b. Did you like John c. Did you hate John d. Did you hear about John 7. Salesman: Good morning.Planning to buy a new car today? Customer: _. Salesman: What kind of car are you looking for? Customer: Something that has enough room for my family. a. Im just looking around. b. Im just looking everywhere c. Im just looking here and there d. Im just looking all the cars 8. Customer: Im looking for a new living room set. Salesman: We have a lot of very nice sets.What style do you have in mind? Customer:_.What I need is something comfortable. a. I really dont think b. Its really not necessary c. I really dont bother d. It really makes no sense 9. Guest: Id like a room with an ocean view,please. Clerk: Im sorry._. a. Those rooms are all ordered b. Those rooms are all possessed c. Those rooms are all owned d. Those rooms are all held 10. Customer: _. Waiter: Im sorry.Didnt you order fried shrimp? Customer:I ordered fried chicken Waiter: Oh,all I heard was fried shrimp.Let me have kitchen redo this for you. a. Sorry,this isnt my dish b. Excuse me,this isnt what I paid for c. Sorry,this isnt my order d. Excuse me,this isnt what I ordered 答案:1、c. Yes,please.Id like some Sprite 主人若问要不要来点喝的,客人若不需要,就说No,thanks。若需要,则说Yes,please.同时点明要喝什么。 2、a. Here you are 购物、买票付钱时说给您,英语中有固定的说法:Here you are. 3、b. it


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